❁ Chapter Eleven ❁

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Picture: Gif of Levi the sex bomb.

The Bad Girl Sleeps In My Bed ❁ Chapter Eleven

"Do you know what happened to Hollie?" I ask as I sit down next to Diego during lunch. He looks up at me from his phone and frowns. "She was arrested for cannabis usage. She's on house arrest until further investigation."

"Did they find my cocaine from her pocket?"

"No," I reply. "She took her jacket off before the police arrived and they didn't search through her personal belongings. Do you know if her tests will be positive? Because I don't want to see her getting sent off to juvenile prison or anything."

Diego shrugs, "We haven't smoked weed together in a long time. So there's a chance her tests will come out negative."

"Hopefully. I'm not letting her be sent off to prison, if something happens to her then know that I will tell the authorities about your little cocaine addiction. I don't care anymore."

Diego's face goes blank, "You do know that my parents can destroy you?" He murmurs in a threatening voice.

"Is that a threat?" I raise my eyebrow at him. "I'm not scared of you."

"You do realize that I'm the only one who can get her out of prison? You need me around if something happens to her."

I sigh, "You can't keep relying on your parents' power. You need to figure out how to stay out of trouble without causing problems for your family. It's way easier to be good and stay away from drugs and other problems."

Turning my gaze away from Diego, I notice a bunch of football players walking through the doors of the canteen, everyone laughing at something. They sit to the table next to us and continue chuckling as they look at Diego and I. One of them stands up and walks to us, sitting down against Diego and next to me.

"I heard about Hollie's little problem. Glad to know there's one less drug addict in our school," the guy laughs. "Now we just have to wait for your turn and the school will be free of losers like you." He says to Diego. Diego doesn't look too happy.

"Don't say bullshit about people you don't know," I fire back at the guy. He turns to me and starts full on laughing.

"Wow, the nerd has something to say for once. Did they turn you into a drug addict like you? Got some cocaine or weed with you, mate?" He chuckles.

"One phone call and you're out of this school, Matt," Diego hisses at him. "Try to remember that next time you come bothering us. Better yet, don't bother us again. We don't have time for people like you. You know nothing about Hollie and the things she has gone through in life, so shut your fucking mouth before I rip your tongue out."

Matt laughs again. "Woah, woah, you're such a badass I can't handle it." He walks away from our table and Diego looks like he's going to rip apart the dude. Before I can stop him, Diego jumps up from his seat, pulls Matt back from the shoulder and punches him right across the face.

What the fuck just happened?

Matt holds onto his nose as Diego cracks his knuckles and holds up his fists. "Got something else to say, football loser?" Diego growls at the guy. I hear Matt cracking his nose - Diego probably dislocated it - and he holds up his fists. I shiver at the sounds of bones cracking.

Get your shit together, Levi, you're seeing a fight for the first time. This is exciting as fuck.

The two guys start throwing punches at each other but Diego barely gets hit. He professionally protects his face and manages to throw a few good punches at Matt. By the time they finish, Matt's nose is swollen and his face is bloody. Diego only has some bruised knuckles and a bleeding lip. Someone Matt scratched open his lips or something like that.

I grab Diego's arm, "Let's get the hell out of here before you get into trouble."

Diego grabs his bag and we speed-walk out of the canteen before the principal comes. He stops by his locker and shoves his backpack in it. "Let's get the hell out of here. I wanna get Hollie some stuff and see how she's doing."

"Let's buy pizza and cupcakes and then head over to mine. Hollie's staying there."

"Don't forget the booze." Diego laughs as we walk out of school and head towards our vehicles.


I frown when Diego leads me to a bar a few miles out of the city. He gets off his motorcycle and heads to the door. "I've got friends here so that's how I get my booze." He explains. We enter the bar and a woman behind the counter smiles as Diego approaches her.

"Hey, Mindy," he greets her.

"What brings you here? Shouldn't you be in school, mister?" She laughs.

"Hollie's in trouble so she needs booze. Gimme some beer and vodka." Diego turns to me as Mindy goes to fetch the drinks. "I hope you drink beer."

