Chapter Five

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The ticking clock on the wall was the only sound in the house for about a minute. I just stood there, staring at the trio, and they stood staring back. Then, everyone started talking at once.

"He's your dad?"

"What do you mean, Ex Director of the Umbra Agency?"

"Hold up. Waters, I've heard that name before... " 

I tried to hold my hands up and yell at them to slow down, but no one listened. Finally, I finger whistled, and that got their attention, with Tom wincing and putting his hands over his ears. A groan sounded from behind me, and I turned to see my dad groggily opening up his eyes, squinting up at us. 

"Be-" I glared daggers at him, and he cleared his throat. "Agent 5, what is going on?" 

I turned a flat stare on to him. "You are currently tied to chair in an Agency's private safe house's kitchen with four trained agents staring at you." I smiled sweetly at him, and he winced. "Why don't you tell us what is going on? Let's start with how you ended up on the property."

Ryan Waters nodded his bloodied head towards Jeremy. Kara must've hit him really hard. "I've already told this one. I was passing through and saw the lights on in the house. I went to go check it out, and saw Agent 5 leaving the house. I followed her so that I could talk to her." 

Jeremy's eyes narrowed. "Talk to her about what?" 

I raised an eyebrow. "I don't think that's any of your business, Jeremy."

Kara stepped forward. "If it pertains to this mission or team, we sure as hell have a right to know what you're talking about." Tom also stepped up besides them, and their hard faces almost making me flinch. Almost.

Ryan spoke up. "It didn't have anything to do with the mission or team, I promise you."

Tom scowled at him. "How can we trust you? You're an Ex director." He indicated towards me. "Or you. We barely even know you." Ouch, that one hurt. 

I scowled right back and crossed my arms. "Hey, I do solo. I didn't even want to be assigned this mission, but I kind of want to keep my job, and not follow in my dad's footsteps and get fired." I turned and glared at him.

"I thought agents aren't allowed to work alone." Kara scrunched her brows in confusion.

"Yeah, well, I am." My tone left no room for argument. We didn't need to go down that path right now. 

Tom had a almost gleeful look in his eyes, and I had a sneaking suspicion as to why. "Your dad was fired? What'd he do?" 

My dad looked at him, exasperated. "That is none of your business, young man." 

Tom shrugged. "Just curious." He yawned, looking at the clock on the wall and stretched his arms over his head. "Well, it's three in the morning, so I'm going back to bed." He waved his hand and walked out of the room.

Kara and Jeremy watched him go, then Jeremy turned to Kara. "Why don't you go back to bed as well, I can handle this." 

She raised a brow, looking skeptical. "You sure?" He nodded, leaving Kara to glance distrustfully at me and my dad before she left the kitchen as well.

Once the sound of her footsteps pounding up the wooden stairs faded, Jeremy redrew his gun. My eyes widened, and I reached for my own, but it wasn't there. Crap. It was probably still by the lake, and my extra one was in my bag upstairs. 

"Agent 5, sit down," he said, in a frightfully calm voice, motioning with the gun to the other chair in the kitchen, its yellow paint peeling off the back. 

I didn't move. "Jeremy, what are you doing?" I suddenly remembered that I had a knife in my  right combat boot, but I couldn't get it out without drawing his suspicion. 

"Finally getting some answers." His face didn't shift.

I maneuvered myself in front of my dad. "We don't have anything that pertains to this mission that you need to know." 

"Why don't we let your father answer that question." Jeremy angled his head at Ryan. "Well?"

I needed some way to draw back his attention to me. I might not like my dad, but he still was my dad, and he hadn't been a too-terrible father. At least, when I was younger anyway. An idea for a  distraction suddenly popped into my head, and I rocked back in my shoes, resting my hands in my pockets, and let out a slow grin. It would make me a terrible person, but I knew it would work."How's your mother doing, Jeremy?"

His head snapped to me. "What are you talking about." 

"Is she still on the run, after all those years?" I frowned, resting my hand over my heart. "How awful." 

Confusion and alarm flashed across his face, and he looked at me warily, the gun loosening in his grip. 

I tapped my chin. "I wonder how you feel, holding all that knowledge inside, without ever telling the police the truth." 

Jeremy's eyes hardened, but his voice wavered. "How do you know about this?" 

I smirked, and took a step closer to him. "I make it my business to know my team's history." Well, at least I did now. But he didn't need to know that. 

"There isn't a soul who knows about that night."

"Except you and your mother, right?" I angled my head. "I wonder what was going through her head when she walked into the room and saw your father trying to kill you. Did she hesitate pulling her gun out and shooting him?" 

Jeremy's face paled considerably. I let out a low whistle. "And you told the police that your dad killed himself, and your mother hadn't been around for years. Why did you protect her, Jeremy? At your own-"

"That is enough!" He wavered for half a second, hesitation flickering across his face, before he formed a fist, preparing to fight me. 

I took the second as an opportunity to slid the knife discreetly out of my boot and towards my father, whose hands were bound in front of him. Jeremy had turned away, running his hands over his face, and my father, using his bare feet, picked the knife up and into his lap. While he was sawing away at his binds, I tackled Jeremy and slapped my hand over his mouth, not letting any sound escape. 

Jeremy clawed at my hands, dropping his gun. My father, who now was released, picked the gun up and pointed it at us. "Quiet," he hissed. We both stilled at the movement. What was he doing? 

Ryan calmly walked up to us and hit Jeremy on the back of his head with the side of the gun, knocking him out. I gently slid his limp body from my grasp, and stood up. "What are you-" 

A shot rang out and a burning pain erupted in my shoulder. I yelped and tried to stop the blood flow, falling down on the floor in the process. 

My father walked over to me. "That was payback for getting me fired." And then he hit the back of my head with the gun. 

And I watched, with half-lidded eyes, as he picked Jeremy up and tossed him over his shoulder, disappearing out the back door.  

Well, shit. 

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