We'll Protect You

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A/N: Fan art above by Gunnolf444 !
I love it~ Thank you so much!
And thank you all for your support😭👌 Love you!💗❤️💞 and I apologize for the following chapter;-;

I yawned and stared up at the ceiling. My back is killing me. Geez our alpha is something. I know right!~ So dreamy and hot and- He's something alright. I cut Alec off grumpily, getting out of bed. "Ugh I don't think I am ever going to get used to this." I grimaced. I looked around the room, clutching my back. I looked at the disheaveled bed sheets but they were bare. No Drake. He was probably working on pack work after getting behind on it from being an animal. He's such an animal in bed~ Alec swooned. Fish sticks, I'm actually missing him now. But I shouldn't bother him.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes sleepily as I left the room. I looked outside. It's such a bright, warm, sunny day. Stupid sun. It's blinding my eyes. I hissed at it, squinting with aggravation. I know I'm a werewolf and all but sometimes I wonder if I was meant to be a vampire. I laughed at the thought. I looked out at the woods and felt my wolf itching to shift and run. Alright alright I get it. I haven't let you out, and you need to get out. Alec yipped in excitement while I groaned at the bright light.

I started walking toward the woods as Joshua bumped into me. "L-Luna, what a coincidence! I was just looking for you." I crouched to his height and gave him a high five. "Nice word!" His face lit up for a bit. "Thanks." He said. "Now come on!" Joshua took my hand, and Alec seemed happpy enough. He didn't mind not going for a run. Alec and I have become pretty accustomed to Joshua and protective. He led us deep through the woods. I love Drake's territory. It's so beautiful and well cared for.

"Where are we going?" I asked in curiousity, and Joshua said, "It's a surprise," with nervousness. It must be pretty big if he is this worked up about it. "Don't worry! I'm sure I'll love whatever you show me." Joshua looked down and then I heard him sniffle and start to cry. He cried out, "I can't do this!!" I was startled. "What's wrong, Joshua? Hey it's  going to be alright." I hugged him close. His small frame was shaking in my arms. "I'm sorry, Luna. I'm so sorry." I looked at him with corncern and confusion.

"You couldn't keep your mouth shut. Could you brat?" A rogue stepped forth with a stern look. I growled and immediately shifted. I snapped my jaw and hovered over the child like he was my own. I dug my claws into the ground as more rogues emerged. The rogue laughed. "How can you protect the little monster with such earnesty? He is the one who sold you out for his idiotic family." He shoved the twin sisters of Drake that I had met not too long ago in front of us.

I growled almost taking a step forward to protect them but then I remembered the cowering child beneath my small frame. If I move they're going to get to Joshua, I can't let that happen. I mind linked Joshua. "Luna said," Joshua sniffled, "that to take him in place of the twins." The rogue let out a hearty laugh. "You honestly think I'm that dumb? I'm not letting you take my leverage." Damn they're smarter than I thought.

"However we don't really need them anymore. We can easily take you down." The rogues lifted two blades up to the twins throats. Joshua cried louder. The twins muttered, "It's okay, Joshua. We'll meet each other again up in heaven, where mommy said Grammy is. We just get to see Grammy sooner than we thought." They smiled and instinctively I ran toward the twins in a panic.

I was pounced on by a ton of other wolves. I struggled and growled and fought with all my might, trying to get to them, but it was like trying to fight a brick wall. This wasn't just some rogues passing through. It was an army of them. This is an ambush. I thought and my eyes widened in realization. I got pounced by a ton of rogues, and they kept me down as I whimpered for the twins and growled. I desperately tried to reach them. They were only a few feet away from me. Moon Goddess, if I can just get a bit closer!!!

The twins began to shed a tear but the oppurtunity to grieve was lost as the blades swept across their throats. The children fell with a thud. I felt the warm blood of the children spray across my face. The red clouded my vision. My wolf cried out and howled in pain for our lost family. I looked back at Joshua as the reality of everything sunk in.

One of the rogues' necks came into display. My mouth immediately latched onto the rogue's throat and cracked it. I got the rogues of me and ran with inhumane speed toward Joshua, picking him up by the scruff of his neck. As I raced through the trees I saw the horror. The guards had been taken out without a sound. Their limp bodies around us, and their wide eyes stared at us. I felt a pang of survivor's guilt in my chest as I protected Drake's nephew from the view.

I howled out, calling for my pack members. They heard my distressed cry as I ran through the training fields. Adrenaline was rushing through me as I jumped at every little thing. Drake's gamma shifted. He rubbed up against my fur trying to soothe me while I protectively hovered over the boy. One of the soldiers nudged my shoulder with his snout. I could tell it was Xavier. I looked down at Joshua's shocked face. He wasn't crying anymore. He was in pure shock and couldn't move and wouldn't talk.

