55. Dante (Copy)

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I'll leave it here for you to figure out why I wrote that.😁

Long chapter though and full of information. Just a heads up.

"OH.MY.GOD!!" She exclaimed loudly with a wide grin while I sat there with an open mouth.


Why is she grinning like a fool?

"I didn't know you were the girl he brought!!" She said quickly coming to my side and enveloping me in a tight hug.


Speak something Valentina.

I don't know why but my mind is completely blank right now. What is even happening!

"Has she lost her memory? Does she not remember me?" She asked Dante stepping away from me as she stared at me with worried eyes.

"Firstly, she is injured so don't hug her again. Secondly, her memory is perfect." Dante replied giving her a stern look.

He is still protective of me.

"Well then why is she looking at me like that?" She pointed at me making me break out of my thoughts and clear my throat composing myself.

"You betrayed us Sofia." I said in a cold tone making her flinch.

All those sweet words in the shopping mall and all that laughing with us in the college canteen was a lie then. Wasn't it?

"Wait what!? Where did that come from?!" She asked with wide eyes.

"You're with him. I'm sure you must've given him information about me." I spat feeling anger overtake me.

"I didn't betray you or anyone Valentina and yes I'm with him because he is my step brother. You've got everything wrong." She said in a serious tone.

Step brother!?

What in the name of sweet nutella is that!?

When did that happen?

"And yes I gave him your information and not just that but I met you because he was worried about your safety so when you dont know stuff about him, don't accuse him or me." She said making me even more confused than before.

I swear my already tired brain is going to give up if this thing goes on. Is she high or something?

"Sofe...give us some time alone. Will you?" Dante finally speaks and she nods turning away.

"Wait...What do you mean for my safety? He kidnapped me!" I exclaimed stopping her and she smiled looking into my eyes.

"No he didnt but you would have gotten kidnapped if he didn't bring you here. "She corrected and walked out of the door.

"What the fuck was that about!?" I exclaimed aggressively running my hands through my hair.

"Calm down. I'll explain everything to you before Luciano's annoying ass gets here." He chuckled making me stare at him in surprise.


Why is he so chilled out?

"What? You didn't think he would search for you? The man is close enough to finding out where you are at the moment tesoro." He smiled making me look down on my lap hearing him say that.

I know Luciano will find me but all of this is just so frustrating because its so out of my control and I'm not used to that.

"So why are you still here if you know Luciano will find me? And how much time has passed since I passed out?" I asked.

"I'm saying it again, I haven't kidnapped you. It has been almost five hours and if my calculation is correct then I would say he will be here in one hour." He replied and stood up coming closer.

"Where is my phone? I need to call Luciano. If you are saying that you didn't kidnap me then prove it. How am I supposed to trust you!?" I said and hoping inside that I would get to talk to Luciano.

"Same old Valentina with her trust issues." He chuckled humorlessly and passed me his phone.

"Tell him I'm too bored to give him the location so just track the call or something." He sighed sitting on the bed on my side.

Why is he actually giving me his phone? Is this a plan of his? Is his plan to get Luciano to come and then do something? I know for a fact that Luciano will be prepared though and I don't want to be the heroine who sacrifices herself only to end up getting everyone in trouble. That's stupid. I need help, I can't run away with the injuries on my legs. I need to call Luciano.

Holy crap! What's Luciano's number? I don't remember it.

Ugh...why are you like this Valentina!? Just why? How could you not remember a simple number!?

Well I'm a normal fucking human with cell phone. Why would I remember it!?

I do remember Emma's number though so I dialled her number and she answers on the fourth ring.

"Whoever it is if you have nothing important to say then get lost. I'm busy right now." I hear her say hastily.

Of course that's Emma.

"Emma. Its Valentina." I chuckled making the other side go completely silent.

"OH, MY GOSH!! GUUYYYSSS???? ITS VALENTINA!! COME FAST...." She yelled making me take the phone away from my ear.

"Give me the phone." I hear Luciano's voice in the background.

Even his voice is sexy which is not something I should be focusing on but this stupid Brain!

"Valentina?" I hear him call my name making me put the phone back.

"Luciano." I smiled even though he can't see me.

"Fuck its really you.Are you okay? Are you hurt? Please tell me you are alright. Are you in a hospital? Your car was ruined but you weren't there. Where the hell are you?" He blurted out quickly making me laugh quietly.

"I'm alright. Don't worry. Just track this call and come and get me. I miss my bed." I said making him silent.

"We are going crazy since last few hours about your whereabouts and you miss your bed!?" He exclaimed.

"Ohh that means the bitch is perfectly fine dude." Nia laughed.

"I'm sorry I was just trying to lighten your mood. Come soon. Will you?" I smiled.

"I will but who are you with? Are you alone? How did you get there?" He asked.

"Just come here and you will know everything because even I am unaware about most things." I answered because that's true.

I hope he gets my meaning that something weird is going on and comes with full protection.

I know I did jump to conclusions about Dante and Sofia but he did give me his phone and I don't want all of my friends to go mad after knowing about Dante or Sofia so now is not the time to tell him who I am with.

"Okay...I'll be there soon and...you please take care of yourself my love. You have no idea how scared I was and still am." He whispered making me close my eyes.

"I will. I love you." I whispered back.

