➳ Chapter 11➳

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He laughed, stepping back, "I'm guessing you need to get home?" He raised an eyebrow.

I nodded, not trusting my voice. I grabbed my backpack and slinged it over my shoulder. We both walked in slilece towards our cars.

"See you tonight baby girl." He winked. I gaped at him but, quickly recovered still not able to get the blush away. I quickly got into my car and drove off.

Bella's POV

I -neatly- shoved the rest of my things in my last suitcase and sighed. There was a soft knock on the door and I yelled out 'come in.'

Surprise, surpirse, I turned to see my brother, staring at me with a sad expression. "What?" I said blankly.

"I'm sorry." He said.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeh okay." I moved to my back pack and put my iPad, charger, portable charger for my phone, laptop, lip balm, some makeup and a stuffed teddy that reminded me of home. Don't look at me like that! It's adorable and I've had it since I was 12 okay.

"Don't be like that Bella." Luke sighed.

"Like what?" I said dismissively.

"Stop acting like your okay. Like I didn't hurt your feelings okay!" He yelled frustrated. I turned to him my eyes widening. I saw him running a had through his hair frustrated by the situation.

"Okay I won't! It's not my fault that I'm hurt because you won't tell me what's wrong! I'm angry because you never told me why you were upset okay. It annoys me knowing something bugs my twin and I'm not able to help." I said angrily.

Luke looked at me with sad eyes, "You were always the one, who cared the most." His face broke into a smile making me smile slightly, "I'm sorry for not telling you. I just thought that you didn't need to know everything." He sat on my bed, making me glare at him. He smiled at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I mean yeh, don't tell me everything but if somethings upsetting you or annoying you I feel as if I should have a right to know."

"That's how I feel."

"No wonder we are alike."

"We are twins too." He scoffed.

I pulled out my tongue childishly, "Whatever Luke I forgive you."

"Yeh by the way be careful when in Dubai." He nodded to me getting off the bed.

"Help please?" I guestured towards the suitcases.

He laughed and grabbed two and I grabbed two and slung my backpack over my shoulder. We shuffled slowly towards the door where my mom and dad chatted to Dylan and his family.

Luke waked at them and put the suitcases down and ran up for the last one. Yes I'm taking 5. I have a lot of crap to take, which consists of mostly electronics and clothes. OH AND BLACK CLOTHES. Yes defiantly...

"Hi!" I waved to the Knights.

"Hello." Mr and Mrs Knight said and Dylan smiled at me.

"All ready?" Dad asked me and I nodded as Luke huffed dropping the case.

"Be careful!" I nearly yelled at him.

"Jesus that's heavy." He grumbled, "What the hell did you even pack?" He panted out.

"Hair straightener, curling iron, camera, another camera and other things." I hummed and Luke face palmed. My dad raised an eyebrow at me, "I promise I will get work done but as a lady I will have to do it in style." I said and Mrs. Knight and my mom laughed.

"You're going to be late for the flight." Mr. Knight said.

We all quickly got out and got into a two big SUVs and drove towards the airport.


We had said our goodbyes and let's just say our moms cried. Shhh! You didn't hear it from me.

We had been comfortably seated in a private jet. It wasn't ours it was my dad's friends jet. Ours was being used by my dad. There were some older looking people and some teens. I shot them a smile and the older man smiled back at me.

I was seated next to Dylan and I stared outside of the window. We were told to sit back and put on the seat belts as we took off. After a few minutes we were high up in the sky flying over everyone. I unbuckled my seatbelt and twisted my body so I looked at Dylan.

"Do you know those people?" I asked in a whisper to him.

He turned to me and flashed me a soft smile and nodded, "Yeh that's Mr. Hunter and Mrs. Hunter, their children, Anne Hunter and Taylor Hunter, they own the jet." He said guesturing to them all.

I nodded, "Hi!" I beamed at the girl across the room. She looked startled for a second and then realised it was just me. I looked behind me and Dylan was shaking his head but smiled at me.

"I- uh?" She looked confused.

"Sorry about my sister she is socially awkward." Taylor, her brother, had interjected and smiled at me, "Hey dude." He said to Dylan. Dylan and Taylor did this 'bro handshake' thing.

"Hi I'm Bella." I smiled at her brightly.

"I-I'm Anne." She stuttered but smiled at me knowing I tried to talk to her.

"What're you reading?" I asked sitting next to her. Dylan and Taylor had chatted to each other.

She held up the book, finding confidence, "The Fault In Our Stars."

"Oh my god. Really? I love that book. I love the part of- nope. I can't spoil it. I'd be a terrible person if I did." I talked really fast. I felt eyes on me but, didn't take any notice.

"This is the 2nd time I've read it, so it's okay." She smiled and I made out a slight British accent.


"Tfios buddies!" She said.

"Weird ass girls."

