Chapter 11

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The Uchiha Clan.......

A Legendary Clan who descended from Amaterasu through her son, Indra.

Amaterasu blessed Indra and his descendants the Sharingan, a divine eye that will serve as to watch over the land and purge all evil.

However, centuries passed and they were banished from the Imperial Court, leading the Uchiha to be divided amongst themselves. That is what they want you to think.

It was one of the causes. Another cause that caused the Uchiha Civil War, was the forbidden genjutsu which they called as "Izanagi" named after the Primordial Creators of the Japan.

The Izanagi had the power to alter destiny, and the Uchiha used this power, to crush their enemies, even their own, which resulted in those who can use Izanagi to boast and had the lust for power.

The Uchiha who are pacifists in nature, were also harmed and decided to take arms and stop the abuse of Izanagi, ironically, they also used Izanagi to stop Izanagi. That was the start of the Uchiha Civil War.

The fighting went on and on.

Sharingan against Sharingan. Brother against brother. Izanagi against Izanagi.

But they say that for such power, there must be a cost. The cost of using the Izanagi, the Sharingan that the Uchiha used to activate the said technique, will lose its light, and since the Uchiha valued their Sharingan, it was labelled as forbidden. But during the time of the civil war, they never cared about the consequences of losing their Sharingan, in exchange for dominating the world.

Until one day..........

Uchiha Naori, one of Sora's ancestors during the time of the Civil War, developed a counter to the Izanagi.

In order to save her friend who also abused the power of Izanagi, she decided to take the matters in her own hands, to end the war using another forbidden genjutsu.

Naori used Izanami, which was named after Izanagi's wife. If the Izanagi has the power to alter destiny, then Izanami is the one that "decides" destiny.

The effects of the Izanagi is to trap an opponent by remembering key moments during battle, and trap the opponent in an infinite loop. It doesn't matter of the moments are not in order, but the fact that it can still trap an opponent to an infinite loop.

For the one who will be trapped in the said technique, they will experience the loop over and over in their minds. In reality however, they will stand motionless, but the physical sensations of the target like being stabbed, they will still feel it, and when the loop is reset, the wound will be back to normal.

But how does one escape the Izanami? Simple. Like previously mentioned, Izanami is the one that decides fate, if the target will finally accept the wrong of their mistakes and accept reality, the loop will end and just like Izanagi, the caster of Izanami will also lose the light of the Sharingan they used, thus labelling the Izanami as another forbidden genjutsu of the Uchiha.

But the purpose of Izanami is to save an Uchiha or a foe from arrogance and to help them correct their ways to accept reality and finally see through the illusions of their wrongdoings.


3rd POV.

The aftermath of the battle between Madara and Sora.

Sora won by impaling his Susanoo's Totsuka no Tsurugi through Madara's Susanoo and to Madara himself, sealing the older Uchiha to a world of drunken dreams.


Madara already had a contingency plan, in case that Sora will turn his back on him.

It was none other than the Izanagi, which he used in his right eye and to be casted when he is going to be defeated.

In other words........

Uchiha Madara is still alive, and he is currently inside the cave where he battled his own descendant.

Madara: Hahahahahahahaha!

Madara: Foolish descendant of mine.

Madara: Do you really think that was enough to defeat me?

Madara: But my work is done.

Madara: You already bore the curse.

So, what did Madara just do when he was battling Sora?

Due to Sora being blinded by his hatred towards Madara, the elder Uchiha used that as an advantage to cast Tsukiyomi upon Sora.

The genjutsu will activate once Sora after each use of his Kotoamatsukami. Like a curse.

Madara already planted the seed, and the seed will grow, and grow over time.

Madara: You may be the strongest genjutsu user in the long history of the Uchiha.......

Madara: But in the end, you're still a child.

Madara: I guess one way to learn is to learn by doing. Then, so be it.

Madara finally finished his sinister work.........

As for Sora, on the other hand, he's been having a headache, due to how he overused his Mangekyo Sharingan.

He is currently on a village.

