Chapter Eighteen

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Jake's P.O.V.

She held a gun to my head. That was the only thing running through my brain as I sat in my chair, back in the conference room.

Max was pacing the open space, waiting for Agents Tom and Kara to arrive.

Lydia was still seated in her spot, knees pulled up to her chest. Sometimes it was easy to forget that she was the youngest one out of all of us, because she was always the confident one. Now, I wasn't so sure.

The door opened, and Tom and Kara entered. Tom looked around the room expectantly. When he didn't find who he was looking for, he turned to Max, frowning. "Where's Agent 5?"

I exchanged a glance with Max, before standing up and coming over to where Tom was standing. "That's what we need your help figuring out."

This time it was Kara's turn to frown. "What?"

Taylor sighed, coming over with her laptop. The security footage for inside the front door was on replay. "She's gone."

I looked away as the screen showed Ben holding the gun to my head, swallowing. My knuckles turned white as I clutched the edge of the table.

Beside me, I heard Tom suck in a breath. "She's really gone. Again."

I turned around to see Kara rubbing Tom's back. "What can we do?" Kara's steely eyes met mine.

I knew that Kara was protective of Tom since they had been on a team together for about three years. Along with Jeremy. I felt bad for Tom, as Jeremy had been his best friend, and now Tom had to accept the lie that Jeremy was dead. For the good of everyone.

I took the laptop from Taylor and handed it to Tom. "We need you to access the tracker we put in Bentley's backpack."

Tom's head snapped up and he glared at me. "What? You put a tracker in her backpack? You know that she had a hard time coming here, right? And that she doesn't trust you guys that much? You just made this so much worse for her. And yourself."

I glared back at him. "Then it's a good thing that she's never going to find out." I stepped back and watched his face as he digested this information.

His expression turned murderous. Lydia abruptly stood up, slapping her palms down on the table. "Stay in line, Agent. Before you do anything you'll regret."

Tom tore his gaze away from mine and hesitatingly took a step back, nodding his head reluctantly. "Why do you need me to access the tracker? Why can't you?"

"Tom." Kara reprimanded him at his tone, but turned questioning eyes to me.

I ran a hand across the top of my head, the red hairs tugging at my fingers. "The tracker that we picked was one that you coded. We thought that if Bentley had found it and questioned us, it'd be easier to explain that you put a tracker in her bag, because of when she escaped from the plane, than trying to explain why we put it in there."

Tom stared at me, flabbergasted. "So you'd make her hate me, would you?" He shook his head. "Why I even joined this agency, I don't know," he mumbled.

Seeing that I was going to comment on that statement, Max quickly stepped in. "But can you? Access it?"

He sighed. "I can." Tom looked up, taking the chair that Taylor had pulled out for him and ran his gaze over the computer screen.

While his fingers were flying over the keyboard, Kara turned to me. "If you needed Tom to access the tracker, why did you call me in as well?"

Lydia finished pulling her hair back into a ponytail again. '"We're going after Bentley." Her light green eyes surveyed the agents in the room. "And, since you guys worked with her, for a couple of days at least, you know how she ticks these days." She shook her head. "Better than we do, at least." Max came to stand at her side, putting an arm around her small frame.

A pang went through my heart for them. Lydia used to be Bentley's best friend. They were thick as thieves, those two. And Max was her brother. Their bond was stronger than most.

And then there was me. I don't really know where I stood now. We used to be a couple, before everything happened. We were all so happy then. A team, the six of us. Making the world a safer place. Now... I don't even know. Now there was Mia, I guess.

Kara took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, tapping her foot on the floor. "Do you really think that it would be a good thing, going after her?"

The room was so silent you could've heard a pin drop. All eyes turned to Kara, and she fidgeted under the weight of all the gazes. "I mean, she's been by herself for three years, thinking all you guys were dead. And now, she finds out that you're all alive, after all this time?" Kara shrugged, her blue eyes flickering with emotion.  "She's learned to work by herself, while you guys still had each other." She met our gazes, one at a time. "Maybe it's time to just let her do her own thing."

My chest was moving up and down rapidly. The thing was, she was right. And I hadn't even considered it. I just thought that things could go back to normal, now that Bentley was back. I stretched out a shaking hand and pulled out the chair closest to me, sitting down in the black office chair heavily. I hadn't thought about how it seemed from her perspective. She came back, probably majorly confused, and what was the first thing I did? Throw her in a detainment cell. Bloody hell.