"Taylor!" I heard the woman's voice say.

"Sorry mom." He yelled.

"Suck up." I heard Anne whisper.

"Mommy's boy you mean." I said.

"Do you have one of those in your family?" She laughed.

"A mommy's boy?" I asked and she nodded, "I think my twin is."

"How come we have never met before?" Taylor interuppted asking me.

"I don't know." I looked at him.

"First business trip." Dylan answered.

I rolled my eyes, "Fifthteenth." I corrected.

"You must get around a lot then." He chuckled.

"I have no idea what you mean." I said.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked me.

"Taylor!" Anne said in what seemed like a warning tone.

I nodded confidently, "Yeh right next to you." I motioned towards Dylan, who had a smirk on his face.

"Dylan?" He looked stunned.

"Dylan?" Anne repeated her mouth slightly agape.

"You seem so surprised." I said confused.

"Dylan's never the girlfriend type of person." Anne said, "Things must of changed."

"Jesus why don't you keep me updated Dylan?!" Taylor punched Dylan in the arm.

"Oi!" Dylan rubbed his arm. I laughed and relaxed into my chair.

"So because we have never met before tell us things about yourself." Anne said.

"There's nothing much about me." I said.

"Except the fact she's pranked every single person including the teachers in the school." Dylan blurted out.

"Yeh I've done that." I shrugged nonchantly.

"What?" Taylor said. "Badass much?"

I bit my lip and then smirked, "I know."

"Her driving is much better though." Dylan said.

"Better then yours." I said with a smile planted on my face.

"As if." He scoffed.

"It's possible." I said. "I mean I did-" I was cut off by Anne.

"What are you talking about?"

"Racing right?" Taylor answered and we nodded. They talked about the topic and my mind drifted off to another place.

I'm on a plane. Well a private jet. La Da Dee Da Dum. Sing with me! It's cool. The plane I mean.  What the fuck is the mile high club? Oh wait it's were you do it on a plane. Sounds good. Should try it once. Oh how my mind drifts off from one topic to another. The mile high club though. Really considering the idea.

Fingers snapped in front of my face snapping me out of my trance. "Mile high club." I said. Shit. That was supposed to be in my brain. They all looked at me strangely. Well, except for Dylan, who looked at me amused. My cheeks turned pink.

"Mile high club?" Taylor repeated.

"No sex on this private jet!" Anne said quickly.

Taylor laughed loudly, "Oh my god, you seemed innocent too."

"I want g-ging to do a-anything." I stuttered helplessly.

Dylan stared at me with what looked like a suggestive expression and a smirk to go along with it.

"Sure." Taylor laughed.

"I was wondering what it was." I said. "That's all!"

Anne laughed and so did Taylor, "Good suggestion babe." Dylan winked at me and then chuckled.

I pouted angrily and got up, "Fine then I'm going to sleep!" I walked straight.

"Other way. Stairs and it's the first floor." Anne yelled at me and still laughed.

I turned around and put up the middle finger before I left. I walked up the stairs which were only a few steps. My eyes widned as I looked all around. There were like separate rooms and they looked quiet big.

I walked past the first one as it was closed and the one across had bags in. I guess it was being used. I walked to the next which was set with girly things. Probably Anne's room. I walked to the room across.  Boyish things everywhere. Probably Taylor's. I walked to the next room and saw bags there. I walked to the last room and saw my things. I shut the door. I then pushed my things off the bed and on the side and then I flopped onto my bed. This was massive.

"You see I haven't been on my private jet in ages. I've nearly forgotten what it looks like. I knew it was slightly bigger then this because our one carried cars as well. The rooms were slightly smaller but massive. You could say it was as big as a bedroom. Depends what size bedroom though your thinking about.

I was told this flight was about 15 hours or something and I've killed at least 4 hours of time. I sighed and rummaged around in my backpack for my book. My hands touched the soft pages and I gently took it out afraid that I'd rip the pages. I smiled as I successfully got it out and I sat on my bed. My back to the headboard and my knees up balancing my book. Finding Sky. That's what my book was called and it was amazing.

My eyes read from left to right and I quickly became so engrossed in the book that I could imagine the characters playing out the scenes in my head and their voices and every small detail about them from what I had learnt.

There was a loud knock on my door and I lifted my head and groaned. It was getting to a really good part! I set this book down on the bedside table next to me and opened the door and there was Dylan standing there. "What do you need?" I asked looking at him annoyed. He walked in slightly and looked around and I just stared at him with an raised eyebrow.

"I just can't find my iPad. Have you seen it?" He said.

"Isn't it in your hand luggage or something?" I asked tapping my foot impatiently.

"I don't think so." Dylan looked like a kicked puppy.

I sighed softly, "Maybe I've got it." I walk towards my backpack and open it. I feel my hands around and pull out my iPad and then I pull out another, "I have no idea why I have it."

