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Liam's behavior still rattles me, so instead of leaving the confines of the study, I attempt to call Erin again before joining the clan for lunch. Thankfully, this time rather than diverting straight to the message bank, it goes through, Erin picking up on the third ring.

"Ava, are you okay?" Erin's voice comes over the line. Her words, even though sincere, come out strange, her tone off, withdrawn, which causes my concern for her to increase.

"What's going on, Erin?" I decide to respond, cutting straight to the point, my words sharp and concise, "And don't even attempt to bullshit me, I know something isn't right."

I wait for her standard snarky response but am met with silence on the other end of the line, followed by a sniffle, "Erin?" my voice softens, but my heart starts to race with shock, "babe, tell me what's going on?"

"I," sniffle, "I, Ava, it's so fucking complicated, I thought I would have more time, more time to explain, but..."

"Explain what, Erin? You aren't making any sense. Does this have to do with the Mitchells," I prod, then remembering back to the conversation from last night between Liam and herself, I add, "or Liam?"


"Erin, it's okay, whatever it is, you can tell me, you're my family, my only family," I remind her, pacing the room and biting at my nails.

"Both, I guess. No," Erin sniffles, her voice cracking, "Ava, look, I promise that I'll explain everything soon, but just know that I'm having some family shit happening that I'm dealing with, that won't wait, unfortunately. But Ava, once it's sorted, I promise you that I'll do what I can to be back for you and Isla as soon as I can."

Blinking and rubbing my temples, I attempt to calm myself and show patience. I know that whatever is happening to Erin must be serious for her to keep to herself, and internally, I break for my friend, my sister, who always tries to fix things alone. "Babe, promise me that you'll let me know if you need help, k."

"I will Ava, and Liam..." she pauses, phone static coming across the line, "his intentions are noble, but, promise me, don't make any decisions without knowing everything."

"What do you mean?" I press as she goes quiet. I can hear muffled voices in the background but can't make out what they're saying.

"Ava, I have to go," Erin replies, her voice almost a whisper, "you need to ask Liam how you break a mate bond before you go further." More muffled voices, this time I can distinctly hear the deep timbre of a man. "Shit Ava, I really have to go. I'll try to call you when I can, but..." Silence then more mumbled voices before Erin explodes at them, "FUCK I told you to give me a second, чертовски высокомерный мудак," then coming back to me. "Babe, I really have to go, Liam has promised to protect you, and even if he is a royal asshole, I believe him."

"Okay, Erin, be safe bitch."

"You too bitch, love you."

"Love you more."

The phone call ends, and I pocket my mobile before making my way to the kitchen. Siobhan is waiting outside and motions for me to head towards the living room to join Isla, who is sitting, alone as always, staring out the window. Before her, laid on a little side table, are two large bowls of a beef stew-like substance and buttered bread, fresh from the oven. "I thought you might prefer to eat out here," Siobhan offers, smiling down at Isla and running a hand through her hair. Expecting Isla's typical blank stare, I'm surprised when she tilts her head ever so slightly into the touch. I have yet to decide if Siobhan is genuine, but Isla's simple action makes me want to believe that she does care for her.

"Thank you, Siobhan, I appreciate this," my words are sincere for her planning.

Before leaving, she waits until Isla is looking towards her, then whispers to the both of us, "Keep up the good work, ladies," then directed to Isla, "I know you're in there, girl, even if you're hiding. You can trust me." Winking, she turns and heads towards the main dining room, where the rest of the group has already commenced eating.

I take the seat next to her and grab a spoonful of the rich stew, moving it towards Isla's mouth. Before I can reach her, Isla wraps a hand around my arm and smiles, taking the spoon from my hand and raising it to her own mouth to feed herself. Stunned by her sudden movement, I can only watch as she closes her lips around the metal object and begins to chew, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Removing the tablespoon from between her lips, she leans down and takes another spoonful, and repeats the process. "So, you can feed yourself now?" I query, taking hold of my own spoon and placing it in the thick mixture.

After the second mouthful, her graceful throat bobbing in the movement as she swallows, her soft voice replies. "You sisters, have helped. I've gained some control back."

Mesmerized by not only her beauty but her voice, which has a subtle tinkling sound, like wind chimes on a soft breeze, my mouth drops open.

"Eat," she smiles again and reaches for the bread.

I laugh and do just that, marveling at not only the majestic landscape before us but at the not so broken girl beside me, who seems to be on her way to healing.


After 2 pm, Siobhan motions for me to follow her, placing a light kiss on Isla's hair. The lunch dishes were cleared earlier by myself before returning to our spot and trying to coax more words from Isla.

