Twenty nine

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*Owen's POV*


My head is pounding from the moment I wake up.

"Fuck." I groan as I sit upwards, placing my hand on my forehead.

Looking to my right I see Luna snoring and drooling on one of my pillows.  Flora is sleeping on the same one as Luna as well, her tail curled around Luna's forehead.

I pinch my nose as I remember yesterday.

Fuck me.

"Dammit." I rub my temples.

A strong wave of nausea hits me all of sudden.

When I get up to run to the bathroom I realize something is on my waist.

Lifting the covers I see one of Luna's legs spread over my lower body.

If I don't go to the bathroom right now I'm gonna puke here, and I do not want to do that.

As gently as I can, I push over her leg, she doesn't wake up, instead light snores continue leaving her lips.

I quickly run to the bathroom and shut the door before leaning over the toilet and puking up all the contents in my stomach from last night.

I hate throwing up.  It's fucking disgusting and the thought of it makes me want to throw up even more.

After about a minute of hoarse coughing and throwing up nothing but spit, I jump a little when I feel a cool hand rubbing my back.

I keep my arms crossed over the toilet seat and my head practically instead the toilet.

"I'm gonna go get you some water." Luna's voice registers in my ears as she continues rubbing my bare back while kneeled down next to me.

I lift my head to look at her as she stands up and closes the door behind her when leaving the bathroom.

Is she wearing my clothes?

Did we-?

"Fuck." My head hurts so bad.  I force myself to stand up from the ground and close the seat before flushing.

As I brush my teeth and wash out my mouth I try to push the thoughts of puke out of my mind before I end up puking again.

My reflection looks like a mess.

My hair is even messier than normal, falling over my forehead.  Under eye circles making me look even more tired than I normally am.

I think I have them since usually every night when I read I tend to get a little carried away and forget to go sleep before 4am.

It's unhealthy, I know.  I don't really care.

When I finish brushing my teeth I wash my face, splashing cold water on it to try to wake me up as well.

Luna still isn't back from downstairs, I debate for a second on whether to go downstairs to check on her or just go back to my bed and go to sleep again.

Sighing, I open the door and hesitantly head down the stairs, still holding my throbbing head.

When I walk into the kitchen I notice Luna putting butter on a piece of toast with a calming smile on her face as she hums some tune.

I feel my face heat from embarrassment due to the occurrences of last night.

I'm never getting drunk ever again.  At least not around her.

Walking over to her tiredly, I lean against the counter next to her, watching her finish up buttering the toast.

"It's like eight in the morning on Saturday, why are you awake?" She jumps a little from shock when she snaps back into reality and realizes that I'm standing right beside her.

"I woke up because Flora decided to take a nap on my head and her tail was itching my nose." She scrunches her nose in remembrance.  "Then I heard you puking and felt bad, so I looked up how to help people with hangovers and found some website written by these smarty pants people from Harvard.  They said that to cure a hangover you should get some carbohydrates in your body and drink fluids.  So I made you a piece of toast with some butter and got you a cup of water.  I don't know I just felt like being nice so here you go!" She shoves the plate of toast into my arms and then gestures to the cup of water on the counter.

She is breathing kind of heavy from saying many words very fast.  I think I need to remind her that it's okay to take breaths in between sentences.  She seems to forget that sometimes.

"Thank you." I vocalize to her lowly. She gives me a nod before taking the other plate of toast she made and taking a seat at the kitchen table with it.

I trudge over and take a seat across from her.

A few seconds go by, when I look at her face I see that she is staring at the table lost in thought, slowly eating the piece of toast.

I clear my throat, making her break the trance and meet my eyes.

"So um...what happened yesterday?" I ask, pretending like I don't know.

Hopefully if I pretend that I don't remember then that will just make it seem like I was so drunk to the point where I can't even remember what happened.

An evil grin spreads onto her lips and she begins to snort.

"Um...well when we were at school Levina told us to come to her house-" She begins but I cut her off.

"No no, not that far back." I nervously tap my fingers on the table.

