Chapter 19. Elevated heart rates

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Finding herself lifted up by two strong arms, Aria yelped surprised and reflexively looked up, as if searching for answers to his unexpected actions. But at this distance, Zane's face was too close for comfort, and as her hazel eyes locked on to the ocean blue ones, her voice was cut off without managing to utter a single word. She dared think that if she moved just an inch closer they would surely inadvertently touch, as a result even her breathing stopped momentarily.

Seemingly unaware of her turmoil, Zane had picked up the small beauty and raised her up, before closing the small distance between their bodies and the bed, then lowered her slowly, until her bottom touched the mattress. In this whole time, just as Aria had kept her eyes on him, he also did not look away at all. The uninterrupted gaze causing them both to feel that this small short moment, felt like a lifetime.

With her finally seated, a bit unwilling he removed his arms, but did not straighten his bent body, still keeping their eyes at the same level. Aria's flustered appearance, her small fair face adorning a redness caused by him, was not a first time occurrence. He knew that each time Aria would feel nervous around him, her cheeks would warm up in a flush, but it was an expression that would emerge because of the unfamiliarity that existed between them. 

It was a shyness perhaps only because he was a person of the opposite gender and, as a person without memories, she would be at a loss of how to act around him, causing this reaction. It would not have any deeper meaning than that.

He was well aware, but now realizing his feelings, his greed to change the meaning of the blush unknowingly surged inside his heart. He did not even realize when he rose his big hand and tenderly cupped her small red cheek, gently rubbing the redness with his thumb, as if this would help in some way. 

Aria had been frozen since he had first touched her, helping her climb the bed, so did not react in time to the intimate gesture. Not that she would know how to react even if she was clear headed.

'Good night, my little wife!' Zane spoke almost whispering smiling a bit, as he removed his hand from her cheek, then turned around and returned to his own bed. Could this be considered a small revenge for the earlier fluster she caused him when she fed him? It could be, right? He thought, with a corner of his mouth raising in a small undiscernible smirk, as he pulled the blanket over his feet.

Honestly speaking, he had only intended to help her up, but seeing her expression that showed she was a bit conscious of him as a man, at least that was his hope, he became a little bolder and wanted for her to realize her status. Bit by bit, he wanted to change her current view of him.

 It seemed the small beauty did not feel so embarrassed when taking care of others, but would be stunned when such care was directed to herself. It was an important information that he needed to remember in the future. 

He felt proud at this small achievement, although ironically he felt defeated at the same time. The softness of her body had made his heart rate increase again. And her confused and flushed face seemed to be able to crack his expressionless one. Ahhh... he sighed, why was this small creature so lovable?

Finally exiting her dazed state after some moments of feeling as though her breathing had stopped, Aria did not look at all towards the other bed. 

She had never stopped to think about Zane, about what his personality was like, and especially his true role in her current life. Zane was the kind of person who would not interact with her at all sometimes, leaving her to her own devices, without inquiring or bothering about her other than asking about her health and general condition, but would also insert himself into her schedule and be as caring and as gentle as he could be at other times, when she least expected it. 

His hot and cold attitude alternated at different times, with lukewarm tendencies seemingly added at random moments. When she had first seen him at the hospital, his attitude had been  lukewarm at best as they talked about the children, then she did not catch sight of him again during the rest of her stay, only for him to come and retrieve her with a cold attitude. 

Leaving her at the front door of the mansion with nothing but servants around her and without any explanations, other than what the butler had deemed fit to relay to her, she did not see him again for a couple of weeks after, only for his attitude to change to lukewarm, then warm. 

She had barely gotten used to the warm side, when he disappeared again, resuming his lukewarm attitude of only indirectly informing her about not returning to the mansion, through his daily calls with the butler. She understood that he was busy, he was even hospitalized because of the stress, so she did not mind it all, but preferring to talk to the butler rather than her showed his coldness.

And now if she was not mistaken his current attitude was warm? But even calling it warm seemed wrong, his presence felt like it would almost scald her.

Out of the two sides of himself he showed in front of her, if she were to choose one she preferred it would be the cold attitude. It was the attitude she felt most comfortable with, as Zane's actions were the most predictable during it, his warm one making her more confused than secure.  

As such perhaps because of these radical changes in his personality, she had not given it a second thought of what he represented in her life, of how he was related to her. 

His volatile way of being was too difficult to be understood and her one track mind perhaps had turned a blind eye because of this, she thought as she leaned her head on the pillow, turning her face away from him, and quickly closing her eyes, hoping to fall asleep as soon as possible. 

