Chapter Eight

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Amber's POV

When I woke up I got dressed right away! I put on my favorite sweater, jeans, my favorite socks, shoes, and I put my pink hair into a spiky bun as it always is. I opened the door to my room, and saw a small velvet box. I picked up the box and closed my door. In the  box there was a silver locket just like the one I had  to break. I opened the locket and the picture was of Jack, the Doctor, the TARDIS, and Cole. Under the locket had been a note. I opened the note and read, "This one isn't cursed! We promise!  ~ The Doctor and Jack" I smiled and put the locket and velvet box into my "wonderful box of memories."

Jack's POV

The Doctor and I felt bad after Amber had to break her locket so, we got her a new one. We made sure that it wasn't last time. Around 5:00 A.M. Amber got out of her room. She walked to the kitchen and got some orange juice, cereal, and a banana. When she was done eating she cleaned the table and washed all of the dishes. Cole got up around 5:30 A.M. he only had a glass of milk and an apple. When the Doctor got up all he did was set the TARDIS to go back to present day London.

The Doctor's POV

Before anything happened I was going to return Cole to present day London. Jack already knew what I was going to do. I wasn't going to tell Amber about my plan to take Cole back to present day London though. When the TARDIS landed I handed Cole a shopping list and asked, "Cole can you please go get this stuff?" Of course, he said yes. When he got out of the TARDIS I was about to take off when Amber came in and asked, "Where's Cole? I have something for him." I couldn't leave Cole and Amber! I also couldn't upset Amber so, I told her that he went to get food for the TARDIS. Amber said, "Oh okay."

Amber's POV

I quitely walked back to my room. I looked at the paper manche flowers that I made for Cole. Then I remembered that my birthday was in two days and I was turning twenty six. I had also remembered that Cole had something he wanted to ask me on my birthday. I hadn't realized that someone had knocked on my door until he asked, "Amber are you alive?" I replied, "Yes I'm alive, Cole!" He asked if he could come in and of course I said yes. Cole came in and said, "The Doctor told me that you have something for me." I said, "Yes, yes I do." I handed Cole the colorful paper manche flowers I had made him.

Cole's POV

When Amber handed me the flowers I didn't know what to say except, "These flowers are beautiful!" Amber blushed then we started to talk about flowers, as I sat next to her.

Le time skip to the day before Amber's birthday

Jack's POV

I knew that the Doctor couldn't leave Cole because it would've upset Amber.  Be sides Amber's birthday was in one day and of course she would want her friend there. The Doctor set the TARDIS to go to early Japan.

Amber's POV

When the TARDIS landed I was the first one out. Cole and Jack had said that they wanted to go back to sleep so they stayed in the TARDIS. When I got out someome pulled me away from the others and the TARDIS. I tried to scream but the person stuck a needle in my arm and everything went black.

The Doctor's POV

When I got out of the TARDIS Amber was gone. I thought, "When will my companions learn not to wonder off?!" ThenI looked down for a moment and saw a paper that said, "Thanks for the girl! She'll be great target practice!" I also saw foot prints so I followed them to a dark house. I walked into the house and found another note that said, "Ha look no further and go back the way you  came! The girl is back were you started, but there may be a murder!" I ran back to the TARDIS as fast as I could but when I got back to the TARDIS I could tell I was too late. On the ground lay Amber with a sword in her side. She had bled to death.

Cole's POV

Jack and I heard someone crying outside of the TARDIS. It sounded like the Doctor! We ran out of the TARDIS to see why he was crying then I saw Amber, on the ground, dead one day before her birthday.

Jack's POV

I saw Amber's arm twitching. She just stood up, pulled the sword out of her side, and covered her wounded side with her hand, and stumbled into the TARDIS. Cole, the Doctor, and I were surprised to see that Amber survived a sword going through her side! How does she keep on surviving these things?! It's like the universe wants her to live...

The Doctor's POV

Amber had survived yet another  disaster! How does she keep surviving? Not like that's a bad thing. I picked up the sword and studied it careful not to miss anything. On the bottom of the handle I saw the initials B.D. . I knew who those initials belonged to but this must have been her grandmother Bonnie Dursley.

Le time reverse to before the Doctor came back to the TARDIS

Amber's POV

When I came to I was in a dark house. I was tied up in the strongest rope in that time period. I struggled to get out but the person who kidnapped me must have heard me moving around. She came over and stuck the needle in my arm again. Before the room went dark again I saw her face and she looked just like Bonnie.

Back to after the Doctor ran back to the TARDIS

Cole's POV

I shrugged, and walked to my room in the TARDIS to sleep.

Amber's POV

I had stumbled into the TARDIS,  and went to clean my wounded side when Jack woke me up. I mumbled, "Oh good it was just a dream!" Jack said, "Amber you weren't dreaming." I sat up and told Jack to please get out of my room. When Jack was out of my room I looked over at the clock and read 5:00 A.M. . I changed into my sweat shirt, my jeans, and my shoes and socks. I put on the locket that the Doctor and Jack got me, and walked out of my room.

The Doctor's POV

It was Amber's twenty sixth birthday... I had no idea what to do, I mean really I live in a TIMEMACHINE! I've never really celebrated someone's birthday before so... I just figured hay let's let Amber choose where we go today!

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