Ch 31: I don't care if my pee lands on the people

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Luke's pov

I woke up as Pete was pushing me with his ass. " What's wrong with your ass!" I said pushing him back

" My ass is jiggling!!" He said still pushing me back

" Let's fix it!" I turned putting him in a headlock

" Sorry didn't mean to." He said as he shifted away, " It got fixed... Wow magic." He wiggled

" No problem." I left him, " So what's up?"

" Nothing." He pouted and turned to the other side

I turned him to me, why the fuck is he so cute!?

" How nothing, what's up precious?"

" I am not." He shrugged his shoulders

" You are not what?"

" Not that."

" Precious?"

He nodded still frowning

I kissed his forehead right to the frown. " You are! the most! PRECIOUS!"

" I love you bubba." He hugged me tightly

I hugged him back, " I love you more my baby spider."

" Not baby. Let's have breakfast? I'll make yours."

" Really?? Then let's have the greatest breakfast together!! Where are others by the way?"

" Cole and Nico are in the office and Dest playing with the dogs."

" Okay lemme freshen up, I am coming too."

" Okay." He said as he leaned on the bed

I went to the bathroom and freshened up soon then joined him and said, " Let's go!"

" Ride on the back."

" Yes, your majesty." I said and put him on my back and took him to the dining room with me

He giggled, then slid down. " I'll make you coffee. Those are toast and a bit of juice, here's muffins too, an egg... Eat well till I get the coffee."

" Yes sure." I sat down waiting him and texted Heaven meanwhile

He came back with the coffee and snatched my phone," No phones at the table, eat."

" Cool." I laughed

" Eat bubba." He said as he pulled the spoon to my mouth

I opened my mouth and took the bite

" Eat this too." He filled the spoon again

I nodded and happily had it too and took a spoonful for him too. " Eat too." I pulled the spoon to his mouth

" No bubba, I don't want to. Thank you."

" Why?"

" I'm not hungry, I ate too much."

" When and what?"

" This morning, like early morning... 2 muffins, a toast, egg and some of Cole's omelet. I drank coffee. That's all. Why asking? You don't trust me?"

" I do, I was wondering how early you all have had your breakfast or am I just super late to miss it."

" At 5 am. You are asleep at that time."

" You all ate at 5?"

" Yeah, even Dest. Actually she was awake the whole night."

" The whole night? Why? Is she not fine?"

" No, she is fine but she was talking with Milo the whole night "

" Really?" I said amused then shook my head

" Yep, kids these days."

He shook his head too while I laughed so hard

" Let's prank her!! " Pete suggested evilly

" Good but what?"

" I don't know, let's hack her account and when she starts using it, we make some stuff like send messages or kick her out especially at night so she will sleep." He laughed

" Let's not hack it, let's just scare her that we did. Or we can do the thing for the night, she needs to sleep, not talk with Milo the whole time."

" Yeah okay... Bubba, can I ask you something?" He looked at me innocently

" Yes, go ahead." I said nicely

I was sure something was up with him from the morning, I could feel that he wasn't really that cheerful. He even kept calling me bubba as if he is just reassuring himself that I am still his and didn't even annoy me to the fullest in the morning as usual.

" I won't get upset with the answer so be honest, okay?" He assured

" Yeah I will be, what's up?"

" Do you have any plans to go out?" He asked calmly but his expression said the opposite, big hopeful and hesitant eyes, wobbled lips and clenched and unclenched hand alternatingly

" Today? No." I looked into his eyes,

" Anytime soon?"

" No, I don't know yet for sure."

" Okay, carry on eating please." He said as he sat down and took out his phone

" Everything is fine, love?"

" Yep, bubba." He nodded while still studying me with his eyes.

I finished my breakfast

" I'll clean those." He picked up the dishes

" I will do them love, thanks." I smiled

" Nope, you rest." He said and he furrowed his brows

" Fine fine, I am tired sleeping, I will rest."

" Don't sleep again please. Let's do something together." He picked the dishes

" Of course, let's play basketball? I haven't played in YEARS."

" Okay, can we ask Dest to join?"

" Of course."

" Go get her then." He went to the kitchen

I went to the garden to Desty as she was playing with the dogs. " Morning princess."

" Morning bubba." She smiled at me.