"Oh!" She nods in understanding.  "Well um..." She takes a second to think again.  "You got like really drunk and stuff and then this girl made you kiss her and you looked like you weren't expecting that so then I helped you get away from her and told her to fuck off.  Then I ran into Madeline and she poured a drink on me, again.  I swear it's like the only thing that girl knows how to do-" Her words tumble out one after the other and after the other.

"Luna." I interrupt.  "Take a second to breathe when speaking so you're not so out of breath." She breaths heavily and nods, looking down to her plate and taking a big bite of her toast.

When she chews she reminds me of one of those cute chipmunks when they stuff their mouth with acorns.  I clench my jaw to avoid a smile breaking out onto my face.

Once she is done chewing she swallows and continues.  "Okay I'm ready again!"

I take a bite of the toast and rub my forehead trying to help the pain, waiting for her to continue.

"Okay anyways, as I was saying.  Then we came to your house and I helped you take off your face paint stuff and then I made you brush your teeth.  And I must let you know that you are a very sleepy, flirty, horny, and tired drunk." She chuckles before shoving the last bite of bread in her mouth.  Making the chipmunk cheeks come back.

I nod...wondering how to ask this.  "Did we uh...?" My voice trails off, hoping she gets what I'm asking.

I think I remember last night pretty well, but I'm wondering if we did...that. I mean, she is wearing a pair of my boxers and one of my shirts.

Her eyes widen and she scrunches up her nose.  "No! We did not do that.  I'm only wearing your clothes since I couldn't go to sleep in that uncomfortable outfit." She shudders at the thought.

"Oh...okay." Silence falls over us when I stare at the table and finish eating the piece of toast and drinking the water she gave me.

"So what are your plans today!" She tilts her head to the side, sounding way too cheerful at way too early in the morning

"Well considering my head hurts I kinda just wanna stay home.  It's Saturday anyways." I shrug as I run my middle finger over the rim of the empty glass.

When I glance back up to her eyes she frowns.

"But you'll be all alone since you told me your parents won't be home." Her voice is quiet and gentle.

"It doesn't matter." I don't really care anymore.  I mean sure my mom doesn't work so she is home with me usually, but half the time she is couch bound because of her arthritis and back problems and what not. Then plus my dad being at work all time and then when he is home he's sleeping since he doesn't get much of that during the work week. Plus some weeks he ends up working weekends as well. I barely see him anymore.

You get used to being alone all the time.

"Well I don't want you to be alone, therefore I suggest that we shall spend the day together." She grins and then takes another second to think.  "We can go to the park and eat chips! Or maybe we can go to the mall or something." She suggests.

I rub my neck as I think about it.

My head still hurts but I guess it would be kind of nice to leave my house.

Glancing to her eyes I notice a glimmer of hope in her dark brown eyes.

I sigh. "Just lemme get ready."


"Do you even have a license?" I swear if she crashes this car I'm going to die. Literally.

"Yes!" She scowls at me. "I just don't have a car so I never get the opportunity to drive." She exhales defeatedly before buckling her seat belt.

I do a quick prayer to God, even though I'm not really a religious person.

When she tries to reverse the car it jerks forward instead.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"Whoopsies." She chuckles as if it was funny, and then proceeds reversing out the drive way.

I turn my head to glare at her but she just continues staring at the road ahead of her, a little smile on her face as she hums a tune that seems to be stuck in her head.

My scowl soon fades.  She makes it hard to be mad at her for a prolonged period of time.

Without removing her eyes from the road, she takes her phone out of the breast pocket of the shirt she borrowed from me and throws it onto my lap.

"Press shuffle on my playlist."

"Password?" I run my fingers over her flower printed phone case.

"1234." Her tone is quiet, ashamed almost.

I snort.  "Wow, how unique." I type in the password and am met with her home screen picture of flowers.

She must really like flowers, huh.

"Cállate." I watch her eyebrows pinch together, a faint scowl etched onto her full lips.  (Translation: shut up.)

When I press shuffle on her playlist the first song that starts playing is Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift.

