Chapter 14

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"I think we're ready, Wyatt," Gill, one of his associates, said as he patted him on his shoulder. They had been trapped in one of the firm's conference rooms for almost ten hours in an attempt to make final preparation for their court case the following day. 

"I hope so, Gill," Wyatt said with a friendly smile as he stood at the head of the table, organizing his notes. Everything had to be perfect. The client depended on them to get it right.

"Are you going to join us at the bar for a drink?" Lisa, a cute redheaded law clerk, asked as she gathered up the trash that had accumulated during the day.

"You should, Wyatt. It's been a while since you joined us." Mark insisted. Mark Shearborn was an up and coming star in the law firm. He had his eye on a partnership and wanted to get there fast. It made Wyatt nervous because Mark was so focused on creating a good impression that he sometimes forgot the goal that they needed to accomplish. "It's time you loosened up a little. Maybe there will be someone there worth taking home." Wyatt didn't appreciate the sentiment or the grin that followed it.

"I don't want to try and compete against all of your many charms, Mark," Wyatt drawled with mock sincerity that went right over Mark's head. Lisa got it, though, because she gave a little cough to cover her laugh.

"I'm not looking tonight, my friend," Mark shook his head with a secret smile hovering around his lips as he snapped his briefcase shut. "I am meeting a cute little blond, who I am hoping will give me a boost. She's the niece of Bryce Stevens. I met her and her sister at a dinner hosted by his law firm this past weekend. At first, I thought I'd go for her sister, but she seemed a little too high maintenance if you know what I mean?" Mark put his jacket on an adjusted his lapels using the reflection off of the window. "But Beth seemed just right."

Wyatt paused for a brief second at the sound of her name. Why in the world had Beth agreed to go out with Mark? He went back to organizing his notes. It wasn't his problem. Beth assured him she could recognize a wolf when she saw one.

Mark picked up his briefcase and then, with a grinning salute, left them.

"Putz!" Lisa said as she sat the now full trashcan down next to the door. "I feel sorry for the mysterious Beth. She's in for a very dull evening listening to Mark talk about himself. I hope she's smart enough to see through all of his pretenses." With a sigh, she picked up her files and smiled at Wyatt. "You should come though." Then she gave them a little wave and left.

"Poor Wyatt, it must be hard to have all of the single ladies fall all over themselves when you're around." Gill laughed. "It's that southern charm. You can turn it on and off like a light." Gill and Wyatt had started at the company together, and they had become decent friends over the years. "Come with us, give the ladies something to talk about for the week."

Wyatt shook his head with a smile. "I'll think about it."

"I guess I can't ask for more," Gill said with a smile as he too turned and left.

Wyatt rubbed his forehead as the papers in front of him blurred. He didn't need to go. There was no reason for him to go. It would only make things harder. Every time he saw Beth, he wanted her a little bit more. He still hadn't recovered from seeing her at the birthday party.

He shouldn't want her. He had no right to want her, and he definitely didn't deserve her, but his brain and his body were on two different pages. If he couldn't get his mind and his body and his heart to match, then he should stay the hell away from her. 

The thought of her and Mark sitting together, laughing together, and possibly doing more made him curse. Then with a resigned sigh, he quickly organized that last of his notes. Who was he kidding? He was going.


Beth looked up at the sign over the bar as she sent a curse on her sister out into the universe. Mave was the reason she was in this predicament. 'He seems nice. You should go out with him. How would having one drink hurt?' It was yet another setup. Beth had been adamant in her refusal, but when her Aunt Grace had encouraged it, she had felt trapped.

The truth was Mark Shearborn was a putz. Beth looked at her reflection in the bar's window. She had been in the library archives all day, and she hadn't had time to go home and change, and she wasn't sorry. Hopefully, it would make for a quick end to the evening.

She was wearing her thick-framed glasses because they sat firmly on her face, which was ideal when she was always looking down to read. Her hair was in a ponytail, and any make-up she had put on that morning was long gone. Her baggy sweater and old jeans were ideal for keeping her warm in the drafty library building. Mave would be disappointed in her and knowing it gave Beth a feeling of unreasonable pleasure.

Beth pushed through the door and walked into the crowded bar. Her eyes scanned the crowd and saw Mark holding court at the bar. Great, now she would be the center of attention as she approached him, and she hated that. For a moment, she debated turning and running.

"Shall we enter together?" A voice said in her ear, and she jumped at the unexpectedness of it. Of course, she knew who it was right away by the goosebumps on her skin at his nearness.

"Wyatt?" Beth asked, looking up at him with surprise.

"I'm not here on purpose. I didn't know you would be here." Beth went into defense mode right away.

"I'm aware. Mark said he invited you." Wyatt placed his hand on her elbow, preparing to escort her to the bar, but neither one of them moved. Beth couldn't help herself as someone brushed past her, and she stepped back against Wyatt. Wyatt's hand tightened on her elbow, but he didn't step away.

"You know Mark?" she asked.

"He works with me," Wyatt confirmed, and they stood next to each other for another moment until Mark looked up and saw her and waved her over.

"About Mark," Wyatt began, but when he didn't finish, Beth smiled.

