Chapter 10

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I was in the Dreamscape once again. This time, there was only one other entity with me. It was hunched over, sitting on the floor, mumbling to itself. I walked over to it, curious as to whom it was.

It was Anti.

"... dumbass had to go get drunk. Now I get an opening and it's shit, what an asshole..."


He jumped to his feet and glared at me. "The hell're you doing here?!"

"Well, since I don't have anywhere else to go when Maru is asleep, I would believe what I am doing here," I brushed my hair off of my shoulder, "is kicking your ass."

"Wait," he said, outstretching a hand toward me. "Something's... off."

I cocked my head. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Can't you tell?" he asked. "Something just... doesn't feel quite right here. Like, look up at the... sky? It's black!"

"Hasn't it always been?" I asked, quite confused.

"No, it's always been a really dark purple," he said. It was just then that Insanity showed up.

"You feel it too, right?!" he said, pointing at her.

"I - what?" she said, looking just as confused as I was.

"Something's off!" he yelled. "First I'm not able to fight right, my ability's off, and then then the sky in here turns black!"

"It's always been black," I said.

"No, it hasn't!" he yelled. "You! You've noticed it too, haven't you?!" He pointed at Insanity again.

"Well, I mean, it used to look kinda purple-ish, but now it's black," she said.

"I TOLD you!" he yelled at me. "And now my ability keeps acting up, I can't glitch right! Something here is seriously wrong!"

"Mine's working just fine," Insanity said, spitting some ink on the ground.

"I haven't noticed a difference in mine, either," I said.

"But..." she said, looking at Anti with a hungry look I'm her eyes, "if you're weakened... then you're easy prey."

"Please," he said. "Like you two noobs could take me."

"Well, we've done it before," she glared at him, "we can do it again."

"Yeah right," he said, just before my fist found its way into his gut.

"Alright, you wanna fight?!" he yelled, taking a fighting stance, which Insanity and I copied. "Let's go!"

Insanity rushed him, hissing a warning of her ink, and spat it directly onto his shoulder. He sucked in air through his teeth and jumped back before any real damage was done. Even if he was weaker, he was still pretty agile.

I shattered and reformed directly behind him, pushing him toward her when I heard the hiss.

He bumped into her as she spat ink on his forehead. He jumped off to the side, doing a few broken, sporadic glitches to get away.

It didn't take long for Insanity and I to reduce him to the point where he could barely stand through the pain from the burns of Insanity's ink.

"Well that was surprisingly easy," Insanity said.

"It's not really that surprising, he's weak," I said. "A mere shell of what he once was, when he had his ability. Now he's just a defect." I hoped this would lower his mentality, make him doubt himself, make him even easier to defeat.

"I'm not a defect," he said in his broken voice, his image shifting and faltering more than usual.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "You couldn't even defeat a couple of noobs." He faltered and shifted more.

"Um, Mirror-"

"All you can do is lie there and pray we have mercy."

"Mirror, maybe we shouldn't-"

"Shut up, Insanity!" I rounded on her. "Don't try to control me, that's not your place!"

"But Mirror, he-"

"Shut up, you're nothing!" I yelled. "You're nothing but a ball of negativity! That's why you're weak, you still have a conscience! Why? Because you're just a bunch of unstable emotions! You're weak, you're unstable, you're unreliable, you're untrustworthy, you're nothing!" i purposefully made my voice echo in a way that it felt like it was surrounding them from all sides. The ink began to pour from her eyes heavily. I didn't care, nor did i need to. That was my end goal, to make her doubt herself enough to break.

I turned back to our victim. He had gone. I looked around and saw that he had slid back from us. Oh. That may have been what she was trying t-

My back was suddenly hit with something heavy, and I was thrown forward. I whipped around to see Insanity standing there in a fighting stance, twitching, the ink pouring heavily from her face and collecting in puddles on the floor.

"You're WRONG!" she yelled, ink spraying from her mouth as she spoke. Ah. So she didn't have a plan. She was just upset. I smirked.

"I'm sorry?"

"I said you're WRONG! I'm NOT weak, NOT unstable, NOT unreliable, NOT untrustworthy, NOT nothing! I'm NOT nothing! I am very much something, and I'll PROVE IT!" she suddenly rushed at me, catching me by surprise. I couldn't dodge her hits, or land a single hit on her, for her movements were far too sporadic and spontaneous. I couldn't predict her movements. She would go one way, I would block in that direction, and she would entirely switch direction. I tried to find a pattern in her movements, but there was none. It was entirely random.

And on top of that, my ability seemed to be getting weaker. It was becoming gradually harder to shatter. I tried one last time, as she rushed me, and it worked. Only this time, I didn't reform, and I could feel myself leaving this plane of existence...


I rushed her one last time before she shattered. But for some reason, she didn't come back. I assumed that Maru had woken up between Mirror's shattering and reforming. She's wrong. She knows nothing. She doesn't know me, she can't say that about me! I could feel the rage subsiding, and the insecurity setting in once again. But what if she does? What if it's true? What if I really am nothing? No, that can't be right. I took a deep breath, calming myself. I'm not nothing. I'm something, I have an impact on people's lives, I can prove it! Can't I?

I agreed that I would have to assert myself over Serenity a bit more. Once the others see my influence on her, they'll see that I'm not just a weak little weirdo.

I looked around for Anti. He was gone. He must've left while Mirror and I were fighting.

I wandered around aimlessly. As I walked, I found the darkness of the Void to be quite calming. I kept going,lost in thought, no sense of time.

My mind drifted from what had happened to why, to how, and everything in between. It drifted to even some of the most menial and tedious of subjects. It even drifted to a point of existential crisis.

It was just then that I heard a call in the distance.


I whipped my head in the direction of the voice.

"Hello? Is anyone else here?" it called out.

I immediately recognized the voice. It was deep, calm, and slightly raspy. I hated the owner of this voice.

It was Dark.

I ran in his direction, following his calls of loneliness. He began to slowly grow into my view as I got closer. But before I was close enough to be seen, I stopped, remembering the fight I had just been in.

I just fought, I'm in no condition to do so again. I'm tired, and kinda sore from so much moving around. Meanwhile, he just arrived, he's in his prime, he would whip my ass if I tried to fight him. I'm in no state for this.

I mustn't fight.

I sat down out of his sight range, but where I could still see him. After he walked around a bit, he stopped and took a seat on the ground, probably waiting for Mark to wake up and get him out of here.

He called out to no one a few more times before going silent. Then his face started to move. He appeared to be saying something, but I couldn't quite make out what it was, nor could I hear him. He was still silent to my ears.

I sat for a bit longer, and his voice began to drift my way. I still couldn't make out what he was saying, but I could hear a faint Melody drifting across the air.

It was sweet, almost, the tune seemed to be happy, yet pained at the same time. It was melancholy and empty, yet so full of tragedy and sorrow. It was a very sad song.

I listened to it until I picked up on the rhythm and pattern.

I began to him along as I sat.

My voice started out quiet, but the longer I hummed, the louder I got, until I was no longer humming, but singing without words like a Disney princess.

As I grew louder, I grew more confident. I stood up and grew louder and louder. Louder, and more confident, until I was belting out the melody. He soon heard me, and whipped around to see me standing in the distance. Then, for some reason, he ran.

I sat down, utterly confused. I had no clue what had just happened.

After a while, I began to hum the melody to myself. I once again grew louder and more confident the longer I sang. I sang, and I sang, and I didn't stop. It was exhilarating.

Until I felt my voice grow feeble.

It faded as I did. And soon enough, I was gone...

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