Chapter 2- New Place to stay

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There was chaos.

as soon as the cup had returned to its place on the saucer my paw made contact with it and it rolled off the side of the table and Loki let out an exaggerated cry-well maybe not exaggerated- as his black slacks were painted dark brown in seconds.

I winced at the sound of the shatter and backed up quickly, He stood up immediately and his eyes locked onto me before I was hoisted into the air by my scruff.

I let out a yowl and bit his hand and he immediately dropped me while flailing the hand that I had latched onto, I jumped off of the table and sped over to John who rushed over with a panicked look.

Tony and the team were now standing while Loki went crazy "THAT ATROCIOUS CREATURE WHERE IS IT?!" His eyes were wild as he locked them on me and began to stalk forward as I backed up. oh, poop.....

John stepped in front of me with his hands splayed and a calm expression "sir-please calm down-"

"It's alright we've got it from here, sorry to bother you about him sir" Tony stepped in while Loki looked at him bewildered suddenly forgetting about the coffee staining his pants. To my surprise, Tony glanced at me and winked.

"It's my fault, my hand slipped and the cat walked past just as it happened, how much was the cup?-you know what I'll send you a cheque for it" John looked at him with wide eyes "um-I-it's not necessary-"

"you'd prefer cash? sure I'll throw in some extra for the kid we're travelling with, he tends to have tantrums quite frequently" Tony walked over to the counter as I watched him with wide eyes, smirked at me as he walked past and pat Loki on the back who was as tense and fuming as ever as he towered over John and Tony with a menacing scowl that could kill.

Then the team left even though Loki continued to protest and tried to turn around to stalk back in but Clint blocked his view as he ranted and raved throwing his hands up in an exasperated manner. Dad looked a little bewildered after the ordeal and cast me a look of confusion and I only looked away.


A day later, there wasn't much to do, the team hadn't come back for today's coffee but I hoped they would at some point, well, aside from Loki, I found myself outside once more the cold air blowing in my fur as I walked along the street contently and passerby's smiled at me.

I approached a small child in a yellow and white striped T-shirt when I noticed him with his mom 'hey kid, are you going to be one of the ones who's gentle?'

The toddler held his hand out to pet me and I slowly approached and he petted my head, at first it was soft then it got more aggressive as he began to grab my fur causing me to slip away and bat his hand gently with a paw to stop him.

His face contorted into anger and tears flowed down his cheeks, soon a loud cry came out of his nearly toothless mouth which hurt my ears and made me cower back at it Damn! I only ask they don't grab at me and they can't even do that! I'm not indestructible! though that would be pretty cool,

Startled, I ran back toward the Cafe, and into dad's arms shaking like a leaf outside of the shop.

"Oh sparrow you know a city is a stressful place I wish you could stay somewhere that wasn't as loud and as dangerous as the city, but I don't see a chance of it with the business being here," he said while entering the shop patting me after placing me back on the counter.

I understood though, this was his family business. I couldn't take that from him because I wanted to leave.

Suddenly a bell dinged and I looked up to see Tony, "I couldn't help but overhear the problem with the stress for your cat being in the streets? we could house her in the tower for a while if she's having a hard time? That is if you would allow us to take her in''

My eyes widened,

'me? live with the avengers? that would be awesome! But I don't want to intrude-' John looked at me and I gave a nod, maybe it won't be so bad. The least I could do is try it out...

He sighed but smiled at you, "if it's what you want Sparrow I will pack your bags or I can leave them paw on my hand for yes bring them" He asked and Tony looked at me in confusion.

I didn't move my paw and looked at Tony, I didn't want him to know just yet that I was human, they wouldn't take me in.

"Alright then, have fun, Thank you, Mr. Stark, she eats human food she doesn't prefer cat food by the way so don't sweat it too much" John waved me out and smiled as I flicked my tail as a goodbye trailing at Tonys expensive-looking shoes.

