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'That's what she said.'

I awoke to an empty bed, an audible groan leaving my lips as my body rolled over. The familiar full ache registering in my brain as I did and it didn't take a genius to roadie I had another hangover. I reached my arm over, my plan gripping my phone that was faced down on the table beside my bed, it was fully charged meaning Stiles must have been the one to put it there, as well as two aspirin and a cup of water.

My fingers began to tap at the screen, my eyes squinting slightly at the brightened before they widened. I had multiple missed messages from both Scott and Stiles, most of them being g of rather opposite things but still, I read through them all. They were explaining how Stiles had to leave, him feeling bad for leaving me alone but his dad had been hit by a car. Aftermath of a mountain lion attack in the school parking lot. But the words on the text reading he was fine lead me to let out a sigh of relief.

The others were how Stiles was now ignoring Scott, him having decided the werewolf was in the wrong. Him not saving his dad but rather a certain brunette girl he called his girlfriend. There were fewer messages from Scott, most of them asking if I had heard from our other best friend and I was beginning to feel like Hermione when she was delivering messages for both Ron and Harry, I felt like an owl. Except I wasn't doing a very good job.

"Jesus, all this happened whilst I was asleep."


I had made it to school, the ache in my head having subsided slightly from the painkillers and the shower I had taken taking away the grimy feeling that lingered in my skin. I was stood was now at my locker, leaning against the metal slightly and it felt cool against my sickly coloured skin.

I was getting the books I need for my first class, the stack begin to pile up and become rather heavy before I almost dropped them. The feeling of arms being wrapped around me, my body being pulled into another surprising me slightly. My head turned quickly, in search of the person showing me physical affection, only to see a certain werewolf boy, wearing one of his signature sheepish smiles.

"What was that for?" I asked confused by the random show of affection, placing my books down for a moment to make sure they didn't drop from my hands.

"Stiles told me what you said last night before he started ignoring me." He said and I was so confused, my eyebrows scrunching in confusion at the boys words until a feeling of dread crossed over me. There were many things I could have said, some rather embarrassing and others just depressing but there was no in between. I can't remember anything I said last night.

"Oh my god please tell me it wasn't something embarrassing." I told him and he just smiled, his teeth showing in the grin that reached from ear to ear.

"You don't remember?" He asked, his upturning his nose at the slightly lingering smell of alcohol on my breath, even though I had brushed my teeth twice this morning but suddenly my words made more sense.

"No Scotty if I did I wouldn't have asked." I retorted, the laced sarcasm in my tone evident.

"It wasn't anything bad I promise." He said and I didn't know if I believed him or not, his tone saying that I shouldn't. "You know I'm always here for you right."

"I know that Scotty now tell me what I said." But he just walked away, I watched as his figure retreated into the direction of our first class and a groan leaving lips for the second time this morning.

"I'm gonna kill him."


As I entered the classroom, I noticed that Stiles was already in his seat, the boys eyes trailed directly in front of him to his desk, my presence not yet being noticed by him. But much to my confusion, Scott wasn't here, his seat being empty even though he left before me. I sat, the wooden material of the chair feeling slightly uncomfortable making me move around slightly to find a more comfortable position before I turned to the boy behind me.

"What did I say to you last night?" I asked him and he looked up to me, him just noticing my sudden appearance and I could seem how his whiskey eyes held sadness in them.

"What do you mean?" He asked, playing coy and it annoyed me slightly, the dread in my veins beginning to grow.

"I mean why was Scotty hugging me this morning telling me that you told him about what I said last night." I asked him all in one breath, my tone rather stern and the annoyance evident to the boy who knew he had to explain.

"Well you were completely wasted so I put you to bed and you wanted some aspirin for your headache so I went to get it from your beside drawer-" he started but I cut him off, a shaky breath leaving my lips as I realised exactly what had happened.

