14. What Is His Life?

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Marvolo could have just entered the Malfoy Manor without the permission of the Lord, as he knows Abraxas has made sure his Magical signature is always welcomed into the Malfoy wards. But he didn't. After all, he has always relished in making the purebloods lose their composure since he was eleven. And at the news of the arrival of their master, The Dark Lord who apparently belonged to the realm of dead? Definitely worth the wait to watch the reaction first hand - Marvolo thought, sadistically amused and entertained by the way Lord Malfoy is staring ludicrously, pale as a white sheet, completely losing his composure. Especially when he sent a spark of Magic to his Dark Mark, so there is no mistake about his identity; even if they forgot how Lord Voldemort actually looked like behind the public snake façade. And without the Knight's robes and a mask covering his face, it was much easier to read him - which is exactly what he wanted. To actually see if the Malfoys are still loyal to the cause. Marvolo sniffed and narrowed his eyes suspiciously, is that guilt and fear in the air? Guilt for what exactly?

"M-my Lord!"

Lucius stumbled to stand from his seat and approached The Dark Lord on his knees and kissed his robes. "My Lord, y-you're back!"

"Lucius, my slippery friend," he whispered, not bothering to hide his dark amusement even though the anger and resentment he had been nurturing towards them is more pronounced, making Lucius flinch. Barty sneered at him, having grudges against him for being a coward; but he stayed silent, trusting his master to handle them. Marvolo smiled pleasantly, which didn't reach his cold and calculating red eyes, "I see you are all well. I am told that you have not renounced the old ways, though to the world you present a respectable face. Yet you never tried to find me, Lucius. You made sure to have a firm alliance with the current Minister, as much of waste of Magic he is... and hosting elegant parties concerning the Old Magic and the Dark Sect, but might not your energies have been better directed toward finding and aiding your master as well?" He chastised him.

"My Lord, I was constantly on the alert," came Lucius' trembling voice as he stood up on his feet and slowly backed away - as if he's afraid of making any sudden or wrong move - which might result in him end up on the floor, writhing in agony; the guilt and fear in the air getting stronger. And to be honest, if The Dark Lord didn't have half of his soul back, he would have crucio'd him. So he was right to be afraid of him. "Had there been any sign from you, any whisper of your whereabouts, I would have been at your side immediately, nothing could have prevented me - "

Marvolo hummed, before dismissing him and turned to look at Lady Malfoy who was standing few feet away and watching her husband's composure faux pas. Narcissa Malfoy née Black had always been calmer and cleverer than most of his Knights. He didn't Mark her as his follower as he needed her mostly for healing and other Rituals, where the presence of the Dark Mark might hinder her natural Magic flow. Also, Narcissa is more like a diplomat of his, an adviser, not a simpleton follower or frontline fighter even though he knows that she can kick their arrogant rears in one on one duel anytime. And he has always appreciated her for her sharp wits, intelligent mind, and Magical talent. As Narcissa caught his eyes, she bowed respectfully. Marvolo smiled at her, acknowledging her respect. "Narcissa," His voice was soft and warm, "how are you?"

"I am well, My Lord. And I am glad you are back in your optimal health and better stability." Ah, her sharp observations and sensitivity to Magic. How much he missed his true family. She smiled at him and turned towards Barty, "And Bartemius. I had been heartbroken to hear about your demise, but glad to hear that's not true."

Barty smirked, nodding his head at her, "Cissa." He has always liked her better than Lucius. She and her sister Bella has been his close friends since Hogwarts. Of course, the siren will recognize his Magical signature easily, "I go by the name Barthélemy now." he smirked.

"Barthélemy," Narcissa smirked back and nodded in approval, "That's why you transfigured your face," Barty smirked, but said nothing. His Lord had helped him permanently transfigure a few of his facial structures, like his nose, jawlines, and ears, and darkened his hair a few shades making him a brunet. Anyone who knew him before can not recognize him as the old Bartemius now, but his close cousin who looks a great deal like him.

Marvolo pulled out a few stacks of parchments from his pocket dimension. "There have been some recent developments which I wish to share with you. But before that, you would need to sign the secrecy contract, Narcissa."