But to fall asleep while the words "my wife" said by the hoarse deep voice would still ring in her ears was quite difficult.

The resistance she had built up in the time they had spent together, seemed to have vanished at the same rate last week's familiarity between them had, because of those two words.

Was it because how he looked when he said it? She had never been a weak person against a handsome appearance, yet just now she had been stunned into silence by his actions, his words and smile... but if she were to think more, it was not his appearance or his actions that disturbed her.

No, it was like the whole air around him changed, it was like the cold attitude had faded away for good, without even a trace of it still lingering under the warm one, never to be displayed in front of her ever again.

She could not put her finger on the right reason of why she thought so, she could not tell what exactly changed, but somehow even his stern face seemed even more gentle, even his expressionless face appeared warmer, making her restless.

The week before, despite his unpredictability, she had gotten accustomed to his face and presence as they lived together and saw each other everyday. She had even felt the care he displayed towards her, as one would show towards a little sister. 

But his way of calling her made her recall her status... it felt like a bolt had struck her, it had reminded her that he was her husband. If a person were to ask her who Zane was, naturally she would say her husband, but it would be an information she knew generally, while not being aware of its real meaning... until now.

Now it seemed to see him that close, knowing who he truly was... was dangerous to her heart.

Trying to stifle her thoughts, she shut her eyes more tightly, fearing the direction her thoughts were turning to, as she curled up her body. But try as she may, his face kept appearing in her mind, it was the smiling face she had just seen. 

This cold mechanical man, his stone like face managed to send ripples inside her heart, as if he had put a spell on it. Ahhh... she sighed, why was this statue so charming? 

Was it because he was too close to her, when he picked her up? Well her heart rate did sky rocket when he was that near, even now she could feel her heart thumbing loudly in her chest. His looks had made her heart speed up in the past, but it was never to such a degree. 

How could she have been so brazen until now... she checked his temperature, she even fed him. What was the same as the nurses did to her? How was a full grown adult the same as the children at the orphanage? Nothing was alike.

She even offered to be the one to stay behind and look after Zane. Why didn't she let the butler stay behind? She only had herself to blame, herself and her goody two shoes attitude.

How would she be able to sleep now, when she felt like she couldn't even shift her position in bed too much, afraid to make noise in the silent awkward situation.

With these thoughts swirling around inside her mind,  the small woman who had fretted about the fact she would never be able to fall asleep with Zane in the same room, did not know when she drifted off to sleep. Her fatigue and pregnancy had solved her problem quite easily.

Seeing no movements from the other bed, and hearing Aria's steady breathing, Zane realized she had fallen asleep. He had been keeping his attention on her the entire time, so it was no wonder he would know for certain. But even if he hadn't, considering how stiff and quiet she had been, so silent that even the sound of her breathing could barely be discerned, it was not hard at all to know the exact moment.

He waited for a bit more, to make sure she would not wake up at all, were he try to move. Then trying to be as soundless as possible, he got out of his bed and took the blanket that was near Aria's feet, unfolded it slowly and gently covered the frail beauty, who had her small hands wrapped around her protruding belly.

'Good night, little ones!' Zane whispered almost inaudible, as his hand was tenderly placed on the protruding belly, his words spoken for the three being that were changing his life, taking over his heart.

He could not deny that, although  in his eyes the pregnancy had always been only another one of the many things that were required of him as the first born and only son of his family, a normal and obvious step in life, since he had heard the small heartbeats, the little babies had already captured a small part of his heart. And together with Aria, were steadily occupying more, with each passing day.

Perhaps the children felt their father, or perhaps they were just moving around to find a more comfortable position, but just as he spoke, two small fluttering kicks could be sensed under his big palm. Feeling their movements, Zane's heart warmed up, but at the same time he was worried that Aria might sense the disturbance and wake up, so he removed his hand quickly.

'Peanuts, sleep!' The dormant Aria spoke, while gently patting her belly.  The children would shift some times as she slept, so she was already accustomed to soothing them with a light pat, as she continued to snooze.

But although they moved only from time to time when she slept on her left side, each time she would be sleeping on her right side they would always do it, for some reason they would never let her sleep on this side. So she would avoid as much as possible sleeping like this, but as she would not be facing Zane this way, she had no choice but to stay like she currently was. Even subconsciously she was still aware she should stay still, so she did not turn around.

Startled by her voice, Zane's immediate  reaction was to move back a bit, but she did not show other signs of waking up, after she patted two three times on her belly. It seemed like the twins kicking her in her sleep was a normal occurrence. 

