Chapter 36. A body as fake as the heart

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'I couldn't believe it, when I heard about the accident. It just left us shocked at that time. I and my parents as well... we all wished to come and see you. But at first visits weren't allowed, then it became difficult for us to see you in that helpless state. To see you perfectly healthy one moment, then in a vegetative state... I am so happy you are alright.' Aileen's voice had a clear hoarseness added to it, as the slightly trembled words were uttered.

'Don't worry about it.' Aria replied smiling a bit, and did not intend to issue comments on her words too much, if any at all.

Inviting Aileen inside the office with her some moments ago, was only with the motive of finding some things about the past. So she wasn't planning on clearing her small doubt as to why the people claiming to be her family hadn't visited the previous Aria during her hospitalization.  For one, she did not have a family in her previous life, so for her to not get hospital visits was already something normal. And for two, If she spoke one way or another with too many words, it would sound suspicious. 

As Zane had put it before, there could be people who would take advantage of her for having the Black last name. And as she was not aware just how close this person was to the previous Aria, even more so she could not show any weaknesses to be taken advantage of. As such, she had only mentioned that her mind was a bit foggy from time to time, which made it difficult to recognize people at a glance. She did not state upfront that all the memories of the past were inexistent.

And as for how she had the courage to pull such a stunt when she could perhaps be easily discovered, well it was because of Zane. He was supposed to arrive any minute now, so the conversation would not be long enough for the other person to realize her bluff... she hoped.

'Anyway, you look so different now. I almost walked passed by you earlier.' Aileen stated then took a sip of water from the glass the maids had offered her before they left, trying to clear her hoarseness away. 

'Do I look that different than in the past?' Aria asked trying not to sound noticeably curious. She was already relieved enough that the conversation was going towards the direction she wanted it to, right from the start... because honestly she really did not know how to lead it herself towards the past without raising some flags to the other person.

'Yes. Well for one, the make-up free face and the clothing style totally opposite to your usual one, these were things you would never do without.

And for two, the pregnancy I guess. It changes a person.' Aileen analyzed her thoughts as to why Aria had given off a different feeling than before, but still felt there was something else which set the current Aria apart from the previous her. It was the general aura surrounding her, perhaps?

'Ahh... the make-up is not good for the babies, they may contain harmful substances inside. And the clothes, well maternity dresses would make some look different than usual, as they emphasize more on comfort. I can't wear high heels or tight fitting clothes at all lately.' Aria reasoned smiling a bit. Pleased as new mothers would be when talking about the pregnancy, she started cuddling her hands around her belly protectively.

'Those words... Well this could be the third reason, or better said the most important reason as to why you appear so different than the past. To see you now so happy as an expectant mother is truly strange. Even more because you seem to truly care about the pregnancy.' Aileen said as she nodded her head to emphasize her words. More than anything a happy Aria because of such a reason... it was truly strange, to say the least.

'Is it?' Aria asked intrigued, as her heart skipped a beat. Could her words have perhaps sounded too different than what the real Aria would think of this kind of a matter?

'Of course it is. You hated so much the idea of ruining your body before, that I was reckoning you would get divorced first rather than comply and provide an heir to the Black family. But then again, this was one of the condition to become Aria Langdon's replacement, so perhaps it's better now that you came to term with becoming a mother.' Aileen stated pensively, as she took another sip of water.

Hearing the words that seemingly resonated with her conclusion regarding her intentions for the future, but with an unthinkable twist added to it, Aria stilled in place as her eyes widened in shock. She had thought to become Zane's real Aria, because she was a different soul trapped in the original Aria's body.

But Aileen was saying the previous her was also a replacement. The woman in front of her surely would not be able to tell she was another, so she was clearly talking about the original Aria... but the original was also a fake... how?

What was she meaning to say with the words "a condition to become Aria Langdon's replacement"? The body she had taken over was already the body of Aria Langdon. Wasn't it?

An uncountable number of questions flooded her mind because of the confusion, one which perhaps could be felt by Aileen who kept explaining, whether coincidently or not.

'Somehow seeing you now like this, I feel more assured for you. You had me worried for the last three years since you got married. I was even beginning to think you had perhaps taken birth control pills just so you would delay a pregnancy happening. It made me regret letting you back then when we were younger to be the one raised by the old master as his granddaughter.' Aileen sighed relieved, appearing as though she released a breath she had kept inside her chest for a long time already.

'Y-you shouldn't feel guilty.' Aria replied stuttering, after a moment of silence. Her answer was a usual polite one a person would give to another, when he or she was apologizing to you. Quite a proper answer to give in this situation, as they would be normal words, effective in not raising any suspicions about her personality or memory. 

But for Aria who felt more uncomfortable with each passing moment, it was only an answer she had given reflexively, not one  for which she had put in such a complex thought behind.

'Of course I should. I've felt so guilty all this time... To let me grow up with my parents and not ruin my childhood, you made the sacrifice to let go of your old identity and get adopted by the old master. And because of this you also had to become the bearer of the wish from the previous generation, to become the one who had to get into a convenient marriage to Zane. 