"I got it out and must've put it back in your bag by accident." He said and grabbed the iPad off the bed, "Thank you."

"Your welcome." I said and then we looked at each other awkwardly.

"So what are you doing?" Dylan said ruffling his hair and it now stuck up in different directions but, it looked hot.

"Oh, just reading."

"Of course your doing something boring." Dylan rolled his eyes.

"Reading is not boring!" I said.

He held up his hands in defence and then dropped his iPad on my bed and sat in front of me and leaned into me and whispered, "We could always join the mile high club." He said lowly.

I pushed him away quickly and he fell back on the bed and he started chuckling as my cheeks turned pink again. "You've never don't it on a plane before?" I asked turning to him.

Dylan stopped laughing and looked at me, "No."

I giggled a little, "Who would have thought that the schools badboy has never had sex on a plane." I said now straddling his hips.

"Maybe you could change that." His hands made their way to my ass and he squeezed it making me giggle. I'll teach this asshole for all the hickeys he gave me. They were actually really nice but, not walking around in school with them all over my neck!

I moved my hips in a circular motion and I heard a deep throaty moan come from Dylan's mouth. I smirked at myself and grinded down and I could feel a bluge poking at my ass, making me moan and making my panties become wet.

"F-fuck yes baby." Dylan's hands gripped my hips and he moved along with my rhythm. I giggled. Maybe I should stop and leave him like this. Yeh, that's a good idea.

I stopped my movements and I leaned next to his ear and whispered, "You'll have to do the rest." I then climbed off his lap and he groaned loudly. He opened his eyes and growled at me.

I took no notice and then I was suddenly pinned to the bed and he Dylan was hovering over me. I looked up with a smirk and his once honey coloured eyes were a dark shade due to what I'm assuming is lust. "Your going to have to help me."

"You didn't help me with all those hickeys." I said with a pout.

"That's different!" He protested.

"And?" I said, "It's just you and your hand today Dylan." I said with a small smirk on my lips.

"I hate you." He grumbled getting off me.

"I hate you too." I said with a giggle before he shut the door behind him.

I let out out a small laugh and looked out of the small window. It was now dark. I grabbed a towel and walked washroom and decided I take a shower tomorrow. I brushed my teeth and washed my face and  then walked towards my room. Dylan walked out of his room and glared at me and I smiled at him and then he went to the washroom as I went to my room.

I dropped my towel in my bag that I'd sort out tomorrow and I changed into some night shorts that were very small and I threw on a over sized shirt. I noticed the iPads on my bed and grabbed Dylan's and walked out of my room and I knocked on his and then I opened it thinking I heard him say 'come in.'

Once I opened the door Dylan was walking around shirtless and with only a pair of boxers on. My face reddened slightly, "Uh.. I got your iPad." I said trying not to sound stupid.

"Oh okay, drop it on the bed." He said and I nodded and dropping on the bed. I was about to walk away but my name was called. "Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked. I looked at him suspiciously. "No funny business I promise! Just a movie."

"Okay then." I said and closed the door. "Should I turn off the light?" I asked. Dylan nodded and I saw him getting comfy in bed, with a bowl of popcorn on the bedside table. I turned off the light and crawled into the warm bed next to Dylan. I didn't sit close to him and I was nearly on the edge of the bed.

Dylan looked at me and then he pulled me closer to him and pulled the comforter over us properly. I fluffed my pillow behind me the bowel of popcorn was placed in-between us. Dylan had casually put his arm over my shoulder pulled me even closer if possible. He passed me a remote and I looked at him. "You pick." He said and I nodded. Dylan had logged into his Netflix and I had picked Jurassic World.

Dylan chuckled, "I thought you'd pick a chick flick or something."

"I'm more into to action and comedy movies and also the fantasy sci-fi stuff. Maybe I'll put you through the pain of watching a chick flick with me." I giggled lightly.

I heard Dylan gasp dramatically, "How could you? Evillll."

"I knowww." I dragged my words out. I put the remote down on the side of the bed and the movie started playing.

Dylan's started munching on some popcorn and I could feel my eyes droop as we started getting at least 20 minutes into the movie. My head leaned against his shoulder and I yawned a little. "Tired?" I heard him ask. I nodded with my eyes closed. I could feel his chest vibrate at he chuckled.

"Goodnight babe." Was the last thing I heard him say before I drifted off to sleep whilst some baby raptors where running around on the tv screen.



Okay, dedicated to @Xx_MelTheMartian_xX because her comment of her guy friend trying to give her a lap dance made me laugh so hard in public and people stared at me weirdly. Was he cute though? Is the real question. Can he do a good lap dance? 😂

By the way. Did you like the chapter?Was It good?

Until next time my Unicorns and Devils. All the love. Sadia XxX





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