The big dogs looked at me growling as the puppies and Caramel ran to me excited. I crouched down and played with the pups and Caramel

" How did you sleep?" I smirked

" Good bubba, good... Easy guys, it's just my brother." She patted them and came to me as their gazes followed her, " What's up with the smirks?" She said as she caressed my hair

" Nothing, just Pete told me you stayed up the whole night." I said to her mostly glaring back at those dogs, I won't eat her! She is my fucking sister!

" It's summer!! So I'm staying up a bit late." She said

" A bit? You didn't even sleep, like it's alright if you stay up a bit late and talk with him or do whatever but don't make it a habit. It's gonna ruin your bio clock and you will have troubles and sickness during the normal days too."

" Enough bubba, I won't make it a habit." She put her hand on my mouth

I smiled and nodded showing a thumbs up then I messed with her hair to irritate her, don't ask me why, I just like to.

" Lucas Stark Carnell." She jumped on me and started tickling me

" Desty NO!!" I said amused laughing as hell, " Leave me sissy!" I held her hands up in the air

" You deserved that." She laughed

" Really? How about you?" I asked and tickled her

" Noooo, stop... Please." She wiggled

The dogs barked at me

" SHE is My SISTER!! Stop barking and throwing looks at me!"

They ran to me barking

" Run Luke run."

" I won't today, let them tear me out!" I said frustrated

" Stop and listen!!" I raised my hands

They stopped, looking at me

" Peter and Destiny my siblings and mind you all they love me the most too so stop acting like I'm gonna hurt them because I will never and stop running after my ass every damn time! You heard me, now I'm taking Dest with Pete out."

They gave me an unamused looks like they are underestimating me. Then that Artimis barked and pointed at me. They all ran towards me barking

" No, no, it's high time you should now stop with those bitchy looks, no disrespect to your ladies intended and only play with my sibs then return them to me quietly like I play with the pups and let them go! You get me?"

They sat their asses and looked at me understandingly

" Are we pups? Play with them and return them to me quietly?" Desty asked bemused

" Shh you are not, pups are pups, babies are babies, dogs like to play with babies as we like to play with pups, now lemme talk." I gave the shittiest excuse possible

" I can't believe you." She facepalmed herself

" Thanks, see we are on the same page about their safety, I love them to death to even hurt them ever or let them get hurt. Since we have more things in common, like, we love them, we don't like each other and we are there to protect them, let's make a deal to not annoy each other, Deal?"

They barked in agreement as Artimis walked to me and extended his pastren. I pulled my hand forward and we shook them together, locking the deal.

" Nice, we came to a conclusion. See you guys later, now I am having Desty with me for basketball along with Pete."

He barked in agreement and he went to carry on his nap with his friends


" Now let's go princess."

" Now, I wanna nice excuse, are we toys?"

" No you are not, I gave you a perfect reason."

" No... It wasn't. I'll tell Pete."

" It was," I shrugged and picked her up, " Let's go princess."

" Put me down bubba."

" Why hurt your legs?" I walked in

" You are ready?" He asked

" Yep, Let's go."

" You should have seen Luke how he made a deal with the dogs... Put me down." Dest patted my head

I put her down

Pete laughed," Really? You are no more scared of them?"

" Nah, we made peace."

" Nice, let's enjoy!!" They yelled

" Yep let's go!"

We three went to the basketball court and played like crazy, when I say crazy I mean it. And did we stop there? NO. We hydrated ourselves well and drove to the Arcade, actually let Desty drive a bit as she had just learnt to do it, but yeah only till a few distance.

We went to the arcade and started playing there then I took them to have lunch with me out, forgive me mumma but I had to!

" Luke having guts." Dest said as she devoured the pizza

" I'm seeing that."

" Shut up, I will tell her on my own, don't snitch."

" Wow, you will be dead." They laughed

" Not when my babies will support me and plead for my life."

" We won't."

" As we are toys for those dogs."

" No you aren't! C'mon, you know she can really kill me for this? How can you not help me out?"

" Okay, we don't want our softy to get murdered."

" Yes exactly, good babies."

" Not babies." They whined

" My babies? Please?" I asked innocently

" Noo!" They pouted

" Please, lil bit babies? Only mine?" I said with the same face

" Lucas Stark Carnell, stop this."

