08|| The Family feud

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"Those who are hardest to love, need it the most."







That's all she felt when the realization dawned on her that Rudra's mouth was mashing against hers. Other than the reeking smell of stale cigarettes, there was nothing but a stoic feeling on his lips, devoid of affections. She tried to scream, but little of it carried away as he swallowed most of the sound.

Suddenly, she felt his hands snake around her waist, trying to pull her closer. She twisted to get away, but he leaned his weight on her, kissing her harder, almost bruising them. Taking hold of her shoulder, he pinned her against the wall, switching their position from minutes ago. He pulled away when he realized that the girl was not kissing him back.

"So you won't kiss me back, huh?" he squeezed her jaw tightly in his rough hands, but Avni refused to let out a whimper and give him the satisfaction of seeing her in pain.

"You wish, honey," she gritted out.

He lowered his mouth, kissing her again. Suddenly, he bit her lower lip, drawing out blood. The metallic taste of the blood amplified the outrage in her as she swung her right knee forward to the man's groin, making him cry out in pain. She saw him staggering backward and screaming in pain. Without wasting any time, she ran towards the door. Her hands started to fumble with the knob, but she was held back by Rudra, who quickly wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her back.

"You will regret your actions, love," he dragged her back into the middle of the room.

"No, I'll enjoy smashing your head, asshole," she said as she edged her head backward, and in a swift movement, she smashed it forward against his. The force of this impact had him stumbling back while groaning in pain. While falling back, his hands accidentally brushed against the vase kept on the table, which fell on the cold tiles, shattering into pieces, startling both of them.

She stared at Rudra, whose hands were pressed against the tiles for balance, before his hand went to his head, wiping the blood. She found herself staring at the tattoo on the back of his right hand.

Straightening up, Avni assimilated the details that formed a beautiful art created by the dark ink trailed from his wrist to the knuckles. She recalled how surprised she was on her seventeenth birthday when he got it engraved on his right wrist. She looked back at his face, her lips twisted in resentment as she recalled that it was all facade.

When he stared back at her, his face went red in a mask of rage and fury. Before she had any chance to react, he took quick steps toward her and pushed her down on the bed with force, making her lose her balance. She was now beneath him, struggling to free herself from him, but his weight on her didn't allow her to escape his grasp. His right hand kept her in place by the shoulder, and his other one hovered down her neck. She kicked and punched him, managing to hit him a few times with self-defense techniques she knew, but he was stronger than her.

A loud knock on the door alarmed Rudra, who spent no time clasping his hand down on her mouth.

"Don't you dare utter a word," he enunciated to the girl in a hushed tone.

She tried opening her mouth, so she could either scream or bite him, but his hand was like a vise around her face fusing her lips to shut together. She started struggling, trying to twist her body free, but he shot her a warning glare before spewing words, "Don't struggle! You'll only make it worse for yourself."

Avni squeezed her eyes shut as her world started to swirl. After a few silent moments, they heard fading footsteps indicating the person walking away.

He slowly unclasped his hands from the girl's mouth, who unhurriedly opened her eyes and asked him in a dire voice while struggling to scramble away from him, "Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?"

"I wanted to taste what should've been mine. I wanted what you gave to that guy, the father of your bastard child," the rough drawl sent shivers down her spine as his arms snaked around her waist in an iron lock, ceasing her moves.

"You don't get to act like a saint here because you know the exact reason for our split," she bit back a retort while her eyes wandered around her surrounding, trying to find a way to escape.

"You didn't let me touch you all those years, but you spent no time jumping into another men's arms as soon as we were over!" he went on, inhaling deeply against her skin, making it itch so badly.

She swallowed at the painful dryness in her throat, forcing herself to ignore the graze of his lips across her cheek as she muttered, "You know nothing."

"You had really had me fooled!" a low, jeering laugh rumbled from his throat. "You were just like the rest of them, filthy promiscuous women out there, hungry for sex and attention."

Fury clutched at her, and it took all her willpower not to give in to the nearly wild instinct calling her to scratch his face with her claws, but with her, one arm twisted behind while the other one tried to reach the table lamp refrained her from accomplishing her conscience.

"Shut up, and just let me go, or else I won't be held responsible for the consequences of your actions!" she said while gritting her teeth in anger mixed with despair as her hands were just a few inches away from the lamp.

"Still so full of fire, aren't you?" he murmured. A small smile flickered on the corner of his lips and flared wicked bright in his dark eyes. He seized her arm that tried to grasp the lamp, tugging it over her head while he stroked his fingers along the tightness of her jaw, "It's going to be fun watching it burn you up in-"

She blinked her eyes in shock when suddenly she felt Rudra's weight thrown off her.

