Chapter thirty-five

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Hey guys here's another upload! It's kinda crazy but I hope it makes sense and is decent. :) Anyway let me know how you feel! Vote and comment please and thank you!


Chapter thirty-five

I opened my eyes and everything was blurry and my head was killing me.

Shattered glass was everywhere and it took me a second to realize that the car was upside down.

I put my hands on the ceiling of the car to try and stop the seat belt from digging into my skin. I released the seat belt forgetting that nothing would be supporting me anymore. I fell down landing on my shoulders and neck. I awkwardly crawled out the passenger window earning more cuts from the glass scattered everywhere.

I carefully pulled myself to my feet and stumbled around to the other side of the car before dropping to my knees ignoring more glass.

“Zane.” I said while trying to pry the door open. “Zane!” I yelled as the door opened before falling off its hinges. He groaned but he didn’t open his eyes. “Zane!” I screamed again while shaking him.

“So much for never getting in an accident.” He mumbled.

Even though the situation we were in was horrible I still laughed. “Now is not the time for jokes.”

“Then why are you laughing?” He moaned.

“Because I’m traumatized.”

“Do you smell that?” He asked.

I sniffed the air and I smelt something burning. “It’s probably the tires.” I said leaning in to help him unbuckle. Once the seat belt was out of the way I helped drag him from the car before helping him stand.

“Your head.” He said as I stumbled. I helped him sit down on the side of the road before he groaned again.

“Your stomach.” I said noticing the growing dark red stain in his t-shirt.

My knees were shaking and the world wouldn’t stop going in and out of focus. “Sage you should sit down.” Zane said as he lay back on the ground.

I heard something crash to my right and I turned to see the car that had hit us. The driver toppled out of the driver’s seat coughing.  I squinted my eyes to try and get a look at their face as they turned towards me.

“Scott?” I whispered just before I felt air rushing past me and the ground coming up to catch me.


I don’t know how long it’d been but my body ached and I could hear faint beeping sounds.

I could hear people talking but I couldn’t will my eyes to open. Something that felt like plastic was along my face and I assumed an IV was in my left arm, I could also feel a piece of plastic on my right index finger.

I turned my head more to the right and the talking stopped.

“Is she waking up?” I heard a girl’s voice ask.

I heard a chair creak and I managed to open my eyes just a little to see a diamond ring hanging from a necklace chain.

My eyes closed again and I heard someone sigh. “No?” Said a female voice that sounded like Hailey.

“What about Zane?” Said a male voice, I thought it could be Nate.

“Nothing’s changed.” Yep, that was definitely Hailey.

“Ugh!” Someone said before something clattered to the floor. “How did this happen?” The Latina accent let me know the voice belonged to Kalina.

“The doctors said it was a car accident…another car crashed into the side of theirs.” That was Hailey again.

“Do they know who hit them?” Nate sounded like he was grinding his teeth.

“They wouldn’t tell me.” That was Hailey again.

“She will wake up right?” I was positive that was Aaron, and I was positive that that was the saddest I’d ever heard him sound.

“The doctor never said she wouldn’t.” Nate said. Aw, they’re being civil.

“That doesn’t mean anything.” Kalina sounded farther away than she was before, like maybe she was standing by the window.

Her comment was met by silence, whether it was worried or comfortable I wasn’t sure.

Not wanting the silence to go on for too long I opened my eyes. I blinked them a few times but no one had taken any notice to me yet.

I reached for the little oxygen tubes that were in my nose. “Woa!” Aaron said while grabbing my wrist and laughing. “I’m pretty sure you can’t take those out yet.”

“They’re not comfortable.” I managed to cough out. Hailey handed me a plastic cup full of water and I chugged the whole thing before handing it back to her.

“How do you feel?” Hailey asked leaning closer to me as if she were examining me.

“Who are you?” I asked scrunching my eyebrows.

“Sage…that’s Hailey.” Nate said giving me a worried look.

“Who’s Sage?” Once I said that I swear all their jaws dropped. I cracked a smile before laughing. “Sorry, I couldn’t not pull that.”

Kalina swore at me in Spanish before laughing in return. “Don’t do that!”

“Am I allowed to blame it on my head injury?” I asked trying to give them my most innocent smile.

“No.” They all said at the same time which sent us all back into fits of laughter.

After we calmed down Nate cleared his throat. “Do you remember what happened?”

