16 | Oh, my innocent Levi...

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TWELVE BEING TIRED was an understatement. They had been walking for a long time and Levi was sick of it. His legs and feet were aching from walking along the train tracks. Five was beside him, Lucas and Dustin ahead, Eleven and Mike were behind him.

Twelve also had Ben and Klaus in his arms, having conversations with Five here and there but mostly listen to the voice rant about how this whole thing was a bad idea. Twelve was getting annoyed with the voice's ranting, Levi understood he wanted to keep Twelve safe but it was getting to the point where Levi was having trouble keeping the conversation in his head.

Twelve looked over his shoulder, feeling a pull of energy he looks towards Eleven with furrowed brows. Turning to Five he makes sure no one can hear him. "What's she doing?"

Five sighed, not knowing what to say, knowing if he told the truth Levi would probably tell Dustin or something. "Keeping us safe."

Levi narrowed his eyes at the green-eyed boy, in thought before his blue eyes widened in realization. When he heard Lucas and Dustin's conversation.

"Do you think she's acting weird?" He heard Lucas ask.

Levi looks forward connecting eyes with Dustin before Dustin looks at Eleven. "You're asking if the weirdo is acting weird."

Levi looked down at the ground as he heard those words. He knew Dustin didn't mean for it to sound mean, but Twelve couldn't help but think if Dustin thought he was weird too, and that made Levi confused when he felt his stomach churn and his heart hurt.

As if reading his mind, Five put a reassuring hand on Levi's shoulder, "He didn't mean it like that." Five mumbled, smiling softly when he and Levi connect eyes.


Five sighed, knowingly. "Of course. Even if they deny it, you're their friend now."

Friend...I don't like it. Twelve thought.

Oh, my innocent Twelve. You have a crush! The voice said, his voice showing slight excitement which was surprising because he only shows he's excited about certain things.



Levi sighed, looking around as they stopped at a junkyard, looking towards Dustin who was looking at the compass in his hands in confusion.

"Oh, no," Dustin mumbled, looking around, squinting as the breeze hits his face.

"Oh, no? What's, Oh, no?" Lucas asked, watching the boy intently.

"We're headed back home."

Levi tuned out the conversation, looking down at Ben in his hands.

This isn't going to go well. The voice stated, his voice dripping with worry.

I know. Levi watched the group argue. He's always hated yelling, he remembered when Papa would punish him and it would lead to yelling, and since then if someone got in a disagreement Levi tried to stay out of it. He didn't like how the voices would echo off each other, it always made him want to cower in fear.

Which was what he was doing now. He couldn't understand what was coming out of the boys' mouths, he could just hear loud yells but couldn't make out words, they were all jumbled. Levi slowly backed away from the scene, his actions not being noticed as Lucas and Mike began punching each other.

Twelve flinched with every hit, hugging the plushies closer to him, as he got closer to the woods. He heard Eleven, Five, and Dustin shouting at the two to stop but they continued.

All of a sudden El let out a loud ear-piercing scream that sent Lucas flying backward, hitting a junk car, and hitting the floor unconscious.

Five looked at El with wide eyes, before running towards Lucas with Dustin and Mike following.

Levi exhaled harshly, not knowing what to do. He stood frozen in place as Mike shouted at Eleven before turning back to Lucas. Twelve furrowed his brows as he watched El run into the woods, before glancing towards the group and following behind Eleven.

Five helped Lucas up once Lucas regained consciousness, letting the boy walk away, before looking around with Mike and Dustin when they noticed Levi and El were both gone.

"Where's El?" Mike asked.

"Where's Levi?" Five and Dustin said simultaneously.





The leaves crumbled under the pair's shoes as they ran through the woods. They were now far away from the boys, and Levi leaned against a nearby tree and Eleven stopped as well, sitting down with her back on the trunk.

It was now nighttime and the two were exhausted, Levi slid down the tree slumping next to El and leaning his head on her shoulder. El rested her head on his as Levi played with the stuffed animals.

"You okay?" Twelve asked, breaking the silence, lifting his head to look at the girl.

Eleven sighed, looking down at her lap still feeling slightly sad about the situation but didn't want to worry Levi. "Fine."

Twelve bit the inside of his cheek before lying down on the ground, his head in her lap looking up at the sky. Taking in the sky filled with stars that he could see through the trees, his eyes twinkled under the moonlight, but his heart hurt when he realized he had left Five behind again.

Eleven caught his sad look, and ran her fingers through his hair, knowing it calms him down. Levi's heart clenched, remembering Five always used to do that.

He already missed the green-eyed boy. But he also missed Mike who was like a brother to him, he even missed Lucas even though Lucas hates them. Levi missed Dustin. Levi couldn't understand why though the voice kept saying it was a crush but Levi didn't know what that was.

"Sleep," Eleven stated, looking down at the boy as he nodded and closed his eyes falling into slumber.


A/N) This was really short I'm sorry the next one will come out soon hopefully. I love you guys!

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