The Next Phase

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Her eyes were wide as their lips met.

It was a soft kiss, a tentative one, as he waited for her to object. His lips were soft and dry, and as he pulled away, ever so slowly, their eyes locked.

She should have just admitted she was scared, she realized. Because her fears had just been confirmed, and now, she couldn't stop herself.

Chiisai found herself pressing closer as the warmth in her belly became like a fire in her veins, all because of his stupid touch.

The moment snapped, and they both moved at the same time. Mouths locking, hands gripping, bodies pressed together. Their lips moved in a steady rhythm, and Kakashi pressed his knee further up between her legs. She gasped at the pressure, and his teeth caught her lower lip as she wove her fingers through his hair.

Her body buzzed like electricity under his touch, and she wanted more of it, more of him.

His hands slid down her back and cupped the bottom of her thighs. He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around him, her feet locking together.

"This feels...way too good," she breathed. Her chest pressed into his vest, and she realized there with dissatisfaction that there were too many layers between them. Kakashi caught his lips against his, silencing her with a deep kiss.

They fell back on the bed, with Kakashi on top of her. She pressed her hips against him, the temptation too great. Their tongues intertwined, and he growled against her lips, his body flushed with hers, hips grinding, bodies hot and desperate for the other.

It wasn't enough. She arched her back, and his tongue trailed up her neck, his breath hot in her ear, consuming her senses. His left hand slipped up her shirt, and the other hand curled around her wrist.

I will make you suffer.

Her eyes snapped open, and she froze, her eyes searching for any sign of her father.

No, she realized, it was a memory. Of Kakashi in a tunnel, being controlled by her father, and he had leaned into her ear, his breath hot.

Her neck had started to sweat from anxiety, and she realized that she was laying horizontal on the bed, with Kakashi on top of her, and her body wanted more, craved it, and it felt...right.

Kakashi, sensing the change, pulled away, searching her face. He cupped the side of her cheek and asked, "Chiisai?"

They both breathed heavy, their lips swollen, their eyes locked. Finally, she pressed her hand to his chest, and Kakashi pulled away as she sat up.

He furrowed his brows. "Are you alright?"

No, she wasn't, because whatever desire this was had taken hold of her too quickly, too wildly, and had run rampant in the dream world.

She took a deep breath and scooted off the bed. Her body still buzzed with adrenaline, and she fought to control her senses. "Let's pretend this never happened, alright? It''ll be easier that way, for the both of us." Her voice had dropped, and she cursed herself for being so out of breath.

Kakashi shook his head. "We need to talk about this."

She straightened her clothes and said, "No, we don't. And whatever mission this is about, just-just tell me tomorrow."

Gods, what had they just done? She ran her hand through her hair, attempting to look somewhat in control.

"This is about the mission," he said. "And you said you wouldn't run away."

She gestured between them. "We both know whatever this is would never work out, Kakashi. We're complete opposites, and I would drive you crazy with my messiness, by bad eating habits- everything. And any relationship with you would be public, and it would draw too much attention, and that can't happen."

Good- she had spoken clear logic, meaning she still had at least one working brain cell left.

"Can't it? Maybe we need to draw attention."

She paused, searching his face, looking at his  lips, the heat on his face. "What are you saying?"

Kakashi said, "After you leave the bunker, you're going to need protection, protection anbu can't offer currently."

She ran her hand through her hair and replied, "What, am I going to be living with- Oh." She stood still, and her voice dropped. "Do not tell me what I think this is."

Kakashi sighed at her expression. "I'm still your medical aide, and if I live with you, most people won't believe that pretense. However, if we make it a public relationship, everyone will want to know you, and Danzo won't be able to act without drawing attention to himself."

She thrust her hand out. "This is insane."

He jammed his hands into his pockets, talking as if it were fact. "I've looked into other options, but so far, this is the best one we've got."

"And Lady Tsunade agreed to this ridiculous plan?"

"Of course, she suggested it."