I looked down at my blankets while scrunching my eyebrows again. “This car just came out of nowhere…it hit our car and we just started rolling. My head hit something, and then everything was just gone.” I looked at the small cuts along my hands and arms. “I woke up and there was glass everywhere. We were upside down and I fell when I undid my seat belt.” I shook my head as I tried to remember every detail. “I had to drag Zane from the car and he was bleeding and my head hurt so bad it was hard to think and everything kept getting blurry…I saw someone getting out of the other car…but I can’t remember who it was.” I went to rub a hand down my face but stopped when I felt the huge band aid on my forehead.

“So whoever hit Sage is in the hospital as well.” Hailey said dragging me from my thoughts. “The nurses just wouldn’t tell me who.”

“I bet if you flirt with a male nurse he’ll tell you.” Kalina said grinning. “We just have to get you a lower cut top.” She reached for Hailey’s shirt but Hailey swatted her hand away before laughing.

“Zane.” I said looking up and causing everyone to look at me. “Where’s Zane?” They all looked at each other with uneasy looks before looking back at me. “What?”

We managed to convince the nurse to let me go to Zane’s room. She checked me over before allowing me to leave.

I had a concussion along with a gash on my forehead, a bruise across my right cheek and a split lip. Not to mention small cuts along my arms and legs and countless other bruises along my body.

I had to wheel my fluid bag with me which, not gonna lie, is decently embarrassing.

We got to Zane’s room which was on the floor above mine and what I saw made me stop in my tracks.

He had the normal things the plastic piece on his finger that monitors your pulse and an IV. But what shocked me was the tube down his throat and so many wires that it nearly made my head hurt.

“Maybe she should sit down.” Hailey whispered to someone behind me.

Nate grabbed my arm as if I would fall. “Sage…do you want to sit?”

I shook my head still refusing to look away from Zane. “What happened?”

“The accident-“ Kalina started but I cut her off.

“No! Why isn’t he fine? I’m fine, why isn’t he?” I said nearly yelling.

“You were lucky.” Aaron said in a small voice.

Hailey stepped into my line of sight before speaking. “He lost a lot of blood and head a stomach wound and head injury…they had to take him into surgery as soon as you two got here…and he just never woke up.”

“He’s in a coma?” I whispered.

“He could wake up…” Hailey said trailing off.

No one wanted to mention that he might never wake up.


We were all back in my hospital room because I had refused to stay in Zane’s for any longer.

Flowers were on the bedside table and a small stuffed elephant was in the corner along with some balloons.

“This room is so happy.” I murmured.

There was a small knock on the door before anyone could reply to me. I looked up to see my dad holding yellow and white roses. He looked at the floor not meeting any of our eyes.

“Should we leave?” Kalina asked while standing. I nodded my head and everyone got to their feet. “We can go check on Zane.”

They all filed out of the room while my dad set the flowers with the others.

I twisted my blanket in my hands as my dad came to sit by me.

“Sage…” I looked up and his eyes were so sad that I almost started crying. “Are you ok?” I nodded my head unable to stop the tears. He reached towards me and even though my instinct was to flinch away I let him pull me closer and wrap his arms around me. “Sage, I am so sorry.” I cried harder and he smoothed my hair down. “I shouldn’t have hit you, I was just so mad and I wasn’t thinking. I shouldn’t have even been yelling at you. Teenagers are crazy and I shouldn’t have been so harsh on you…I was just pushing you farther away.”

I was nearly sobbing at this point. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I didn’t mean to be such a bad daughter. I shouldn’t have kept causing you trouble. I embarrassed you and I should’ve just stopped instead of making you even madder.”

“You don’t have to apologize.”

I decided at that moment I was letting everything go. I was no longer going to be mad that he hit me, I wasn’t going to be mad that he didn’t like my dances, or that he hadn’t liked Aaron, or how I dress, or my tattoo. I was just letting everything go.

“I could’ve died…and you would never know how much I love you.” I said finally being able to stop most of my tears.

“And you wouldn’t have known how much I love you.” He said in return.

My dad stayed and ate crappy hospital lunch with me and we talked about how my school was going and how his work was going. He asked if I liked where I was living and I said I did, that it was basically a huge sleepover all the time.

He left a little while later saying that I was welcome home anytime but he wasn’t going to force me to go home.

He  said he just wanted me to be happy.

I had to give a statement to the police for insurance reasons, but after the officer left all of my friends came back in, they asked how talking to my dad went and I gave them vague answers. I said it went fine and that we had worked everything out.

We were all laughing because Aaron had brought Zoe in and she had said something adorable about Nate looking good in lipstick when something in the window looking out into the hall caught my eye. It was Scott.  