She sings along softly, whispering under her breath.

"We have to stop by my house so I can shower, change and you know, get ready and stuff." She opens the windows to the car, letting the wind pass through.

She does kind of look like a mess.

Her hair is all over the place.  She has slightly smeared makeup on her face, and she is still wearing the clothes she took from me.

I have a feeling I'm never getting those boxers or shirt back.

She is also barefoot.  Before we left she said those heels Levina lent her hurt her feet too much and that now she has blisters.

Now that Halloween outfit sits on a chair in my bedroom, which I guess I'll be the one to give it back to the Levina.

I remember last night when she asked me to unzip that corset top thing - or whatever it's called - for her.  Her skin was very soft, and she has a really pretty back.

Holy shit that sounds creepy.

I let the music drown out my thoughts so that I don't feel like a creep for thinking of Luna's bare back.

"What are we supposed to do at the park?" I lift the dark sunglasses I put on and rub my eyes.

I hate wearing sunglasses, but Luna told me it'll help with my headache.

"I'm bringing my book and a book for you so that we can read together since we're in our own little book club.  Remember?" She side eyes me.

"Yes I remember." I mumble.  I want to sleep.

"Okay we're here, except just in case my mom's awake even though she probably isn't, we're going to go through my bedroom window." She snatches her phone from my grasp and pauses the music before unbuckling her seat belt.

The car is parked on the road adjacent to her house, not in the front.

A jolt of nervousness makes me shiver.

I've never been in her house before.

"Well c'mon!" She whisper yells to me even though there is no need to be whispering since we're outside.

I quickly unbuckle the seat belt and hop out the car.

She is already running towards her bedroom window at the back of the small house.

"Gimme a boost." She grabs into the window and waits for me to help once I finally reach her.

I carefully place my hands on her lower hips and push her upwards, her ass is kind of right in my face.  She slides the window open and not so gracefully tumbles inside.

"Owww." She whines when she hits the floor.

Since I'm taller it's easier for me to just jump a little and head inside.

I take a second to look around her room.



And more books.

Stacks of them.


"Damn." I say under my breath.

When I go to walk around my foot hits something.

I regain my balance as I look down to see Luna still on the floor. Looking like a mess and out of breath.

"Help." She musters out.

Leaning down, I grab onto both of her hands and haul her up.

She attempts to flatten out some of the frizz on top of her head, but it doesn't really help.

"Okay, give me like thirty minutes. Read one of my books or something." She frantically tiptoe-runs out the room and quietly shuts it behind her.

Now I'm left alone.

I uncomfortably take a seat at the end of her bed.

The walls are a cream white color. The paint chipping. Her bed sheets have little flowers on them.

Her floors are creaky old scratched wooden planks.

Random things are scattered around everywhere.

Staring at her bedside table I see a picture with some people in it.

Hesitantly, I get up and gently pick up the picture frame.

I guess that's her mom and two siblings.

Luna is holding the camera.  She seems to be around twelve maybe?  Her toothy grin is mainly in the shot.  Her little sister and brother trying to also be in the picture along with her mom.

Looking around the room I see no sign or pictures of her dad.

I remember her telling me about how her dad's an alcoholic and not a great person.

I wonder what's that like.  Growing up with someone who has addiction problems.

Well, technically I have.  I just didn't know until it was too late.

Luna doesn't seem to look like her mother a lot.  Maybe she looks more like her dad.

I place the picture back where it originally was.

Snooping feels wrong.

Letting my gaze fall to the floor I see a pair of shorts, some pink socks, and a black bra.

My mind wanders to what she would look like in that. I tear my gaze away before the thoughts can travel anymore.

I end up grabbing one of her books and reading it in the mean time.

His fingers thrust deep inside me as I come so hard I can see star-

I close the book and place it back down immediately.


About ten minutes later the door handle slowly turns so it doesn't make any noise.

My face drops. Please be Luna and not her mom. Please be Luna and not her mom.

"Luna can we play Robl-" The little boy cuts off his question halfway through the door when he sees me.

