Chapter 125

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(Just a reminder that this story is faker than my dad's side of the family so don't attack me or I will pull up to your house and blast Be Happy by Dixie Damelio the whole night)

Chasity's POV-

I think deep down we all knew that one day I would get arrested for murder but who would have thought that today was the day?

It all started when I got pulled over by a cop.

I was driving to some honestly I have no idea where but I was in some rich annoying neighborhood.

Stefan was with me.

That son of a bitch. Fucking hate him.

3 hours earlier-

"Stephanie let's go on a drive!" I whined to him.

"Okay, my love." He replied.

I started driving and I'm a horrible driver so obviously, I got pulled over by a cop.

Those bitches really need a new hobby.

"Which one of you is Stefan Romero?" The cop asked.


But why does he need Stef?

Stefan was going to say something but I beat him to it.

"That is I," I replied and got out of the car.

"Stefan Romero you are under arrest for the murder of Connor Romero. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for yo-."

"Yea, yea, yea. I've done this before shut up and take me to jail or do you want to shoot me first?" I asked them and I was handcuffed and put in a cop car.

The things I do for the man I love.

I saw Stefan calling someone probably ninja.

Stefan's POV-

Why the hell is the girl I love so fucking crazy?

She should have just let me go with them.

They're going to find out that she's lying and that'll get her in trouble.

I called Leo to tell him about it.

"Yo." He said.

"Leo, Chasity got charged for murder. Well, she took my blame. I need you to-."

Chasity's POV-


"Yo bitch stop that hurts," I told the guy and he held his gun.


Fuck the fingerprint.

I didn't think this through did I.

"Stefan Romero, you're up next." The person said.

"Oh, yea," I said and slowly walked there trying to stall.

"Hurry delinquent." The police officer said.

"What are you gonna do if I don't? Shoot up my old neighborhood?" I asked. Oop- I did not think that through.

Mainly people of color live there.

Don't give him ideas Chasity.

The guy grabbed my arm and dragged me to the fingerprint shit.

"ASSULT!" I yelled but they told me to shut up.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

I placed my finger on the scan and prayed that I would get shot in the heart right about now.

The system finally updated and my heart started beating faster.

Oh n-

(A/N- Awe the things she does for Stefan. We all know deep down Chasity is whipped for Stef as he is for her.)

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