Sora: I need to find some place to rest.

He went inside the inn, and payed for it, however the innkeeper said.

Innkeeper: Uh, is it okay for you to share the room with two other people?

Sora: Doesn't matter.......*huff* to me........

Innkeeper: O-Okay.......

Innkeeper: The room is at the end of the hallway on the second floor.

Sora: Got it.

Sora, who is still exhausted from fighting Madara.......

Slowly went to his designated room.

Sora: Why do I feel like.....something went wrong within the battle.......?

Sora: Damn, even an old man can still fight like that.......

Sora: Also, his's much purer than mine.........although thanks to my Susanoo having the Yata Mirror.........

Sora: No, I must clear my mind as of now.........

Sora: I'm just too tired to think........

He's already fading in and out of his consciousness due to the extreme fatigue that he felt.........

Sora: ............

Once he reached the room.........he saw two people.

One is a woman with pristine white skin, purple eyes, and deep brown hair that is tied with a hairpin, wearing a purple kimono.

And with the woman is a boy with pale skin, light green hair, and lavender eyes, wearing a buttoned up collared shirt, a white haori, and a black hakama pants.

The two people looked at the newcomer, and the woman responded.

Woman: D-Do you need something?

Sora: The innkeeper told me to share the room here, is it alright?

The boy who was accompanying the woman is cautious.

Boy: Tamayo-sama, this guy is suspicious.

Tamayo: Yushiro, this young man probably needs to—

She was cut off when Sora fell unconscious on the tatami floor which shocked the pair.

Tamayo: !?

Yushiro: What the—

Tamayo: Blood!?

Sora began to bleed and the mysterious pair immediately locked the door, and began treatment with the injured Uchiha.

Tamayo: His injuries are not that fatal but......

Yushiro: It's kinda strange, I just saw his eyes bleeding as well, but most of his injuries are on his body.

The pair treated Sora's wounds, gave him new clothes, and lay him down on a futon.

Yushiro: ...........

Yushiro: To think that the innkeeper wasn't able to see through his wounds.

Tamayo: He must've had a way to conceal the bleeding or something but.......

Tamayo: The fact that his eyes were bleeding for some reason.

Yushiro: But there is no wound in his eyes. I never even heard an eye disease with symptoms like that.

Tamayo: I guess all we can do is to wait for our patient to wake up.

While within Sora's consciousness, Madara's Tsukiyomi took effect. Sora witnessed his family's massacre, how his brother died in Muzan's hands, how his mother was killed, how his home village was destroyed, how he killed Kanae's parents, how the Kamado Family was murdered.........

He watched those event in an endless loop, over and over.

Not to mention, he was unconscious for three days straight.

And with him, still being trapped in that loop of nightmares, he was forced to witnessed those altered horrors around 500,000 times, as one second in reality is equal to a full loop of those nightmares.

It was mental torture for the young Uchiha, and he was crying in his sleep, which made Tamayo and Yushiro to wonder what is going on.

Until three days later, Sora finally woke up.

Sora: *gasp*

Sora: *huff* *huff* *huff* *huff*

Sora: What the.........*cough* *cough*

Sora: What is this place?

Sora looks around to see he is inside of a room, and he is on a futon.

Sora: .........

Tamayo called upon the Uchiha's attention.

Tamayo: You've been sleeping for three days straight.

Sora: Who are you.......?

Tamayo: I am Tamayo, a doctor.

Sora: A doctor, huh?

Sora looked at Tamayo who is preparing Sora's medicine, while Sora landed on Yushiro who was sitting.

Sora: Are you her companion?

Yushiro: Yes, my name is Yushiro.

Shiro: I see.

Shiro: My name is Uchiha Sora.

This shocked the two when they heard the name Uchiha.

Tamayo: Uchiha.......?

Yushiro: Tamayo-sama, you told me once that the Uchiha Clan is only just a legend?

Tamayo: That's what I thought too.......

They looked upon Sora........and they had their doubts.

