CHAPTER 1: Annie

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I know my luck is soon to run out. But I have to keep running. I wish I could see my grandmother but I know I can't. I couldn't risk putting her life in danger.

Which is why for the past couple of years I have had to make sure I was 'secret' in even talking to her because my boyfriend was very possessive and controlling. Not to mention manipulative and abusive both verbally/mentally as well as physically.

There were so many times I wanted to escape-I even attempted several times to escape but, he always found me.

You know, when we're little, we watch the Disney Princess movies and all the romance all the way into even when we're adults, with the notion that that's what we want.

Just look at movies such as The Notebook and A Walk To Remember and even Murphy's Romance. The list goes on.

We get so caught up in the fantasy and fairy tales that we end up focusing more on looking for that White Knight and Prince Charming to come and rescue us.

We, or at least I had become so infatuated with the idea of having somebody love me that I would do whatever it took to make sure I found it.....That's when I met Danny.

Danny was one of those that his his true self until I got hooked and became trapped.

All my life, I have been curvy and not really popular in general but especially with the guys. In fact, I became so desperate for attention I had tried to lose weight and change my hair, to become more attractive. But of course, it backfired always in the end.

Both of my parents died in a gunfight while trying to come home from their diner they had owned and some asshole robbed them both then shot them cold-blooded and left them to die in an alley.

I was three years old and don't remember them and since I had no other family, other than my grandmother, she ended up becoming my legal guardian.

She lives in a small town in Arizona and has lived there her entire life and is where my parents both grew up at and even had met each other.

I always loved hearing the story about how my parents met and what my grandfather thought of my father the first time as he would sit on the porch every night, waiting in his chair with a rifle on his lap, for them to come back from a date.

Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away from a heart attack when I was six years old.

They both owned a ranch and I always had fun there. My grandmother was like my best friend and taught me a lot.

There are some things I have used in my life that I remember her teaching me about but unfortunately, didn't use her advice when it came to love.

You see, at a certain point in my life, I had come to the conclusion that maybe times had changed to where all that love stuff was just pure fantasy-it didn't exist.

Now, I am living in a small studio apartment that has an open concept where the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom aren't blocked off from each other, but for right now, it was all I could afford.

I have been staying here now for the past couple of months and was lucky enough to get a job close by.

I have wanted so badly to call up my grandmother for the past several months, since I had escaped from Danny's, to see how she was doing and to apologize for not talking to her sooner.

However, I truthfully have been ashamed and embarrassed to say anything along with not wanting to have her worry but, on the other hand, I also knew that I would regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't talk to her and something happened.

Maybe I would call her on my break, I figured as I headed towards my job located a few blocks away from my apartment.

I'm not saying that I am letting my guard down or anything from the idea of Danny or him hiring somebody to come looking for me, but, he usually is good at finding me so fast that I barely have time to breathe.

This time though, it seems different.....

It was a long day at the grocery store and when it was time to finally go home, I headed back and once I reached the outside of the building my apartment is located in, I started to pull out my phone while going up in an elevator towards my apartment and call my grandmother finally, but while mustering up the courage to, I was completely stopped when the doors opened on my floor and I started heading towards my apartment only to notice when I got a few feet away that the door had been busted open.

The lock was hanging now halfway off the door on the outside and as I cautiously approached my door, I noticed everything was scattered all over the floor everywhere.

Things are broken and it looked as though a twister had gone through there or something......My heart then dropped to the bottom of my stomach as I immediately knew who did this.

But how did he find me?

Not sure if it was safe or not, so I just quickly headed back downstairs and did what I did best-left the city in my broken down car with my 'back-up' bag in the trunk.

I'll be sure to leave a message for my boss that I quit!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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