"I love you more." He said and I hung up sighing happily for the first time after I woke up.

"Its funny how I was dying three years ago to hear you say that to me and now hearing you say that to someone else just makes me realise that I'll never have that. " Dante chuckled humorlessly making me tense.

"We were never together Dante." I stated looking away as I started getting bad feelings about this situation.

"I know but you can't blame me Valentina. I tried everything there was in my power to make us possible but you? You didnt put much effort at all. You ignored me and I was so stupid that I still love you madly." He shook his head smiling sadly.

"Then You should've met me like a normal fucking man and asked me out but what did you do instead? You went and started dating my bestfriend to meet me! Do you realise how stupid that was?" I snapped angrily.

"I know I made a mistake but then I told Vanessa the truth and she was okay with it! She was okay with us but you didn't even give us a chance!!" He hissed in cold tone.

"That's because Vanessa loved you and I couldn't hurt her, Alright?" I looked away angrily.

Why is he doing this right now? When I'm clearly happy with my life, he has to come and do this.

"So you do accept that you liked me too?" He said staring at me intensely making my eyes widen for a second.

"No..." I said slowly looking away from him as memories came flooding back.

All the teasing, the back and forth arguing and all the times we were together.

I was happy, I admit. We were kinda close after all which even Luciano knows but I've moved on now.

That was past and Valentina does not live in the past.

"You can't even say that looking into my eyes tesoro...till when are you going to lie to yourself?" He scoffed.

"It doesn't even matter anymore. Even if there was something, it died the moment you kidnapped me." I whispered staring at him as he stared back at me with sad eyes.

"I...I understand. I think its time I tell you something." He said and looked away.


"I didn't kidnap you today. My friend Jordan was racing tonight and he was two cars behind you when the accident happened. He called me and I came there with the others you met a while ago and we brought you here because you were bleeding very much."

"I...I got to know two hours ago that it wasn't an accident. It was a plan to kidnap you when you were weak. Again, I didn't kidnap you. I didnt know that."

"Then how do you know the plan?" I asked the obvious question.

"Because I...work for The Russian Mafia." He sighed.

What the fuck?

"I don't understand." I said narrowing my eyes.

"Do you remember when I started texting you? It was after your thing with Luciano started. I work for them...actually I'm the first in command so I'm telling you right now that You're in danger Valentina. They want you." He said in a serious tone making me shiver.

"But why the fuck would they even want me!? I didn't even do anything to them." I snapped.

"You're The Nightmare and now the undefeatable champion too. They want you to join them so that they can get stronger and also they want revenge on Luciano...by getting you to betray him as you're together now." He concluded as his lips formed a tight line.


Please no.

"That's absolutely ridiculous!! Why would I do that? And what did Luciano do to them? Why are they getting me in between their cat fight!?" I fumed wanting to pull my hair out of my scalp.

"You're his...girlfriend...so you're connected to him and the mafia."

"But we haven't made others know. Only our friends and family know it." I groaned.

"There is nothing too secretive when you're in this business."

"Why are you telling me this anyway if you're with them? And if you're the first in command, why didn't they tell you about their plan before? Is this a trick of yours or something?" I looked at him warily.

"Because I still fucking love you, alright?! I know I made mistakes and I fucking accept them and I am trying to do something right by trying to help you so stop blaming me because you're not the only one with problems. People have bigger problems than you...like surviving in this pathetic world." He spat standing up making me flinch.

"I have been nothing but nice to you since you woke up and I was always good to you back then but you've never tried to even understand me. Not even as a friend. If Vanessa was your friend you didnt wanna hurt, why did you hurt me, huh? You called me your friend too. Why the indifference?" He fumed pacing back and forth in front of the bed.

"For you, I killed my own father so that I dont have to follow in his footsteps and join the Russian mafia. All I wanted was to live peacefully away from this Mafia shit with the love of my life but ofcourse Ican never be happy." He snorted running a hand though his hair.

"I'm dying everyday since last three years so that they don't come after you. To protect you, I'm working for them tesoro when all I wanna do is die."

"I have given up on life but the thought of you getting tortured by those assholes is what keeping me alive so do not go fucking blaming me and calling me shit for one mistake I did. I'm sorry for that, okay? I'm honestly sorry. I was stupid to think that you will fall in love with me if we stayed together." He fell down on his knees, his shoulders shook as he sobbed.

Numb. That's how I'm feeling right now. Its like since last three years, everything I believed was false.

I don't even know the struggles he faced to save me.

I don't know what to feel actually. Believe him or not.

"Please forgive me. "He cleared his throat after a few seconds as I tried to get out of bed but my legs were not really helping me.

The fact that I'm not good with comforting someone is so very evident as I just stare at him while he is crying.

I managed to get out of bed and walked towards him despite the pain as he looked up at me with his tearful eyes which he quickly wiped off and stood up coming closer to hold me.

"Do you regret everything? Meeting me? Getting close to me?" He whispered holding me making me go quiet.

"Forget it.." He said after a few seconds.

"Just because we didn't work out does not mean you didn't matter to me." I whispered back finally admitting it to him after three years.

Why is he working for them though?


Hello loves❤

What do you think about the chapter?

What do you think about Dante?

What is going to happen?

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Love ya❤


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