Narcissa nodded, taking the parchments, and started to read them. It's not new for her to sign a secrecy contract for some of his covert operations. Besides, it might not be a piece of public knowledge, but Lady Malfoy is an excellent natural Healer. Her work in the medicinal field is unparalleled and she is used to consulting with other healers about serious cases under strict secrecy contracts.

"As for you, Lucius," He said and gently touched his follower's left forearm. With a whispered Parselspell, he poured his Magic in the Mark which will stop him from spilling anything to any other soul. It's a tricky little spell that he invented while he was still in Hogwarts. This way, he doesn't have to prepare a secrecy contract or extract a vow for every little secret or idea that he has shared with the elites. Lucius winced a little as the Mark flared and settled into his skin, lacing and binding with his Magic.

"My Lord," he bowed when Marvolo stepped back.

Marvolo accepted the signed contract from Narcissa and send it to back his pocket dimension. Narcissa put her blood quill away, looking solicitous and a little anxious. She knows it must be really important if the Dark Lord had set up the such a tight leash on the contract. She has been both amazed and horrified to read the severe consequences that will follow if she ever violated the contract.

"Master," Lucius took his attention before he opened his mouth, "We crave to know... we beg you to tell us... how you have achieved this... this miracle... how you managed to return to us..."

"Ah, what a story it is, Lucius," says The Dark Lord, "And it begins with a certain young boy." He watched as they both straighten up at that. Marvolo smiled, "You know, of course, that on Samhein in '81, a Potter brat has been declared as my downfall?"

"Jim Potter." Lucius spat. Barty sneered at the name.

Marvolo looked at them, amused, then shook his head. "Harry Potter."

"Pardon?" They gaped at him, including Barty who hasn't heard the full story yet.

"Harry Potter, the elder of the Potter twins. You surely remember there were three children declared as possible threats in the future according to the Prophecy? The Potter twins and the Longbottom. The Samhein night when I went to the Potters, it was Harry Potter, who's defensive Magic disabled me temporarily. Not Jim Potter - as they believe."

The stunned silence was deafening as they processed the new information, starting to have doubts concerning the veracity of the whole story they've heard in the rumors. Then it was Lucius who spoke up, "But, My Lord, there has been no words about Harry Potter since the night. It was as if he disappeared from the surface of the Earth."

"Oh he did, didn't he?" Marvolo smirked and they widened their eyes. Marvolo didn't comment further, letting them believe that he has killed Harry Potter. That the so-called  real  'Saviour of Wizarding World' is no longer alive - which is true enough. Hadrianus is not Harry Potter anymore - has not been since he was almost two, and he will never stand against him, he would make sure of that.

Marvolo kept an eye on Barty, who surely recalled the incident where he learned Hadrianus was not his son in blood, and that his name was 'Harry' before he changed it. Barty widened his eyes comically huge as he connected the dots. After all, Hadrianus's previous looks resembled James Potter Sr greatly, even if he now looks nothing like that despicable Wizard. Marvolo smirked as Barty looked dizzy with the bombarda of information he just received and processed, before a slow but wide maddening grin broke into his face, realizing what has happened. Smart boy, Marvolo thinks fondly. Barty has already sworn a vow to him, so he knows his secret is safe with him.

"Now let us come to the topic that I wished to share with you," Marvolo changed the subject, "As I became  temporarily disabled , someone precious to me got hurt. As I was gone, he has left behind alone, in the  Muggle  world." He spat the word out, disgusted. "I hadn't shared the news of his existence with anyone before, not wanting him to get hurt if someone leaked it to the Order; but he still got hurt, as he was left without a guardian, bereft of any security. So now I am telling you about him, as I want some of my faithful to look after him when I am not around." Marvolo paused, observing them for any negative reaction, "He is my son and my Heir. Hadrianus Marvolo Slytherin."

Narcissa widened her eyes minutely, before smiling, genuinely happy with the news. So did Lucius. After all, to the Pureblood society, children are blessings of Lady Magic. And if it is their master's son? He must be God sent! "When can we meet with Heir Slytherin, My Lord?" Narcissa gushed. She always had a soft spot for children. News of The Dark Lord's Heir getting hurt in Muggle World made her delicate form tremble in rage. No Wizarding child should be left alone in the Muggle World, not even if they are orphans and no magical guardian to claim them. Muggles are cruel to what they can not understand. That's why they had been trying to open a Magical Orphanage for a long time. Maybe they will succeed this time. "How old is he?"