Struggling and suddenly weary after feeding herself, we decided to listen to music on my Spotify account. To my great joy, Isla absolutely loved and encouraged me to listen to song after song.

I stand up and move to follow, Siobhan already ahead of me, and out of earshot, when Isla grabs my arm, her grip surprisingly firm, and whispers, "He's not the monster. Listen to your dreams." Knowing that she is referring to her brother, I nod, my action causing her to loosen her hold and release me, her gaze turning towards the mountains.

The conversation finished, I allowed her words to absorb as I moved away. My dreams tell me I have misunderstood Griffin, and I need to talk to him and learn his truths. To understand him.

I turn away from Isla and catch up with Siobhan, who's standing at the front door. I notice as I move closer that Liam is positioned next to her, waiting, a feminine-looking coat and hat in hand. Stopping just before them, he holds out the dark woolen jacket for me, and I allow him to assist me in putting it on, placing the matching woolen cap on my head. When I'm dressed for the outdoors, he motions to put on boots before shutting the door behind us, the solid wood closing with a gentle click.

"Ava, I'm sorry about what happened before. My actions, my wolf."

Still not quite sure what to make of our previous encounter and to know that now isn't the best time to discuss it, I lay a gloved hand on his shoulder, "It's okay Liam, let's just get through the next few hours, and we can talk after, okay."

Lips quirking into one of his trademark grins, I know that we're good, for now at least. Trust him, Erin had said, so I will.

Walking with Liam on one side and Siobhan on the other, also wearing a long coat, hers the color of midnight blue, we head to the barn, our boots crunching on the stone path as we move. Drawing closer to what I assume is the barn, I can take in the massive man cave for the first time; the building itself is a three-story, red and brown wood monstrosity over 150 feet wide, and God only knows how deep. Positioned out the front are three double-sized doors, the one in the middle large enough to fit a semi-trailer through, and currently waiting before that door are 30 or so men huddled in small groups and watching us as we come closer.

I look around the gathering and can make out Liam's father, Patrick, Sean, Seamus, Aiden, and Shay, who offers me a small smile that doesn't quite meet his eyes.

Finally, my eyes land on the sneering face of Oscar, standing amongst the crowd, his glare causing me to shiver with discomfort. In addition to the men are several others I can't remember the name of, along with another 15 males, none are familiar, and must be extensions of the clan and not live at the Ranch.

As we close the distance, I can see Shay speaking with Patrick, a frown on his face as he uses his hands to express what looks like frustration in whatever they are discussing.

Looking up and seeing us approach, Patrick ends the conversation and turns to silence the group before moving over to his wife, kissing her on the lips, and turning towards Liam and myself. "Ava, how are you feelin' lass? Are you still good for today?" Nodding at his question, Patrick smiles in approval. "Excellent, now Ava, this is where we need you to trust us, that no matter what happens, we have it in hand. We can't tell you exactly what the plan is, to avoid alerting Griffin's wolf to a threat.

Well, that little speech is reassuring. NOT!

Not knowing what to say, I nod again. However, his words cause more concern than calm.

"Good lass, Siobhan will escort you to the meeting point alone. This way, Griffin's wolf will be calm and at ease with your meeting. She'll be in eyesight the whole time, so that should give you some reassurance that we're near." Thinking about his words does give me some small sense of comfort, knowing that there is no way Patrick or Liam would allow Siobhan to be vulnerable without knowing that this meeting is safe.

"Well, ladies, it's nearing 3, and by the time you get there, he should be waiting." Reaching out and squeezing my shoulder, his dark eyes twinkle. "Brave, Ava, just like your parents, you will make a strong leader for our clan."

Not knowing how to reply, I turn to Liam, who reaches out to my face with his leather-gloved fingers and cups my cheek. "We'll be with you the whole time, love; I promise you that I won't let you out of my sight." Moving in closer, he whispers into my ear, his warm breath fanning my skin, "You can get through this Ava, I won't let anything happen to you. We can get through this together."

Moving backward, I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, biting down gently, not knowing what to say to his words, my feelings confused. The butterflies I once felt for Liam have been non-existent since I mated with Griffin. I know, deep down, that this has to do with the bond I share with my mate, but once this is over and the bond has been severed, I'm not sure if I want them back or him. I decide on a small smile, which seems like my default expression when I don't know what to say. Better to not say anything if you don't have anything positive to say.

"Come, love," Siobhan cuts in, saving me from having to respond further, "he'll be waiting for ya."

Turning our backs on the men, my heart begins to race as we move towards the forest and enter.


