Chapter 129

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Chasity's POV-

CRUSTY! MUSTY! Come out, come out wherever you are!" I yelled looking everywhere for them.

"Children I will buy you a mansion if you come out from hiding," Stefan shouted.

"I can't find them," I told him.

"Me neither my love.' He replied.

All of a sudden we heard a scream.

"Fuck." Stefan mumbled as we ran upstairs.

We heard noises in the closet and I prayed that the children were there.

I opened the closet slowly and

"AHH! YOU FOUND US!" Musty yelled.

Thank goodness that they have no recollection of time.

"Where's daddy?" Crusty asked me.

"Oh, your father." is dead.

Just kidding I didn't say that.

Babies can not take jokes.

Like I told them that they were adopted and their parents are actually aliens and they cried.

Like bro, we bought you off eBay bitch.


"Do y'all want to take a nap?" I asked.

"No, we want food," Crusty said.

"Oh, yea kids need to eat. If I give you my phone could you like DoorDash it?" Stefan asked.

"Bitch they're babies they don't know shit," I replied and dragged them to their high chairs.

I handed them the baby food.

Crusty and elephante opened their mouth.

Stefan leaned towards me. "Why are they doing that?"

"I don't know," I replied.

"Oh, the spoons!" I said and Stefan grabbed two.

"Here you go, children." He said and placed them on the table.

The kids still had their mouths open.

"What?" I asked them.

"We want food!" They yelled.

"Then eat. It's right there." Stefan replied.

"We can't eat," Musty said.

"How can you not eat?" I asked.


"Oh ew. Have fun baby." Stefan said kissing my forehead and tried running but I caught him.

"Good try babe. Grab the spoon and feed Musty." I told him and he rolled his eyes but still listened to me.

As he should!

"Ok child open your mouth," Stefan said and Musty did.

Stefan fed him while I fed Crust.

"Finally that nightmare is over," Stefan said but then Musty threw up all over his shirt.

"What the fuck?" He muttered. I started laughing.

"I'm going to change and pray that Crusty shits all over your clothes my love," Stef said and kissed me before he left.

What a character.

Stefan came back downstairs in black clothes. I swear he only wears black.

We heard the door open and my family came inside.

Maddie came up to hug us for being amazing obvi.

"Ew, not you uggo," Stefan said and swerved.

"Thank you guys so much for babysitting them." She said appreciatively.

"No problem, we did a very good job," I replied.

"Sure your welcome, but if you make me do this again, I will flush your children down the toilet," Stefan said and I nudged him.

"He was just kidding but we will be waiting for an apology video from the devils," I said.

"Sorry. But I brought tacos!" Rocco replied and I pushed him out of the way to get to my real children.


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