Vulnerabilities - Chapter 20

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He stretched out on the bed while she dressed, turning his back to her for privacy, he thought over their conversation. 'It was me' she had said and some things suddenly fell into place. Derek immediately understood why she had reacted to his wolf side like she had. She too had a dark side. A dangerous and usually well hidden one. So she actually had been able to relate to him on a deeper level than any other human ever could, no matter how hard they tried. Not that he was sure any longer that she was entirely human. 

He remembered the times where he hadn't been able to control the wolf, where he still had fought for dominance over his animal side before he – after long years of learning - finally had been able to merge both parts of his personality into the person he was now. It had brought him great peace to be able to do so, something she probably never would be able to find.

He also thought back to the time where the fire had killed almost everyone of his family. He only had hazy memories of the months that had followed but he knew that he hadn't been in control then. Only the presence of his older sister Laura had prevented him from actually going on a killing rampage. He had been close to killing everything and everyone crossing his path so he, of all, knew everything about having a dark side and no control over it. In his case though, there always had been the prospect and the hope of learning how to deal with it. He wasn't sure if this was the case for her.

The way she behaved when telling him confirmed his suspicions about it though and he felt the urge to reach out to her as she had done to him when she had seen him for the first time but he had no idea how. She was sending mixed signals all the time. Keeping him out entirely one moment and then allowing him an intimate glance into her soul before pushing him out again.

He was aware about the possibility for her to turn into something else now and from now on would make sure to trust his senses much earlier. As soon as she'd change her scent again, he'd be on the run. But he didn't think that this actually happened randomly. It definitely had been triggered by this venom that had been injected into her body. At least this time.

He turned to look at her when she spoke.  She looked stunning in it but he didn't think that she'd be susceptible to compliments. "You look beautiful," he still said though, unknowingly matching her thoughts with his next words, "not very practical but beautiful." His body was already heavy, as were his eyelids, he was barely able to keep them open any longer. He was beyond exhausted and he figured that she must feel the same. He studied her for a moment when she repeated her offer for answers and shook his head. "No more questions," he only said. "I am done with asking them. As you said before, you are here to watch over me and that's it. I don't know why you are holding back the things you do but you certainly have a reason for it. I trust you to tell me everything I need to know and will not pry into your privacy otherwise any longer. I am more than happy if you share your thoughts with me but accept it if you don't."

It already cost him a tremendous effort, but he shifted to the far side , making space for her on the bed next to him. "I would offer to sleep on the ground but I don't think I can get up again," he then mumbled, the first sleepiness showing in his words. "Just put that knife away, please," his voice was slurred now, while Derek already was falling asleep his eyes slowly falling shut but there was something else he wanted to say and he forced them open again. "And I am not scared of you, Sophie" he then added, referring to the revelation of her dark side. "You are not going to hurt me." And with those words his exhausted body finally won the fight over his mind and he immediately sank into a deep sleep.

Sophie's  eyes moved longingly over the space he made for her to join him on the bed but she stayed rooted to the spot. She listened to his breathing and when it deepened she turned away from him and walked to the window to peer outside. This hut was unprotected. There were no boards over the windows, the door left a lot to be desired for security. For extra measure, she found herself pushing the table up against it. Should Louis or another advanced come calling, it wouldn't hold him back but at least it'd delay him enough to wake Derek and prepare themselves.

She didn't like it. She felt vulnerable and on this island, that was the last thing anyone wanted. Her paranoia rose along with that feeling and she soon found herself pacing between the two largest windows, constantly watching, constantly ready. Having a mind that refused to turn off, sleep was near impossible unless she was exhausted. Which she was, but not to the extent she had been when sharing his bed before.

Now there was a new fear that pumped adrenaline through her veins. She was terrified of turning again. Of killing him. He was a job and she'd lost chosen ones before but this was different. He was different. If there was anyone that Eden needed, it'd be him and she'd die a thousand times over before she allowed anyone or anything keep her from delivering him.

Trying to busy herself, she looked through the tiny kitchen in the corner and found a couple canned items. Wiping the dust from their labels, she grimaced but sighed in resignation. "Beans it is." She was starving so she didn't have the luxury of being picky. After opening the can she settled down in one of the chairs facing the window to eat. It was going to be a long night and all she was thinking about was what Derek had said.

His willingness to let her hold onto her secrets and confide in him if and when she wanted reminded her of someone from her past. It also told her just how difficult of a person she really was. It was no wonder so many people disliked her. Not that it would make her change. She liked to believe she held onto her secrets for a good reason and she liked her privacy. Her emotions often steered her choices but she would never allow them to leave her vulnerable to anyone. Never again.

A couple hours had passed with her stewing in her own thoughts. The now empty can sat beside her on the floor. She was still staring out into the darkness. Nothing had moved. There were no sounds of the dead and where at first that realization alarmed her, she was now embracing it and relaxing a little. Perhaps they'd been given a break?

Behind her, the empty space in the bed beckoned. Not only for the luxury of sleep but for the companionship of sharing it. However small the trinket, she'd be foolish not to accept. Once she was back inside Eden's walls, the distance she placed mentally and emotionally also became a physical burden she absolutely loathed. She enjoyed the physical comfort of another just as much as the next.

Opting out of guard duty for the rest of the night, she stood from the chair and moved around it to join him on the bed. Feeling the heat of his back against her own actually soothed her in a way that was indescribable. Surprisingly, she found herself lulled to sleep by the soft, rhythmic press of his back against hers with every deep breath. She focused on it and before long found herself falling beneath the spell and giving into the sleep that awaited. 

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