Knots can be undone

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The thought wouldn't leave my mind it was ticking over constantly, it would make me so happy to leave and have no obligations but I cant look after and protect Sabrina from the coven if I leave or shall I say excommunicated.  I am in my room wondering what I shall do with my life because ever since I found out my true self and who my parents are nothing has been in my favour at all,  my father poisoned me leading to me losing my daughter and on the other hand he made me fall in love with a boy who he threatened to be with me otherwise he would harm his family. Is everybody's life this chaotic? or am I just an outcast?

I walked out of my room then out of the house heading to the nearest catholic church in town, I walked the streets of Greendale and stood in front of the church wondering if I am doing the right thing. But to myself I said fuck it I need to be happy for once so I walked into the church and sat at the pew looking onto where the priest recites the bible I heard the mortal choir practise it was beautiful nothing could comprehend the amount of emotions the are fulfilled by the choir I was amazed. I sat listening for hours until somebody came and sat next to me, I looked to my right to see the priest sat smiling at me" a new face how may I help you?" he asked kindly "a change in my view on life father, I want to be part of this church and belief would you baptise me?" I asked and he just nodded and smiled. He guided me to the alter where he said his prayers and placed holy water on me and told me it was all done and I looked at him "no sacrifices?" I asked and he looked at me weirdly and that was my cue to leave 

I quickly left the church and headed home getting home in record time to say the least it usually takes me a hour but only half the time it took me today woah! I walked in shutting the door quietly "where have you been?" I heard my mother ask "none of your business" I replied heading to my room, she didn't need to know what I had just done but she will know when the time comes. I got into my room and there stood Sabrina she looked rather distressed so as I walked across to her I sat her on the bed "what is wrong Sabrina?" I asked and she looked at me with tears in her eyes "did you loose the baby?" she asked holding my hand tightly who in the world told her when I said not too "yes, when I was ill" I said it brought all the emotions to the surface inevitably tearing up, she hugged me "now I know there is something you are not telling me?" I said urging her to spill the beans "Susie's uncle is possessed I am pretty sure he has all the traits" she said and I looked at her "and this has to do with what?" I asked shrugging my shoulders "I want to perform a exorcism on him" she said and I nodded my head "huh? a witch exorcism it has never been done before but if your powerful enough I suppose it can be done" I answered and her eyes widened "aunt Zelda said witches are not meant to do them and she forbid me doing it" replied Sabrina and I just simply laughed " and when ever has she been obeyed when we are both involved?" I asked and Sabrina nodded her head she knew I was right.  She got up and left the room leaving me sat on the bed thinking maybe we could actually pull off this exorcism I mean it would be ground breaking for witch history. 

I started pacing around my room, but every time my mind was thinking about something important it would always remind me of my baby girl and there I was pacing around crying my eyes out feeling so heart broken and torn in half that I cannot have the chance to meet my daughter face to face ever. Trying everything on this earth to try and think about something else nothing is working the only thing that is happening is my hate is increasing and increasing for my father I just wish I could kill him. my anger just got higher and higher, and  my room set alight fire everywhere the smoke alarm began to scream making me cover my ears. I began to panic my breathing got out of control and curled up in a ball in the middle of my floor crying I was trying everything I could think of to put out this raging fire that wasn't harming me at all as I was engulfed in flames, my door burst open and there stood my mother with such worry on her face she put out the flames and ran across to me.

She could clearly see I was upset but she didn't say a word because she knew I would be bitter which in all fairness I would have been and she didn't deserve that after trying to save my life, I froze and didn't remember the spells I needed to extinguish the flames I am a idiot. My mother had her arms around me with her head on top of mine, I buried my head into her chest and sobbed and she just held me tightly "can you give me and my daughter a minute please" she said to who I am guessing was Aunt Hilda, Sabrina and Ambrose. "I know you dont like me at the moment and I can understand why but tell me this why are you crying and how couldn't you put out the flames?" she asked calmly "I was crying because I have so much hate within me I cant cope and the flames I froze and couldn't do anything I am a idiot" I sobbed and she placed her hand on my back beginning to rub it soothingly.  The hate I have for her just disappeared and the love that was buried underneath came back, I wrapped my hands around her squeezing her tightly "I'm sorry" I said and I could feeling the happiness she had and she gave me a squeeze only problem is will she still be this nice to me after I tell her what I did in spite of her and my father? 

No I wont tell her yet I need to get this exorcism done for Sabrina,  she wants me to do this with her so I will like the good older sister I am well try to be at times. I got up from the floor where me and my mother was, I helped her up and looked her straight in the eyes "mother when the time comes you wont want to talk to me let alone be near me so for now we can be civil and happy while that time lasts." I said confusing her then leaving to go find Sabrina who I think was looking into Susie's uncle's possession, I know Sabrina asks for help from this witch called miss Wardwell I dont trust her there is something not quite truthful and right about who she is and I guessing she will have spoken to her about this possession and most likely asked her to kindly join us in this historic moment in time.



Hey guys sorry for not uploading for a while I have been so crammed with assessments lately however I will be uploading frequently now.

CT9026 x

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