Chapter Three Amber's POV

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I woke up in my room in the TARDIS. I thought to myself "How did I get back to my room? The last thing I remember is being in Amelia's house." Then the Doctor came into my room with Captin Jack. Then I sat up. The Doctor said "Amber, this is Captin Jack, Jack this is Amber." I said "Hello Jack". Jack asked me "Amber do you remember anything?" I replied "Yes Jack I do. Doctor what happened the last thing I remember is being in Amelia's house talking to my other friends." The Doctor and Jack stared at each other for a minute then finally the Doctor said "Amber, you passed out at your friend's house." I just stared at him then after a few minutes I told the Doctor that I wanted to get some more sleep so Jack and the Doctor left my room so I could rest.

The Doctor's POV

I had walked out of Amber's room thinking of something. When Jack asked "Who tried to kill Amber?" I said "Someone named Kyana." Jack looked like he had seen a ghost but when I asked him what was wrong he just looked down. So I said "Jack every little bit of information could help me protect Amber." Jack then told me what I need to be told..

Kyana's backstory. Jack said "Kyana had been my friend before I left in the TARDIS with you and Violet. Kyana had told me of Amber and what she had done and Kyana told me that one day she would get revenge on Amber by hurting her and her family." I just sat there thinking hard about what I had been told. Jack added in one more important bit on infromstion "Kyana had also told me that she would kill Amber if she had to." Then there was a knock on the TARDIS door. I said "Thst's odd...who knocks on the door of a blue box?" Then Jack opened the door and said "Oh uh...Kyana it's you what are you doing here?" Kyana just said "Amber where is she I know she's in this box!" Jack said "Nope no Ambers in this box hay Doctor any Ambers in this box?" I said "Nope no Ambers in here." Kyana pushed Jack out of the way and said "I have some unfinished business to take care of!" I walked in front of Kyana and pushed her out of the TARDIS slamed the door and flipped levers and pushed buttons as fast as I could.

Amber's POV

I woke up and got out of bed. I walked into the control room. The Doctor seemed to be moving faster then usual. I ignored that and asked "Did Kyana get into the TARDIS?" The Doctor looked at me and asked "Yes, Amber how did you know that?" I just shrugged and said "Lucky guess. So then Doctor where are we headed to? "The Doctor said "We're headed to Barcelona." I said "Okay cool."

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