59: Sunset Dreams and Evergreen

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"Please stand for the national anthem," the school's principal announces from the microphone. She sets it down as the music begins to float through the auditorium and the graduating class rises in unison.

While it plays, I cast my eyes around the room. Adrian flashes me a thumbs up from his position near the front of the seating area, showing me his digital camera with a thin zoom lens attached to it.

To my left are Peter and Nicole, their chairs side-by-side. Lexa is one row in front of them.

A black gown is layered over my plain white shirt. It's stuffy inside the room, surrounded by parents and teachers. When the anthem ends, I let out of sigh of relief as I take my seat.

After a few more brief announcements from the principal, she calls a list of students to the stage.

My hands grow clammy. When Lexa's row is called, they head across the carpeted floor and climb the stairs. Shaking hands with the school staff, they accept their diploma and stop for a moment to allow the photographer to take a few pictures.

We practiced this process a few days ago, and yet, it feels new this time. There was no applause before; it was just silence.

After Lexa comes Peter and Nicole. It only makes sense for them to be together until the last feasible moment—when Peter steps forward first. He has a scholarship announced along with his average of above eighty-five—high honours. Nicole, for her part, has a ninety (and the highest grade in calculus) and is so excitable when she reaches centre-stage that she offers both hands to take the diploma.

"Row M, please," the principal says, and I swallow as I get to my feet.

I practically blink, and it's my turn to walk. I set my hand against the railing, keeping my eyes on the three stairs between my beat-up sneakers and the stage.

I can hear the principal speaking, but I don't process a word of it. I remember to pause for the handshake and stare in the direction of the crowd as a camera flashes in my peripheral vision.

Finding my way back to my chair, I carry my ivory folder under my arm. It contains a stamped paper with my high school diploma, a sealed copy of my transcript, and another paper tucked behind it.

North High hockey team, it reads. Most improved player.

I laugh so quietly that I almost forget to breathe.

☆ ☽ ☆

Seeing Peter Delacroix in a suit leaves me spellbound.

The sleeves are snug against his arms, accentuating his lithe frame. He's hiding comfortable black sneakers underneath the maroon fabric. It's the first time I've ever liked the colour red on anyone, even myself.

He joins me under the shadowed sky as we move towards his car. I stick the keys into the ignition. The engine hums in the solace of the silence.

"I didn't know your suit was red," I say, lingering.

The hint of a smile appears on his face as he smooths the fabric under his hands. "It was a last-minute decision. If it looks terrible—"

"Oh, my God! Are you kidding me?" I reverse out of Peter's usual parking spot, stopping before I turn onto the main road. "It looks so good that I'm actually a little jealous."

Before we head to the school gym for prom, I swing by Nicole's apartment to pick her up, along with Lexa.

The two of them exit the building, hopping into the backseat. Nicole's cotton-candy pink dress flows down to her ankles, and her hair is curled into waves that bounce off her shoulders.

"You look good," Peter says to her.

She winks. "You know it."

From next to her, Lexa slides their hands into the pocket of their black suit. "Nikki, you aren't going to compliment them back?"

"Oh, please." She waves her hand in my direction. "I'm sure I don't need to make anyone's ego any larger than it already is."

I glare at her in the rearview mirror before coming to a halt behind a row of trucks driving in the same direction. "I don't have an ego."

"I never mentioned anyone by name. You're the one assuming it was about you, and that just proves my point," Nicole says.

Groaning, I turn on my signal and follow the lineup of cars filing into North High's parking area. Lexa and Nicole shuffle out first, falling into step with me as we step inside the school for the last time.

In the gymnasium, desks are lined against the far walls, covered in table settings made to look like frothing waves and illuminated by tea lights. Strung along the basketball nets are paper lanterns shining bright blue and turquoise. Bustling groups of students shuffle to the beat of the music over the speakers.

Nicole lets out a shout as Willow approaches us. She beckons her towards our group. "This looks amazing!"

"Thank you! I did my best." Willow pretends to take a bow and turns to Peter, Lexa, and me. "I love your suits!"

She takes Nicole's arm and whispers in her ear. Nicole suppresses a giggle and says, "Sure, I'll dance!" And the two of them part ways with us, forging a path to the middle of the room.