"You saw them didn't you." I said, my brain beginning to scream at my stupidity, leaving them in a place anybody could find them.. Stiles had found my antidepressants, the one thing I didn't want him to see and now I'm going to have the boys even more worried about me than they already are. "I'm sorry"

"What are you sorry for Li?" He asked confused.

"For not telling you, it was just hard after what happened to my parents and when I got those pills they were just proof that I was not doing as well as I made out and I didn't want you to know." I rambled, my fingers twiddling with each other and my gaze trailed to the ground.

"It's ok Li we just want to be there for you, no matter what." He said giving me a smile but as I went to reply, Scott entered the classroom and Stiles quickly closed his mouth.

"Stiles? Are you still not talking to me? Can you at least tell me if your dads ok? It's just a bruise right? Nothing that bad- you know I feel really bad about it." Scott said and you could tell he was upset at himself for not saving the Sheriff but he really wanted to make it up to Stiles. However, Stiles had other ideas and continued to ignore the boy.

"What if I told you that I went to Derek for help?" Scott told Stiles who looked like he was internally debating whether or not to speak.

"Well if I was talking to you, I would tell you that you're an idiot for trusting him, but obviously I'm not talking to you." Said Stiles completely seriously and I couldn't help but laugh at his childish behaviour. Scott frowned at Stiles answer until he turned around and said. "What did he say?" A puppy dog smile spreading across the wolves face.

"Finally, my boys are talking again I thought I was going to have to pick a side like that time when you were arguing over what house had the best candy on Halloween, you didn't talk to each other for a whole day and said you wouldn't talk to me unless I decided who was right." I said reminiscing on the memory of the day, it was the longest we had ever been in an argument and I wasn't to happy about at the time, I had given the two a piece of my mind.

"I still can't believe you chose Scott, Mrs Johnson had reeses." Said Stiles, the boy thinking about his favourite chocolate but I scoffed.

"Yeah but Miss Daehler had full size Hershey bars and you know they're my favourite."


We were now leaving the class, our footsteps slower than usual from the mental and also physical exhaustion I was having. My body was carrying me robotically, my mind not even comprehending that my feet were actually moving until I reached the library doors. The change of scenery from the last class was relieving. This was our free period and I intended to use it for sleeping.

"So he wants you tap into your animal side and get angry?" Stiles asked Scott, my mind trying not to focus on the two boys who were talking way too loudly.

"Yes." Replied Scott, the spastic boy was completely infatuated with this situation, his best friend becoming a werwolf was almost like a dream to him, but to me it was just a giant headache.

"So when are you meeting him?" Asked Stiles referring to when Scott would be meeting Derek to practice controlling his shift, the blue eyed wolf having have the yellow eyed one instructions.

"He told me not to talk about it and go on with the day." Scott replied, wanting for the conversation to end, sending me a pleading look to make the pale boy shut up.

"When?" Was Stiles reply, my shoulders shrugging telling Scott I was not involved, my exhausted mind would rather be getting some shut eye than worrying about him loosing control on a full moon and killing someone.

"After school." He replied obviously defeated by Stiles persistence, a small sigh leaving his lips, it was hardly noticeable but I heard it.

"Ok that gives me until the end of the day." Stiles told us, his eyes lighting up which usually meant he had come up with a plan, a plan that usually involves us doing something stupid.

"To do what?" I asked the boy, wanting to know what idiotic idea he had come up with now.

"To teach him myself." He replied and with that he disappeared, the two of us left confused as we watched his retreating figure. With that me and Scott entered the library, the two doors opening without a creak and sat at a table. My head slammed against the wood, multiple people turning to see the source of the sound but I didn't move, my eyes feeling too heavy as I listened to the sound of Scott's pen hit his homework sheet.


It was silent, my eyes shut tightly as I was catching up on some sleep until they opened, the sound of a chair being pulled out from beside me snapping me from my slumber. My squinted eyes looked over to the person, Stiles sat their with a rather large grin on his face and he hadn't seemed to notice how he had disturbed me making me groan quietly.

"So I have a plan." Was the first thing he said, his eyes glancing between the two of us.