Twigs snap, and branches crack as we move through the thick foliage for what feels like half an hour. Checking my watch and seeing that it's 2:50 PM, I know that it's nearly time. taking a deep breath in an attempt to steady my heartbeat, I keep moving forward, only to be stopped by Siobhan, her hand grasping mine as she looks down at me, "Love, I can't go any further with you."

I look around and frown, we're in the middle of nowhere, and she will leave me? I wish I knew what their plan was.

Reading my thoughts, or at least my facial features, she squeezes my hand, "The clearing is just past those trees," she advises, pointing to a massive cluster of pine trees less than 20 feet away.

"Behind that, you will see the crann fuinseoige or the ash tree for non-mother tongue speakers," she adds with a wink. "He won't hurt you, love, you just need to speak to him, maybe, hear him out, and," squeezing again and tilting her head, "I'll be right here if you need me."

Hesitating, I look up at her, my gut-churning. "They aren't going to hurt Griffin, are they?" I whisper. If they're so positive he won't hurt me, I need to know that he won't be harmed either.

Breathing deep and placing an arm on my shoulder, Siobhan squeezes gently. "Trust us, Ava, we know what we're doing. No one will be hurt."

Understanding that she won't provide any more details on what they're planning and knowing that she won't come any further with me, I swallow and move past her, heading in the direction provided. Heart racing, gut-churning, and my emotions in turmoil, I'm hit with the sudden feeling of abandonment and the fear that they've lied to me. Looking around, I can't see or hear anyone else, and even though Liam and the pack have promised that they have this under control, I'm struggling with every step closer that I take.

I push thick branches out of my path, the crisp air seeping into my bones, and enter into a bright clearing about 50 feet wide and 30 feet deep. A massive white ash tree stands at its center, its thick trunk and branches spiraling out in multiple directions, giving it an eerie yet beautiful look.

I move out from underneath the oak trees and enter into the open space. My body is alert, I'm immediately hit with the scent of pine and musk, and my heart stops. Warmth floods my senses, causing my nerve endings to tingle with uncontrolled energy, as my eyes narrow to the base of the ash tree, where he's waiting. Griffin, My Wolf!

Seeing him, sitting there, in nothing but dirty jeans and an open shirt, his hair disheveled, and his eyes. Oh God, his eyes, the regular steel blue color, is dull with a reddish tone as if he hasn't slept in days. Seeing me alone, he stands and begins to walk towards me.

His sudden movement causes my body to hesitate, my footsteps pausing as my heart begins racing again. Seeing this or sensing this, he stops and falls to his knees, head lowered, in what looks like a form of supplication. I know he's doing this, so I don't feel threatened. I can feel it through our bond, the need for me to feel calm, safe, and loved, which has increased and is no longer contained behind my walls.

The pull to be with him is intense, prompting my fear to dissipate, and I move closer until I'm standing less than a foot away, close enough that I can feel his body heat radiating like a furnace. Sitting completely still, waiting for me to make the first move, my hand lifts of its own accord to rest on his face. As soon as my fingers touch his stubbled flesh, he moves his head to kiss my hand, his lips soft as they press against my skin, looking up at me, with traces of tears in his eyes, he murmurs, "Mate, you came!"

Almost in a trance, my body kneels to meet him, our faces aligned. The deep look of sorrow, his changing features, the emotion of hope, relief, and love flooding our bond. Moving even closer, our mouths only inches apart, he smiles, "My light, my..."

I'm hit with the sudden instinct to protect him, and even though the others have told me to trust them, I need to tell him. "Griffin," I start, our breaths mingling as he lifts one of his hands to cup my face.

<Shhh Doe,> he sends through the bond, inching closer until our lips are touching, <You're here now, I have missed you so much, I...> Thoughts cut abruptly, he jolts back, eyes going wide at the sounds of shots coming from behind us.

The feeling of relief changes to one of hurt, rejection, and utter betrayal before his eyes roll back and his body collapses, causing my heart to drop.

"No!" I cry, reaching him and searching for the bullet wounds. "No, no, no, I didn't... Griffin, I, no." Pulling his body into mine, I realize I'm crying, my cheeks wet with tears as I bury my face in his chest and scream.



чертовски высокомерный мудак - fucking arrogant asshole

Thank you once again to my readers that are leaving comments and voting. Please don't hate me too much for the way I ended this chapter... 😉😉😉

This week I was approached by another website wanting to offer me a contract for this story - it meant that I would have had to remove it from Wattpad & A03 until I had posted all the chapters on theirs...

But to me, your enjoyment is more important and considering this is my first story. I am blown away by the number of people who have read all 40 something chapters... I did not feel comfortable with stopping this story on this platform...

So please, continue to vote and comment, especially the theories - I love them. HAPPY READING

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