26: high of Diana

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I've been carrying the biggest high ever. I mean, any smart person would if they were finally dating the person of their dreams. Diana Lewis is my dream. Think of it as Gatsby and Daisy, except this isn't my American Dream. I can kiss Diana whenever I want and those kisses? Best shit ever. I totally knew my Hispanic charm would win her over at some point. I also think Marc Anthony helped a bit in this situation and obviously, I am very guapo, handsome.

I am in love with this girl. Completely obsessed with her. I want to show her off to everyone. Tell them that I'm lucky enough to date her, hug her, kiss her. Have I mentioned how much I love her kisses? They're sweet and make me feel like Benjamin Franklyn when the key connected to lighting. (I don't know if that is accurate, but it will do). I feel like her soul has touched me in every way souls should touch each other.

Diana's soul is gentle and calming. It draws you in and completes you. It makes her beautiful. But her soul is like what I've said before; a dangerous heart beating so fast it must be protected.

I'm high off Diana Lewis. Mami knows it. Alejandro knows it. Clarissa knows it. Carajo, Lidia knows it.

"Ay papito," Lidia pushes my shoulder slightly. "You have fallen in love. How sweet." She clasps her hands together and smiles like a proud grandmother. I don't roll my eyes, I don't make snarky remarks because it's true. I am in love.

"Who wouldn't be in love with Diana. Have you looked at her?" I take the towel Lidia had handed me moments before and start cleaning the spilled coca-cola off the counter.

"I'm so happy it finally happened. At the rate you were going I thought for sure Clarissa was going to get a partner before you." Now I do roll my eyes.

"Love takes time. See I have a girlfriend and I suddenly know everything about love. The knowledge comes with the feeling."

"Knowledge also comes from listening to salsa love songs. Now work. I don't pay you to clean counters and sit pretty."

"Okay, okay. I have to leave a little early since I'm going to pick up Diana from her cheerleading practice."

"I'll let it slide just this once." She grins and flashes me a wink before going back into the kitchen. I am left with a few tables to clear and two tables to attend to.


She slams the door of my car.

"I like your outfit." She tells me after pecking my lips. I look down at the diner clothes I have to wear.

"I look hot in anything, I know." She laughs and it makes her high ponytail move side to side.

"You don't but okay." I ignore her.

"Milkshake??" I offer, pulling out two medium-sized cups filled with cookies and cream milkshakes. Her smile falls.

"Mother has been telling me I've been gaining pounds." I look at her for a moment trying to see what her mom means. But I don't spot a difference. She looks equally beautiful to me even if she has gained pounds.

"Diana-" I give her a side glance.

"You know what? I don't care. I look good. I feel good. Give me the stinken milkshake."

"That's my girl." She sips on it and throws her head back moaning in pleasure.

"Best shit ever."

"You know, graduation is coming in a few weeks?" I mention. "I can't wait to see you give your speech." As the class valedictorian, she must give a speech on how perfect she is (at least that's how I view it). Her hand pushes my shoulder.

"You are so- what's the word in Spanish?" She snaps her fingers together thinking about the word. I smile and look down. Diana is cute. "Ri- Ridikulo?" She says. It's almost pronounced correctly it wasn't for the way she said the c and u.

"Ridiculo. Good baby. Getting better after three months of me constantly teaching."

"I repeat, you are so stupid." She laughs as she takes another sip of her milkshake.

"Diana, Jesus, don't you know how to eat?" I say, completely serious hoping she buys my facade.


"Your face- it is a mess." I lean over to her. "Right here." I point to the edge of her mouth, close the gap and put some whipped creme from my milkshake onto her face.

"Miles!" She starts to wipe her face but I grab her hand to stop her.

"Let me, okay?" I lean over just a bit and literally lick her face. My tongue connects with her cheek. It's sweet and I know she hated it which makes it ten times better.

"Agh." Diana with all her strength pushes me away acting incredibly mad, but the playful smile on her face gives her away. "Fuck you."

"Did you just say fuck?"

"What's the problem?"

"It sounded funny coming from you."

"Of fuck you."

I am in love with her.


Diana exists my car after an intense battle of who can take control of a very nice kiss. Nice can't describe it.

"Hola mami," I say as I open the door and see mami cleaning the floors; Alejandro not far away from her doing the same. "Alejandro." Clorox, detergent, and cinnamon surround the air as I enter the house.

"You know what happened today?" Alejandro drops his mop and walks over to me on the couch. He looks over at mom before looking back at me. "Some stupid guy called me Alex. Said my name was too difficult to pronounce."

Mami and I give each other side glances before bursting out laughing. "Your mad because some kid called you Alex? I'm pretty sure that's how you say Alejandro in English stupid."

"Dude, it kills off the whole Hispanic vibe."He throws his head back and groans. At times I forget that Alejandro can be even more dramatic than Clarissa. Speaking of, I have no clue where she is.

"Y Clarissa?" I ask mami feeling tiny water droplets hit my leg letting me know she just splashed the whole floor.

"Su cuarto mi amor. She's been in her room all this time." I excuse myself and leave Alejandro rambling on and on about how he hates Alex. Mami will soon kick him out of the room so she can clean in peace as her boleros play in the background.

I grab a fluffy teddy bear from Clarissa's bed and throw it to the back of her head. "Hola princesa."

"Ow!" She looks away from her book and back to me. She scowls and rolls her eyes. "Ugh, it's you."

"Not the reaction I was expecting."

"What do you want?" I notice the change in her mood. She usually gets like this after the girls in her class are mean to her. I wish Clarissa would stand up to them; use the little fire inside her I know she has. I love my sister way too much and seeing her get hurt by some stupid girls breaks my heart. So I do what any older brother would do. Bring up the topic of love because I know she loves it. See what I did there?

I grab the teddy bear from the floor and place it back on the bed. The mattress inclines downwards as I sit in her perfectly made bed. Her cushions feel up my back as I lower myself onto them.

"Hypothetically, if I were to take Diana on a date" She looks back at me, her eyes already twinkling with happiness. "This is very hypothetically just in case... where could I take her. I mean like what would your dream date be?"

"You literally told me the other day that I couldn't date and now you want to hear about my dream one?" I laugh cause she's right. Such a smart mouth.

"Yes. that's exactly what I want."

"I don't know. I'd want something simple. Like the things you see in a movie or read about. A walk around the park, holding hands and then sitting in front of a lake. You know the lake in the center of the forest thirty minutes from here that mom took us last year?" I nod as I remember. The place was so beautiful and we wouldn't have found it if mom hadn't gotten lost. "I'd go there. And then we'll drive back and we'll watch a movie. Not like Netflix and chill, more like hugging the whole time, him playing with my hair, and then me falling asleep on top of him." She finishes talking her eyes glowing with pride as she thinks about her dream date. Up until that moment, I didn't know what a helpless romantic everyone in my family really is.

"I like it." 

Literally crying thinking how their story is slowly coming to an end. I still have to write the epilogue, but I'm unsure from who's POV I'm doing it. I've been getting asked whether or not this will be turned into a series following Alejandro and Clarissa... thats a great question I still don't know the answer to. I have both books outlined and I really want to write them, but idk yet. 

Thats all for today. Hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in a few days. 

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