"So does this mean you're not mad at me anymore?" Scott asked the other boy, the smile on his face disappearing slightly.

"No but your crap has infiltrated my life. And I'm a much better Yoda than Derek." Said Stiles using an obvious Star Wars reference, Scott not understanding the reference decided to make a dumb joke.

"Yeah you be my yoda." Was Scott's reply, him actually having no idea who Yoda was but wanting to go along with the conversation anyway.

"Your Yoda I will be." Stiles said laughing at his own joke but clearly noticed that Scott didn't understand. "I said it backwards." But Scott was still oblivious.

"You know what I'm still mad at you, uh huh, yeah." Stiles said as he got up from his seat and stole Scott's book, the one that was covering his now scared face, the one that he was using to hide from Allison who was on the other side of the library with Lydia. And with that our best friend was gone.

"Hey Lilac, hey Li." I heard Lydia shout, multiple people whipping their heads around once more at her loud voice, the librarian shushing her and she waved me over. I looked to Scott for permission and he just nodded. I walked over and sat with the girls.

"Hey Li I'm researching my family history for that project you wanna hear?" Allison asked me my head nodding slowly.

"Yeah sure." I told her and she started to tell me a story, her words seeming to drown on forever and boredom beginning to take me over as I zoned out.. What I did know though what's that this was not good, Allison's family are hunters and who knows what would happen if she was to find out her boyfriend of all people was one of the creatures her family kill for a living. I was snapped out of my thoughts, the hand of the brunette waving in front of my face.

"Were you even listening Li?" She asked, my head nodding at the girl.

"Yes it was about how your ancestors, they killed a big wolf." I replied smirking knowing that she thought I hadn't heard any of her story.

"That's what I said." The strawberry blonde inputted, her tone less than interested as she twirled a lock of her her around her finger.

"Ok so what's going on with you and Stiles?" Allison asked, both of the girls moving their chairs closer to mine and leaning their heads in the hands.

"There's nothing going on with me and Stiles were just friends" I said and my heart clenched over the word friends, it was a weird feeling but I just brushed it off.

"Are you sure because you two seem closer than normal?" Added Lydia, now seemingly interested in my none existent love life.

"I don't know but when I'm around him I get this weird feeling in my stomach and my face always heats up." I said to the girls, the two looking at each other and letting out quiet squeals.

"Oh my god, you have a crush on Stiles." Exclaimed Allison a little to loud as people turned to look at us, my face heating up in embarrassment.

"What! No I don't." I told them, there was now way I had a crush on Stiles. I mean he's Stiles.

"Yes you do." Lydia sang and with that both girls left the library, them pratfalls jumping from their seats and out of the doors. Leaving me in my thoughts.

I then got up ready for my next class as the bell rang, the noise bringing me back to reality and looked over to see Scott smirking at me. Shit, I forgot he had super hearing, I'm never going to hear the end of this. My tongue stuck out at him, my feet carrying me away rather quickly like the two girls had previously.


It was now later in the school day, my exhaustion had now seemingly faded and been replaced by a rather absurd amount of energy. Me and Scott were now waiting for Stiles on the Lacrosse field, the two of us sat on the bench as the cool air nipped at our skin. We didn't exactly know why we were here but apparently it was a part of his plan to teach Scott.

Speaking of the spastic boy, he made his way over the field to where we were stood, him rummaging through a bag of stuff that he had placed in the ground. Then he pulled out a heart rate monitor, the object firmly in his grip before he handed it to Scott. Where the hell did he get that?

"Put the strap on." Exclaimed Stiles who seemed very excited to show us his plan.

"That's what she said." I said laughing to which only Scott laughed back.

"Isn't this one of the heart rate monitors used for the track team?" Asked Scott as he looked closer at the object.

"Yeah I borrowed it." Said Stiles, his words an obvious lie, the boy did not borrow anything.

"That means you stole it." I told him and Scott nodded in agreement.

"Temporarily misappropriated." He said trying to act like he was innocent, the play in words being the act.

