25 ~ The Drug-Lord's Nerd

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"Wait the fuck"

"How'd you know him"

We both said at the same time and for a moment we just went quiet

Just silent

"My aunt went out with your dad"

"Oh my god no wonder I recognised her from somewhere, they were literally the most in love people alive" he said

"Geez I sound sus" he said and I laughed

"So where is your dad"

"I'll meet you in 10 minutes" he said and hung up

If my parents catch him here

We're both dead

"What did I tell you about Luke, leave it" Beth said walking in

"You dated rios dad, he can get us to jade and you can get him back"

"I don't want him back"

"Rio said you two were literally in love, you broke up because he went prison, you can get him back"

"And risk putting my daughter in danger"

"He'd never do that, he's literally been ghost for two years" I said

"Get the bitch who shot you first and then we'll see" she said

"But remember"

I looked up at her

"I always got your back" she said

"Where's Natalie anyway"

"At her dads for a week or two, just until your parent drama calms itself down" she said and I nodded and when she left I saw Rio at the window and I let him in

"Give me your phone" he said and I did and he shoved them in my pillows

Put another cover over it and shoved it into my bathroom and turned some songs on in the background in the toilet

"What's going on"

"My dads in Monte Carlo, I don't know they aren't looking for him but I still don't trust anything being said around things that could be tapped"

"He was literally a crazy drug lord, he can find out where jade is, I can shoot the bitch and hopefully get him to meet my aunt again" I said and he nodded

"I can't take you to Italy without your parents knowing and it would be nice to meet my dad after so long"

"I'll think about it" he said and I nodded and he left


He closed my window and I headed downstairs and sat on the chair

Beth sat next to me as my parents sat opposite both of my parents started eating

"How you feeling"

"I'm okay just kinda tired" I said and after I had eaten I went to the kitchen but instead I was dragged upstairs and into bed

"No college tomorrow I don't care what they say you can go the day after" she said

Fine by me

I watched Sherlock on Netflix for most of the night until I had fallen asleep and woke up mid day the next day

I felt like shit

I went to the bathroom to realise my shoulder was bleeding

I put on a tank top and started cleaning the wound

After I had brushed my teeth I tried to put some bandages over it and when I opened the door a grown man sat on my seat

"Um who are you"

"Uh sweetie let me help you" he said and started wrapping the bandage and tying it up

"So your the girl my son keeps talking about"

"Wait mr castel" I said

"Just call me Luke" he said

I could see it

The looks and everything

It was basically Rio if he was 40

My son called my last night said you both needed some help

"I was shot and I want to find the girl who done it" I said

"That's it"

"And to also meet you to my aunt" I said and he raised an eyebrow

"Elizabeth" I said and he softened down so quick it was like watching ice melt in seconds

"Wait my Elizabeth" he said and just then she walked in and screamed

Hopefully it was happiness

She started crying and he got up and hugged her

"Oh baby how much I missed you" he said hugging her and she laughed while crying

"I hate you for leaving me" she said and he stroked her hair while they just stood there hugging

It was adorable

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