"Keep your hands off her, Seth!" Viransh grounded out as he slugged the other man on the face, sending him sprawling on the ground. His loud and booming voice resonated in the room.

Avni's eyes went towards the scuffling scene which played out in front of her. She saw Viransh punching the other man in full swing continuously.

Avni's eyes went towards the scuffling scene which played out in front of her. She saw Viransh punching the other man in full swing continuously.Rudra was now on the floor, catching his breath. "Malik." He hollered as he struggled to his feet, but Viransh pinned him down on the chest with his knee. "This is none of your business. Stay out of it!"

"What do you think you were going to do with her?" Viransh hissed as he grabbed Rudra by the collar and pelted his face with a few more knuckle-cracking punches.

"Don't tell me she's got you too, Malik, but I didn't know that she was your type," Rudra laughed, some blood spitting out from the corner of his mouth.

Viransh slammed him back down on the ground, and Rudra grunted loudly in pain.

"Viransh!" Avni hysterically pleaded as she ran towards him to push him away from Rudra. "Stop!"

"Why are you defending him?" Viransh asked her angrily.

"As much as I would love you to plaster him permanently on the ground, let's not forget that he is still Rudra Seth!" She grated out, glaring at both of them. "And I'll be damned if I'm going to have to spend the next few hours of my life bailing you out of jail."

Viransh looked up and glared at her. "Be quiet, darling. I'm not done here with your ex yet."

Avni scowled at his words, but she was secretly thrilled to watch the fear register on Rudra's face as he glanced between her and Viransh.

"I know that you are only defending me, but I am not sure if his father would like to see him all beaten up. He could sue you, or worst he can have you killed!" Avni pointed at Rudra's smacked-out body and his bloodied face.

Rudra glowered at her, "You're so much prettier when you use your brain, Princess."

"And you're so much attractive when you don't open your filthy mouth, douchebag!" she scoffed at his remark.

"Careful with your words, Seth! You know I might keep bashing you for just being annoyingly chatty." Viransh muttered before he turned to Rudra, slugging him in the face again.

"Viransh, stop it! You are going to raise a family feud!" Avni shook her head, "Please. Think about your family and your reputation."

Viransh opened his mouth to respond to her, but Rudra let out a menacing laugh, "She's right. She is not worth this feud. She is nothing but a deceitful and manipulative bitch."

Oh, I take my words back, Viransh. I permit you to smoothen him down on the floor fixture permanently.

"Sorry, darling, but I'm not going to let this comment pass," before Avni could even blink, Rudra was slumping on the ground again.

Viransh lifted himself off Rudra and yanked him to his feet. Holding him by his collar, he started pounding his fist on him again. Avni watched wrath on Viransh's face. She gulped visibly at the sight of his devilish side. His face flushed with anger and his eyes were dark with the desire to hurt Rudra Seth. And all this because of her. She knew that if this got worse than it already was, Rudra and his family would retaliate. She didn't care about what would happen to her. But she will not drag Viransh Malik into this mess. He doesn't deserve that.

She didn't know what else to do to stop him, so she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, trying to push him back and away from Rudra.

"Viransh, please stop," she pleaded desperately, "He can say whatever the hell he wants. I don't fucking care about what he thinks or says."

Viransh stiffened and closed his eyes briefly as he felt her soft arms looping around his waist. He left Rudra's collar, and the man collapsed on the ground with a howl. Just then, the door opened, and Avni heard people come into the room. She immediately pulled herself away from Viransh and glanced at the security guards, who crouched down near Rudra.

She heard Viransh say in a more controlled voice, "Take him to the police for assaulting a hotel guest. I will give them the statement later."

"Seriously, Malik?" Rudra asked sharply, "You really think you can have me arrested? And that too for her?"

A smile twitched at Viransh's mouth before he turned a cold, deadly gaze at Rudra. "If I hear you utter another word from the filthy mouth of yours, I might lose my tolerance and destroy you, and you know that I can."

For a while, Rudra kept quiet. He knew Viransh Malik could make good at that promise. But his face morphed into anger and denial as soon as he saw a smile curved around Avni's lips.

"It's all her fault." Rudra pointed toward Avni, "I would've punished her if you didn't interfere!"

"You're sick!"

"Believe me, Malik, I am not the only sick in this room," he glanced at Avni as she raised a brow, daring him to continue.

"I would shut up your mouth if I were you, Rudra," Avni growled next to Viransh, who narrowed his eyes at him, mulling the intent behind his words.

"Don't act all indignant now, Avni," he added while wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, "You know what, I will be back, and I'm going to take with me the pesky nuisance who ruined my life," he sneered at her.