Tamayo: No, maybe you claimed that name for yourself.

Sora: It seems like you knew the Uchiha. Then, if you know about us........

Sora: What was the significant thing you know about the Uchiha.....

And Tamayo gave Sora's medicine as she answered.

Tamayo: Eyes that are red in color, with a three tomoe pattern that forms a wheel.

Sora: I see.

Sora slowly drinks the medicine and puts down the cup aside.

Sora: Then, here is your proof.

Sora activated his Sharingan and the pair couldn't even believe it.

Yushiro: No way! Tamayo-sama, it is exactly what you described to me!

Yushiro: Red eyes, with three tomoe pattern that forms a wheel.

Tamayo: I thought they are only legends but.......

Sora: The stories have been fabricated with reality and fiction, so that the people will never know the true secret of the Uchiha.

Sora: As intended by our ancestor, Indra, and that was the deal he sealed to Amaterasu-sama.

Tamayo: I see.

Sora deactivated his Sharingan as his eyes turned back to it's original bright sapphire color.

Tamayo: Uchiha-san, may I ask you a question—

Sora: Sora is fine.

Tamayo: Alright.

Tamayo: Sora, I have a question for you.

Sora: If it is about the other secrets of the Uchiha, I'm afraid I won't be able to answer you.

Yushiro: You....!

Tamayo: Yushiro.

Yushiro immediately stand down as Tamayo began to ask.

Tamayo: When we were treating you, we noticed that there is a trace of blood in your eyes, we thought that you could've gone blind due to that but, the fact that you can see us......

Sora: That is the drawback of me using my Sharingan's most powerful ability.

Yushiro: Ability?

Sora: Wait, before that........

Sora activates his Sharingan once more and observed Tamayo and Yushiro.

He carefully looked at Yushiro's eyes which made the latter flinch.

Yushiro: W-What are you staring at?

Sora: No, it's strange that a demon like you, is able to resist the temptation of consuming blood.

Yushiro: W-What the!? How did you—

Sora: You may fool others through your blood demon art, but I already saw through that illusion with my Sharingan.

Tamayo: ...........

Yushiro: this the power of the legendary eye?

Tamayo: Then, I guess you were always able to see through me.

Sora: Yes. But, I'm amazed that you two weren't controlled by Muzan.

Tamayo: !?

Yushiro: !?

Tamayo: Wait, just who exactly are you? You knew about demons, and you knew about Kibutsuji Muzan......

Sora: I am a former Demon Slayer.

Yushiro: A former demon slayer?

Sora: A lot really happened. But right now, I want to clear my mind of things.

Tamayo: Okay, back at my question, would you care explain the bleeding in your eyes?

Sora: Like I said, it was a drawback of me using my strongest Sharingan ability.

Sora: Once I overused that ability, it puts a strain in my eye and even in my stamina.

Sora: It is a risky and dangerous move.

Yushiro: You're a human yet your clan possesses powers that are on par or even stronger than demons.

Sora: In fact, our clan has been fighting demons ever since Muzan attacked my ancestors.

Sora: But the demons would always run away, and there are also internal conflicts within the clan.

Sora: That was the reason why.

Tamayo: I see. Then, would you mind if you tell us about another legend about the Uchiha.

Sora: Another legend?

Yushiro: A legend that there is a greater power other than an ordinary Sharingan.

Sora: ...............

Sora: You must be talking about the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Yushiro: Mangekyo.......

Tamayo: Sharingan...........?

Sora: A mangekyo sharingan is the more powerful evolution of a Uchiha's Sharingan.

Sora closed his eyes to activate his Sharingan, and then, the tomoe wheel began to spin and the pattern changed into a four pointed pinwheel.

Sora: This is a Mangekyo Sharingan.

Tamayo: So that's a Mangekyo Sharingan. Does the Uchiha have the same Mangekyo Sharingan?

Sora: No.

Sora: The Mangekyo Sharingan's patterns and abilities differ to each Uchiha.

