Chapter 44: The CDC Part 2

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"Let me go-" He tightened her mouth shut with his hand.

Life was so unfair to Obie. She was stalked by a baby vampire, confronted by a super vampire, burned by a vampire corpse, disturbed by her boosted senses and now meeting her frenemy, Logan. She was surprised he was at the facility in the first place. She assumed he and his pals raided the CDC, so what's the point of checking it twice. He was probably following Obie around. She could be paranoid, because he was so damn adamant about his righteous logic and attitude towards the present concern. They were going in two different directions, but they routed towards the same destination?

Obie bit his middle finger, hoping he'll focus on the gesture more than the pain.

He mouthed an "ow" and his hot breath released upon the auricle of her ear.

"Ugh." She tried to shrug away from beneath him and sucked her teeth.

"Stop making noise."

She rolled her eyes. She swear the only good part about her life was Burrito.

Obie's body stiffened.

Obie realized the heaviness of her bookbag was replaced by Logan's weight. The shift was completely equal in mass. Yes, one was heavier than the other. Her bag had to be ten times heavier than Logan's dumb ass. Yet, the indistinguishable difference was due to Obie's new complicated stature. She could lift a 100 pound boulder and carry it like it was nothing, but a fly in a jar.

The knack with a curse.

She didn't feel the backpack collapse to the side in their prone positioned bodies. She didn't notice how the bag collapsed, missing the stuffing of the animal's frame. She didn't notice the small animal scurry off, disappearing from her view.

Panicking, Obie tried to move her head around the best she could. She tried to focus on Burrito's distinct smell through the musk of rotten bodies and fresh ones. Still, she was bombarded with just that.

"If you're looking for your wild animal..." Logan twisted Obie's short hair into his fist and forcefully turned her head to the side. "There it is."

There she was.

Obie felt her heart return to its natural place; out of her stomach to beneath her chest. Burrito's head was peeping from the corner of a large wheel that was seven cars away. B was frightened. Inserting her body further into a small space where no one could reach her.

There was someone near her. Adjacent to Burrito was a small hand creeping towards the animal's head. Tracing the hand, Obie followed the fingers and up towards the limbs and found it be possessed by a young girl. As if feeling Obie's gaze, the young girl pulled her hand back from Burrito and looked at her apologetically.

At least, Burrito was alive and not alone.

Obie glared and whispered, harshly. "How many times do I have to tell you to get off me before I call you a rapist?"

He scoffed. "How many times do I have to tell you to be quiet to actually get you to shut the fuck up?"

"Bite me, limp dick."

"In your dreams, erection killer."

"To think we left each other on a good note."

"Yeah, because stealing my shit really encouraged our new friendship."

"I didn't steal." Obie huffed. "I just took unavailable items."

"Spoken like a true thief." He scoffed.


"Shh. I can hear them. They're approaching."

Obie wanted to argue with him. It almost came naturally with their association. Though, Obie knew exactly what Logan was talking about. Eliminating their banter offered a new focus to a new issue. The multiple presences she sensed were making their appearances aware with their heavy footsteps. They were coming from the north direction, exiting a certain car. By the amount of doors slammed, she guessed it was only one car. Maybe truck. After, the backdoor to the CDC opened up and three pairs of feet walked out to greet the outsiders. .

"State your position." One of the outsiders said.

One responded. "We're from the Capitol's red wing of the CDF."

"We are from the Capitol's white wing. What is your confirmation code?"

Her eyebrows furrowed, remembering the role of the Capitol in her life for the past few days. Exhibit A: Logan. She recalled Rocky's last dying claim that his people will come for her when the time comes. The thought made her skin crawl and their company made her skin sweat.

"NKOL-129H-0LB," He said confidently. "Yours?"

"JHBN-8GH-129P. What's the status of your mission?"

"The first, second and third floors have been cleared. I have men on each floor awaiting for the next command."

In disappointment, the outsider responded. "Your team was commanded to eliminate Suckers from the 8th floor and up."

He defended. "We found civilians and the infected alike. My team had to be cautious to eradicate the infected, while offering safety to those who have not been affected."

Sharply, he said. "Unnecessary matters. Tell your men to continue towards the upper floors. We can't be here by the time sun sets."

"With all due respect, I'm going to do what's best for the mission and my men. You don't have any jurisdiction in this circumstance..." He paused like he was reading a tag on a shirt. "...General Soma."

The chuckle spurted from General Soma's throat was as sinister and wet as a murderer's knife. "Check again...General McGinty. I'm sure both our superior will be surprised by your statement."

General McGinty's boots turned to walk away. "I'm going to confirm with headquarters. Thomas, keep General Soma company."

"Not too long, I hope." General Soma snickered. "My team has their own objective to complete."

Thomas, of the red wing, answered on behalf of his occupied general. "Yes, sir. I hope you are successful, which is why we must focus on our own missions."

"Not exactly. Headquarters will report to your general that I am in command of the red, purple, green, white and blue wings. I will be supervising and demanding reports of your attainments. I am here to make sure things are completed and try to lessen the amount of causalities for our teams."

