48. The final score.

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"Hey," I turned around to see the one person I should not be seeing at this given moment when Kristen was around. But at least he's in one piece.

"Sorry I wasn't able to take your calls, I was kinda busy with training and stuff," Sebastian said to me.

"That's okay. So, have you heard anything new?" I questioned suspiciously.

"You mean with regards to your boyfriend's proposal?" He smiled.

"Yeah, so what do you think about it?" I questioned, trying to sound as if I knew what Kristen had proposed.

"Yeah, I think it's a great deal, you know," he smiled.

"Yeah, I think so too. So, you're planning on going through with it, no hesitations?" I questioned him.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Sebastian asked, looking a bit skeptical at me.

Why won't he just come out with it!

"I'm glad to see you and Kristen getting along well," I smiled.

He just stood there smiling at me like he knew I wanted to ask what Kristen proposed to him, but he just would not say, damn it!

"So, you're comfortable with coming over to our team's after-party if your team loses?" I exclaimed. He was definitely something else.

"That's what he told you?" he looked at me a little puzzled.

"Yeah, isn't that what he proposed?" I questioned, a bit puzzled myself.

"Of course not."

"Then what did he propose to you?" This is now getting me anxious.

"Well, I wouldn't be the best person to say, so it's best for you to find out from Kristen. I need to go; it's bad enough I'm here talking to you with Kristen's spies around," he frowned.

"You can't just leave me hanging here; at least give me a clue," I asked as he walked away.

"Hey, wait!"

"Annabella, why the hell were you fraternizing with the enemy? Are you still trying to get yourself killed?" Steff's voice startled me.

"Well, I needed answers, and I wanted to ask him if Kristen had said anything to him about the proposal," I told Steff.

"And did he?"

"Yes, but I wasn't able to get what the proposal was about."

"So, all that for nothing, and you almost got yourself killed," he scolded me.

"So why don't you just ask Kristen what he proposed instead of going behind his back? You can't just go speaking to your boyfriend's nemesis before the big game. Are you trying to get yourself actually killed?"

"No, but I can't help but wonder."

"I think you'll soon find out after the game has ended. So let's just be patient and try to find a good seat, one that your boyfriend will be able to see you and be even more motivated to win the game," he smiled.

Steff doesn't know a damn thing, and Kristen surely doesn't have the time to tell me what he did because the game is about to start anyway. The only thing left to do is to sit and wait for the game to be all over.


Great job.

We had gone home and quickly freshened up to get ourselves ready for tonight's game. It all happened in the blink of an eye. My parents had called to let me know that they'd be a bit late for the game; after all, they've never missed a final for their alma mater.

As we began to search for a good seat near the front of the stand, I saw Kristen in the crowd of players as he had spotted me in the crowd of spectators. I waved my hand at him, and he smiled, adjusting himself as he and the guys warmed up.

The whistle was about to be blown, signaling the start of the game.

As our team scrambled to gain control of the ball, the opposing team made several determined attempts to get past our defense, but they were unsuccessful. It was then that Maurice, with incredible skill, single-handedly stole the ball, giving Williams Field a significant advantage.

True to form, our team was the first to score a touchdown, and I cheered passionately for the team, especially for my boyfriend, who had just scored the first goal of the game.

I scanned the stands and noticed numerous high-profile scouts from some of the biggest football teams and colleges. The stadium was packed with spectators from both sides, and the excitement was palpable.

After about fifteen minutes of nail-biting gameplay, we were a couple of goals ahead when a fight suddenly erupted. It involved Scott, one of our players, and a member of the opposing team.

Scott had tackled his opponent to the ground and was promptly shown a red card. This was a significant blow to our team, as it meant we were now playing with one less player. I reluctantly acknowledged that Scott had been one of our best players, having served as the team's captain before Kristen.

The stands erupted in a mix of cheers and boos, and I could see the tension on the faces of our football players, including Kristen. This was one of the rare occasions when he displayed intense emotions, and it wasn't a positive sign. It was as though I could feel the weight of his emotions, and it was overwhelming.

As time ticked away, the team struggled to maintain their lead. Crosswell High was rapidly closing the gap in scores, and Sebastian seemed to be leading the charge. My anxiety grew with each passing moment; this couldn't be happening.

