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"Yeah, I think so. I'm not sure." I shrug to a classmate of mine, who just asked me a question regarding the subject we're writing today.

He nods and buggers off to bother someone else.

I pluck my earphones in and patiently wait for the invigilator.

They tend to arrive late in the mornings so I feel comfortable putting them in.

Just then the fat girl arrives alongside her dreadlocked friend, laughing at something one of the other said.

They are always laughing.

As they're about to pass me, I quickly look away and focus my attention on something else.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see her standing at the opposite side of the wall I am leaning against.

The invigilator finally arrives and I find that she's my math teacher.

I had a couple of questions I would have liked to ask her regarding the math exam tomorrow but I can't because I cannot ask a teacher a question. 

Don't ask me why, because I also don't know why either.

Everyone enters the classroom and takes their seats. I pull out my earphones and curl them inside my pockets.

The invigilator informs us that the times are still the same. Shocking.

Once she's done, the class does the usual thing of taking out their books and studying for the time being until lunch break.

The fat girl turns around and takes out her books. Once she places them on the table, she looks up and instantly meets my eyes. Again, my stare on her stays for an unknown reason.

She turns around and starts studying but I swear I see her cheeks widen -from my view at the back- a bit as if she was smiling again.


It's finally lunch break and everyone does the usual thing of jumping up, tucking their books in and getting out as if the classroom was on fire.

I have no idea why, but I took a slower time than usual to tuck my books in, resulting in me being the last one to leave the class.

As I pass by the fat girl's desk, my eyes dart over to her floral bag.

It's nice.

I go meet up with my squad and start our walk around the school, chattering away and occasionally laughing. And by occasionally laughing, I mean they are laughing, not me.

I don't like laughing.

We turn a corner and I spot the fat girl standing with her group of friends.

My eyes focus in on her. She's wearing the usual sport uniform which is an oversized sports jacket and tracksuit pants.

My school wears a sports uniform from Tuesday to Thursday, and academic wear on Monday and Friday.

I don't have the sports uniform yet so I'm always wearing the academic uniform.

My eyes trail down to her shoes and see a rocking, nice pair of bright pink Nike's.

I didn't notice how close we were as we passed them before I looked up and saw her right there.

My eyes immediately met with hers before she looked away and focused her attention back on her friends.

I also looked away not to seem like I was looking at her or anything.

After walking by them, I found myself wondering why I made such a quick eye contact with her when I looked up. 

Does that mean she was staring at me? Was she wondering why I was staring at her shoes? Was she creeped out?

Why am I still thinking of her?

I mentally shook my head to clear my thoughts regarding her.

I don't care about her.


"Awe Tammy, hoe gaan dit?" - [Hello Tammy, how's it going?] I asked Tammy-Lee, a girl in my actual class.

"Awe, awe Tyler, dit gaan goed en met jou?" - [Hey, hey Tyler, it's going good and with you?] She asked, smiling slightly.

"Dit gaan ook goed." - [It's also going good] I replied.

Tammy is one of the few beautiful girls in my grade. I'm not sure if I have a crush on her or not, but she jumps from one boy to the other so if I were to make a move on her, I'm pretty sure she'd be mine.

We started talking about how our now different classes are and how the exams are so far, my squad joining in the conversation.

This lasted for a few minutes before the bell signalling the end of lunch break, rang.

We said our goodbyes and I made my way to class. It's sad that I don't share an examination room with at least one of my close friends, but I'm hopeful that things will change the second term.

I arrive at class and unusually find that the fat girl and her friend are already there.

I avoid looking at her and patiently stand where I always stand.

The invigilator arrives and we enter the class.

Because the fat girl came first, she entered first and sat down.

I decided to take the back route to my desk to avoid her. I don't even know why I'm trying to avoid her.

I sit down and find that she's still busy fidgeting in her bag, as if looking for something, and on instinct my eyes land on her.

She takes out a pencil and places it on her table. She zips her bag and then looks up, only to be met with my eyes.

She surprisingly doesn't hold the stare for a couple seconds but looks away a nanosecond later. 

The exam papers are handed out and I instead dwell my focus on this paper in front of me.


An hour and 15 minutes later, I'm done with my examination paper.

I put my utensils away and lay on my arms.

45 minutes left before the time is up.

I should really write slower and use up all the time I have.

Closing my eyes, I try to think about something to think about. A million things run through my mind and about 15 minutes later, I lift my head in an attempt to look the other way in a more comfortable position, when my eyes make an unexpected contact with the fat girl.

She's looking directly at me and her eyes fractionally widen when my eyes make contact with hers. She whips around very quickly and lays her head in her arms.

Was she staring at me?


I continue looking at her back confusedly and when my head rests back on my head, I find all the millions of thoughts I had fade away and only her remain in my mind.


A/N: Tammy is a crucial character later on in the story. :)

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