20 | Six?

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FOUR KIDS, around the age of ten and eleven, were standing side by side with a large man in a hazard suit next to them.

"Are you ready?" The voice of Dr. Brenner echoed, not really caring if the kids were ready or not.

"Yes, sir." Five, one of the oldest being eleven years of age, stated, standing straight up like a tiny soldier.

The hesitant kids slowly walked through the slimy gateway. This was their first time going into the world beyond the slime and the kids were filled with nerves.

Once they all made it through the barrier, they were surrounded by a place that looked like their world, except it was cold, slimy, dark.

Twelve felt a shiver go down his spine grabbing the closest thing to him which was a hand.

The blue-eyed boy looked to the owner of the hand with a hesitant, scared smile. Number Six, looked down at their intertwined hands, squeezing the boy's hand tightly causing Twelve to relax and the group started walking.

"Why'd I have to come? I mean, Brenner knows I'm not useful--" Five cut off Six's rambling. "I don't know, okay? Don't question Brenner."

 Eleven and Five stood in front, protective of the two boys behind them. They all jumped as they heard a loud screech in the distance. 

"What was that?" Six asked, the eleven-year-old looking nervously between the two, grasping Twelve's hand tightly, the two boys' hands clammy with nerves.

"I don't know." Five clenched his jaw, looking around trying to find where the sound came from. Ignoring the chills that go down his spine. He had to keep the three safe. It was his job.

Suddenly the screech got closer, and they all gasped as they saw a monster, with a man-like body and a flower-shaped mouth that opened showing rows of sharp teeth, sending shivers through their bodies.

They all started running away, shouting encouraging words at each other.

"Hold on!" Five shouted as the kids all grab hands.

Five was about to teleport them out when Six was suddenly grabbed by the monster.

"NO!" Twelve cried out going to grab him but Five held the blue-eyed boy back as Eleven glares at the monster attacking.

Twelve gasps as he watched the monster attack Six, blood shooting out the boy's stomach, "No, no, no. Please!"

Eleven glared harder, finally, the monster flew back, screeching, landing on the floor dead.

Twelve broke out of Five's hold, running and falling to the ground beside Six who was struggling to breathe with Eleven and Five following.

"Hey, hey, you're okay." Twelve breathed out, cupping Six's face in his hands, tears falling from his eyes.

Six smiled softly, feeling himself grow weaker. "It's...okay."

Eleven and Five watched sadly as Twelve let out a sob, shaking his head furiously. "No. No. Don't leave me, please."

Six slowly reached to grab Twelve's hand, lifting it up, kissing the tattoo on Twelve's wrist. "I love you..."

"No, no, no!"

Six turned his head to Five, "Take care of them."

Five let a tear slip from his eye, watching his best friend die, "Promise."

Twelve felt his heart shatter as Six smiled at him one last time before closing his eyes.

"Six? Six?! No, no, no! Please, six! Wake up, Six! Wake up! You're okay...please." Twelve sobbed into Six's bloody chest, not knowing the contact will come in handy later on...

Levi coughed harshly sitting up from the ground, looking around. A chill goes down his spine when he felt the cold and saw the darkness with little white flecks floating in the air.

Twelve looked around him and sighed in relief as he sees Ben beside him. Twelve looked to his other side, his eyes widening when he sees El lying unconscious.

"El?!" He whispered harshly, crawling over to the girl, placing Ben on the ground. Shaking the girl he panics as she doesn't wake up. "Eleven! Wake up!"

Levi jumps back as Eleven gasped suddenly, popping up from the ground, looking around as well.

Eleven stands up, Levi following her actions, grabbing onto Ben while grabbing El's hand as they both take in the dark, cold, echo of their world.

"Are you okay?" Eleven asked quietly, turning to the boy.

Levi nodded, "You?" he replied, causing El to nod as well.

"Come on." Eleven whispers, dragging Levi through the upside-down.

They seem to still be at the middle school, in the hallway. 

"Mike?!" Eleven shouted, her hand squeezing as she looked around the halls. "MIKE?!"

"Dustin? DUSTY?!"

The two stop, sharing a look as they hear footsteps and frantic whispers.

Suddenly two figures walked around the corner, causing the two to falter.

Levi's breath hitched, feeling tears well in his eyes as he stared at the people in front of them.

"Three? Four?" Twelve whimpered, going to take a step forward but El pulled him back.

The two figures turned towards Eleven and Twelve with wide eyes. Wide smiles broke out on their faces as they ran up to El and Levi.

Eleven let go of Levi in shock as Three and Four ran towards them, wrapping their arms around the two tightly as El and Levi return the hug, and the four sob into each other's embrace.

"Oh, my god! Eleven, Twelve! What are you doing here? Are you okay?" Three frantically asked, pulling away from the two to look at them, checking for injuries.

Eleven and Twelve share a look, turning to the two nodding their heads, "Are you?"

Four smiled, "Yeah. Yeah."

"What are you doing here?" El asked, her words choppy but she needed to know. Five had told her he lost the two not that they were in the dangers of the upside-down.

Four and Three glance at each other, Three finally speaking up. "We were being chased by the Demogorgon when me and Four turned to grab Five...he was gone and...we were here."