"We lost her already. That was fast," Peter mumbles. Over the music, I have to stand closer to hear him.

"I'm getting something to eat." Lexa nods to the buffet line. "Maybe we can visit Dina and Jay later?"

I nod in agreement. Lexa smiles and weaves through the crowd.

My knuckle brushes against Peter's hand. Blood rushes to my cheeks at the faint contact between us. His dark skin takes on a hue like moonlight in the navy blue lighting. His eyes are shining like distant, flickering stars.

"Do you want to dance? I can't promise I'm any good," I say.

Peter's eyes widen, and my heart thumps as he meets my gaze. "Me neither."

I swallow hard, grabbing his hand. We stand a few feet apart. I wait for him to move closer, to hold me steadfast against the prying eyes. I consider throwing my arms around him and letting out lips interlock like I've been doing countless times before. There should be nothing different about this, but there is.

The song switches to a faster, frenetic beat. Keeping my hand against his, I sway to the music. There's practically no rhythm to the motion, but I tell myself I don't care. 

I pull against Peter's arm, my fingers gentle on his warm skin. "Come on."

"Éric," he whispers, so quickly that I almost don't hear it, "are you trying to be embarrassing?"

I grin, reaching for his waist. I rest my hand in midair for a second—or maybe five—before I search the surrounding gymnasium. A few stray students are looking in our direction, but most of them are absorbed in their own conversations.

Still shuffling to the beat, I shake my head. "Please! Not on purpose. I just don't know what I'm doing."

"I can tell." He takes a step closer to me.

Heat crackles between us, and I drift over to him. His fingertips gloss over me. I sigh, unable to resist the pull of gravity. We're nearly pressed against each other now, and I crane my neck to glance into his eyes.

Before I can speak, I spot Nicole hurtling towards me. Peter steps back as her arms wrap around him. She twirls, and her skirt billows out around her knees.

"I never thought I'd see you dancing!" she shouts over the music.

His eyes flicker to her and back to me. "I'm not actually moving, to be fair."

She attempts to kick him with her bright yellow heels. He dodges, nearly trips, and I move to catch him. When I press my hand against his chest, I can feel his heartbeat.

"Are you okay?" I have to make sure. "I mean—not okay, like in general. I mean, do you need to take a break?"

"I could use a drink of water," he replies as he stands back upright.

Nicole shoves her way through the huddled groups of students to get to the refreshments. She takes a plastic cup and sticks it underneath the jug of water filled with ice. It pools with condensation.

"We can step outside for a few minutes if you're getting..."

He nods and sips his drink. I take his hand, and Nicole squeezes his shoulder.

"Text me if you need anything, please," she says. "I'll come. Always."

Side by side, Peter walks with me through the gym. I open the doors with my shoulder, and once we're in the safety of the quiet hall, he relaxes. He continues to move until we've reached the outside parking lot.

The sunset forms a ring of fire over the tree line. Insects buzz and chirp in the calm breeze. I lower myself onto the curb as the celestial sky glitters.

Peter tips the glass back and drinks the last of it. I cradle into him like the night sky cradles the moon, resting my lips against his neck.

"We don't have to go back inside." I sigh and pull back, biting my lip.

"This party doesn't suck," he says, ever so softly. "And I'm not just saying that because I don't want this day to end."

My head whirls and my fingernails curl into my palms. Part of me wants to pretend I haven't heard him, that I don't understand exactly what he means. But I feel it, too.

Maybe it would be easier if I broke his heart like I did to Claire. I've always been good at breaking what should have been forever. I've always been good at rendering inseparable into irreparable.

My voice is hoarse when I say, "Yeah... yeah. Peter—"

"Don't." He shakes his head. "Don't remind me. I'm not going to do it. I won't make you stay when you need to go. I... just... I wish I could come with you."

"I can't ask you to do that." Even though it hurts.

He sets his cup down and stares at the sky. It shimmers, and I feel like I could reach for it. I feel like I could touch it. "And I can't ask you to stay."

We sit in silence for a while before he takes a few deep breaths and heads back inside. After checking to make sure he's in Nicole's (sometimes) capable hands, I head to the bathroom.

