Chapter 8: A Game Of Lives. Class Trial

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I was going to make the mastermind pay when this ended! That I would make sure of. It was now time for the trial and I had no idea what to say, but it was time to find out who once again betrayed there fellow classmates. I didn't want to do this anymore! To be betrayed over and over again, to continously have to out my friends and witness all this death and destruction, I was sick of it! I wasn't the only one though, and I put a comforting hand on Shuichi's shoulder as he started the conversation. "The first thing we need to discuss is..." "It's gotta be Hiro!" I turned to look at Akane, who was breathing heavily and looked very sure of herself. Nekomaru attempted to calm her down, but I just sighed. I liked Akane, but it was so obviously clear it couldn't be Hiro that it wasn't even funny. "I tried to calm myself down and think but was once again relieved when Celeste said, "At first I thought it was Hiro too, but something just seems off about this." However, there were people who were absolutely convinced it was Hiro and I knew we would have to prove the truth if we wanted to make it out of here alive. Miu shot, "Hiro was the one in the robo justice suit, so thaat meaaans..."


"That doesn't neccesarily mean he's the culprit," I countered. We haven't decided yet, but there is evidence that proves the one in the robo justice suit couldn't have committed this crime. "You tried the suit on, right Tsumugi?" I pressed and she nodded. "It's plain to see! Whoever made this has no respect for the art of cosplay! It's impossible to see your feet or even bend at the waist!" Hifumi agreed and I further explained it would be practically impossible to move around if you couldn't even see you're feet or bend at the waist. I hoped that would be the end of it, but unfortunately it wasn't. "Maybe so, but what about the handwritten notes we found?" Keebo protested and with Shuichi's help I reminded them of the note Hiro had given Gonta. His handwriting was different, and this seemed so much like Hiro was being framed. But by who? We should talk about Hyoko's death first, Shuichi said and I nodded. At first I thought that they were both killed by the same person because of how similar they were, but Shuichi had urged me to look at them as two seperate occurances instead of the same event. Whoever killed Hyoko used the trolly to move her body, so I explained it would have been kind of impossible to move the body that way. I then got kind of sick of Akane contiuing to bring it up, and Celeste became engaged in a debate with her. With Shuichi urging me on, I made a startling revalation. "Are you okay idiot?" I ignored the idiot part and explained. "From the evidence we've gathered so far, it would of been impossible for any of us to move her body. Everyone gasped in shock even though that's not what they needed at the moment. Shuichi continued prompting me. "Who moved her body then?" I didn't want to say it allowed, but I had no choice, "She moved herself." I explained she had been faking her death the first time we found her in the nurses office. However, not everyone believed it.

Scrum Debate: Who moved the body? Someone else/Herself

Sayaka: Couldn't someone else have moved the body?

Leon: What someone else? it wouldn't have been possible for anyone to do

Tenko: Are you acusing Hyoko?!

Makoto: Not really, but this does make Hyoko suspicious

Terruteru: Hyoko was small, anyone could have moved her

Kirumi: She might be small, but the circumstances would prevent that

Fuyuhiko: What are you talking about?! they used the trolly!

Maki: Evidence suggests the trolly could not of been used

Himiko: But there isn't proof she was dead at that point?

Kaito: No. In fact, the proof points the opposite direction, since the body discovery announcement was messed up.


I then explained the weirdness of the two body discovery announcements, and how that confirmed Byakuya had been killed before Hyoko, and then added extra information, which was how Hyoko's contacts had been mysteriously wiped clean for some reason. However, this gave us something we didn't want to believe, that Hyoko killed Byakuya! Terrible news aside though, we still had to find out who killed Hyoko, as they would be considered the blackened here. Akane was still mouthing off that it must have been Hiro, frustrating everyone here, especially me. Celseste suggested if might have been Akane, since she was so dead set on Hiro. I wasn't quite sure though. Akane definitely could have been trying to frame Hiro, but something really bothered me about it. For one, I just couldn't believe Akane would do something like that, but there was something else. I then explained about the photo and how I didn't think Akane could have forged it. Celeste then snapped at me, accusing me of helping, which really worried me. Shuichi and I explained that the photo with Robo justice was definitely staged, but I finally realized the only one who had the oppertunity to lead Hyoko along like this and then murder her. Someone who acted very strange during the robo justice thing.

Select Someone

"Celeste is the main suspect right now," I said, and the girl in question began yelling and swearing in a way very unlike her. Hajime then brought up that Celeste said something really weird and that's when I remembered. I explained she said we would be picked off one by one just like they were. That confused me at the time, but it now proved she was the killer since she shouldn't have known Byakuya was dead. "In a fit of panic, she yelled about Hyoko's last words, but I explained she was the only one not to tell us their real names, and she started fighting me very hard

Argument Argument: You have it wrong!

I cannot agree!

You are a fool!

So pathetic!

Lies will get you nowhere!

Away with you!

You miserable wretch!

You have it wrong!

I cannot agree!

You are a fool!

So pathetic!

Lies will get you nowhere!

Do your worst!

Away with you!

You miserable wretch!

My name is Celestia Ludenburg!