"No." Lydia's voice rang through the silence. Her eyes were rimmed with red and glassy. As she spoke, her voice wavered. "She used to be a part of this team, and in my opinion, she still is." Her hand entwined with Max's. "We are going after her." A small smile broke out on her face. "Because if I know Bentley as well as I think I do, she's going to do whatever it takes to protect her mother. Even if it means sacrificing herself in someway." She swallowed hard, sharing a long glance with Taylor, who was chewing on her bottom lip. "And I will not let happen. Not again."

Tom broke the ensuing silence. "I found her."

My heart skipped a beat as we all crowded around the computer. "It looks like she is currently flying Southeast. But to where, I have no idea."

Lydia pulled out her phone and started typing away. "The only thing that we can do is follow her and try to talk some sense into that thick head of hers. Knowing Bentley, she won't want our help, so we are going to have to try really hard."

My mouth tightened into a thin line. She was right, of course. Ben wouldn't want our help, especially after I had told her that there was nothing that we could do for her mother.

Lydia looked up from her phone, turning it off and shoving it into a back pocket of her suit. "I have a car on standby. Get whatever you need, and we'll meet there in five minutes. Let's get this show on the road."

I nodded my head at her, walking over to the doors and holding one open as everyone filed out. "We have a girl to catch."


About four and a half hours later, Tom broke the silence. Again.

"She's stopped."

I looked over my shoulder from where I had been seated, the front passenger seat. "Where?"

Tom's illuminated face was hard with concentration as his hands flew over the keys. "It's a small town about fifteen minutes away from us." He showed me the screen, where the bright red dot was blinking, stationary. "But she's about fifteen minutes ahead of us."

"She's fifteen minutes ahead of us?" I met Max's concerned eyes, which had been trained on the road.

"A lot can happen in fifteen minutes," Max's white knuckled hands gripped the wheel tightly, and my own worry increased.

"We'll be there in time." But Taylor sounded worried as well. Max pressed the gas pedal harder, and we lurched forward, flying by the few lone cars on the road.

"Turn here," Tom looked up from the computer where he was getting directions, and pointed out to the right of the car, where a house with a few dim lights could be seen. "This is it."

I looked to see a modest, brick, country house, with flower beds out in front, along with an old fashioned lamp post.

"Why would she come here? This can't be where your mom lives," I spoke to Max, who was studying the house from where we had parked in the driveway.

"I don't know where my mom lives," he admitted. "She disappeared off the grid three years ago. Even the best trackers couldn't find her. I guess this might be where Bentley relocated her." He shook his head, smiling slightly. "Smart."

"What are we waiting for?" Lydia was unbuckling herself, and moving to open the door. "Let's go."

We exited the van, and I slid my gun out from where it had rested in the holster, and clicked safety off. Holding it out to my side, I led the way to the front door.

A couple lights were on, but that was it. The garage door was also strangely open, and the hairs on the back of my neck prickled.

"Look." Taylor pointed with her gun to the faint white smoke that was creeping out from under the door.

I could feel the blood draining from my face as I tried the door knob. It was unlocked. Heart pounding, I swung the door open to see that, from my point of view, the house was empty. The only thing that stood out was the smoke that was disappearing by the second.

Gesturing with my gun for the others to fall in behind me, I quickly ran through a scan of the house, ending up in the living room, where the others were gathered.

"It's empty." I sat down on the couch, wincing as my mind went to the worst possible scenarios.

"They took them." Lydia's voice wavered as she sat down besides me, wringing her hands.

"Not necessarily," Tom spoke up from where he stood in the doorway. He had a hopeful look on his face as Kara came to a stop behind him from where she was trying to identify what the smoke was, if it wasn't smoke. "Bentley could've taken her mother."

"No." Max turned from where he was standing by the fireplace mantel, holding two objects in his hands. One was a picture. It looked to be taken about five years ago, with the whole family, Ryan, Georgina, Max and Bentley, smiling widely at the camera.

In the other hand was a blue, latex glove. I was glad I was sitting down, as all the strength in my body slipped away.

There was only one person who would have been here that wore latex gloves. Psycho.

"Is that..." Liam's voice died as he took in the glove.

"Psycho's." Max's voice was rough as he met my gaze. "The scientists got them."

A noise sounded from the kitchen. I immedialty tensed up, clutching my gun tighter in my hand. Nodding at Tom and Kara, who were closest to the kitchen, to investigate, I stood up and positioned myself on the wall near the opening of the doorway, readying my gun.

Grunts sounded, and my fingers twitched as the sound of footsteps neared.

Tom's hard voice sounded. "Look who I found."

I slowly turned to face them, my heart missing a beat as I stared at someone that I would have expected to be the last person to be standing in front of me at this moment.

He was handcuffed, red flannel shirt rumpled and dirty.

"Ryan Waters."

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