Sora: For example, my brother's Mangekyo Sharingan is a choku-tomoe, while mine is as you can see, a four pointed pinwheel.

Sora closed his eyes as he deactivated his Sharingan and his eyes returned to normal.

Yushiro: So, each Uchiha possess a Sharingan?

Sora: It is hereditary.

Sora: However, it needs to be awakened under certain circumstances.

Tamayo: Circumstances?

Sora: According to the scroll that my father left behind, the Sharingan can be awakened, when an Uchiha shows strong emotion.

Sora: Love, hatred, grief, joy, righteousness.........

Sora: Any strong emotion.

Sora: In fact, it is even said that love is the root of that awakening.

Yushiro: So, how did you awakened yours.........?

Sora: ........

Sora: Do you want the answer?

Sora's remarks shocked the pair.....

Tamayo: ........

Yushiro: Don't tell me you.....killed someone out of hatred to awaken that power?

Sora: Opposite.

Tamayo: Huh?

Sora: Like I said, an Uchiha can awaken their Sharingan when they felt strong emotions.

Sora: In my case, it was out of love and grief.

Sora: I awakened my Sharingan when my brother and I saw our mother's corpse.

Sora: Due to my love for my mother, and the grief of losing a loved one, that allowed me to awaken these eyes.

Tamayo: Then, what about the Mangekyo Sharingan?

Sora: The Mangekyo Sharingan is somehow much crueler.

Sora: I awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan, when I killed the parents of my childhood friend.

Sora: As the requirement to awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan, is to lose someone close to them.

Sora: So, I lost four people close to me.

Sora: Their parents, my childhood friend, and her sister.

Sora: That allowed me to awaken my Mangekyo Sharingan.......but I guess for me.....there is another significant cause that I had to pay.

Yushiro: Significant cost that you had to pay?

Sora: Every night, I always remember that nightmare, like a curse.

Sora: However, recently, I had an endless loop of nightmares. From the nigh my mother and brother died, when I killed the parents of my childhood friend, when the family who took me in was also killed........

Sora: It was like I was trapped in that nightmare and it is slowly breaking my mind.

Tamayo: Is there anything we can do to help?

Sora: No. This must be a curse or something.

Sora: No one can remove the curse.

Tanayo: ........

Tamayo: Then, I can somehow supress the curse.

Sora: Your blood demon art?

Yushiro: Tamayo-sama's blood demon art also allows one's mind to be controlled.

Sora: Similar to how my Kotoamatsukami work.

Tamayo: Kotoamatsukami?

Sora: That is the ability of my Mangekyo Sharingan. It allows me to control and alter the memories of my target.

Sora: And by doing so, I need to enter their mind.

Sora: Which was a basic ability of my Sharingan. My mangkeyo sharingan just allowed me to like interfere with my target's mind.

Tamayo: ..........

Sora: Then, why don't we combine our powers?

Sora: Pardon?

Tamayo: If you can enter your target's mind and alter their memories, then can't you do it upon yourself?

Sora: ...........

Yushiro: That could be possible but.......

Sora: That's right, I remember now, my Kotoamatsukami doesn't even require eye contact, as long as I know the target.

Tamayo: Then.......

Tamayo: This is only my theory but, if you are willing to fully suppress the curse.......

Tamayo: You will have to erase the memories of who you are.

Tamayo: Family, friends, you hometown...........

Tamayo: Retain only your name.......if you choose so, wipe your memory of those nightmares.......

Sora: ..........

Sora: Then, I'll choose forget who I am..........

Tamayo: Then........

Tamayo scratches her arm to bleed and activate her blood demon art. As the illusionary smoke began to engulf Sora.

Sora: All right.........

Sora activated his Mangekyo Sharingan........and this time, he casted his genjutsu upon himself.


Removing his memories of his home, mother, brother, heritage, encounters.

His memories of the Kocho Family, the Kamado Family, the Demon Slayer Corps, and the Ubuyashiki Family.

However, he didn't erased his memories about demons, in order for him to have an objective.

And once that was complete..........


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