She shook her head. "Okay, well, I'm going back to the dream world where everything makes sense."

"I understand it's a lot to take in."

"Really?" She said. Chiisai placed her hand on her hip. "How am I supposed to let everyone get to know me? And how am I going to even look at them without having a panic attack? I can't do this, I'm not ready."

"And you think I'm ready?" He asked.

She paused, searching his face. "Certainly more than I am."

He sank down in the bed and stared down at his hands. "Do you know what I was doing when you were chained to the dream tree?"

"You were trapped like me," she said.

"Yes, but I escaped those chains easily," he replied. "I even managed to ignore my worst memories. But then an illusion of you appeared, distracted me." He didn't meet her eyes.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

Kakashi sighed. "You were getting tortured in the dream world, while the illusion of you kissed me. I failed you because of my emotions, and now, I have to protect you while still having those same feelings." He paused as he shook his head. "I just got you back, and I'm already fearful I'll lose you again, and it'll be my fault."

She ran her hand through her hair and took a deep breath. His words had been open and honest, and they struck her heart.

"Give me time," she finally said. "To process all of this. And you're not going to lose me, alright?"

He nodded, and Chiisai disappeared, going back into the dream world.

She stood in front of the dream tree once more, and she took anotherdeep breath. Her limbs were shaking, her knees wobbly, and she pressed her hand against the rough bark of the tree, steadying herself.

She had made out with Kakashi Hatake, and now she was about to be forced to live with him again, under a romantic guise that she was pretty confident wasn't a guise.

Her face was heated, and she brushed her hair back. She shoved her desire down, refusing to acknowledge it, because this was obviously a mistake.

She wasn't ready for this. Any of it. And neither was Kakashi.

The twisting bark was rough under her skin, and she closed her eyes, remembering crimson chakra and Sharingan eyes.

The tree pulsed underneath her hand, and a vein started to glow. It traveled up the base, twisting around the trunk and up a tall branch. Chiisai followed after it, her feet sticking to the tree as she jogged perpendicular to the ground.

There, on a high branch, was a glowing orb. She was quick to step into it, and it wasn't long before a figure stepped forward, and the scenery changed around them.

Itachi sat in the shade of a tea shop, and two sets of plates sat in front of him. Colorful dango adorned them, and two steaming drinks appeared.

"I heard about what happened," he said. "It seems we have a lot of catch up on." He gestured to the bench across from him.

Chiisai sat down, and the wood creaked under her weight. A breeze ran through the open window, and bells rang from the chimes strung above them.

"I did what you said," she replied. "I made my Will of Fire strong again. My abilities are under control, and I'm working under Lady Tsunade."

"Good," he smiled. He took a sip of his tea. "My organization attempted to look into what caused the sleeping incident, but they found no leads. You're doing a good job keeping a low profile."

Her smile was tight as she stared down at her coffee. "That's why I'm here," she replied. "I know you're six years younger than I am, but...I need your advice."


Kakashi stood by the door as Lady Tsunade and Chiisai sat opposite each other. Shizune stood with Tonton in her arms, and their expressions reflected his own- worry.

Because the two most stubborn women he knew were about to start their meeting, and the tension in the room made the air heavy, almost cuttable with a knife.

The Hokage hadn't liked the report he had given her- that Chiisai needed time to think, and he hadn't even gotten halfway through his prepared speech. He had been an idiot. The speech had instantly been thrown out the window the moment she had stepped into his mind.

She had been beautiful and breathtaking in the light of his room, and all logic had drained out his head at the sight of her.

He had done well in reality, keeping his distance, minimizing physical contact. But the dream world was a realm of possibilities, and he had taken a chance at the impossible. He had kissed her, and she had kissed him back. The memory was vivid, and he found himself replaying it in his head, and desire crept up inside him, warm and unsatiated.

Kakashi shook his head and reigned in his emotions. He would need the upmost self-control in the coming days and months. Obito must be laughing at him in the afterlife. Kakashi had certainly set himself up for failure, hadn't he?

