Chapter 31- "I want out."

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Chapter 31- "I want out."
*Emily's POV*
I woke up with a bright smile on my face between I know we have school today. Yayyyy! I know I'm being chirpy in the morning but can you help it? My hot boyfriend is picking me up!

So I decided to dress properly. I mean I won't put a lot of make up and stuff but I need to be presentable. So I wore a maroon sweatshirt that said 'DOPE' paired with black jeans. Come on it's better than my normal hoodies.

"Morning Ethan!"

"Morning Em." Ethan promised not to be mad if I followed my punishments properly.

"Lucas is driving me to school." I informed.

"I already know."


"Before he told you, he took my permission."

"Wait... Lucas took permission?!"

"I know, I had the same reaction when he called. But I'm glad he did actually." Ethan said.

"Okay bye!" I spoke.

"Have your breakfast!" Ethan called.

"Lucas and I are catching up with McD." I spoke and exited.

"Heyyy." I smiled as I got on the bike.

"You look good."

"You don't look bad yourself."

"You are you kidding Princess I look hotter than any other human on Ethan."

"Sure." I said rolling my eyes.

"McD?" Lucas asked.

"Yup." I spoke.

We drove to McD and I had a MC veggie for breakfast. I know that's a lot but I need to prove it that I'm done with starving and cutting.

"So let me walk to to your locker." Lucas said.

"Lucas we are already late and my locker is far away from your locker. So I'll meet you in class."


"Lucas go."


I walked to my locker and opened it. Before I could take my books out my eyes fell on a certain blue note. I don't remember keeping and blue note.

I opened the note and it's contents made my world crash. How could it be?! The note said, 'Enjoying your day Emily? Well here's the reality. Your boyfriend doesn't give a single shit about you and is only dating you because of a bet he made with Parker.
-Your Friend.'

He wouldn't do such a thing to me..... Well I just have to ask him then. So I grabbed my books and the note and rushed to the classroom. The teacher was not here yet.

"Lucas, we need to talk."

"You look worried. What happened?" He asked concerned or should I say fake concerned?

"Did you bet on me?" I asked.

"I---I ----"

"Just please say no. Please." I begged.

"I did but-----"

"You what?! You asshole! How could you do this to me huh?! Why me!" I yelled and everyone was looking at the two of us.

"Emily let me explain please." He spoke.

"Oh shut up! Don't you dare talk to me!" With that I left the class and walked home.

Why would he do this to me? I loved him, I actually did but he never loved me. All those things were lies. Now I thank gods that I didn't sleep with him.

I went straight to my room and cried. See, I am pathetic. No one really needs me then why do I have to survive?! Mom's going away, Aaron has Lucy, Lucas is a jackass, Katie and Ethan will find something and Ashley has Jace.

'I'm going. All the best.' I forwarded this text to Ethan, Aaron and Lucy.

I took a knife from the kitchen and sat in the bathtub. So this is it. This is how I die. With one final thought I cut my wrist several times. I didn't stop until everything became foggy. Then my vision went black.

*Ethan's POV*
I didn't go to school today because I had to tell boss that I'm backing out. Emily doesn't want me to do it so I won't. I walked into the headquarters and Adam sat in the chair.

"Ethan! My best fighter!" Adam greeted.

"I want out."

"Oh there is no out."

"Adam, I'm done okay? I'm not doing this shit anymore."

"Oh Ethan, there will be consequences."

"I don't care." I sighed. That's when I saw Emily's message. Shit.

"I'll be back!" With that I sat in my car and rushed towards our house.

I reached and left the car in the driveway. The door of the house was already open so I barged into Emily's room. The voices came from the bathroom. There, Aaron and Lucy stood beside a lifeless looking body of my sister.

"She's breathing Ethan we need to get her to the hospital!" Lucy cried.

I lifted her body while Aaron ran towards his car. Lucy grabbed the thick cloth and sat in the front seat along with Aaron who was driving while I sat behind with Emily in my arms.

"You'll be okay Em. I'll save you." I cooed.

"Here tie this. It'll stop blood loss. It's the least we can do." Lucy said handing me the cloth.

I tied it around her wrist and Aaron drove at full speed. We reached the hospital in the matter of seconds. I got Emily out while Aaron and Lucy alerted the hospital nurses.

A stretcher was quickly brought out and I lay Emily on it. They took her into the emergency wars while I waited outside. I sat on the chair watching my world crumble.

"Ethan she is a fighter." Aaron spoke.

"I know." I replied.

"I'll go call Lucas, Ashley, Katie and Jace." Lucy said trying to hold back tears.

Three hours later

It has been three hours and the doctors have told us nothing and nor are they letting us in Emily's room. Ashley, Katie, Jace and Lucas have arrived but none of us know what to do.

"This is her phone." The nurse said handing me Emily's phone.

On the phone I saw Lucas' several text messages. I decided to read them. What I read made anger rise within me. He bet on her!

"You bloody jerk!!" I said launching myself on him.

If Emily does not wake up, I swear to god I'll kill him.....

So guys the official ship name is.............................

Emcas by Stubby_Starfish

Fangirl _Leo©

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