This was hard enough, but to go through it when marriage and children were not something you ever wished for... And considering you were already going through so much, with the death of your parents.' Aileen recounted as small droplets of water slowly circled her eyes. Her tears were threatening to fall if this particular subject would continue for much longer.

 'Don't worry about it. I am fine now. I am happy in my marriage.' Aria stated quickly, getting a bit sobered up from her haziness when the children and the marriage were mentioned. It was not the time to lose her calmness, she steadied herself. 

'That is good, to still be trapped in a loveless marriage would have driven the both of you to hate each other in the end. It would have ruined your lives for good.' Aileen assessed sincerely, then continued.

'Anyway, let's leave those old matters behind, I shouldn't even be mentioning them anymore. I am happy for you Aria. Now that you are healthy, and as long as this marriage is something you want, I couldn't be more glad.' Aileen smiled cheekily, as she closed the discussion of the past. As long as she knew Aria's stance towards her marriage, it was enough.

'It is. Zane, he treats me the best. We are happy together.' Though Aria had replied to Aileen, the meaning behind the words was to remind herself of this fact, convincing herself in the process. They were more for herself than for Aileen.

Seeing her reassurance, Aileen nodded her head then shifted the subject completely as she started to ask about the pregnancy. She wanted to know if the coma had affected the development of the children in anyway. To be pregnant while also unconscious was not without its risks, for both mother and children.

'So how many more months until you give birth?' Aileen asked finally, as she kept her attention on all times on Aria.

'Ohh... there is still...' Aria was about to answer her question, when the door was briskly opened.

Seeing the handsome pale man who urgently reached her side, even if she was about to answer the question previously, now she had forgotten all her words.

'Z-Zane.' She spoke slowly.

Although unnoticeable to the naked eye, until Zane had wrapped his arms around her, Aria felt a slight tremor disturbing her whole body, as her heart felt engulfed in a helpless feeling. It was just like another chain had rusted away, with more prepared to break with each passing moment.

Only his protective arms around her could  keep her chaotic heart steadied. Only his presence could make the unprecedented harsh weariness that had overtook her entire being be slowly alleviated.

Only him could make her uneasiness better, though the questions were still there inside her mind... still unanswered.

If the body was not the real Aria's one, if even the previous Aria was only meant to replace another person, and the soul inside it was also another... was she still a real person? Was she still someone he could fall in love with?

And had these facts that she had just found out anything to do with why Zane was refusing to speak of the past? A loveless marriage... those words repeated inside her mind.

If she had heard those words from Zane before, she would have been so happy, as they would mean he would fall in love with only her from here on out, but Aileen had also said she was an adopted granddaughter who was filling in someone else's shoes. What did it all mean?

Had she misinterpreted his gestures as love towards the previous Aria, when in reality it did not matter for him to whom he was married to, as long as she was named Aria Langdon? But then it also wouldn't matter to him that the soul had changed, as long as she was the bearer of the Langdon's name, the only granddaughter of the direct line.

But the kindness and care he had shown her until now were not fake, he had not acted towards her because of a specific reason. Otherwise he would have asked her whatever he had wanted from her already, as she was just like a newborn chick at the moment. He knew she would have complied to anything he asked with what gains he wanted from her with her identity as the old Aria.

There was nothing for him to gain from trying to act in a certain way towards her. Was there?

'Hello Zane.' Aileen's greeting snapped Aria's trail of thoughts, as she was still kept in a firm embrace.

But though the woman's voice got Aria's attention back to her, the focus of the one Aileen had actually greeted was only on Aria alone.

'Are you alright little one? Did anyone bother you on the way up? How are you feeling? I'm sorry, even though I wanted to be here when you arrive...' Zane asked worriedly, as he tightened his hold on her body.

No, there was nothing that Zane would gain from  her, Aria thought, feeling his fast paced heart and concern for her well being. She only had to trust Zane, just like how she had done until now. He had never lied to her. 

It was possible that Aileen did not know that the marriage between Aria and Zane had improved in the meantime, and that they were already in love with each other before the accident happened. After all, the woman did not tell her when was the last time she had discussed with Aria about this, if she ever had such conversations with her. Moreover, Aileen's view of the marriage was only something she saw from outside.

'I am alright. There were no problems. Don't worry.' She assured him, then waited for him to retrieve his hands and to also return a polite greeting to Aileen. But several moments passed, and he showed no intention to do either of those things.

'Umm... Zane?' Aria spoke slowly, as her face reddened, feeling awkward to keep being embraced in Aileen's presence.

'Yes?' He asked immediately, tilting his head to better see her face and expression. He was making sure of her state  with his own two eyes.

'You're squishing me.' She replied whispering, trying to get him to loosen his embrace and finally become warry of his surroundings. She thought that Aileen would feel embarrassed, were she to directly tell him to greet her.

'Ohhh... right. I am sorry. Did I hurt your belly?' Zane finally released her, then lowered a bit his head to check on the twins.

'Cough...' There was no hope for him to become aware of the situation on his own, he was still not greeting Aileen who was left in an awkward position. How could the woman exchange more words with Zane, when her hello was still not reciprocated? As such she tried one more time to get his attention.