With Shuichi's help, I then brought up the fact of our digital notebooks. They show our given names when we power them on, and Celeste finally stopped screaming, though Hifumi had turned very pale white.


I was completely sick of this, and I still didn't understand how cheap cash could be worth murdering two of our friends, but I reluctantly wrapped up the case. "This crime started late last night, with two different perpetrators. Our culprit struck up a plan with Hyoko, and the two sent Hiro a note saying they found a way out. When he answered them, going to the rec room as they said, they drugged him with supplies from the nurses office and stuffed him in the robot suit. The conspirators then staged a couple of photos with the unconcious Hiro, and then stuck him in the closet in the rec room and left him there. They then slipped a note under Byakuya's door to meet them at 6:am. Byakuya recieved the note and went to the greenhouse to meet them, where Hyoko stabbed him with a knife that had been stolen from Maki's lab. This morning, all of us were told by Hyoko and the culprit that there was a dangerous robo-justice robot, causing all of us to run around the school looking for the suspicious individual. Then, three of us found Hyoko's body. What we didn't know was that Hyoko was actually not dead, and it was a plan between them and the culprit. After Byakuya's body was found, both bodies dissappeared, but the culprit used this and went to where Hyoko moved Byakuya's body. The culprit then betrayed Hyoko and murdered her using yet another knife from Maki-roll's lab. After stabbing Hyoko, they cleaned the knife and met back up with the rest of us. They thought they could decieve everyone, but left crucial evidence pointing in their direction." I then found myself facing the cuplrit once again, simply wondering how she was able to do this to two of her friends with that smile on her face. "And the villian behind it is, Celeste."

Closing Argument End

I was horrified, but somehow it didn't feel quite as bad as it did before. Was I starting to become used to this?! No it still horrified me, and I could tell I wasn't the only one. Maki was simply glaring daggers at the gambler, looking very murderous, and Shuichi was trembling, though he was holding himself together well. Fuyuhiko seemed to be a mix of both expressions and I wasn't sure what expression I had, just that I launched myself at Celeste. I considered myself to be a pretty nice guy, but both Byakuya and Hyoko were working to better themselves and maybe could start new lives, but it was ripped from the both of them. But before I could get there Mondo held me back and warned me against taking it too far. There was something very heavy in the way he said it, but I figured it wasn't my place to talk with him about it. However, someone did manage to get to Celeste and give her the slap of the century, and it was someone I never would have expected. "Why would you do something like that?! How could you manipulate so many people and murder like it means nothing too you?!" Tsumugi shouted, surpising me as she was normally pretty quiet. On the other hand though, she and Hifumi were pretty close, and Celeste constantly manipulated him. That's when Celeste explained how Celeste found Hyoko in the middle of the night and told her about Byakuya doing things to her that made me sick she would even pretend and I refuse to talk about. None of it was true, but Celeste convinced Hyoko that killing Byakuya was the only way to protect everyone. I didn't even know what to think and Hifumi looked destroyed. "B..but why did you have Hyoko do all that?" Chihiro asked and Celeste simply explained she convinced the dancer it was the only way to hide it, but that she found a way out for everyone. I turned to Fuyuhiko, who looked so down and I was just wondering who we had ticked off that they would make us go through such agony over and over again. "So betraying Hyoko was the plan from the beginning," Shuichi surmised, and I put a hand on his trembling shoulder. That's when she revealed her reason to kill two people in such an awful way, and I was even more disgusted than before. A castle! She killed two of our friends and reached for the money so she could live in a castle. It was the single most selfish motive I had seen, which was saying a lot at this point. As bad as the situation was though, I still didn't want Celeste to die. Maybe I'm just a hopeless dreamer but I still believed there was good in her somewhere. Not that she would ever get the chance though, because MONOKUMA IS EVIL AND I HATE HIM! "It's punishment time!" I stopped myself from lunging at the bear even though that's really all I wanted to do at this point.

Celeste has been found guilty. Time for the punishment

I tried to look away, but found myself unable to as the execution started. Celeste was then strapped to a large stake as a mideaval city was created around her. Celeste didn't even try to struggle when the monokuma bear lit up the stake she was bound to with a huge flame. She simply waited there, not with happiness, but a grim contentment that she would die and a grand way that would be remembered. Then she turned and felt actuall fear when she saw the huge truck coming toward her before she could burn to death, and it collided with her.

I was shocked, horrified, and yet there was also a dull sort of numbness that I really didn't like. Celeste, or Taeko, was cruel and selfish, but I still hoped she could be helped, and believed she could be saved. I was starting to wonder if it was simply my naivete, but I firmly believed that. I firmly believed that. At least I thought I did. Did I? Of course I did, but It was time to leave the awful trial grounds and start some murder-proofing. I didn't want everyone to stay here obviously, but I wanted to make sure we were all here to escape together.

3o students remaining

Chapter 8 End

And that's the end of chapter 8. I'm so sorry for the people who wanted Byakuya or Celeste to survive, as it was never in the plan. However I really did love writing Byakuya, even though he was always meant to die here. So Kaito's going to try to prevent the next murder. Will he succeed? Who do you think will die next? Who will kill them? Who do you think is the mastermind?

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