Chapter 1: "what is he doing here?"

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Chapter 1: Ryan's house

It's summer and your woken up by you cell phone ringing.

"Hello?" You ask still waking up

"Hey beautiful!" Your best friend Ryan almost yelled through the phone.

"Ryannnn, it's only 8:30. I'm going back to sleep" you whined back

"No! Come over. We can go for a swim is like 90 out already!!"

"Ryan I don't want tooooo" you whined again.

"Be over at 10 or I'm coming to get you."

"Fine" you said and hung up.

You rolled out of bed and lazily walked to your shower. It was a quick one because you didn't wash your hair. You knew you would be swimming anyways.

After you got out, you brushed you teeth and let down your hair down. You had naturally light brown wavy hair that went down to your lower back. You threw on your bathing suit. A purple floral bikini. It was something different from your usually edgy look. You threw on tight black shorts and a white crop top that had black writing on it. You threw your phone into your small, black, over- the -shoulder purse.

You kissed your mom as you walked out the door.

"Dammit" you mumbled to yourself realizing that your car was in the shop, your dad had his at work, and you mom needed hers for a doctors appointment.

You grabbed your skateboard and started to ride to Ryan's. it wasn't very far. Only half a mile.

You arrived at his house and walked right it. You guys were best friends and did it all the time.

"Hey sweetie! How are you?" Mrs. Butler asked you as you walked in. "I'm great! How are you?" You said while walking over to her and giving her a hug.

"I'm good, the boys are in the back."

"Thanks" you said, making your way to the sliding door.

" The boys" you thought. Maybe Chaz is here too.

You walk and the two are there.

"Hey!" You say as you put your stuff down on a chair.

They both get out of the pool to hug you and you back away.

"No guys your going to get me wet!!"

You scream as they burst into laughter.

"You guys are so immature! But seriously back off!" You say while laughing.

You start to get undressed and you see them starring at you.

"Guysssss" you whine and they both turn around quickly.

After you got undressed you layed in the sun trying to relax. You feel a shadow over you and you open one eye.

"Nice bathing suit" Ryan giggles referring to your girly suit.

"Hey, be nice!" You laugh and punch him lightly.

You lay back down just as Justin Bieber walks in. You roll your eyes. Gosh you really hate him. He's such an idiot! Him and his perfect girlfriends and his weed and ugggg he thinks he's perfect! He's so cocky!! I seriously hate him!!

You look at Ryan with wide eyes a he walks in. Asking why he's there.

"Sorry" he mouths giving you a sympathetic look.

"Hey sexy" Justin says waking over to you.

You roll your eyes and walk away.

"Y/n come swim please!!" Chaz yelled.

"Haha no." You say sarcastically.

You will not get in that pool with bieber in it.

You were about to walk back to your seat but you were quickly snatched up by Ryan and thrown in the pool!!!

You surface and yell "RYANNNN!!!"

All the boys are laughing so hard you can't help but laugh!

You suddenly feel two hands on your hip and a sexy voice in your ear.

You immediately know it's Bieber.

You swam to the other end of the pool with Chaz and a few other guys that just showed up. You were talking and hanging out when Ryan announced that we were going to go get ice cream. There was only enough room in the car for 5 people so Ryan, Chaz, Mike, Tyler and you all went. Mike and Tyler were all of your friends.

Justin decided that he wanted to stay behind. I didn't care. He could do whatever the hell he wanted.

We got a bunch of Ice cream and came back.

We came back to Bieber and some girl making out on my beach chair.

This proves exactly why I would never do anything with him. He's a pig.

"What the hell!!" Ryan yells as he walks in. "That's my sister!!!"

They both jumped up and I rolled my eyes. She ran upstairs and made Ryan promise he wouldn't tell his parents.

"So f*****g stupid" I muttered under my breath.

"What the f**k did you just say?!" Bieber yelled and walked toward me.

"Nothing dumb ass! " I yelled back.

"Your a bitch!" He said getting even closer. I rolled my eyes and just walked alway.

I gathered my stuff and put my clothes back on.

"Bye Ryan, Chaz, Tyler and Mike"

You yelled and they all ran up and hugged you. You kissed them all on the cheek and grabbed your skate board.

"Hey, can I come with you?"

I tuned around and told Tyler that he could.

He grabbed his skateboard and we rode down the street. We were about half way there and he grabbed my hand. I didn't pull away. Honestly he's actually really cute. You got home and Tyler hugged you and kissed your forehead, then left.


A/N sorry this was really long but I just wanted to start off with a good one. Also I think I'm going to start writing in P.O.V (point of view) so it will be written with the word "I" instead of "you"

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