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A week and one day.

It has been a whole week and a day of Wendy ignoring me.

She has not uttered a single word to me since she told me it was over. She passes me by like I don't exist. She doesn't even spare a glance at me.

The first and second day after she broke things off, I tried numerous times to apologise to her but she wouldn't hear none of it.

She would jerk my hand off or cause a silent scene just to get me to let go off her. Not once did she say a word to me.

People have been gossiping, pointing and laughing at me. It did get to me at first but I've learnt to live with it.

I had to tell my friends everything that happened between us but I told them that I was just using her to 'experiment' on how it is to kiss a fat and older girl.

I told them that it meant nothing to me when it meant everything.

I wish I could say I'm not really affected by her ignoring me.

That I'm not even hurt or sad or angry at myself.

That I don't even care about her anymore just like she doesn't care about me.

That seeing her hug another guy doesn't break something inside me.

But to be honest, it has been complete torture. No matter how hard I denied it or tried ignoring her back I just couldn't.

Her blooming smile is engraved onto my mind. It's a bittersweet moment for me to see her smile, but not at me or for me.

I miss her.

I can't believe myself, but I actually do miss her.

A lot.

More than I should.

She's all I've been thinking about. I couldn't even focus while writing my exams this past week.

Today is the last day of exams then it's the holidays.

A 3 week holiday.

I should be complaining about how short it is but right now it seems so long.

3 weeks without seeing Wendy.

It's bad enough not being able to talk to her but not to even see her?

For 3 whole weeks?

I don't know if I can.

I'm going crazy thinking about this. Thinking about her. Why does she fucking drive me crazy even when she's not touching me?

I initially thought it was because her touch erupts sparks all over my body but now...

I need to do something.

She needs to talk to me. She needs to touch me.

The past few nights have been intense.

I've been having wet dreams about her.

It's my first time having wet dreams and to be honest, I never thought they would involve an older and chubby girl.

But strangely enough, I don't mind.

I just wish they would come true.

...Did I just?

Nope, I did not just think that.


It's now or never.

If I don't do it now, I'd have to wait for 3 weeks.

The final bell just rang and everyone couldn't rush out fast enough. But surprisingly, Wendy is taking her sweet time packing away her books.

Her friend has already went out but is waiting for her outside.

There is now absolutely no one left in the class except the invigilator who is busy talking on the phone.

I gotta talk to her now.

"Wendy!" I called out just as she was about to leave her desk.

She turned around, looking genuinely confused as if she hadn't noticed I was there.

Wow. I guess she really did remove my existence from her mind.

Once she noticed it was me, she turned back around without even gracing me with a reaction.

She moved her foot to walk but I had already sprinted over to her and I held her arm to stop her from moving.

She tried jerking my hand off her but this time I tightened my grip.

Every time I tried talking to her, she would persistently do this and I would let go of her.

Not this time.

"You are not going anywhere until you talk to me." I lowly said.

She gave me a look that said 'We'll see about that' before she angled my hand towards her mouth. She opened wide and revealed her 2 sharp teeth placed on either sides of her middle teeth.

In other words she had fang teeth.

Her mouth drew closer to my hand and I realised she was going to bite me.

With those vampire teeth!

It'd be sexier if she was aiming to bite my neck instead of my fucking hand.

"Wendy, w-what are you doing?" I panicked.

She ignored me and menacely ran her tongue over her teeth to show what's about to happen next.

Her mouth was inches away from my hand when she looked up, her eyes meeting mine.

They held confusion.

She probably expected me to remove my hand to stop her from biting it.

She inched her head closer, warning me to remove it.

When she noticed I still didn't withdraw my hand, she looked up once again, the confusion in her eyes swirling.

I sighed. "If it will take you biting me to get you to talk to me, it's fine."

After saying that, she looked at me incredulously.

With her free hand, she pointed towards her sharp teeth, reminding me once again of the pain I will endure once they touch my skin.

"I can see your ridiculously sharp teeth Wendy, but I am not removing my hand so you can give it your best shot." I closed my eyes, ready for the pain.

But it never came.

I kept my eyes shut for a couple seconds longer, but it still never came.

I opened up one eye to see why she hadn't bitten me yet to find her head away from my hand and her eyes staring at me with an unknown emotion.

I opened up my second eye and it was now my turn to stare at her confused.

"Why didn't you bite me?" I asked, analysing this foreign emotion in her eyes.

To be honest, I didn't expect her to vocally answer me so it really did come as a shock when she spoke.

"You would risk getting painfully bitten by my vampire teeth, just so that you can talk to me?" Her soft voice blessed my ears.

It has been so long since I heard her voice. I was never close enough to hear her when she spoke to her friends this past week.

I absorbed her voice in before the words she spoke processed in my brain.

"Yes. Yes Wendy, I would." I nodded furiously, "Thank you for speaking to me." I said in overbearing joy.

I need to calm down.

She looked down and nodded.

It became silent before the invigilator, whom I had forgotten was in the class, spoke. "What are you two still doing here? School's out, get out." Her hand was covering her phone, so I assume she put the person she's speaking to 'on hold'.

I rolled my eyes before walking out with Wendy, my hand still on her arm.

Most of the people had already cleared up, including her friend.

"I thought your friend was waiting for you outside?" I asked her.

"So did I." She shrugged.

It was still unreal to me that she was speaking to me.

Out of nowhere, a buzzing sound could be heard.

Wendy reached in her pocket with her free hand.

She took her phone out and viewed her screen. "It's a text from Kim." She said.

Who in the world is Ki-

"She said she saw me busy talking to you so she left because she had to rush somewhere." She continued.

Oh, it's her deadlocked friend.

She put her phone back in her pocket before an awkward silence occurred.

I took a deep breath.

"Wendy-" I started but she cut me off.

"Just shut up." She whispered before grabbing my head and locking our lips together.


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