10. Darling

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I have been annoying Luciano as usual but it looks like he is a bit comfortable now talking to me.

Luca texts me too and he is like a really good friend now. Luca also told me that Luciano actually punched him when he got to know that Luca texted me.

He told me Luciano gets possessive whenever Luca tries to tease him and tells Luciano  that he wants to take me out and Luciano gets mad.

This makes me happy I dont know why but it does.

Also that asshole Dante hasn't texted me after I replied to him But I know for a fact that he is not going to leave without doing anything.

He has to be planning something big amd I need to be ready for it.

"You've been practicing since last three hours sis. Take a break. Even I am tired now." David said breathing hard.

I've been practicing for the fight with David as I need someone to fight with and David is also really good. I can't lose this fight at any cost.

This is a very important fight for me. For my fighting future. I have to defeat Blade so I can be unbeatable. Thats my dream and I cant just lose it cuz I didnt practice enough or I was stressing over some threats.

To top it off I have never seen Blade fighting so I have no idea what are his weak points and strong points.

"Fine. You can take a break." I told him and he looked at me as if I'm crazy.

"You need the break too Val. You can't win the fight if you're exhausted." David said softly.

"The fight is not today Dave. I'll have plenty of rest." I replied.

"He is right sweetheart. You need rest too. You can't tire your body like this. "Mom said as she entered the gym.

"But Mom I need to. I'm sure you did this too." I defended.

"I know honey but I took breaks too. I took enough rest. How about this? You go and take some rest now and in the evening I'll practice with you?" Mom suggested.

"You will?" I asked excited.

"Of course. Now go." Mom said and I hugged her and moved to walk out.

"You smell like a dirty pig." Mom yelled laughing after me.

I didn't go to college today as I couldn't stop practicing. I usually workout for an hour before college but today I just couldn't stop when David agreed on fighting with me.

I looked in the mirror to see fresh bruises over my body and one on my face when David managed to punch me in my face.

I took a long shower and changed into comfortable clothes and went downstairs to eat something.

I made a sandwich and settled on a couch near the pool. I think about calling my friends but I got two texts that made me laugh.

Your boyfriend is missing you Gummy bears.😂

My love🖤
Do not believe a single word that Luca says.

Valentina to Luca🤪
He is not my boyfriend.

Valentina to My love🖤
So you aren't missing me?😏

I got replies immediately. Looks like both of them are together and Luca is teasing Luciano.

Yet. 😁

My love🖤
Why would I miss you??

Valentina to Luca🤪
Are you both together right now?😂

Valentina to My love🖤
If you don't miss me then don't text me. I'll talk to Luca.

I won't let you behave like this Luciano. You will always tell me what you feel. Thats how I like it.

Yes we are at his place. What did you text him? He looks like he can kill me any minute now. He is glaring at me.😂😂


I told him I'll talk to you as he didn't miss me.😂

My love🖤
Stop fucking texting him.
I don't like it. He has this big smile on his stupid face when you text him.

You can't tell me what to do Luciano and stop glaring at him.  And of course he will smile... He has a sense of humor unlike your grumpy ass.😏😂😂😂

He misses you Gummy. I know that. He was talking about you since I came here. He just has too much pride to accept that he feels something.

Feels good to read that.
Thanks Luca.🤗

My love🖤
Oh I will tell you whatever the fuck I want. And how about you give me your female Friend's number so I can talk to her like you do with Luca??

Wow so he wants to talk to my friends but not me. Am I that boring for his taste? Am I not enough?

Stop being an asshole.
I'm not giving you any number.

You're Mine luciano.
Why do you not like to talk with me?
I don't think I'm that bad of a person.

I don't know why but him asking for my Friend's number just upset me so much and I know I have no right to say this when I asked for Luca's number but I can't control what I feel.

I know he is just saying that to make his point why he does not like it when I talk to Luca but it still hurt.

I hear sounds of messages coming from my phone but I don't check them. I sit there and stare out as a single tear falls down my cheek and I wipe it off quickly.

I don't know why I'm behaving like this. Its not even a big deal. I just feel so alone even with my friends and family coz i never share my feelings if I'm sad and with this whole Dante thing going on i just am feeling vulnerable and scared.

I know he didn't even mean it and here I am behaving like a child.

After a minute or two my phone goes off and I check it to see Luciano calling me. I decline his call and another round of texts start.

My love🖤
You keep on claiming me yours but you like to talk to Luca more.
I never said that I don't like to talk to you.

My love🖤
Did I upset you?

My love🖤
I'm sorry if I upset you love. I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted to show you how I felt..I didn't want to talk to ur friend.

Omg...Did Luciano just call me LOVE?

Am I dreaming?

My love🖤
You're scaring me love. Please talk to me.

What is happening right now?

My heart is going to burst out of my chest.

Who is this?

My love🖤
Answer your phone darling. I promise I won't track you using that. I give you my word.

Really? You won't track me down?

My love🖤
We will meet when you want to. Alright? I promise you.

Okay. You can call.

My phone went off and I accepted it feeling nervous. This is going to be the first time I'll hear his voice.

What if he does not like my voice?

My poor heart couldn't take it I heard Luciano's voice.

"Hello, my love."


Hello lovelies!

How are you all today?

They are going to talk in the next chapter. I'm.so excited..🤩

What do you think about this chapter?

What do you think Dante will do?

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Love ya❤


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