"This afternoon, at Gringotts. Barty will take you there. Lucius' presence is not mandatory, I know you have to go to the Ministry, but I want you to be there, Narcissa," He said, then added, "I want you to be his Godmother. He is eight."

Narcissa grinned wide, bowing low, "I am honored to be chosen as The Dark Heir's Godmother." She has always wanted at least one more child after Draco, but unfortunately for them, they can't have it. Maybe Lady Fate finally blessed them, granting their wish? "May I know who are the other Godparents?"  and his bearer, she wished to add but didn't dare ask.

Marvolo glanced at Barty who was grinning and preening proudly, "I am. And you'll adore  Little Prince, Cissa. He is so smart and so kind, intelligent, and such a gentleman! He's just the perfect Prince of the Dark Sect!" Barty gushed.

"However," Marvolo spoke up, knowing Barty will keep rambling about his son for the whole day if he didn't stop him. Not that he doesn't agree with him, but he has other things to do today, "The other Godparents will be Bellatrix and the Head Goblin Healer Sharptooth." He has already sent a missive to the Goblin Healer stating his wish, to which the Healer has answered positively.

At the last name, the three of them gaped at him, blinking foolishly. Marvolo raised an eyebrow at them, daring them to question his judgment, which they obviously didn't. Marvolo ignored Barty's jealous pout and focused on Narcissa as she cleared her throat, "Sister Bella is in Azkaban, My Lord."

"I am aware." He nodded, "They will be released very soon."

Narcissa smiled at that, torn between being relieved for her sister and worried for her current mental state. After losing her unborn child during a fight with the Orders, Bellatrix had been in a delicate mental state. She was not even among the frontline warriors at the start of the war. The Order - namely Sirius Black, James Potter, and Frank Longbottom attacked her from behind, unprovoked, even after knowing she had been pregnant; while she was on her way to a shop by herself. Bella did manage to get away somehow but her child succumbed to the injury along with her uterus. She had never been the same as before; raging and snarling to anyone if they dare approach her and begging to The Dark Lord to let her join in the frontline war to exact her revenge on them. Which she did, torturing the Longbottoms to insanity and almost killing Sirius Black and probably would have succeeded if Lily Potter and the wolf didn't intervene and saved his life. But even in her fit of rage, she didn't touch their infant baby, probably remembering her own.

And now, as a result, exposure to Dementors for more than half a decade. Narcissa would be surprised if she remained sane afterward. She would need prolonged medication and regular mind therapy which Narcissa knows Bellatrix would never follow through with even if her life depended on it. She was just that stubborn.

But if she has a proper motivation; for example - in this case, a child who needs her care and love - not any child but her  master's  child, Bellatrix will be sure to seek for cure from her to get better and follow through the regimen properly.

Tears of gratitude welled up in the corner of her eyes when she realized The Dark Lord decided Bella to be his son's Godmother so that she stays properly motivated to get well for her Godson. He shared his own child with the two women who longed for a child of their own - in her case, a second child; but can't have it. Narcissa blinked rapidly, trying to hold back her tears threatening to spill. "Thank you, My Lord." She bowed low, her heart filled with respect and gratitude for him.She would kiss his robes to express her regard for him, but she knows The Dark Lord wouldn't appreciate that from her. Unlike what the Light side believed, within his rule, women of the Dark side were held in high regard and never meant to be the ones to step on. People who abused women are punished harshly here. Many changes had been done in the Pureblood laws to give women their freedom and the right to choose a career and right partner and much more.

So she showed her respect by bowing low.

Lucius - unaware of his wife's mental situation, had a calculated gleam in his eyes, "My Lord, our son Draco is of the same age as The Dark Prince." He offered. He would never bring the topic of his son in front of him, but now The Dark Lord has a son himself, so it is best if his Heir makes a place in the favor list of The Dark Lord's Heir who is possibly still unclaimed by another Dark family - if what The Dark Lord saying is right.