"No need to be jealous or worried, Wyatt. I know he's full of himself. I'm only here because Mave and Aunt Grace thought it would be a good idea. If you notice," Beth looked down at herself, "I'm not exactly dressed to make an impression."

"You look lovely, Beth. You always do." He hesitated, and Beth had the feeling he wanted to say more but didn't know how.

"What is it, Wyatt? I know you want to say more. Total honesty, remember?" Beth smiled and waved at Mark, beginning her trek across the bar with Wyatt on her heels.

"He's hoping that dating you will give a boost to his career." Wyatt's drawl was deep, letting Beth know he wasn't happy saying the words out loud.

"It's not an unusual occurrence, Wyatt. I believe I've explained all of this to you." Beth smiled at Mark, who took in her appearance and did his best to hide a look of disappointment. "Sorry, I've been at the library all day, and I didn't have a chance to change." She explained.

Mark nodded as she reached past Beth and shook Wyatt's hand as if he hadn't seen him in weeks instead of an hour. Beth noted his unusual excitement and realized he was already slightly drunk.  When Mark leaned over and started talking to a man behind him, Beth sighed and approached the bar. She'd probably have to pay for her own drink too.

"Let me, Beth," Wyatt said. "What would you like?"

"Can I have a glass of soda, please?" she requested, taking an empty stool to the left of Mark. Wyatt didn't say anything, although she fully expected him to comment on her lack of sophistication on her choice of beverage.

"Hi, I'm Lisa. I work with Mark and Wyatt." A beautiful redhead on Beth's other side held out her hand to Beth. "This is Gill. He works with us as well." Beth transferred her hand to Gill's.

"Nice to meet you, Beth." Gill grinned. "I hear you're Bryce Stevens' niece." He had to shout over the bar and crowd.

"Guilty," Beth confirmed before Thanking Wyatt, who handed her a drink and then moved to the other side of Gill.

Beth turned to Mark, who was talking to someone on his other side. It took him a minute to turn towards her. When he did, he threw his arm over her shoulders and hugged her close.

"I'm so glad you're here. Did you meet everyone? Good, you have a drink." Then he turned back to the man on his other side.

"Don't worry about Mark; we all know he's a putz." Lisa grinned. The noise in the bar had doubled, and Lisa had leaned close to be heard over the noise. "Wyatt's the office catch," Lisa said, pointing over her shoulder.

"Is he a fish?" Beth asked, amused by the way she called him the catch. It took Lisa a minute to get it, but when she did, she started laughing.

"What's so funny?" A tall blond woman joined them, leaning in between Gill and Lisa as she asked for a drink.

"Beth, this is Tina. She works with us too. I was just telling Beth that Wyatt's the better catch than Mark. That's who she's here with, Mark."

"Why is that funny?" Tina asked as she looked over Beth, the competition.

"You had to be there," Lisa said, then turned to Beth and made a face.

Beth was becoming fascinated by office politics; Lisa liked Wyatt and possibly Gill, but not Mark or Tina. Tina liked Mark and not Lisa.

"So, Wyatt's good," Beth looked over and caught his eye, and he frowned, "but Mark's not. What about Gill." Beth turned her attention to him. He looked handsome enough.

"Married!" Lisa explained.

Beth nodded, and after that, the conversation turned to work, and Beth was bored. Mark didn't look at her a second time, and after she finished her drink, she stood and headed towards the door without anyone noticing.

It wasn't so bad. She got to see Wyatt and learn a little about his co-workers. She smiled because it sounded like she was a potential stalker. As she stepped out of the bar, she took a deep breath of cold air. Thank God that was over, she doubted she would get a call from Mark.

"Can I take you home?" Wyatt asked as he joined her on the sidewalk.

"Sure, but it's not necessary." Beth looked up at him. She wanted to push back the lock of hair that had fallen across his forehead.

"He ignored you." Wyatt's voice sounded gruff as if it was a personal insult to him.

"I choose to look at it as if he didn't really see me." Beth smiled as she turned and started walking towards her apartment, which was only a few blocks away. "I'm used to it, Wyatt. I told you that too. Did you think I was making it all up?" Beth wasn't angry, only curious.

"No, but I thought you might be overstating for dramatic effect," he admitted, easily keeping up with her pace.

"Because I'm so young and naïve and innocent." She nodded.

"Point taken, Beth." Wyatt shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Why do you do that, shove your hands in your pockets. I notice you only do it when you're talking to me." Beth looked down at his arm next to her.

He didn't respond, and she knew he didn't want to tell her.

They drew up to her door, and she turned towards him. She should be happy that fate gave her another chance and that she got to prove a point, but seeing Wyatt and not having him was starting to take its toll on her. It was getting hard to keep up the faith.

"I keep my hands in my pockets when I'm with you to keep them off of you." Wyatt's voice was deep and husky.

Beth's breath caught at his admission.

"You can touch me as much as you want, Wyatt," Beth said, taking a step towards him, but he kept his hands deep in his pockets as he looked down at her. It was the first time she read conflict in his gaze. He wanted to touch her, but he wasn't ready.

"It's alright. I'm still waiting." Beth went up on tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night, Wyatt."

"Good night, Beth," Wyatt said, standing firm with his hands in his pockets.

His revelation was enough to give her hope for now.

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