"Chiisai," the Hokage began, "you said at one time that you would like to work with us. Does that offer still stand?"

Her eyes found Tsunade's. "Yes."

Nodding, she replied, "Good. There are only four people who know your secret, not counting Itachi Uchiha, and I want to keep it that way. How did you hide working under the Third?"

She replied, "The Sandaime had regular open meetings with me after my parents' deaths. We made it look like he was just concerned for my post-traumatic stress." Chiisai shifted her feet, not looking any of them in the eye now. "Later, my information was mediated through Itachi."

Their words were to the point, their voices emotionless. It was clear no one liked the situation they were in.

Lady Tsunade said, "Your report from the sleeping incident says you had contact with him. Will Itachi be a problem?"

She shook her head. "Itachi won't be an issue."

She had said the Uchiha's name like a friend, and concern grew in Kakashi's mind. He had to trust that she was telling the truth, that she wouldn't visit him in the dream world. But Tori came to mind, and he wondered just how much Itachi cared for Chiisai. After all, he had sent the ninneko to help them. Kakashi still couldn't wrap his head around it, especially after what Itachi had recently done to his own brother.

"Keeping you safe is the number one priority," Lady Tsunade said. "We cannot let you fall into the wrong hands. Unfortunately, you do not have the training or the experience to ensure your own safety." She paused as she brought her hands together. "Normally, we would place ANBU to monitor you, however, Danzo has already infiltrated the bunker once through them. Therefore, we plan on having you hidden in plain sight." She looked up at Kakashi before adding, "Kakashi mentioned he had discussed our plan with you."

"Yes," Chiisai said. She shifted in her seat and continued, "He'll be the mediator between us, and we'll be living together under a romantic pretense." She said everything with a calmness that made Kakashi even more alert.

"This is not a typical mission," Lady Tsunade replied, "however, Kakashi is the only one here who can counter your abilities, and we need him close to you."

"I understand," she nodded.

Kakashi's eyebrows furrowed slightly. This was not like her at all. Where was the denial, the bargaining?

The Hokage was quick to tilt her head to the side. "So, you're alright with this?"

She nodded, and it took Kakashi by surprise. He remained still as she said, "I'll continue working for you under this arrangement, but I want some things in return."

"Ah," the Hokage nodded. "And what is that?"

"I get to keep working at the library and live in my apartment. There will be a contract that both Kakashi and I sign with a standard set of rules while we share a living space. We can discuss those rules together."

"You seem to have thought this through." Lady Tsunade's gaze flickered to Kakashi. "Your thoughts?"

He shrugged and said, "It sounds reasonable enough."

Chiisai furrowed her brows and looked back at him. "Wait."

There was a moment of silence. He and Lady Tsunade exchanged glances, and Chiisai froze.

Her eyes widened, and she said, "I've been in a secret underground bunk for three months, and I haven't paid rent, and my emergency contact is dead."

Chiisai looked up at them and said, "All of my stuff is gone, isn't it? My clothes, my furniture, my books."

Kakashi was quick to say, "It's been taken care of. You may be missing some things- there was a break in a couple of months ago, but most of your things are intact or have been replaced." He didn't mention the landlord's sale, or how Kakashi now paid for her place.

She'd found out soon enough. He had already taken some liberties with her space- replacing broken furniture, reorganizing her things, replacing stock items in her pantry. Not to mention he needed space for his own things, along with his ninja tools.

She sighed, sinking further into the chair. "Thank you." She took a breath and said, "I was worried there for a bit. Was the break in because it was vacant? Did they steal any books?"

"I don't think those were their priority," he said, amused. "We aren't sure what their motives were, but there hasn't been an incident since." Thanks to his presence, of course, but he didn't clarify.

She was taking this all extremely well, and he was waiting for her to break down, to yell in a heat of anger- something.

"What else should I know?" She asked.