" He is our baby too." Dest said as she patted my head

" No, I am your bubba, you are my babies."

" Let's have ice cream."

" Okay! Let's order it." I said as they picked their flavors

" Baby Luke, what do you want?" Dest asked pulling my hand

" Chocolate ice cream, sissy." I played along

" Okay." She grabbed my ice-cream and gave it to me," I'll treat you with this." She went to pay

" No need to, baby sis, today's treat on me, save it for the time when I go broke, which seems soon."

" Nope, babies don't have money." She said as she went and paid

" Thank you Dest." Pete said

I let out a small chuckle and carried on eating my chocolate. We went home after the ice cream and found Caleb in the living room with my brothers.

We greeted him. I for some reasons don't trust him yet, like even dad assured me a million times, I just can't do. He is still so mysterious to me.

" Hello Uncle Caleb." Pete and I said as Desty just said a normal hello and ran to her room.

Why could he be here? What could it be?

" Hey, Peter and Luke, nice to see you again." He said, smiling

" You too." We said together smiling

Well, I'm not really happy to see him, not in a wrong way but whenever he is in a situation I just smell something fishy or bad gonna happen.

" Peter, Luke, upstairs." Cole ordered

We nodded and marched upstairs without a word ahead

" Wow, just orders." Pete huffed

" Why could he be here?" I wondered

Plus Marc ordered us to be up, it can't be just a normal or friendly visit or else we would have been there with them too. And at this hour both my brothers are home talking to him and not at work, why does this man bring so much suspicion every time?

" It's something serious I'm sure... Let's watch from the cameras."

" Let's do it." I affirmed

He took my hand and we rushed to the security room where we found Pedro

" Hello Luke and Pete? Long time no see." He smiled at us

" Oh hey Pedro." We said sheepishly

" What are you doing here?"

We both looked at each other, of course we were fools to underestimate our brothers and it confirms the fact that THIS IS SERIOUS!!!

" Roaming around." I replied

" Yeah, just casually, what are you doing here?"

" Roaming around in your own house? Hmm interesting." He smirked at us," And I'm checking the security of the house."

" Oh nice nice." Pete said

We both were aware that our stupid lie was caught

" Can we stay here?"

" No sorry, I can't work with people watching."

" We will be as quiet and still as a rock, you won't notice." Pete insisted

" Sorry guys, I can't." He said nicely

" Okay, see ya then." We sighed

" See you!" He smiled and closed the door after we left

" Wow, so surprising!" Pete said

" I know right, so much. Plus Pedro on the system we can't try hacking the footage too, he will know." I said as we walked to our room

" They won't tell us too... It's too bad." Pete huffed

" Hmm but we can try finding it out as long as it's ass friendly." I said still thinking about it

We went to Pete's room as it was nearer and sat on the bed

" Don't you think this Caleb is a bit suspicious?"

" I think the same, really I don't trust the fucker, I told dad too but that man mesmerized him."

" I know! Every time I tell dad he just assures me that he is good and I'm overthinking and stuff but I don't trust him a bit."

" I hope Cole and Nico don't share the same thoughts as dad."

" We can ask."

" Yep... Let him leave first. Did Desty feel shy that she just said hello and ran away?"

" I was thinking same, that's why I said to let's go see her"

" Yeah yeah."

We went to Destiny's room and knocked. She opened the door and let us in

" What's up, why did you run away so quickly?" Pete asked

" Did you feel uncomfortable or anything?" I asked

" N... Nothing, just I have to call Aria and the girls."

" Good, now tell us why?" I said

Pete sat beside her too. " You know you suck at lying too."

" I don't have a reason, I just don't like strangers."

" Okay, we don't like him too."

" Yep, we are even."

" Who is him? And how does he know our brothers?"

" Sofie's Uncle has a small gang shit too, high school friend of dad."

" What? He can't be an enemy right?"

" Dad says so."

" Why don't you like him?" She asked

" He is suspicious, his every activity is."

" Yeah and vibes too." We then mentioned the Kian thing and reminded how it was his party when we were attacked and stuffs

" Ohh, I don't think he is a bad person." She said

" You just saw him and ran here, didn't even see him properly and you think he is not a bad person?" Pete deadpanned

" I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders

" Or you do?" I raised my eyebrows at her

" Leave me alone." She said as she lay on her bed, scrolling through her phone

Pete snatched her phone, " We won't."

