Chapter 30

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Chasity's POV-

I took a nap because I haven't done that in a long time.

When I woke up I heard yelling.

"THIS IS NOT MY FAULT!" I heard Maddie yell and I ran to hear what they were talking about.

"What did I miss?" I asked.

"He kissed me! He really just kissed me." Madeline yelled pulling me into the movie room


"That's awesome!" I replied.

"No, it's not. He has a girlfriend named Karen and oh my goodness I'm a homewrecker." She said panicking.

"Ms. Girl you are not a homewrecker. Did you kiss him back though that's the tea?" I said.

"I wanted to but I didn't. I know my worth and I'm not going to ruin a relationship." she explained.

"As you should queen." WAIT! If I tell Karen that Rocco kissed a girl then she'll break up with him leaving him single and ready to mingle with MADELINE!

I am so fucking smart.

"Ugh! I'm going to go get food. See you later." She told me and laughed.

Food. I miss that hoe.

I decided to do something not interesting what so ever.

I went to go bother ninja turtle.

I went to his office and saw him MAKING OUT WITH A GIRL!

"Wow, my eyes! Ew." I said shutting the door in the face.

That was disgusting.

I was looking for bleach to clean my eyeballs.

"What are you looking for?" Maddie asked me as I was looking through all of the cabinets.

"Bleach. Leo. Kissing. Girl. Nasty. Ew. #Gross." I explained.

"Yikes, bleach won't help with that. I'd say vodka but I don't drink so I wouldn't know." She said.

"Vodka. GOOD IDEA!" I said and found a bottle laying around.

Do they not know that I live here? No one in their right mind would keep alcohol lying around in front of me.

"Wait no. Do not drink it. I didn't remember who I was talking to. Sorry. But do no-."

"Too late sista." I said chugging the bottle of alcohol.

"OH MY GOODNESS! CHAS WHY OH NO." She said panicking.

"Why are you panicking I'm not that drunk. Plus what's the big deal?" I asked.

"I'm going to say this in the sweetest way possible. You get crazy when you drink apple juice and now you drank a whole bottle of straight liquor." She said and Rocco came into the room sneaking up behind Maddie and tickling her.

"What's wrong?" He whispered to Maddie who slapped his ear so he would let her go.

"Chasity is drunk."

"OOH SHINY GUN! GIVE ME!" I yelled and stole Rocco's gun shooting it everywhere.

(A/N- As you can tell, I don't drink. How long does it take until the drunk takes effect?)

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