Although it was a good thing for him, his heart still ached knowing the pregnancy was taking its toll on her. To not wake up as she was kicked, meant they kicked quite frequently.

He looked for a bit longer, Aria really appeared like she was in a deep sleep again, so with as soundless movements as possible, he stepped towards his own bed and climbed it again.

In the morning, having woken up after a somewhat good night sleep, Aria felt refreshed, and more clear headed than the previous night.

She had been flustered because of Zane's words, but thinking objectively, it was logical of him to call her his wife, it was most likely the way he had called her in the past. Well, technically not her, but the previous owner of this body.

So her strong reaction to those words, was unfounded under the current circumstances. It was not a gesture done towards her from his part, it was one towards the Aria who was his wife, the one who had always been by his side. Realizing this made her feel relieved for the most part. But it also irked her in a small part. Why would it irk her? She should really snap out of it, she thought.

And as for her heart rate increasing... it was a normal reaction, she was a barely eighteen years old girl in her last life with absolutely no experience with the opposite gender, so naturally she had no immunity against his supermodel looks, who would? But she could built one in time. They were going home anyway, and would have less chances to interact with one another. Zane would also go back to work, so everything would return to normal, she would return to her normal relaxed state.

She would only feel relaxed, that's right relaxed, she repeated inside her mind. 

Fortunately with the continuous chant she mumbled inaudibly and also the fact that Anne, her maid, and the butler had arrived with a new set of clothes for both her and Zane, had made a comfortable atmosphere. The addition of the two people made it reasonable for her to not interact with Zane, as the maid assisted Aria to freshen up.

After a quick shower, brushing her teeth and changing her clothes, Aria was ready to attend her weekly appointment at the OBGYN department. Taking into account that each Saturday, Aria would have a checkup in the afternoon, the visit was pushed forward to the morning, to save time.

At the same time the butler remained behind with Zane to handle his discharging papers and for his final checkup.

Walking down the corridor, Aria relaxed even more, as Anne recounted Pudding's mischievous deeds from earlier in the morning.

The puppy had disappeared from everyone's eyes, shortly after they started their morning chores. The furry ball had set the entire personnel of the mansion on a goose chase, when he left stealthily after having his breakfast. They searched every corner of the house, only for one of the maids to find him sleeping comfortably under one of the living room's chairs. 

His white fur, with the shade provided by the underside of the chair and the light colored fuzzy carpet blended him perfectly with the environment, and most likely would have kept him hidden until the following meal. The only reason the girl was able to find him was because she had heard a small snoring noise.

Hearing about the puppy and going through the weekly consultation, Aria's mood returned to normal completely. And her mood remained the same, even though she was currently seating on the backseat with Zane, as the driver was taking them home.

'Aria!' Zane called the woman who was looking dazedly at the outside view through the car's window.

'Yes!' She replied looking curiously in his direction, but not quite directly.

'We've arrived home.' He informed her, seeing she was still under the impression they would drive some more.

At the same time, Anne had already alighted the car and opened Aria's door.

Aria frowned a bit, feeling as though the normal time it took for them to return to the mansion shortened. Was she so dazed, that it felt like the time was halved? No matter how much she lost track of time, she would not mistake an hour for half an hour or even less than that.

But alighting  the car, she realized that she had not been wrong. It was impossible to arrive so fast at the mansion, and indeed what appeared in front of her eyes were not the familiar walls of their home.

'Where are we?' She asked, looking probingly at him. It was the first real gaze she had directed towards him since the previous night, but she could not afford to be shy about it, seeing the huge building that was standing in front of their eyes.

'My apartment.' Zane replied calmly, without any hint of other emotions adorning his stone face.

'I thought you said we arrived home.' Aria asked again, not understanding the exchange between them. Had she misunderstood whose home he was referring to? Was she not supposed to alight the car? Perhaps the driver was meant to take Zane home, before they returned to the mansion, and Anne had opened her door not knowing this.

If that was so, why hadn't he left with the other driver, in the same car with the butler? Wasn't it more efficient that way?

'Sorry I misunderstood.' She finished saying, then wanted to climb the backseat once more.

'You didn't. We'll both be living here from now on.' Zane told her, then went towards the stunned woman who had not yet managed to sit inside the car, taking her hand and walking towards the building's stairs.

He had to remove all the traces of unlocking Aria's memories, the mansion was full of small things and large things that could become triggers to her memory. Until it was not renovated completely, until every piece of furniture was not replaced, until no speck of its former self could be seen in any corner, naturally Aria could not go back to it.

He wouldn't take any chances regarding this.

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