"That's strange. General McGinty has proven his worth as a commander. Why would HQ want to change that?"

"The news haven't spread yet? While it is my job to supervise, my team's mission is to investigate the loss of the green wing."

"The green wing?" Thomas said softly. "You're talking about Rover's and Rocky's team?!"

"Yes. You're family?"

"No, my friends. Rover, Rocky, Kim and I grew up together. May I ask if they are they okay? Sir."

"No," General Soma said like he could care less. "That's the problem. We haven't heard from the green wing in a week. Usually, we are sent an emergency message if communications will be delayed. But...we were accidently called with a disturbing message from one of the group members before they were killed. Apparently, we have rat in our midst and a new problem."

"They're a-a-all d-dead." Thomas stuttered.

"They knew what they signed up for," General Soma said. "The problem I have is they signed up for possible death against the Sanctuary's army and Suckers. Now, a young girl and a traitor...that's something different."

Obie and Logan froze, tensing their muscles as responses to the threat.

"Anyways, that's all you should know. It's not your problem. I want this team to focus on retrieving any research on Moore. We've been sending a team every few months to do a sweep and hoping something comes up. With any luck, we'll get something this time."

General McGinty came back and not in the best attitude. "What did you do to get this type of authority?"

"I win." General Soma said simply. "Do we have a problem?"

He cleared his throat. "No, General. Hopefully, we will not."

"Hope is for children. It was a 'yes or no' question."


"Good. Command your men to advance to the upper floors and abandon any previous orders to find civilians."

"What about the ones we already saved? They are preparing to leave in our trucks. We promised them safety."

General Soma asked. "Where are they?"

"Waiting in the main hall. We were about to escort them out."

"Why wait?" General Soma said willingly. "Bring them to me and continue on to completing the mission. We will make sure these people return safely."

And receive all the credit? What an ass.

General McGinty bit out. "Yes, sir."

"I look forward to working above you, General McGinty." He said as the red wing group re-entered the backdoor to retrieve the people.

General McGinty grunted in response and soon after began issuing commands that weren't his own. As his voice disappeared into the building, the remnants of venom in his words left a track on the floor as he scowled through the orders.

General Soma's combat boots were as loud as the sun's glare. Heavy with his weight and splattered with dry blood and dirt on its green scheme. He controlled, "Quan, Prepare the civilians for their departure."

These Capitol guys aren't so bad. Obie didn't have the best experience with their other groups. Well...the green wing. One leader, Rover, strangled Obie with his belt and busted through her skull with the solidness of the wooden floors. The other leader, Rocky, planned to torture and rape her, while taking her into their facility. There were the crazy people in-between who either insulted or assaulted her like Ann, Jeff Kim, and even Logan.

Humans suck.

But...they seem alright.

They were willing to support the uninfected and recruit them into their community to live normally.

Small feet, big feet and all feet alike began to walk out of the backdoor. Their frightened and relieved wails and evident shuffling gave Obie the chance to squirm beneath Logan. She threw her head back to smash into his lips.

Logan pinched Obie.

Obie released a silent hiss.

Wincing, Obie threw her fist at his shoulder blindly. Catching his sharp shoulder blade, he exhaled sharply into Obie's face. That alone nearly killed her.

She waved her hand in front of her face, leaving her middle finger to linger towards Logan.

Opening her eyes, Obie met those dark orbs that infuriated her soul. He met hers with the same animosity and irritation. Unfortunately, he looked healed to the point he can function physically. Though, he did look like he been through another series of unlucky incidents. His broad nose deviated from the midline with a fresh bruise, demonstrated as a hump. The tiny gap in his front teeth was aligned with a new scar on his cupid's bow.

They both narrowed their eyes and seethed lowly.

Right above the fuzz on his cranium, she saw how the little girl successfully managed to caress Burrito's head. Slowly, the opossum was crawling under her hand and the fright in her eyes dissipated with every step Burrito took.

The degeneracy also laid claim to her defensive status towards B's safety.

Obie realized this little girl was most likely with Logan. She didn't run out and join the saved civilians.

Did he save his group?

"Alright everyone!" Quan, the temporary chief, spoke. "My name is Quan of the white wing. I am part of a division that protects a community called the Capitol. The Capitol is an elite society formed by previous leaders of the American government. Members of the Senate, House of Representatives and smaller political parties who joined together to assure the integrity of our democracy remains intact. By joining the Capitol, we offer food, filtered water and housing. We also offer medicine and an elite set of doctors, who are working actively to find a cure or a bioweapon powerful enough to end this epidemic. We hope to recruit you into our community. We consider it detrimental to humanity. If anyone has any objections, we will give you the chance to run as far as you can. We will be cleansing this area, so it will best to distance yourself from the facility. Please leave now."

They waited.

Whispers here and there.

Wobbling ankles.

No one ran.

"Welcome. Thank you for joining us." She can hear the smile in Quan's voice.

Was there any doubt they wouldn't? They wanted to be safe. Anyone wanted to be. But Obie wouldn't want to join; especially since she and Logan were enemies of the state. Technically, the government.

