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Pepa took a deep breath before entering the girls sleeping corridors.  She decided to grab Cas first.  Venus has told her before she left that Mars hadn't talked to her since they were in the breeding pod.  Venus explained to her that Danielson had threatened to kill both Mars and Cas after the over intimate moment that they had shared.  Venus had pushed him away emotionally to try and protect him and Cas.  Pepa thought it was an awfully inconvenient time for a lover quarrel and hoped it wouldn't affect trying to get him to the medical room.  She knew she wouldn't be able to get Venus to leave without him.

As she walked through the sleeping corridors of The Cube she saw pod after pod with girls sitting in their room.  It was lights out time yet and a few of them were visiting in other's pod's others just sat quietly in their room waiting for the doors to close and the lights to dim.  

She finally got to Cas's pod and peeked around the door hoping that she would actually be there and not visiting another girl.  Pepa was never Cas's medic and wasn't exactly sure what she looked like.  To her relief and a young woman with long golden hair had her nose buried into a book that was an approved read by The Cube.

"12192050, Cassiopeia?" Pepa asked.

Two crystal blue eyes peered over the top of the book and dread filled her eyes, "Yeah."

"I've come to get you. I'm taking you to visit Venus. She isn't doing well and I'm hoping seeing her friends will lift her spirits," Pepa lied.

Concern furrowed on Cas's brow as she slid off her bed, "Is she going to be okay?"

"I hope so.  Please get your shoes on and follow me," Pepa ordered.

Cas quickly did as she was told and followed behind Pepa as she started toward the boys sleeping quarters.

"Aren't we going to go see Venus?" Cas questioned her voice heavy with worry.

"We are going to get Mars first," she told her.

She could hear Cas snort behind her and mutter, "A lot of encouragement he'll be."

"Venus asked for him," Pepa told her.  

The boys sleeping quarters was a lot like the girls.  Boys were walking around waiting for lights out or visiting one another.  Pepa and Cas got a few curious looks.  It wasn't normal to see females of any kind, medic or Breeder, in that part of the facility.  They got to Mars and found him sitting on his bed.

"Mars, I've come to get you. I'm taking you to visit Venus. She isn't doing well and I'm hoping seeing her friends will lift her spirits," she told him.

He looked and glanced at Pepa and Cas before answering, "I'll pass."

She wasn't expecting that answer and stared at him a little dumbfounded.

"Get off your sorry pouting ass and go see your friend," Cas piped in behind Pepa as she pushed past her and glared at him, "Venus could be dying and your in here pouting because your feelings got hurt."

Panic flashed over his eyes, "Is she dying?"

Both Breeders were looking at Pepa for the answer.

"Possibly," Pepa said.

She didn't feel like she was very convincing but her vague answer seemed to be enough to get Mars to his feet. Concern drew heavy on his face but he tried to mask it with an uncaring air about him.

"I don't know why you think seeing me will bring up her spirits," muttered.

"That's the same thing I said," Cas told him, "but apparently she asked for you."

Mars's brows rose in surprise and he quickly glanced toward Pepa for confirmation.

"Let's just go," Pepa ordered.  She wanted out of that part of the building and back to Venus.  The medical area was quiet and clear when she left Venus alone and hoped that it hadn't changed. 

She all but ran down the halls walking as fast as her legs would carry her.  Mars and Cas had no trouble keeping up, in fact, they could keep a normal pace for them.

Medics and Breeders started thinning out the closer they got to the medical rooms, and Pepa's nerves steadied a little.

As soon are the door to Venus's room cracked open Venus lept from the bed.  She couldn't stand waiting any longer and was ready to go.

"She looks fine to me," Mars grumbled as he filed in behind Pepa and Cas.

"Shh," Pepa hushed as she quickly shut the door behind them.

"What's going on?" A befuddled Cas asked as she looked from Venus to Pepa.

"We're escaping," Venus quietly informed them.

Cas's already perplexed faced sunk deeper into confusion and terror, "Have you lost your ever loving mind?"

"Look, I'll explain it all later but right now we follow her," Venus told them as she pointed to Pepa. 

Compared to the three Breeders Pepa looked weak and helpless, which was exactly how she felt in that moment.  Venus had put all her trust and her life in Pepa's hand.  She was praying she wasn't going to let her down.

"What makes you think we want to go?" Mars asked.

Venus scowled at him, "Why would you want to stay?"

"Don't pretend like you actually want me to go along," he griped.

"I'm doing this for you. You big idiot," Venus scorned.

"Guys, we gotta go...now!" Pepa hissed.

Venus's heart lept into her throat.  She could hardly believe the moment had finally arrived.  Soon her freedom would come whether it came as living with Pepa's brother in the woods or death.  She would finally be free.

With quivering hands Pepa reached for the door and quickly checked the hall before motioning for the others to follow.  They quietly but quickly made their way down the hall and to the deserted loading docks.

When they got to the man door Pepa whispered, "As soon as we are outside. Run like hell for the tree line."

Sorry, this just seemed like the perfect place to end it.  Don't hate me. 

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