His eyes are open wide, a look of shock on his face.

My eyes are also wide. We stare at each other for a few more seconds. What do I do? Dammit.

"Are you a robber? Why are you reading my sister's books? She is gonna kill you for touching them!" He whisper yells as he takes one of her bras from the floor and throws it as my face as if that could stop me if I was an actual robber.

I throw my hands up and the bra falls onto my lap.

"I'm her friend and I'm waiting for her to get ready." I quickly muster out.

If this kid goes running to tell his mom I'm gonna jump out the window and run home.

"Her friend, huh?" He waltzes over to me in his spider-man pajamas and takes a seat next to me. A toothy smirk on his face.

"Yeah..." I cross my arms over my chest. What is this little guy getting at?

"I may be seven but I'm not an idiot. Well Luna thinks I'm one, but I can assure you I'm not." He furrows his brows at me and copies me by crossing his arms over his chest.

"You're a boy. I'm not dumb. I watched teen mom yesterday with my mom and I know what boys and girls do together." He says matter-factly.

I raise my eyebrows, slightly amused at where this kid's getting at.

"Just don't get my sister pregnant because then my mama is gonna kill her and then cut her up into little pieces and cook her in the oven." My eyes widen.

"Your sister is my friend. I'm not gonna get her pregnant." I assure him.

He places his hand over his heart and sighs in relief. "Thank god. I don't want my mom to kill her." He stands up from the bed and walks with his spider-man slippers back to the door.

"Hey...uh- pretend like you never saw me here. Yeah?" My voice is low, just in case anyone else is awake.

"Mhm-hm." He looks at me suspiciously before calmly closing the door.

I scoot closer to the window just in case her mom suddenly comes running into the room to kill me with a shoe, so I could jump out and run.

After a few minutes the door opens again and my head spins.

Luna closes the door behind her.

Her hair is soaking wet and only a towel adorns her body.

Without saying anything she heads over to dresser and grabs a few articles of clothing.

"Close your eyes for like two minutes." She gestures two fingers to me with her hand.

I shut my eyelids.

The sound of her towel falling to the floor makes me shiver along with the sound of clothes rustling.

If I were to open my eyes I'd see her naked.

I thickly swallow, adjusting my pant leg with my hand.

"Pass me that bra on your lap." She says nonchalantly.

My leg twitches and I clear my throat.

"Uh- sure.  Here." I croak out.  I hold out the bra for her to grab.

"Thanks!" She responds greatfully.

It takes everything in me to not open my eyes.

If her mom or one of her siblings walk in right now this is going to look so bad.

"Okay done!" When I open my eyes she stands in front me, stuffing a few books into a tote bag.

She is wearing blue mom jeans with green high top converse.  A grandpa looking sweater adorns her upper half along with a green ring on her finger. She is also wearing her glasses instead of contacts.

Her hair is damp and combed through, parted down the middle and falling down her back.

"Okay let's go!" She stuffs her phone into her bag and then clasps her hands together excitedly.

I hum in response.

When I go to head back through the window she interrupts.

"Wait! I forgot my sunscreen." She frantically runs to her dresser and grabs a small yellow bottle.

She squirts a little on her hand and rubs it all over her face while looking in the mirror.

"Did you put on sunscreen today?" She turns to me, holding the bottom in her hand tightly.

"No?" Who cares?

"Get in here right now." She points to the floor with a straight face.

I'm too tired for this shit.  I should've just stayed home.

Sighing, I step away from the window and saunter over to her.

Once I'm close enough to her she takes the sunglasses off my face and places them on her dresser.

She puts some of the sunscreen on her finger tips and begins intently rubbing it on my face.

My mind travels back to last night when she was putting moisturizer on my face. I can feel my cheeks warming.

"You have to wear sunscreen or else you'll get wrinkles! Plus you're white so you especially need this! No hate to you and all other white people...just helping." She gives me a sympathetic smile and places the sunglasses back on my face.

"Thanks...I guess." I shake my head and in a blink of an eye she is already at

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