"Coach uses this to monitor his heart rate when he runs, you're going to wear it for the rest of the day." Stiles told Scott as he reached back into the bag pulling out a phone that also wasn't his.

"Isn't that coaches phone?" Asked Scott as he looked at the phone in his hands.

"That I stole." Stiles replied with a smirk looking proud of himself.

"Why? What is it going to do?" Scotty boy asked wanting to know this great plan we have heard so much about.

"Well, your heart rate goes up when you go werewolf mode, you're with Allison and when you play lacrosse so I figured that when your heart rate rises you change." Said Stiles, this was actually very smart I can't believe I didn't think of it.

"Like the Incredible Hulk!" Exclaimed Scott as he grinned widely.

"Kinda." Said Stiles, not exactly agreeing with the reference to the Avenger as he shrugged his shoulders.

"No I'm like the incredible Hu-" Scott started but was cut off by Stiles.

"Just shut up and put the damn thing on." He said, his voice raising a few octaves in annoyance.

Scott placed the heart rate monitor around his torso, the strap gripping tightly to his chest and walked to the middle of the field as instructed. Stiles then began to duct tape his hands together, the pulling of the sticky tape rather loud, his palms now tied behind his back. Then he walked back to me and grabbed his lacrosse stick, his smile turning into a sickly one. Honestly I have no idea where he was going with this.

"This is exactly how I wanted to spend my free period." Scott said sarcastically, his eyes watching the boy intently waiting for what was about to happen.

"You ready?" Asked Stiles, tapping the stick to the ground before lifting it back up.

"No." Scott simply stated. Stiles however didn't seem to care as he swept a ball into his net, the stick being pulled backwards before swinging the ball. It heading right in the tied up boys direction and hitting him making me wince.

"Now remember, don't get angry." Said Stiles as he threw another ball at Scott who didn't seem too happy.

"I wanna try." I said to Stiles. He handed me the lacrosse stick as I threw the ball at him and it obviously hurt, it hitting him right where it shouldn't he let out a small hiss on contact. We continued to do this until he dropped to his knees, he was changing.

He had ripped through the duct tape and was holding his head in his hands, his palms covering his ears and his breathing heavy. He turned to us seconds later and he was fine, no amber eyes, no claws and no canines showing. He did it. Each of us sighing in relief as we both had thought he would have ripped us apart for a second.

"You started to change!" Exclaimed Stiles stating the obvious, him watching as the boy peeled away the remaining tape, it pulling away some of his arm hairs in the process.

"From anger." He said, hanging his head realising that Derek was right. "But it was more than that, it was like the angrier I got, the stronger I felt."

"It's anger Derek was right." Stiles said even though he didn't want to.

"I can't be around Allison." He said in a sad tone and then looked to us, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Why because she make you happy?" Asked Stiles who clearly didn't understand why Scott was saying this.

"No because she makes me weak." Scott said shaking his head.

"Scott are you being sexist because it kinda sounds like you are?" I asked him because this whole women makes you weak thing is bullshit.

"What? No" he said, him sending me a strange look.

"Well excuse the raging feminist in me."


It was now coaches class and me and the boys just arrived taking our seats, each of us looking around the classroom for a certain girl Scott was me at to be avoiding. Then Allison arrived, a small smirk appearing in my face as the only open seat was behind Scott. Scott sent Stiles a pleading look, his puppy dog face on full show, practically begging him to take the seat but as he went to do so, Allison quickly sat, causing Stiles to let out a huff of defeat.

"Hey I got my partner switched in lab, so now we have a reason to hang out at my place." She told him and I let out a laugh at the two lovestruck teenagers knowing that Stiles was in fact Scott's lab partner.

"Why?" Scott asked his girlfriend. Seriously this guy doesn't know anything about girls, you would think hanging around me he wouldn't be so clueless. "I mean I don't wanna being your grade down." he said trying to cover up his stupid mistake.

"Well maybe I can bring your grade up." Allison said, her niceness

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