"I guess I do now."

We gathered the alcohol and paid for it. After that we went back to our vehicles and started driving back to mine. But before that I quickly bought a pizza while Diego went to get cupcakes. We arrived back at my house around 2p.m. and Hollie stood by the door once we arrived. She smiled at the two of us as we walked inside and sat on the couch. My eyes flicker to Bentley lying next to the fireplace, enjoying the heat that's coming from it.

"Pizza, cupcakes and booze to your favorite girl on the planet," Diego exclaims, placing the bag of alcohol onto the coffee table. He takes out the vodka and the 6-pack of beer while I walk to the kitchen to grab some orange juice and solo cups for us. We aren't about that fancy glass life. Plus solo cups are way easier to dispose.

"Man, let's play Call Of Duty," Diego mutters as he walks to my PlayStation and turns it on. He hands me one of the remotes as he inserts the disk and sits down on the couch again. Hollie laughs at us and shakes her head lightly.

"Boys will be boys," she mumbles loud enough for us to hear.

"Hey!" I whine. "Don't insult CoD. I'm sure on Friday nights you actually stay home and play Sims on the computer during the night. Don't even try to deny it."

"Okay, maybe I've had a few five-hour gameplays of Sims," Hollie confesses. "But Sims is way cooler. I mean I get to live my dream life without leaving the house or wearing pants. That sounds awesome to me." She giggles.

"Yeah?" Diego chuckles. "Hit me up when you're playing Sims and not wearing pants." He winks at her. Hollie grabs the pillow closest to her and throws it at Diego.

"Fuck off," She laughs.

Diego and I finish playing about an hour later. Hollie is slightly tipsy from all the alcohol she has consumed and so am I. I only drank beer but since I'm not a person who enjoys alcohol that much, I get intoxicated very quickly. Diego on the other hand was completely fine, ever though he had like three beers and four vodka shots, plus two vodka cocktails. Seriously, that guy can hold down his liquor better than anyone else.

"I'll be right back," I say as I get up from the couch, stumbling over their legs towards the front door. I walk out and head towards Hollie's house. I notice Mike's car is outside which means he's home.


I have a bone to pick with him.

I knock on the door once but there's no answer. The second time I form my hand into a fist and pound against the door. The sound of footsteps echoes from the house and the door is opened a few seconds later, revealing Hollie's father.

"Levi, what brings you here?" he asks, shocked to see me.

"How could you do something like that to your own daughter?" I ask, slurring my words. "She's such a nice person and has never done something bad, yet you go and tell the police about how she used to do weed."

Mike sighs and rubs her forehead, "Clearly your head is filled with lies and you're intoxicated. Levi, you and I both know that she isn't a good person. That is why you've stayed away from her for the past years. She only causes trouble."

"Don't talk about her like that!" I yell. "She's a very beautiful and nice girl. You should be lucky that you have a daughter like her."

"Levi, you're drunk. Hollie isn't nice, she's a monster and you―"

My fist connects with his face before he has the chance to finish his sentence. Mike holds onto his mouth as his lip bleeds a little bit. He glares at me, anger visible in his eyes.

"Did you just fucking punch me?" Mike asks, his voice raising a bit.

I punch him again.

And again.

And again.

"Don't ever say anything bad about Hollie again. And you're gonna go to the police and say that what you said is wrong and you weren't thinking clearly." I say.

"Hell no!" Hollie's father yells.

I grab him by the collar of his shirt, "Excuse me?"

"I said no."

I punch him once more. "If you don't do as I said, I will personally make sure Diego's parents ruin your life. Got it?"

He doesn't say anything.

I shake him by his collar again, "Did you fucking understand?" I yell. "Or do I have to articulate my every word so you'd understand?"

"I understand." He finally says.

"Good," I let go of him and take a few steps back as his nose and lip bleeds, staining my hands in the process. "Now get the hell out of my sight and don't ever show your face around Hollie and I again."

a/n: badass Levi in action.

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