At this rate, I was becoming increasingly anxious. I couldn't believe Scott had committed such a costly mistake, and now we were in a dire situation.

Before we knew it, it was halftime, and the halftime whistle blew. With the end of the game fast approaching, our team held only a three-point lead. It was an unfamiliar situation for Williams Field High, as in previous finals, we would have had a much more substantial lead. The smallest lead we would have held, especially under Kristen's captaincy, would have been fifteen points.

This had the entire Williams Field High community on edge, including myself. It was added pressure, and it was clear that Kristen was feeling it too. Time was running out, and our coach called the team for a halftime pep talk.

"This doesn't look good," Steff voiced his concern with a shocked expression on his face.

"I know," I replied, utterly flabbergasted by the situation.

"I think he needs a pep talk," Steff said, and I turned to look at him.

"Yeah, hopefully the coach will know what to do or say," I said.

"No, I'm not talking about the coach. I'm talking about you. You need to get down there and provide him with the support he needs," he insisted.

"What? Are you crazy? Do you even hear yourself? You know I hate attention. I'll probably end up making things worse. Besides, the team is doing great, and they can handle it," I protested.

"Anna, this isn't about you. Look at him; he's completely frustrated and overwhelmed. Do you know how many people are counting on him? Thousands! Williams Field has never lost a game, and the pressure is immense. He can't afford to lose this game; it's just not Kristen. He's known for his dominance. He'd probably move away, change his name, or... worse. You can make a significant difference to him if he sees you. It'll motivate and boost his confidence. He needs you, Anna," Steff implored.

"No, I'm sure they'll be okay. He's a hundred percent motivated, and what am I going to say to him that'll motivate him more than his coach will?" His words were starting to get to me, and I couldn't let that happen.

"Well, it'll make him a hundred and ten percent more motivated at this point in time if he even glimpses you, but I'm definitely sure a kiss will do wonders," he continued, smiling.

Some part of me really wanted to be there for Kristen, but I was completely scared.

"Anna, just this once, Kristen needs you!"

"Forget it!"

"He relies more on your support more than anything or anyone else, Anna. That's how much he loves you."



I got up shakily and on edge from what I was about to do. No one had ever done this in history; why should I be the first one to do so?

"Because your boyfriend needs you," my conscience reminded me.

I took the first shaky step, then a second. As I got closer, the stadium, which was mostly filled with Williams Field students, began to grow silent. Not a second later, the football team saw me taking calculated steps down to the field and toward Kristen.

My breath hitched as I made eye contact with him. He did look a lot stressed, and I wanted to run my fingers over his forehead to remove the faint lines that were there.

As I stood just a step away from Kristen, I felt the urge to walk away, but I couldn't. I was a coward, sadly.

"No, you don't get to leave after making it this far," his husky voice said, grasping my hand in his.

I turned around to look at him, disregarding the crowd that was now beginning to cheer and the butterflies that threatened to take over. I lifted my hand to remove the crease on his forehead, but instead, he lifted me into a bone-crushing hug while the school cheered on.

"Eww, you're sweaty," I scrunched my nose playfully.

"Kristen, you need to make it quick; we don't have a lot of time left," his coach said.

"I'm sure that's not what you walked all the way here to say, baby girl," he smiled.

"Well, I-I just wanted to say that you're a great team player and a wonderful team leader. Even if you don't win the game, which you will, I and everyone will be supporting you and the team to the fullest. Never doubt yourself, Mr. The mere fact that I'm here in your arms at this moment says a lot for itself-" I was once again cut off as his lips came crashing down on mine.

I tuned out everyone and concentrated on my kiss with Kristen.

As we broke apart, I could hear the coach calling for Kristen to get back in the game and the crowd cheering once more for the team. He then placed me back down on my feet.

"You can do it!" I cheered, smiling.

"Thank you," he smiled before pecking my lips and heading back to the field.

I returned to my seat, excited and ready for a thrilling last minute of the game.

In that last minute, we were all on edge, with five seconds to go and Kristen throwing the last ball. We stood on our toes, silently watching as the ball sailed.

Who knew this would ever happen in a lifetime?


Here's another chapter, I hope you guys liked it!😂😂

Drop in the comments section what you think will happen or what you want to see happen in the next chapter and always remember to vote!

See you next time lovelies!

Bye bye!

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