22 | clarity

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“Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?”

21 | clarity


I paced up and down in my room, checking my phone every minute, raking my mind for any sort of mindlink that gave me information about what is happening at the pack border.

As Katherine told me, there was a rogue attack at the borders late at night and patrol team informed the alpha to collect more men so that we could defend ourselves.

It must be a serious attack because minor attacks- where there are just a couple of rogues- are handled by border patrol itself. They don't require any involvment of alpha or warriors.

A cold wind blew inside the room through the window and my body shivered. I hugged myself tight and proceeded to close the window. My wolf inside me was restless. I could feel her.

My breathe left a foggy appearance on the window pane and I furrowed. It's abnormally cold for summers tonight.

It's been 2 hours since that happened and now it's around four- thirty in the morning. Still, there is no information about their well being.

I don't know what happened to our pack members, to Katherine's father or brother— and importantly, I don't know if Chance is okay.

I pursed my lips and my thoughts got carried away to all the times we fought...but also all the times we've spent together. We might not be the ideal mate pair. We were not even close. But that didn't change the fact that I wanted him to be safe at all costs.

I also thought about this other very important person in my life who could be in risk rightnow. Ryder.

I am sure he went there. Because he's the Gamma. The ultimate head of the defence.

My lips turned into a frown as I thought about what all could possibly happen. I wasn't too worried about him though. He's 20. And he trained for 3 years...he should be fine, right?

But what if...?

Shaking my head, I got rid of my fleeting thoughts and sat on the back.

I saw the sleeping figure of the girl who cried herself to sleep, worrying about her brother and her father. Wondering whether they'll make it or not.

She was very protective of her little family. Her father and her brother. Her mother died when she was just 5. She saw her mother being murdered by rogues right in front of her eyes. Maybe that's why she was so scared of them.

I remember Katherine used to have panic attacks and nightmares when she was a kid. She said that they always ended with one of her family members dying.

This fear has remained with her till now, and it will remain with her all her life.

He mother's death tainted her. Forever.

No one deserves to go through pains like those. Pains that stay with you for a lifetime. Pains that slowly eat away a part of you. Pains that make you blind to rationality and pains that make you numb.

I know that deep down she wished she could do something about it. She wished she could go and fight too. Fight and aid the pack. Be of some help.

Female warriors are practically unheard for in the werewolf world simply because they are always "protected" by- first their fathers and then their mates. They aren't allowed to fight until extremely necessary.

They are left behind to look after the pups and cry over the mates in worry or mourn.

If their mates die, then they eventually die too. Or in worse case scenarios, the rogues that killed her mate might abduct her and use her a slave.

It's horrible. It's so sickening that I wish I could change the system. I but I have no power. And I know that.

How can we win if half of us are left behind to not fight? If all the packs do this then why can't we be different and let women fight? Won't that give us added number of fighters?

I massaged my temples as I felt a headache building up. I am thinking too much.

Bending down, I carefully put Katherine's head on a soft pillow and tucked her in, in my duvet. Kissing her head, I stroked her hair and after making sure that she was okay, I left the room.

The hallway was silent. No one was there. But I could feel that almost no one was asleep. They were up too, worrying about the ones who have gone to defend us.

Such a shame we could just sit and worry.

I walked into the kitchen and filled myself a glass of water. My throat was parched and all the worries were making it worse.

Cold water went down my throat and cooled it down a bit. I was halfway through my glass when a voice was heard in my head.

'Livy, are you there?'

I froze. It was Ryder's voice, calling me through the mind link.

I haven't shifted yet. So I could only receive messages. Never give one. I could only hear him. Not reply.

I closed my eyes and listened patiently.

'Oh Livy, I hope you are there. I need your help. Mark, Katherine's brother, he's here with us...'

The hair in the back of my neck rose up at Mark's name and I held the counter for support. Oh my god, is he okay?

'... he's too young, Livy. And undertrained. I am trying to tell him to go back. But he's not listening. Can you come here please? Bring Katherine. She's the only one he'll listen to. He needs to go back, Livy. These creatures are too malicious for him.'

My breathe came out in pants and I placed my half empty glass back on the counter.

Sweats of worry beaded on my forehead and I looked at the main door of the pack house.

I have to go.


I decided against waking Katherine up. She has just fallen asleep. That girl deserved rest. I'll go and get Mark on my own.

I know why Ryder asked me to bring Katherine. She's a great fighter. With all the energy and warrior blood. She's meant to be.

But me? Not so much.

I made my way to the pack's warehouse. It was were all the gym equipments and fighting weapons were stored. Due to the witch spell, only pack members could enter the warehouse without getting severely hurt.

As for the outsiders, they need Alpha permission to enter.

I picked up the only weapon I thought I could use. Silver Rifle.

I am the kid who was always protected by her parents. They never let me go out on school trips— let alone fighting for my pack. My nutritive health was taken care of— no doubt. But I was also spoiled by Mom's delicious homemade cookies and apple pies.

Gym was always a no go for me. Because frankly— I am a lazy ass. And I'd rather lie in my bed and read a nice book than get up, drag myself to the gym and lift weights.

It's just too much work. I can't do it.

My experience with rifles/ guns/ pistons is limited to movies. I know how the actors use it and I'll try to mimic it in real life and pray that it works.

It will work, right?


My legs crushed the twigs on the ground as I walked in the most dangerous woods on this side of America.