'What's wrong? Are you coming down with a cold? Should we go to the doctor?'

'No, I was only clearing my voice, don't worry. Ohh... right. I met Aileen on the way here.' Though she had also hinted with her eyes for Zane to look in Aileen's direction, the man's gaze never left her face, so in the end she had to point it out to him openly.

'Hello. Why are you here?' He simply answered with an indifferent tone, evidently not in the mood to exchange pleasantries.

'Well, you are as blunt as ever. If it wasn't because of the political marri...' Aileen started to speak, wanting to let him know he was lucky for the marriage that he had with Aria, otherwise with his cold demeanor, it was doubtful he could warm up to someone. But Zane cut off her words harshly, before she could finish them.

'I have something work related to speak to you about. Let's go inside the conference room for a while. You are still during your working hours right now, whatever you want to chat about more with Aria, you can visit her at home later.'  He domineeringly said, making Aileen incapable but to nod her head in agreement. Though she was not aware of what work related problems she could speak about with Zane.

'Aria, I will send Anne inside to set the table. My talk will only be a minute long. Alright?' His gentle mellow words were world apart from the tuff tone he had used with Aileen.

'Okay. Don't take too long. The food is already cooling down.' She agreed and also nodded her head, to appear more convincing.


'What is it you want to talk about?' Aileen asked intrigued of his secrecy, while a friendly smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

They had just entered the conference room, but Aileen already knew he was a person who would not waste much time on trivial matters.

'Ahh.. before I forget, I met auntie Victoria a few days ago. She told me her trip is almost finished, so I think you should expect her to come back in some days.' Aileen informed Zane, as she took a seat at the large table. Even though he was  a straight to the point kind of person, he would still want to know about his mother, she figured.

'Have you signed the working contract with the Black company?' Zane asked out of the blue, throwing off the things Aileen was about to say more. He hadn't even taken a seat yet, or was planning to sit. It was clear he wasn't in the mood to prolong more the conversation than it was necessary.

'Yes?' She had half answered and half asked, but frowned at the question. She had signed all her paperwork, but did not understand what Zane was trying to get at.

'Then you are aware I am paying  for your time right now. But you are using it on other things,  other than for the work I paid you to do.' He stated sharply, replying to her earlier half a question.

'I'm sorry... it's just... I just saw Aria and wanted to check up on her.' Zane's sharp words seemed ready to cut her in two if she was about to keep on her cheery manner. And even if they didn't, his cold stern gaze was. As such, even her previous more relaxed manner stiffened into a polite reply.

'I also think you have received a memo on your working email. In it it's clearly stated that no one is allowed to come near Aria at the office. So then why did you approach her?' He asked expressionlessly as ever. But  for some inexplicable reason Aileen could feel anger in his words.

'I'm sorry. I had not seen Aria since the accident, and I just wanted to make sure she was alright...' She stutteringly replied. Her casual manner from before completely replaced by a respectful employee's one.

'Aria is my wife. I will take care of her appropriately, there is no need for your concern. If you or your family were truly worried about her you would have visited her when she was unconscious in the hospital, not now when she is already better.' He contradicted with an even colder tone.

'We wanted to come visit, but we were simply afraid to see her in that state. Moreover, we knew there was nothing we could do better than what you did already. But I realize now that such a thinking is flawed. Even if there was nothing I could have done for her, I should have at least stayed with her, visited her to perhaps cause her consciousness to jolt awake.

My guilty consciousness has been weighing heavy on my mind because of my passiveness, so I only wished to speak with her. I want to be there for her in the future to take care a bit of Aria as she is akin to my sister, nothing more. Zane we are all family here, please do not see us as...' Aileen urgently explained her family's reasons for not visiting and her wish to be near Aria.

'Do not start considering us family just because Aria ties us together. She is now part of the Blacks, she is no longer Aria Langdon. Also, you were hired in the company only as a favor, not because of your resume. 

I suggest you put your effort in your work to prove your worth, not in unrequested explanations. In the Black's consortium everyone must obey the rules and protocols without exceptions.  I would advise you to do that in the future. Don't overstep yourself, or you might not get another warning.' He simply said with a still quite normal tone, then did not wait for Aileen's answer, as he had already turned around and left the office.

If it was up to him, he would have fired Aileen right at this moment. But he also could not act too rashly. That woman's father was still Aria's lawyer. He still needed more undisturbed time with Aria, to make her love him. He did not need the father to try to meet Aria as well, to complain about Zane and at the same time inform her of other things.

Well he could just keep Aria even more guarded, to not allow the two to meet. But Aria was not his captive, he couldn't just keep everyone away without a good reason. Or could he? No, no, he couldn't. He was not that desperate... yet. Sighing as he walked along the hallway, he tried once more to refrain his possessive tendencies.

At this time, Aileen had remained stunned in the conference room. She had been too shocked and unable to reply anything to his words, and still was. She was not even able to understand why he had changed to such a degree from the past.

It was like Zane was trying to keep everyone away from Aria.


'Aileen did not return with you? I wanted to ask if she wanted to have lunch with us.' Aria asked, as she searched for the woman's presence

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