"Yes he eight too, My Lord," Narcissa said, smiling broadly "Now Draco is Godbrother of our Little Prince, may I suggest a playdate between them on a later date?" Lucius inwardly winced at the mention of 'Godbrother', but didn't react outwardly. He meant it a different way, meaning to join Slytherin and Malfoy line for far too long. Even his father would have wanted it as well. But he doesn't blame his wife. After all, he never dared to express his desire to anyone. Besides, they had been talking about Parkinson's daughter for Draco, not knowing they had an available young Slytherin Heir who can be more than a perfect partner for a Malfoy.

"Maybe someday in the future," Marvolo dismissed it. Lucius' reaction at the mention of 'Godbrother', however minute, didn't escape his notice. The Malfoys had been obsessed with him and his power from Abraxas' time, of course, they will be salivating at the news of an available powerful Wizard of Slytherin line. He blames their Veela genes for that. And he is never going to let his son bear the burdens of a conjugal restriction as he grows. When his son is all grown up and if he wishes for a partner by then, he will encourage him to find a deserving one on his own. And Marvolo will make sure to teach him his worth before that, even though he hardly believes there is anyone worthy of his son's attention.

"I have other plans now. As I've already mentioned, I do not wish to hide my son anymore, so I have created a different identity for myself. Marvolo Salazar Slytherin, Germany." Marvolo handed Lucius the file containing his plans about his background, "Lucius, go through this file and make sure everything is thoroughly and perfectly in order. I do not want anyone to find out any loose thread that might connect him to Lord Voldemort."  Or else remained unsaid.

"Yes My Lord," Lucius accepted the file.

"As you know I already have a house in Berlin, and the owner's name will change as soon as I change my name legally. After that, I will give you permission to arrange the house and make it look like Marvolo Salazar Slytherin with his family had been living there for years. The house is rather isolated from the crowd and near the countryside, so you do not have to worry about the possible neighbors."

"Yes My Lord."

"And fix an appointment with the German Minister Of Magic by this weekend, I need to speak to him privately."

"Of course, My Lord."

Marvolo nodded, satisfied for now, before glancing at Narcissa who was looking thoughtful. As she caught his eyes, she asked, "My Lord, can we share the information about your son with Draco?"

"You can tell him you have a new Godson, the Heir of Lord Slytherin, whom he will befriend in near future. But you will not tell him that Lord Slytherin is The Dark Lord. Nor that The Dark Lord has a son." Marvolo stated firmly, "Neither you can tell anyone the truth of Samhein '81, nor that The Dark Lord lives."

"Of course, My Lord," she bowed.

"My Lord..." Lucius hesitated, but continued when Marvolo nodded in encouragement, "What about... our goals?"

"I still adhere to that, Lucius. Clearly, the war made the common public turn against us. So this time, we will take over Britain by working behind the screen." Marvolo smirked, "Dumbledore and his Order will never know what hit them."

His faithful followers laughed loudly at that, thrilled at the prospect.






Marvolo knocked twice, before opening the wooden door to enter the bedroom, "Hadrianus, it's time to - " He paused, frowning when he found the room empty. How is that possible? He can feel his presence inside the room!

Marvolo entered fully, looking around to find Nagini curled up near the fireplace, giving him a significant look. Marvolo narrowed his eyes when suddenly a memory flashed before his eyes. A memory that belongs to him, but at the same time, not his.






"Now where is my little Mamba?" Tom asked as he wondered in the bedroom. His enhanced hearing can pick up the muffled giggles coming from the wardrobe, and a soft rustle of cloths. He can  feel  his presence inside the wardrobe. But he indulges the child. "Hmm, looks like the Heir of Slytherin is becoming more Slytherin day by day... I can't find him anywhere!" He complaints aloud.

More soft and muffled giggles escapes, Hadrianus is clearly trying to suppress it. Tom smiled, as he wandered near the bed, "Is he under the bed? Hmm, nope! I don't think so. Then let's see..."






Marvolo chuckled softly as he tucked his Wand in his holster and sauntered further into the room. He can already feel his presence coming from under the bed this time. He knows that if he plays along, indulging the

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