I let Xavier take him inside the house, telling Xavier to take good care of him. He gave a brief nod and rushed into the pack house. Zen barked orders to his soldiers. They all howled out to warn the pack of an invasion. I watched nearby pack members race to the safe house. Sometimes they do this just for a drill. But anyone could tell from the distress in the soldiers howls that it was no drill. The pack members were panicking.

I watched as one woman in particular was struggling to calm down her children. I barked at the pack members and reassuringly told them that we would protect them. We are a family. The woman and pack members nodded. The children seemed to calm down.

However the closure did not last long. My eyes widened as one of the rogues took the woman's head in his mouth and tore it off clean in front of the children. My eyes hardened in anger as I raced toward the wolf.  I growled loudly, pounced, and tore the rogue to pieces. The children's eyes were first in shock and then they held their mom and grieved.

"Mommy. No mommy. Mommy, wake up." The little girl shook her mother's lifeless body with tears in her eyes. Her eyes held the horrors Joshua's did when Xavier took him away.

"You said we were going to be okay!" The boy cried out angrily and gave me a weak punch to the stomach. I looked at him sullen and held back my whine. I had to be strong for them. Eventually he started sobbing too on his knees.

More rogues appeared, and I didn't leave the children. I saw pack member after pack member be murdered. The soldiers were greatly out numbered, trying to protect their pack and getting frustrated and angry. Some soldiers couldn't fight anymore as they whimpered and hovered over their families bodies.

One of the rogues even celebrated over one of the bodies and jumped on it in glee. I watched as Sebastian's wolf emerged and launched at the rogue and snapped his neck. He looked back at me with rage still glimmering in his eyes. It was odd to see him not composed and without his scolding look. He looked disorderly, but I guess that's what losing family does to you. Sebastian came to my side and then looked down at the sobbing children I was protecting. He took them on his back and ran to the safe house.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Jacob running with Aria in werewolf form. He took blow after blow. I started running toward them. Jacob took a bite to his side, and Aria cried out. As the protective brother, my stomach churned at her cries. I whinced as I listened to the sobs of my pack members and glanced around at all the grief and hurt. I stopped and laid on my belly; the pain was unbearable. My ears hurt, and I was whincing in pain. Why is it so painful? I-It hurts for me too. We are their Luna. Of course it's going to cause us pain.

I looked back up and saw my sister take a blow after blow. The teeth of the rogue grazed her face. She howled out and shifted. She could no longer be in her werewolf form. She clutched her eye in pain and exposed her back to the rogue. I howled out and immediately launched myself at the rogues. I bit one neck and then kept going. The bodies of the rogues began to pile up around us. Rogues kept launching themselves at me as they realized my importance in the pack.

Pack members and soldiers protected me as best they could. Many fell and died around me but the toll it took on the rogues were much greater. However defending is not as easy as offending. We began to struggle until I saw Damion's wolf come over. He sliced through rogue after rogue like butter. They stood no chance. He immediately came to my side.

I had few injuries, and he was relieved at that. All the pack members that made it were now in the safe house except for my flesh and blood. Damion looked at our family and then barked out at the soldiers to take them including me to the safe house. I barked back at him that I can fight too, but he told me no. He'd be too worried and would not be able to focus as I was out on the battle field or that's what Damion told me. I was unhappy about it, but I did want to make sure that Aria and Jacob made it to the safe house.

A bunch of soldiers surrounded us as I nudged Aria and Jacob forward. We made it safely to the house and into the basement but a part of me regretted coming. I looked out at all my pack members. Some cried and some couldn't. Everyone was in pain. Many nurses and doctors were racing around and helping the injured. Pack members were huddled up by the small window to look at the fighting. Werewolves were praying for the safety of their mates that were fighting on their homeland that became a battlefield. Wanda was offering pack members something to drink. It was chaotic and hard to take in.

I took a deep breath. I held my hands to my chest and asked the moon goddess to keep my mate and my pack safe. Right afterward I heard a woman collapse to her knees. "They bit him! They bit my mate! Oh god. Oh god this cant be happening." She huddled onto the ground in a fetal position and cried out in pain. I whinced then watched her get up. "I need to get to him. I need to!" She said.

The pack members tried to talk sense into her, but she wouldn't hear of it. She fought to try and get past the pack members and then looked back at me. "Luna, please let me through. They'll listen to you. I need to get to my mate! He's all I have. Please, Luna." All eyes turned on me. I took a deep breath and shook my head.

"I wont let you through." She gave me a distressed look as I announced my decision. My heart hammered in my chest, but I kept a composed look. "However I will go out and protect your mate for you. All of your family." The pack members began to protest but I heard none of it. "Let me through." I said. They tried to disobey and lasted for awhile but couldn't stay in my way for long since I used my Luna voice.

Once I was able to walk through, I glanced at Aria and Jacob and the rest of the injured pack members. I opened the front doors. I walked out vulnerablly into the middle of our homeland and didn't shift into our wolf form.

Alec and I said, "Don't worry we'll protect you."

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