42 • When

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Rye Pov

Hotel Office Friday 9:36 am

This week has been hella fucking busy. Nigga running around doing all this shit for these Christan people and it's annoying as hell. Then Mr Sam tells me they conference is going to last another week.

What has a two week conference, hell they should have went on vacation for this shit.

"Excuse me miss" I looked up to see Mr Sam and a man and lady

"Good morning, sorry I haven't seen your sir, I been so busy. I'm sorry" I stood up

"It's okay, I'm glad your feeling better than Monday" he said

Yeah I was fucked up Monday at work.

"I see Sami took care of you". He said

"Yeah she did" I looked over to her office and she's looking dead at me

"I wanted you to meet Stacy and Juneau Beaulieu they are ahead of the conference" he introduced us

"Hello, I'm Rye a manager". I held out my hand and the women acted like I had a disease or something before she shook my hand

"Oh June's name is..." Mr Sam cut me off

"Okay, thanks rye I will email you a little later about their stuff next week " he said

But he already, emailed me it. I was confused, but I went back to working.

"So, have you talked to Sami?" Jess said

"Nope, I'm okay, she calls but I can't talk to her" I look over to her office and she isn't there

"Well she talked to June and she told June...." I cut Jess off

"Please I just want to do my work Jessica, nigga, bro, homie, confidont" I joked

"Okay okay, but she's was crying and I think you should definitely talk to her and top being such a dick, I know she fucked up but just listen to her side, I did after I attacked her at June's place" she said

"Don't do that" I said

"I did it cause she hurt my nigga,so what, but still go talk to her soft ass" Jess said walking away

I miss her a lot but maybe she's happy with Mai.

I have not talked to her in three days And it actually feels worse than those three years.

I hate this feeling.

I looked up to see her back at her desk, but she's on her computer.


Knock knock

"Hey" I said opening her door

"Hey" she pulled out her head phones

"Did you get the email, about another week of the conference?" I asked

"Yeah, I got it" she said

"Oh okay" I went to walk away



"We need to talk" she stood up


"We need to talk period". She demand

"Okay. I'll...." She cut me off

"I'll come by after work" she said

"Alright" I said and just stood there

"Rye I....."

"Sami we need to talk right now?" Mr Sam and Keke walked in


"We need to go to the police station, your Laywer is going meet us down there" Mr Sam said

"Police station?" I asked

"Don't worry baby..it's fine" she grabbed my hand

"Let's go, can you handle the contact people for today rye?" Sam asked

"Yeah sure, I got Mel if I really need help " I let go of Sami hand

"Okay, " he said and walked out


I can come by right?" Sami asked

"Yeah I guess" I replied

"Okay" she said and walked out

The rest of the day I was just wondering what was going on with Sami, and the reason she needed to go to the police station.

All day this Mrs Stacy and Juneau Beaulieu people have been pissing me the fuck off all damn day. Asking for this, needing this, needs drivers to go here, and blah blah.

I swear, that them are June's parents. The man has the same name as June.

"Excuse me, tonight we are going to need the restaurant to be only available to the conference attendees" Mr Juneau Beaulieu said in my office door

"I'm sorry but I can't do that, we do have other guests here" I said

"Majority is us" he said

"I understand, but the people that also paid to be here is obligated to use the restaurant also" I looked at him

"......" He just looked so disgusted at me

He just walked out. Rude.

I just finished up some paper work and I left.

IHop 7:23pm

I didn't feel like cooking, my feelings been hurt all week with Sami. These church people have been stressing me out. I'm just so drained, and all I want is some damn crapes.

"Hello " the girl said

"Hey, can I just get the strawberry crapes with bananas and lots of whipping cream" I asked

"Sure thing" she said walking away

"I feel like shit" I said

"Can I have just some oatmeal to go" I looked up and over to the lady Ulani standing at the Togo line

"Hey" I jumped up and she looked at me surprised

"I want to ask you how did you know my name?" I said walking to her

"I didn't" she lied

"You called me Kohia! No one knows that but my best friends " I told her

"That's my daughter name, I'm sorry you just look like her" she said

"Okay well you gotta stop being creepy, come just have a seat" I point to my table

"I don't wanna bother" she said

"It's fine, your the only one who actually seems to care which is highly strange but it's fine" I said

She followed me and we sat down and waited for our food

"Do you see your daughter?" I asked as we got out food

"More than she knows. I been watching over her for her entire life" she smiled at me

"It's nice to have a mom, I bet hell mines just left me to be in foster care all my life" I laughed

"You seem like a good mom" I added

"Being a parent you have to do hard choices, for your child. You can't say your mom didn't love you" she held my hand

"Yeah well I can't see that" I said smiling

"Well from a mother to a child I'm sure your mother's love is and was released for you. You don't know what she was going through that time in her life" she said

"Well, thanks for more motherly advice" I smiled

We just sat there and ate in silence, it wasn't weird it was comfortable, pretty comfortable actually.