"We found a kid...Will, we helped him. But...we got chased down and...lost him." Four continued.

El and Levi furrowed their brows, the other two catching their look.


Levi cleared his throat, "They found him. His...mom? Friends. He's safe."

"How do you know that?"

"We help."

Everyone stood silently for a moment before a loud screech in the distance caused them to jump.

They all share a panicked look and they started running through the school, jumping over vines.

The four run, making sure to stay together as they make it to a classroom El and Levi recognize, it was Mr. Clarke's.


It hasn't been long since the two arrived in the upside-down only a few minutes, but they really wanted to go back. Back to their friends, even bringing Four and Three.

The Demogorgon hasn't found them, the group had been staying in Mr. Clarke's room, eating the pudding cups Levi smuggled which only cured some of their hunger.

Eleven and Levi were both weak. The buzzing in his head had grown to a constant and annoyed Levi to no end.

Levi and Four were sat in the back of the classroom at the table while Three and El stood by the door.

"...so do you like him?" Four smirked at the younger boy.

Levi blushed, looking down at Ben, silently regretting that he told Four about Dustin. "Friend." he nodded.

Four shook his head smiling at the young boy, "No. Do you like him, romantically?"

Levi furrowed his brows, "...I don't know."

"That's okay."

Four gets up and walks up to the girls as Levi looked at Ben's eyes.

Suddenly the buzzing in his head stopped, causing Levi to stop.

Hey... The familiar voice said, but it sounded different like it wasn't in Levi's head.

Twelve's head snapped up, his breath hitched as he stared into the familiar brown eyes with green specks.

"Six?" Levi whispered, feeling tears well in his eyes. 

Eleven, Four, Three, and Five knew who was the voice, they all did. It was Six. Six had the power to talk and control ghosts and spirits, so when he died he possessed a familiar octopus plush and guided Levi. Everywhere Ben went Six went. What Six didn't mention was that one day, Levi would unlock the power to see ghosts as he did.

"Hey, Levi." Six smiled, glancing towards the group by the door who couldn't see him.

Twelve looked at the ghost in front of him, "Holy...shit." 

Six's eyes widened, "You spent way too much time with Dustin."

"No, I didn't," Levi stated.

"Who are you talking to?" Three asked confusingly as she, Eleven, and Four looks at the boy who was talking to mid-air.

Twelve opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by a loud screech that caused everyone to jump.

They all share a panicked look, Levi grabbed Ben as Six went back into the plush, running over to El, who grabbed the boy's free hand. They all stood still as stomping was heard getting closer.

"We have to go, you two are not strong enough." Three stated, grabbing her brother, pushing him in front, before pushing El and Levi ahead of her so she was in the back.

The four ran, hearing the screeching get closer behind them.

Levi tripped on a vine, falling to the ground, shouting in pain as he felt something sharp go through his leg.

Eleven, Three, and Four stopped in a panic, but they got scared even more when they saw blood coming from Levi's leg attracting the monster.

The monster turned the corner, opening its mouth, screeching loudly, Four and Three share a look.

Four quickly helps El pick up Levi, the blue-eyed boy leaned on El as Three put up a shield holding off the Demogorgon for a second.

"You two gotta leave okay?" Four stated Eleven and Twelve shook their heads. "You have to!"

"Four, I need help!" Three shouted as the shield grew weaker. Four looked at the two sternly.

Four stepped in front of the two, Three, and Four in front, Four used his powers to burn the Demogorgon but Three accidentally dropped the shield.

Levi held back a shout when the Demogorgon lunged at Three and Four. Squeezing his eyes tightly, trying to stop his tears. Opening his eyes, all he saw was blood as he watched the two get eaten by the monster who ruined their life.

"We go." Eleven mumbled, trying to not look at the scene, trying to move in front of the boy to block his view.

Levi let Eleven turn him around, helping him not put pressure on his leg. Levi silently cried, "I just got them back." he whimpered, Eleven let a tear fall as they tried to run as quickly as possible, Levi whimpering in pain with each step.

They stop when they make it to the hallway where the Demogorgon cracked the wall in their world, seeing the same hole in the wall except it was glowing red now.

The two stopped, looking at the slimy hole. Twelve reached forward, pushing his hand through the slime. Tearing the slime he looks through the hole, seeing their world. Eleven and Twelve share a look and Eleven helped Twelve into the hole, covering the boy in slime.

Twelve gasped at the new feeling of fresh air, he looked around and the lights were on. Everything was normal. Twelve quickly turned around, helping Eleven as she made her way through the portal, pulling hard causing the two to land on the hard ground, groaning.

The two slowly got up, Eleven wrapped an arm around the boy, helping him walk as the two looks around.

"Mike? Mike?!"

"Dusty!!? Five?!"

The two were crying out looking for the boys but no one replied and no one showed up.

After a while, the two stopped shouting, and walked outside mindlessly until they reached the woods.

Waiting for someone to find them.

A/N) *peeks from behind my narwhal plush, in fear* Hi, I'm sorry for the wait. I'm gonna try to post at least once a week, because I'm currently working on other fics. I hope you guys liked this chapter, ily!! Also Six is played by the wonderful Ryan Potter!💕

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