'A new home, a new start! and I can still see dad again'

"What is that doing with you?" At the voice, my head perked up and I locked eyes with the narrower ones of the dark-haired god and suddenly I stepped back bumping into another pair of shoes.

I looked up directly and made eye contact with soft blues and blonde hair.

Captain Fricking America!

"The city streets can be a stressful place even for a cat Loki" Steve chimed in. His voice was soothing and calm like Johns so I trotted next to him quietly. "I don't see the problem"

"of course you don't, that's why you tried and failed to take over the earth" Tony told him and I fought off the urge to chuckle even though I couldn't technically as a cat, needless to say, Loki kept quiet the rest of the way,

But by a simple glance, I could pretty much see the intent to murder Stark written all over his face,

It wasn't long before we all made it to the entrance of the tower,

I leaped into Steve's arms when he crouched and called me over to him, we all stepped into the elevator past guards lining the place in black uniforms but I could see the dislike in the sneer Loki pulled at some of them that stood straighter when he walked past.

We went up multiple floors until we made it to a floor that dinged 68

"and what exactly are we doing on this floor Stark?" Steve droned while Tony walked through the open doors of the lift "well I thought if we're going to show the cat around why not start with the penthouse?

"Tony, she's a cat, I don't think she could remotely care" he answered and Stark rolled his eyes walking over to a sidewall of wood and with a couple of clicks, a tray of alcoholic beverages shone through some LEDs installed.

"You're no fun Capsule, besides the drinks are up here"

"Tony the drinks are everywhere, you had them installed when the place was built" Nat stepped out, and Tony simply took a swig of whiskey,

I peered over Steve's shoulder to Loki who passed a glare my way before pressing a button in the elevator and disappearing behind the silver doors as I shivered uneasily.

Putting my attention elsewhere I looked over to see an extended part of the place, it was very well built, a large glass wall showed the platforms that lead outside for hovercrafts or something I assumed since they looked like landing pads.

But there was a glass table in the center of the grand room with double seats all around it in a rectangular formation, even a ledge up against the wall that had a single chair and soft glowing lights illuminating a small set of books on a bookshelf so you could look down on those below you while reading.

And the view was insane! the glass revealed a view of the city from so high up and the water below glistened,

The place was very modern and nice to look at and Steve soon set me down on the grey cotton material of the nearest chair, I curled up instantly as a beep sounded and warm heat started to flow into the room from air-con,

"So is it ours now?" A light-hearted voice sounded followed by a pat to my head and I recognized it as Clint when he took a seat next to me continuing the motion that relaxes me entirely and I felt like melting into the seat.

"Well we are like-cat sitting I guess, for the meantime because the city streets are so noisy and busy, not a safe place for a cat to curl up" Tony answered and Clint nodded in understanding.

Steve opened his mouth to speak when the Elevator dinged again and the doors slid open, I watched to see who entered now, it wouldn't make sense for Loki to be back here so quickly unless he was bored,

"BROTHER I have returned from my Asgardian travels!" the loud voice thundered through the room and my fur stuck up and I instantly got up and backed off of the chair and my attempt at hiding under the table proved futile.

Mainly because it was glass.

"Thor, Lokis not in here I-"

"What is that creature?" His interest was suddenly drawn to me and I backed up hitting a leg of the glass table,

"Okay okay slow down, Thor, you need to use a softer voice, you'll scare her" Natasha informed him and his face softened "right" he murmured,

"Thor that right there is a cat, I'm assuming you don't have them on Asgard?" Tony swirled the contents of his cup while he spoke to the brute of a man,

"no we do not" his eyes flickered back to me and I hissed loudly to try and scare him off, he's massive! what if he picks me up and accidentally or not smushes my spine into ash! It could happen!

"Hello, there little creature" he did his best to hush his tone.

"Her name is Sparrow she's a cat we are looking after from the cafe down the road" Steve added while Thor held his hand out a little too fast to pet Sparrow and she batted it and hissed backing away further into the depths of the table.

"It seems she's not a fan of gods" Clint noted as I wearily watched Thor retreat his hand.

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