And there were a few problems I was already encountering-

First of, I had no idea where I was going. I could be walking in exactly opposite direction as the location for all I know. Or worse, I could just be going in circles still far away from the borders.

Secondly, I couldn't smell anything properly. My wolf has come out yet and my sense of smell was rusty. I couldn't even smell my mate from this far telling me I was no near my destination yet.

I could smell him from a mile or so.

Thirdly, I am hungry.

Fourthly, my wolf is an asshole and is not communicating with me.

My feet began to hurt as I walked some more and my arm felt sore because of the heavy weapon.

This was a bad idea. I could feel it. Maybe I should have woken Kat up.

'He's towards right,' A voice said in my head and I knew it was my wolf.

I rolled my eyes. 'Oh now you are talking to me?"

She didn't answer.

Well, damn her furry ass.


The first thing I thought of when I saw the scene in front of me was— WELL, FUCK.

Does it ever happen to you that when you about to face a scary situation- like presenting a speech in front of the school or something- you keep giving yourself a nice pep talk. You tell yourself you'll do it and wear a mask of confidence. You convince yourself and you are so pumped up to rock the performance— you are so sure you'll make it.

But once the situation actually comes in hand— you flip. Your guts get twisted and your heart comes to your throat.

That's exactly at this moment when I saw a bunch of wolves surrounded by another bunch wolves, growling at each other

The ones in the centre looked healthier and bigger and had normal eyes. Whereas the ones encircling them looked more weaker, their fur was shineless and their eyes were red coloured.

The ones in the centre were from my pack. Their fur was coated with spots of blood as if they have been fighting for a while now.

The air reeked of the smell of fresh blood and I tasted my gastric juices as a vomit threatened to come up.

No one likes the smell of blood. It smells metallic and disgusting.

The blood didn't belong to my pack telling me that no pack members were majorly harmed.


But by the looks of it, the situation wasn't exactly under control.

There were four wolves from my pack growling at the rogues which were ten in number. Obviously, they overpowered my pack.

I was confused. My pack had a lot of warriors. Then why were only 4 present here?

'Search for mate,' my wolf growled in my head and my eyes snapped up in alarm, frantically searching for a familiar black coloured wolf with blue eyes.

My steps faltered as I walked up to the little group, searching for my Lupus. I had to find him. I had to know he was okay.

A twig snapped under my feet and obviously it attracted attention as the head of a few rogues turned towards me.

I froze midstep and my lips parted at the expression of sheer coldness they wore.

If I had thought their eyes were atrocious from faraway— I had known nothing. Because not that I look up close- I see how malicious they. They were heinous, odious, detestable and filled with malice and hatred. It will like they were looking into my soul and sucking our every Joy from my being.

I felt like dropping the pistol and running away. But I won't do that. I will fight. I will prove to be brave.

A growl broke me from me from my thoughts as I saw a rogue now running towards me. My eyes widened and my heart started thudding faster.

My hands froze and it was like they had a mind of their own as they refused to raise up and shoot. My gun lay ideal in my hand as I gawked at the approaching rogue.

What do I do? I can't call Ryder. I don't know how his wolf looks like. I can't see Mark's wolf and my damn hand is refusing to shoot.

Oh my Lord. I am screwed.

Seeing it approach, a wolf from my pack got alert and started running after me. He looked at me and growled as if signalling me to run away but I couldn't. My feet were trapped.

The wolf jumped over the livid rogue, successfully trapping him in place with his claws scatching his back.

In a jiffy, the rogue was able to flip them around and now the wolf was under him.

The rogue over powered a healthy wolf? How is this possible...

My breathe got caught in my throat and realization dawned upon me. I realized that the wolf who saved my life is Katherine's brother- Mark. It explained the Auburn fur they shared. He was undertrained and hence easily overpowered by the wolf.

Now he was under him and vulnerable. I couldn't let him die! I can't just tell Katherine everything will be okay and then be the cause of her brother's death.

I can't let my stupidity end a strong and brave warrior's life.

A growl escaped my own teeth as a new sensation of courage took over and I raised my pistol up to shoot.

I aimed and it was easy with the rogue on top and soon the sound of gunshot reverberated in the woods with the smell of smoke as a residue.

The recoil force I experience threw me back and I almost fell on the ground.

With throbbing arm and teary eyes I looked up to see that the rogue had fallen down and the wolf who so bravely tried to saw me was watching me with awestruck eyes.

A small smile made it's way to my face but before I could do anything else, a sharp pain was felt on my back — it was like someone slammed into it.

Blacks spots appeared in my vision and the wolf wasn't clear anymore. My eyes shut close and my head felt heavy. I fell on the ground with knees first. It was once my head striked the ground that I realized that I have passed out.

Oh the joys of being Olivia Hart.


---2500 words---

This chapter didn't come out as I wanted it to...

Did you like it?

I personally feel like women power is so underestimated and women are anything but weak. We can fight too.

The most successful pack (in real life, country) would be the one who let's her women fight (in real life, get education and job) because if half of the country sits and home and bakes cake, the country can never develop.

But honestly, do you think the chapter is crappy? Let me know if you do...

1. Werewolves or vampires?

2. What do you think happened in the end?

3. How should I make Ryder's wolf look like?

4. What should we name Ryder's wolf? (FUN ACTIVITY- I'll pick a name for Ryder's wolf from the comments only. So don't feel shy to suggest a name! ❤️)

5. School or college?



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