"Come on, Rudra! Your words don't match your actions!" Avni scoffed, fueling his rage, "don't fucking bark, if you can't fucking bite."

"You!" Rudra let out an angry growl.

Before he could lurch forward and pound on Avni, Viransh pushed her behind his back, throwing a blow on Rudra's face, who crumpled down with the impact groaning in pain.

Viransh grumbled, glancing down at Rudra's bloodied face, "Remember Seth, I am a man of my words. When I say I can destroy, I surely will. Are we clear on this, or would you like any further enlightenment?"

Rudra just blinked rapidly, nodding his head. Without wasting any more time, the security officers started to hold Rudra. "Don't touch me!" he muttered angrily. "I will go with you, but don't touch me!"

Viransh gave them a nod as security officers took Rudra out of the room. When he was at the door, he said ominously, "Knock yourself out, Malik! Do let me know if she is pleasing in bed or not!"

"You son of a bitch!" Viransh started to go after Rudra again, but Avni pulled him back.

"Let it go!" she told him firmly. She turned her attention to the security officer, "Please take him out quickly! I am sure Mr. Seth here will enjoy his pleasing experience with the hoodlums of the prison."

"Get him out of here," Viransh barked out at them, pointing towards the door. "Now!"

The two guards pushed Rudra out of the room despite his protest, and then they closed the door behind them, leaving the two of them in strained silence for a long time.

"Are you okay? Do you need any medical help?" Viransh finally asked, glancing at her up and down as if inspecting for injuries.

She shook her head. "No, I'm fine. I am just a little," she let out a low sigh, "rattled."

His expression darkened as he took out a perfectly presses handkerchief from his pocket. "Last night, when I saw him looking at you like that, I should have known he might try something like this. I should've doubled the security near your room."

"How did you get into the room?" she asked, a quiver in her voice.

"I just came here to ask you for lunch," he answered with a shrug. "I was about to knock, but I heard the shattering sound of an object. I knocked on the door considerable time, but I didn't get any answers. My gaze flickered at a finished cigarette lying near the door and I knew something was wrong. I had to go to my office and review the CCTV footage to find him getting into your room and kicking the door close."

She opened her mouth to speak but gasped when he unexpectedly pressed the handkerchief to her lips. She winced as she felt a slight sting.

"Oh, this blood," she muttered, grabbing his hand with the handkerchief, and saw the blood specked on the snowy white linen.

He pulled his hand and pressed the handkerchief to her face again. "Your lower lip is busted. We need an ice pack." He gently pushed her down on the bed, "Stay here."

She watched as Viransh went to the minibar and then came back with an ice pack. He sat beside her. Tilting her chin up, he gently applied the ice on the side of her lip where it got busted.

For a long moment, they didn't say anything to each other. Except for the pitter-patter voice of the rain, there was silence permeating the entire room. Avni could still feel Viransh shaking with anger. She didn't know that this side of him would be this scary.

Finally, she dared to look at him, noticing him staring down at her while applying the ice on her lip. She shuddered at the memory of Rudra's mouth and hands all over her. "Sorry, I dragged you into this mess. I didn't know Rudra would stoop this low."

"He didn't look like he was over you. Come on, you broke Seth's heart, didn't you? It seemed he would do anything to punish you," he remarked. "I don't think he's done with you yet. I shouldn't have stopped beating him!" he stated dryly.

"I should've seen this coming. Rudra was never good with his violent demeanor."

"Then why were you in a relationship with him if you knew what kind of monster he was?" Viransh asked with an even voice while narrowing his eyes at her.

I don't know that either. The little girl in me was busy admiring the boy's gorgeous eyes and stunning smile while he sat on one knee with a rose in his hands that she didn't realize the Prince Charming in front of her couldn't ever be an exemplary lover.

Avni closed her eyes for a moment to calm herself down before she said in a low voice, "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me," he said.

"How about never?"

His shoulder slumped, "If that's what you want." Heat flared in his gaze, and his jaw clenched. "Though I am not sorry for beating him up. That asshole deserved it."

"But I also know Ratan won't keep quiet when he would get the news of his only son getting beaten up and locked up in jail," she said, glancing over Viransh's face.

"Don't worry about it. We'll find some solution," Avni just nodded her head. Her mind was too tired to think anything right now.

Viransh glanced at the broken pieces of vase lying on the ground, "I will ask the hotel staff to clean this room, and I think-" his gaze suddenly fell on the ashtray, "What did you burn? It doesn't look like scorched cigarette's ashes."


Author's Note:

Please ignore any typos or errors. I will edit it later.

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