Part 9

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I make it to the base without being shot down. That's a good start.  I get out of my ship with my hand raised in surrender.  I step down the ladder and a group of stormtroopers greet me with their guns.  The sea of white spreads as Phasma and Hux pass through.  "Miss Rey lovely to see you again.  How shall we execute you today i'd like to change it up." My nerves are going crazy but I stand I front of Hux and look as confident as possible.  "I'm here to join you, I've realized the error of my ways and I have fled the resistance to come back to help lead the first order." Hux looks at me doubtfully. After considering what I said he gestures for the men to stand down.  The put their guns down and I follow Hux in the base.  It's just how I remember it. The dark walls and dim lighting reminds me of the many times we walked down these halls.  We get to the bridge.  This is perfect everything is going smoothly.  We enter and I immediately scan the room for the switch.  "So you've come to join us have you?" He says my head darts up to face him. "Yes, sir I've seen the immaturity in the decision to follow Kylo Ren to the resistance.  I will serve the First Order In whatever way I can."  He continues trying to read my face.  I assume to see if I'm lying or not.  I scan the room again locating the control panel with the switch there are people all around. If they see me I will have compromised the mission.  I walk towards the controls, looking out the large windows I pretend to be taking in the view. "What would my title be? Being a force user I would assume that I would help lead, am I correct?" I say and use my elbow to hit the switch. Now I have to get to my communicator and send the signal. "Well we have a force user here and she will be the supreme leader she would have been Ren's apprentice if he hadn't had left. He had begun to train her but she will be joining the knights of Ren soon to continue her training." I need a way out without it being suspicious.  I reach down to tie my boot,  pulling out the communicator and hitting the bottom three times.  My job is over now I just need to get out of here without Hux knowing. "So we can't have you slipping up like Kylo Ren you mustn't be attached to anyone." He says.  "Kylo was weak I won't be like him." He looks at me mischievously.  "Oh I know you won't."

"Beep, beep, beep" I hear the communicator in my pocket.  A small sigh escapes my mouth as I reach down to get the device.  "She did it, She's in." I say with relief.  Poe looks to address everyone. "Okay everyone know what they have to do?" No one says a word, "alright let's blow this popsicle stand!" Everyone moves to their positions. I'm paired with Finn, Poe and BB8, it's about a mile walk to the base and I decided to talk to Finn about Rey.  We walk through trees, the snow has slowed so we can see where we are going.  I look to my left and see the pond, swirls paint the ice where are skates have been.  Poe walks farther ahead, I slip quietly up to Finn.  "Hey what did you have to say to Rey today?" I speak kindly without jealousy.  "Nothing, I... Nothing it doesn't matter" I look at the ground.  "So important enough to tell Rey but not enough to tell the evil Kylo Ren mhm." I snap at him.  I start to walk away but he puts his hand in my shoulder to turn me back around. "Look Ben I'm sorry, If you really want to know what I said I'll tell you.  I told Rey that I love her, that I've had feelings for her ever since we met on Jakku". I'm so shocked I continue walking right in to Poe. We are here, all we have to do if get over the wall. BB8 rolls over and begins disabling the lock.  Once it's open I enter the elevator to get to the top of the guard tower once.  I reach the top a stormtrooper and his gun wait for me.  The elevator door opens as quickly as I can I freeze him.  Finn, Poe and BB8 follow me up and we have to climb down a long ladder down to the ground.  We get to the base entrance, each of us has a grappling gun.  "Three, two, one". Poe says and we all shoot our guns at the top of the building. We are pulled up and climb on to the roof.  As soon as my feet hit the ground I see a guard running at us, pulling out my lightsaber I block the first shot and then the second.  He continues to shoot at us and I stand in front of Poe and Finn. Blocking each shot as it comes in, finally I run at the trooper and strike him in the chest. He falls limp to the ground, Finn looks at me as if me killing him was proof that I was still dark. 
I wake up in a familiar chair, my arms and legs tied down. "Hux!" I say resisting the cuffs.  "She's away" I hear a voice say but it's a woman speaking.  She comes into the light, she has black wavy hair like Ben's but longer.  Her eyes are deep blue and the feel like they are peering into your soul.  "Who are you?" The woman looks eerily familiar.  "I am the daughter of the man you and that traitor scum Kylo Ren killed."  Snoke.  Snoke had a daughter? "Yes he did" she answers my thoughts casually.  "What are you going to do kill me, torture me?" I sneer at her trying to show that I'm not afraid.  "I'm going to do something much worse.  You killed my father and though it would be quite satisfying to see you and Kylo Ren killed Hux has other plans for you."  I wiggle around in my chair again, I try use the force and throw the small table next to her.  But I can't, the table won't budge.  "Your powers won't work in that chair" she says as I try again but the table won't budge.  "So what are you going to do with me?" I snap.  "Well I was just going to kill you but I thought it would be more fun to make you suffer.  So I'm going to erase all your memories of Ben Solo."  She immediately begins to scan my mind.  The feeling of knives cutting in to my skull, jagged breaths separating screams of pain escape my mouth as I try to push her out.  I see the day I met Ben.  I see the day we met up at the lake. I see our first kiss.  I see the day he taught me to ice skate and then I see nothing.

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