I froze and considering all my friends looked out the window as well, I’m sure they saw my shocked face.

“What’s Scott doing here?” Kalina asked as I saw Aaron tense up.

I remembered seeing Scott at the crash; he was getting out of the other car. He gave me a devious grin before walking towards the door.

I pushed myself as far back on the bed as possible before I screamed. First it was just a shriek but then I started screaming words. “No!” I screeched as he got closer to the door. A nurse rushed past him and into the room before reaching for my IV cord. “He was there! He hit us!” I might’ve started crying, I’m not sure. My vision was getting blurry at the edges and I started feeling tired. I kept yelling things except I can’t remember what they were.

Everything blurred together and then everything was gone.


Once I woke up everyone was very cautious around me, as if I were crazy.

Maybe I was. I can’t really be sure anymore.

The police had to retake my statement and I told them how Scott was the one who hit us, and how he had fought with us earlier. In the end they decided to take him in for holding.

His condition wasn’t critical; all he had were some bruises and a few scratches.

How was that fair?

Zoe crawled onto my bed with her back pack. She gave me a sad smile before pushing some of my hair behind my ear.

“You’re pretty when you cry.” She said.

Everyone laughed. Of course an eight year old girl would be the one to break the awkward tension. “Even if I’m crazy?” I asked while smiling at her and poking her in the side.

“Crazy people are the best people.” She said returning my grin. She tilted her head to the side before pulling her back pack closer. “Can I do your make-up?”

I chuckled before nodding. “Sure, Zoe.”

After about twenty minutes of Zoe doing my make-up and listening to my friends trying not to laugh at no doubt at how ridiculous I looked.

“Just like when I was sick.” She said looking me over. She got quiet before looking off to her side. “Except you’ll get better…and I’m still sick.”

“You’ll get better. I know you will.” I said smiling.

She gave me a feeble smile saying that she appreciated my efforts but she knew I was lying.

Everyone left to get dinner in the cafeteria and Nate was the first one back.

I scooted to the other side of the bed so I could make room for him to sit by me.

“Hey.” He said quietly.

“Hi.” I said turning towards him.

He tried not to smile, but he failed. “You kinda look like a clown.”

I nodded before laughing. “Ya a clown that got beat up.” I grabbed a napkin off of the table by the bed before carefully wiping at my cheeks eyes and lips. I winced when I went over my bruised cheek and split lip. Once I was sure the make-up was off I tossed the napkin towards a garbage bin.

I missed, but I wasn’t moving to pick it up. I’d throw it away later.

“You’re still beautiful.” He said before kissing my temple.

“Kiss up.” I laughed.

“I can’t believe he did that to you.” Nate said as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

“I didn’t know he was that mad.” I had explained to everyone what happened after I talked to the police for the second time. However I vaguely went over the first time Scott assaulted me deciding I didn’t need to get into the details.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t tell anyone.” I said trying to justify myself. “Aaron was there the first time and Zane was there at the concert…I didn’t want people to know.”

“Promise me that you’ll tell me if anything like that ever happens again?”

“I promise.” I said leaning in to him. We sat in silence and I was actually tempted to fall asleep but then decided to ask Nate a question. “Nate?”

“Hm?” He breathed sounding as if he could fall asleep as well.

“What if he never wakes up?”

“He’ll wake up.” Nate said immediately. I’m not sure if he was trying to convince me or trying to convince himself.

“But what if he doesn’t?” I continued. “It’s all my fault…if I had told someone after the first time about Scott this would never be happening, or if I had driven myself to the concert it would just be me.”

“You couldn’t have seen this coming.”

“But it’s not fair!” I said starting to cry again. “It’s not fair that he got hurt so badly and is in a coma and all I got were some scratches and a concussion.”

“Life isn’t always fair. And I know for a fact that Zane would never blame you for what happened. He would blame that son of a bitch for hitting you guys…he wouldn’t want you to worry about this. Especially because it wasn’t your fault.”

“If he doesn’t wake up…I’ll never forgive myself.”

“He’ll wake up…he’ll wake up.”

It reminded me of how I lied to Zoe to make her feel better.

He was just lying to me to make me feel better.

I didn’t think Zane was going to wake up.

No one did. 

So I have questions! (oh what a surprise)

How do you feel now that you know Scott hit them? Did anyone see that coming? I feel like that was totally predictable. 

And is anyone worried about Zane?


Also go to the link I'm posting below in the comments! It's to my fan page! Check it out and Like it on facebook! It'll make me smile! :) 

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