As I wash my hands, the stall door opens and reveals Sam Fields.

His suit is black, and his tie matches. A stare with the strength to burn me to ash drills into my periphery.

I say, just for the hell of it, "How is Noah?"

Sam's jaw locks shut. "How is Delacroix?"

"Peter is actually fucking amazing."

He quirks an eyebrow and stays stoic, crumpling a wad of paper towels in his hands. Lazily, he tosses it into the trash can. "Are you two together or something? Your outfits aren't matching, but I saw you dancing."

"Yes." I shrug and flash him my best smile. "We are."

With that, I turn towards the exit. Before I get there, Sam's voice calls, "Evan, wait."

I angle myself halfway in his direction. The light is harsh. "What?"

"I'm sorry for insulting you. And your sister. And Peter. And... okay, I insulted a lot of people. I don't really know what I can do to prove myself anymore. I fucked up."

"I know." I narrow my eyes at him.

He crosses his arms. I've never liked admitting it, but we are similar. Maybe, maybe—I was aware of it from the beginning.

He shakes his head and passes me to the door. When I step out of the bathroom, he's already disappeared into the crowd. I scan the students, and my eyes find Peter.

When I see him across the room, he smiles so widely that I can't focus on anything else. I find my way to him, grinning back.

As I approach, I rise to my tiptoes. "Do you think we should be matching?"

"Ah, but we already are," he murmurs, pointing to his shoes. He bunches the fabric upward so that I can see his anklet socks—a vivid, calm blue that's the same shade as my suit.

"I hate you." And I really just wish I could kiss him. "You're such an idiot." And I really just wish I didn't feel so guilty.

Nicole whisks the two of us onto the makeshift gym dance floor. She twirls under the paper lanterns with Lexa and Willow, trying to drag me along with her. I don't have to force myself to sway to the beat.

I team up with Nicole to get Peter to join us.

He laughs a little and glares at us before stepping towards me. And I rotate in circles until I'm closer to him, with Nicole and Willow giggling beside me.

The hours fade to a blur. I emerge onto the pavement in the darkness of the night along with the other Astronomy Club members. We're outside Jay's apartment complex, relishing in the calm wind and the motionless hush.

I stare at my fingers, which are interlocked in Peter's grasp. His thumb draws circles against the palm of my hand.

The lobby door opens, revealing Jay's older brother, Zachary. He's about the height that I would be standing up, with unshaven stubble and a cardigan thrown over his pyjamas. "What are you doing outside so late?"

"It's not that late," Jay says and shrugs.

Dina turns to him. "What are we going to do, anyway? We're lame."

"Yeah, didn't you know? We're the Idiots Club!" Nicole pitches in from next to her as she flattens her hands against the swishing fabric of her dress.

"I have no idea what any of you are talking about," Zachary says in a deadpan tone, gesturing to the apartment complex. "Mom wants you back soon, okay?"

Jay nods as his brother heads back inside. He yawns. "Since when am I part of that club?"

"Since now. You're an honorary member," Nicole replies.

"The rest of you are idiots. Not me. Except maybe Peter."

Lexa reaches over Dina to punch him on the shoulder.

"Thank you," Peter says from behind me. I can hear the teasing lilt to his tone, and without turning, I know he's smiling like he does when he's trying not to act pretentious. It's probably the real sort of tiny smirk, and the one he gives me when he knocks on the door to my hotel room. "Nobody ever mentions me as the only sane person here."

I lift my eyes to the stars winking in the sky. "You don't count, Pierre. You, who stole a whole telescope from Ms. Crozier to impress me?"

"I returned it!" he says, squeezing my hand.

"You did what?" Nicole asks, unable to hide her surprise. She sweeps her hair back and locks eyes with me, gleefully nudging the two of us. "You'd commit a crime for each other?"

I lean my head against his shoulder. "As long as you promise to be my accomplice after the fact."

He chuckles, and I feel like I'm drifting along an infinite ocean with the sea in every direction around me. I've been focused on survival for so long that I have to catch up. Time seems to move faster and faster with each day that passes. "Deal."

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