Rye Penthouse 9:37 pm

I got home, took a nice long bath. I needed just some hot ass water to soak in. I locked up my place, went and laid down turned the TV on so I could watch Hulu, and got naked and got in bed after putting that scar cream on my face.

I still wanna beat Amanda ass for that wack shit.

Ring ring

"Hello?" Jess said

"Wassup nigga, where are y'all at?" I asked flicking through Hulu

"Me and Awa is at Dave and Buster's, June is I don't know actually" she stated

"Mmhmm,I didn't get want nothing just seeing what y'all was up to,. I'mma go to bed in a few be safe okay" I said

"Okay and Awa said hey"

"Tell her I said wassup, goodnight" I said

"Good night" and I hung up

I turned on some movie, some old movie and just wanted it til I went to sleep.


I was sleeping horrible, I was having all these dreams of what should have been my mother.

Was that lady Ulani right about my mother having to make a hard choice to give me up.

"Rye" I heard

"Rye, wake up" I turned over

"Mhm, I'm tired" I said

"Baby please, I need to talk to you" it was Sami

"What time is it" I cut the light on

"I got you some food, and it's two am" she held up a taco Bell bag

"Sami why are you here so late" I sat up

" I told you I wanted to talk to you. I need to talk to you" she sat the food in my lap as I covered my titties with the cover

"It's two am and now you wanna talk. Sami I told you to be happy....." She cut me off

"I know what you told me, you didn't even let me talk, at all. You didn't let me say shit" she opened the bag

"Sami it's two am and I'm tired" I said

"Well, I need to talk to you because it wasn't fair for you to just talk and assume shit about Mai and the pictures

"Sami, it's hard to assume when the proof is in your face Sami"

"Rye I don't want her, I don't. I never wanted her, I never even made it known to her that I wanted her" Sami said

"Your literally lying to my face, I saw y'all kissing, you touching her and the naked pictures and shit, how is th...." She cut me off

"Rye being honest, she's dating Geo, well was she was trying to make him jealous, that's all it was, I don't like her like that..rye fucking stop and listen to me" she grabbed me from getting up

"How stupid do you fucking think I am?" I asked

"I don't think your stupid, but your stupid if you think I'm cheating on you with a bitch who ain't even fucking gay"

"So Sami you mean to fucking tell me that y'all took videos and pictures and the texts because she wanted to make a nigga named Geo which is Amanda's husband mad?" I asked

"Rye that's exactly what it was, and she knows that, I don't understand why she made it seem like she didn't know you was my girlfriend"

"And the fact you did this while I was your girlfriend?"

"Why would you do that?" I got up from the bed looking for my shorts to put on

"Rye I fucked up,I liked her as a friend and I was just trying to help because I ain't like the nigga no way, but that's not the point I literally did not fuck her." She grabbed me

"Sami, saying you cheated sounds alot better" I laughed out of frustration

"Its not funny....." I cut her off

"Your fucking right, it's not fucking funny nigga, all this shit that has been done to me is nothing but fucking karma, I fucked up with you the worst thing ever, plus I'm still paying for it. This shit with Shay, you and Mai, you and who ever Megan is, and any other bitch or drama that comes my way" I walked out the room

"I'm tired of you fucking walking out on me" she grabbed me by the rim of my shorts and put me to the wall

"Not everything is Bout you. I fucking love you. Yes I fucking love you. You know how long it took me to even think about letting you touch me why would I just go around fucking bitches when I don't like her in that sense rye. I should have done it and I get that but not letting me explain what the fuck it was mad it worse" she said crying

I fuck hate when she cried.

"Mai fucking know that you're mines, so I don't know why she acted like she didn't" she wiped her face

"Stop crying"

"Nah man this shit is fucking stupid and I'm tired of going back and fucking forth trying to prove myself to you everyday" she let my shorts go

She sounded like she was telling the truth. But why do all that just to make someone else jealous.

Sami Pov

Rye Penthouse Saturday 2:37 am

I am honestly telling her the truth. I wouldn't dare cheat on her. Yes what I did was wrong but I was literally just helping out Mai. I never cheated with any one. And I'm damn sure not about to start.

"Rye please I'm telling the truth" I said

"Sami I'm not upset, you did what you needed to, plus you wasn't getting it from me" I wanted to choke her


"Rye come on, I'm sorry for yelling but your not listening to me" I pulled her to me

"It's just why would you do that, I told you I didn't like that bitch" she said

"Rye, trust me I wasn't trying to hurt you at all,I don't want her" I lifted her face to meet mines

"All you had to do was read the texts you would have saw everything, she asked me to help her baby, I'm telling the truth, look" I handed her my phone of our texts

She took my phone and stood there, looking at the texts. Her face scrunched up.