The Hokage reached inside her pocket and pulled out a pill bottle. "Regarding your health. You had a seizure here once, and you claimed you were sucked into a dream. I'm afraid once you return to normal living, your seizures will inevitably increase. I've designed these pills to combat that. I also want you to see Shizune weekly to check on your health."

"Sounds simple enough," Chiisai said. Her eyes shot up to Shizune, and she offered her a smile.

The two were slowly developing a friendship, and Kakashi was grateful for it.

Lady Tsunade rose to her feet. "I need to get going. You and Kakashi will need to work out the details of the contract. I'll have one made once he sends me the outline. Your next mission is on hold until you're moved in."

Chiisai nodded. Shizune gave an awkward wave to her as the two of them left the room. Kakashi stood still, and after the two left, Chiisai placed her elbows on the table, holding her face in her hands.

"You took all of that extremely well," He said.

She took a deep breath and shook her head. "I'm struggling here, Farm Boy. Did I at least sound confident in front of Lady Tsunade?"

"You sounded perfectly put together," he replied.

"I thought about this all night," she replied. "I made a list and everything."

"The contract was smart." He stepped forward and sat down beside her. "I take it you want me to do the cooking?" He asked.

She looked up at him, and a smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "If you don't, we'll both starve."

He chuckled. "Maybe I'll finally get you to eat properly. Are you really okay with all of this?"

She laughed, and finally he could see her anger shine in her eyes. "Hell no, but I have to accept it, don't I?"

He studied her face for a moment before saying, "Have you thought about other facets of this? You'll have to call me your boyfriend, you know."

She huffed and said, "I planned on being a very reserved woman. I'll hold your hand, give you a peck in the cheek, but that's as far as I go."

He inclined his head towards her. "And last night?"

His face was far too close to her, and she pulled away. "We're not going to talk about it."

"Chiisai, we'll be living together. You don't think there's going to be some temptation with that?"

Her eyes found his. "Absolutely not."

"I think you'll be quite surprised when you move back in," he said, a hint of a smile on his face.

Heat rose to her face, but she replied, "Last night was a lapse of judgement," she replied, her voice hard. "Just keep your mask on around me, and everything will be fine."

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "So that's your weakness- my face."

"That's not what I meant," she scolded. Her face grew redder, and he smiled.

He leaned forward and simply said, "But it's what you implied."

Chiisai leaned away from him, and she looked away. "Gods, you're so full of yourself, you know that?"

"I think you enjoy it."

"You're crazy."

"Well, you better start getting use to it." He smiled and pressed his masked lips to her cheek. He pulled back and added, "You are my girlfriend, after all."

She gasped at his words, her eyes wide, and Kakashi's smile widened to a grin. She scolded him and placed her hands on the table.

"I don't know how I'm going to survive this, Farm Boy. This...arrangement is going to be tough."

"You've been through worse," he replied. He reached for her hand, and thankfully, she didn't pull away. "And I'll help you with anything you need."

She stared down at their hands. "This...we'll figure this out, right?"

He smiled again, and his thumb traced over her skin. "Of course."

Their gaze held, and Kakashi leaned forward. She watched, as if in slow motion, as he brought his masked lips to hers.

Even with the fabric separating them, he still felt the warmth of her skin. For a second, she froze under his touch, but it wasn't long before she returned the kiss.

He didn't deserve it, he knew, but he couldn't stop himself.

She pulled away, and for the first time in a long time, his chest felt lighter. Even when she muttered this was going to end in a disaster. But looking at Chiisai, seeing her smile, for the first time in even a longer time, he felt hope.

End of The Dream Devourer

6/4/22 Author's note: thank you so much for reading! This was so fun to go back and edit, and the story's changed so much from when I first posted on Hopefully it's better. 😭 Please let me know what you thought of the story!

I'm in the process of editing the next part of this trilogy, and it'll likely be a few weeks before it's ready! I'm still making pictures too.

Y'all are amazing, and I'm so thankful y'all stuck with this. It may venture to a mature trilogy, but I'm still debating, haha. What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments!

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