" I don't want to talk about it... Just he helped me before that's all you have to know." She snatched her phone back

" He helped you before? When? What happened? Only if you are comfortable sharing it with us right now."

" I'm not comfortable, but when I feel ready I will tell you all."

" Okay." I kissed her head

" Wanna play with us?" Pete asked

" What will you play?" She turned to us smiling

" What do you want?"

" I don't know, give me suggestio-." She got interrupted by her alarm," Fuck!"

" What happened?" We asked together

" My driving exam!!! I totally forgot about it. Sandra will kill me."

We both laughed as our first reaction

" Hurry up, let's take you there."

" Yeah... Can you wait for me there till I finish the exam?" She said as she opened her closet and removed her bond that was making her hair in ponytail style.

" Yep we can."

" Go out or you want to watch me changing my clothes." She turned to us, giving unamused look

" Sorry sorry." We said and got out of her room

She came out within minutes and said in a hurry, wearing a light green smoked cute top with self-tying straps, jeans, popped on some lace-up sandals and earrings and double silver necklaces.

" Let's go!!" She took our hands and marched down

We passed by the living room where they were still talking. Nick eyed us, excused himself and walked to us. We stopped in the porch area

" Where are you going, kiddos?" He asked us

" She has her driving exam."

" Oh! Okay, good luck Desty, you got this." Nick hugged her

" Thanks Nico." She kissed his cheek

" Bye Nico."

" See ya Nick."

" Bye, take care." He hugged me and Pete too

We left our home and I drove her there.

" Hey Sandra." We greeted her

" Hello, Luke and Pete." She smiled at us then said," Finally Desty, we are next, are you ready?"

" Yes I am!" Desty said as we hugged her

" Good luck!!"

" You got this, don't stress yourself, no philosophy... You will do so well. I trust you." Sandra encouraged her

Dest got in the car when her examiner came and she drove away. We waited for her to finish. She came after a while with the car and the examiner and she looked so happy

" I did it!!" She came to us jumping

" Congrats!!!" We said

" So proud of you!!"

" Finally we won't have to be your driver anymore!" Pete sneakered

" Finally, I'll go where I want alone." She sneakered back

" Of course you can." I smiled evilly

" Just you will have two cars following you around" Pete completed

She gave us an unamused look," I'm fed up with you."

" We were kidding princess."

" Relax bunny."

We hugged her from the sides. Sandra came to us and hugged us all three. " Wow, I knew it. Glad you did, he gave you the temporary license?" Sandra asked

" Yes he did."

" Perfect, a few days and you will get your license, you can drive with this, okay?"

" Okay!!" She cheered

" Then drive us." I said giving her my keys

" Ohh, thanks Luca."

" Look how much spoiled this girl is, lucky one, treat them." Sandra said

" Of course!! Let's go!"

" Bye Sandra." We said together

" Bye, drive safely." She said as she waved to us

" We need to celebrate this! I will bake the bestest cake for you!!" Pete said

" And dinner is on me!!"

" Then you will convince one of the oldies to give me one of their cars so we can go and drive as fast as we can." She cheered as she drove towards the house

" We can't, you can ask yourselves but you won't be allowed to speed up."

" Whyy?" She whined as she sped up

" Destiny, don't speed up."

" Wow!" Pete yelled from the back seat," This is awesome."

" I know bro." She laughed, ignoring me

" Desty, I'm serious, don't, this is a busy route, don't speed up."

" Okay, fine." She said as she maintained the appropriate speed

" Good good." I said relieved

" Joy killer." Pete said as he smacked my head

" It's more ass friendly and safe in general."

" Yeah yeah, scared cat."

I just rolled my eyes

We reached home and got in

" So how was it?" Marc came out the kitchen

" I got the license!" She jumped on him

He hugged her and kissed her forehead. " Cool... Let's get out for a while." He said as he opened the door

" What about us?" We asked about us

" You can follow us."

" Wow, so you will only take her with you, not us." Pete huffed

" So nice of you."

" Okay come bitches." He said as he pulled our hands with one hand as his other hand still around Desty's shoulders

" Asshole!" We mumbled together

" If I were you I would have watched my mouth, I'll take care of you. Just a

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