"Here" she turned my phone to me and Mai was calling

"Hello?" I put her on speaker

"Hey boo" she said, rye rolled her eyes

"It's three am wassup?" I said

"Just calling to see what my friend is up to" Mai said

"I'm with my girlfriend, some making up I have to do"

"Oh right your girlfriend, what did she do to you?" She asked with an attitude

"Rye didn't do anything, she saw the pictures that you asked me to do to make your boyfriend mad" I said

"Yeah about that, thanks for helping. I never showed it to him," she said

"Oh okay?" I said

"I realized that I kinda like you"

"That's good and all but I'm in a relationship with rye, so sorry" I said

"Well, obviously" I cut her

"I think you should watch what comes out your mouth Mai" I stated

"Have a goodnight" she hung up

"I wasn't lying baby" I threw my phone in the bed

"I knew that fucking bitch was gay Sami, I told you I didn't like that bitch" she walked away

"Nah you not doing that shit" I grabbed her

"Sami, I need to put a shirt on" she said

"You don't need to. Stop walking away from me when I am talking to your ass you hear me?" I asked her

"You hear me?" I pulled her closer


"I don't want you fucking talking to her no fucking more Samariya" she said

"I told you I wasn't cheating the first time, I don't care about that girl liking me, I don't want her, she knows who the fuck my girl is period" I sat her on the bed

"Well I care that she likes you......" I cut her off

"Don't,,, now can you eat so I can go to bed" I said hanging her a burrito

"I'm still mad, so give me my food and let me be" she took the food

"Be mad I don't care" I started to take my clothes off

"Don't look t me like that" I got in the bed

"Like?" She said

"Like I'm still lying, you heard her yourself, I wasn't......" She cut me off

"I did hear her so, what you could have told her to call you at this moment in time" she said

"Really she calls me back to back and I barely answer I answered this time because you was here and I wanted to clear shit up" I said taking her blanket from her

"Yeah ight nigga" she said

"Really nigga?" I asked

"Yep and give my"

"I bought this blanket so it's mines to" I said taking it from her again

"Whatever keep it" she said

She just kept on eating her food and I just laid there deleting the shit from my phone that I never should have been there.

Mai - so that's really your girlfriend?

Me - yeah 😑 you knew this

Me - why you acting new?

Mai - well I remember you being single when I met you, and now your in a relationship.

Me - you tripping nigga, we was never on that level. Period wether I was single or not

Mai - smh whatever your a liar and a cheater obviously

Mai - so fuck you, and your girl her scar face ass🖕🖕🖕🖕👌

Me - watch yourself bitch or I will fuck you up

Me - and her scar face ass don't need all that fucking makeup like you do. I don't text talk thug shit, so don't get fucked up bitch

Mai - and I to think I liked you. Smh

Rye snatched my phone

"So you going to bed or what?" She asked sitting my phone down

"Well it's is almost four am" I said taking the bag of food off the bed

"Yeah okay" she turned the lights off

"So you really gone lay all the way over there?" I asked

"I wanna be right here" she said

"Okay then finish acting funny to me. Just remember when you finally actually ready to let me back inside you and not you because being drunk at some church shit, im gone make you beg" I whispered in her ear

"You act like...." I cut her off

"Nope I'm sorry I can't hear you" I said

"Well, well then" she said turning to me

"No, excuse me don't put your hands on me" I said


"Yes you nasty, you did enough touching at that damn Conference Monday, talking about you wanna see me fuck awa, June , even Jess, and then you wanna fuck me. Nah, I'm Daddy so ain't nothing besides them pretty little fingers of yours going in me" I said

"Yeah, I don't remember saying that" she said

"Oh trust me you said and did alot" I laughed

"No I know how to handle my liquor" she said

"Nah you don't" I said

She didn't say nothing else cause she knows she don't.

She eventually went back to sleep on her side. I'm not stupid, she's still mad and still don't believe me. Which is fine but I wasn't lying. She don't trust me.

Ring ring

"Hello?" I said with my eyes closed

"You fucking suck I hope you know that" it was Mai

"What?" I looked at my phone clock

"It's fucking five thirty am why are you calling me" I sat up

"Because I started to like you and shit then you wanna pretend your in a relationship, obviously it's not that good if you did the pictures and shit with me" I just hung up on her

Bitch I got enough shit to deal with. I'm not about to go through this shit with this nigga now. If she keeps up she gonna have a problem.

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