See. This was why she couldn't stand Logan. He warned her about these people. He failed to mention these people made up the US government that she thought didn't exist anymore.

She was now a terrorist.

She turned towards him to scowl, but...Logan's face was going grey.

"This information will be repeated right before and after we let you in. If you're worried about any ailments you may have, I'd suggest to report them discretely to my officers. We don't want to promote further contagion. We will send you to the doctors to receive proper vaccinations and treatments for any current illnesses and diseases. After, you'll be split into groups for touring. Meet with a couple counselors to help your mental distortions and make you comfortable in living. Lastly, we'll find a perfect home for each of you. We do have limited space, but every single one of you will have your own room."

Some people were joyous. She imagined little arms wrapped around the adults' legs and cooing in excitement. The adults would caress their backs hesitantly as they should.

"First, I'm going to ask if you have any weapons or anything deemed dangerous, then please put it on the ground. It will be given back to you if it's not too hazardous. Thank you...Thank you...Thank you. Your compliance is much needed." Quan said. "Since we're all getting to know each other, we want to trust everyone. But we cannot. With your free will, we want you to undergo a thorough check..."

There was no dispute.

"Perfect. Everyone please assume position..." He began.

Obie didn't want to listen to the formalities. She mouthed to Logan. "We should leave while we have the chance."

Logan stiffly nodded. Quickly, he peeked on his side to make sure it's clear. "Roll five times to the right."

She looked past him. Through his direction, they'll be under the closest truck. "Fine."

Logan started first as the people began to lie down on the ground for their search. Anxious that they may discover them, she realized they were facing the opposite direction. The bottom of their feet were angled towards Obie and Logan. Nonetheless, if one decided to look back, they can be exposed.

It was her turn.

Roll 1.

Roll 2.

Roll 3.

The sun blared on her skin.

Roll 4.

Roll 5.

Okay, she stopped short.

Logan dragged her the rest of the way.

No sun.

They were under the truck.

He tapped her shoulder.

She looked at him.

He mouthed. "Roll seven times. Don't stop."

Fine with her. The more she rolled, the closer she was to Burrito.

Obie had to go first.

Roll 1.

Roll 2.

Roll 3.

Roll 4.

Sun blaring.

Roll 5.

Roll 6.

Roll 7.

No sun.

Logan rolled.

Accidently, his hand hit a dented soda can.

"What was that?" One of the men said.

Obie and Logan immobilized.

"Don't go. We have to finish up here." Another responded.


"He's right." Quan answered before talking to the civilians. "Thank you for your cooperation. Please remain stationary as our team help with your departure."

More members of their team walked out of their cars. As Logan slipped next to Obie, she gripped his upper arm and whispered. "Something is wrong."

Obie nearly jumped in surprise when Logan shared his expression with her. The graveness in his eyes reflected the tension in his posture and the drain of color in his skin. It was not a look of agreement. It was look to tell Obie of the warning he already knew.

"Keep going and head down." He whispered and the warning was not directed only towards her.

She looked back to find the little girl tucking Burrito under her stomach in a strong lock and squeezed her eyes shut.

"What's going on?" She whispered a little louder.

Logan cuffed her mouth before she knocked it off.

Obie locked eyes with one of the civilians. Eyes belonging to a boy who was probably her age. He had the same scars as her. His face was glazed over with utter apprehension and distrust, but with the hints of hope of living another day.He didn't say a word. He just looked at Obie like he was looking at himself; so familiar and recognizable without hesitation.

Abruptly, the metal end of death pressed against his temple. Before he could look up, the trigger pulled and his brain splattered on the floor.

Obie lost her scream within the pool of more screams.

Logan climbed on top of her and pressed his palm onto her mouth; catching her howl in the midst of its emission.

That one bullet was followed by another.

Then another.

No one could get up to run, because the speed of bullets outmatched them.


So much blood.

Splattered. Pool. Smeared.

"It's going to be over soon." Logan said into her ear. "I promise. It's going to be over."

A sharp ringing noise strikes her inner ear.

It was hurting her. There was too much noise. Too many screams led by the charge of inevitable death. Low frequency. High frequency. Men. Women. Child. Logan's voice.

"Calm down." He continued, not noticing the pain worsening with his reassurance.

She clasped her ears with her hands, feeling that her eardrums may burst.

"We'll have to wait till their gone." He said as she groaned. "After they finish, they'll continue the search. They're not going to find anything. They'll leave before sunset."

"Get away!" Obie yelled into his hand.

He stopped, watching her shake and struggle through the massacre. Tilting his head, he pressed his lips in a firm line and accepted her silence for signs of discomfort.

These people were evil. Obie thought.

They gained their trust by disclosing as much information they could. It established a relationship between them, so they can collaborate in the future for other problems. Quan made these people feel safe, and desperate to trust in an idea of life to get away from mortality. It was the exact technique used in the hospital.

What nurses use on their patients.

What doctors used.

Sort of like what mom did, a voice said in her head.

Obie widened her eyes.

What did Mom do?

A/N: Vote, comment, enjoy and let me know what you think! Also, Merry Christmas! Or Happy Holidays! 

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