Chapter 21

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Alpha Davra's territory is four hours to the southwest, nestled against the ocean. Alexei and I decide to run it alone with no guards or advisors, and both shifted after mild convincing. The land is more forgiving than the trek between our two territories, often flat and free of snow, yet home to small groups of rogue shifters. Tabitha said most rogue wolves are harmless; they have families and resources, and they keep to themselves. However, those leftover steal when the land is no longer fruitful, and this winter hasn't been any warmer than the last. There's no use coming further North — those without provisions must move South with the animals, and city folk tend to disfavor those who act more animal than human.

I am a pinch disappointed when we arrive at the territory without catching a scent. I've never met a rogue shifter, and with Alexei's protection, I could have risked an encounter.

Davra's keep sits on a bed of prairie grass, perched on a hill behind its city which spreads along the beach, caressing the water with seawalls. My father and he weren't particularly close, but I have done nothing to sour my reputation in Davra's eyes, that is, besides being an eighteen-year-old Alpha female claiming the largest portion of land in the last hundred years.

Our presence is expected at the gate, and we part ways to shift and dress. The stalls off the courtyard are empty, so I shift and dig my clothes out of my wolf's sidesack: leather pants, thick boots, and a worker's shirt. A housekeeper retrieved these things with all possible haste as I hurried to leave the keep with Alexei, but I don't mind them. Similar pants hung at the front of my wardrobe until formal meetings with Alexei called for gowns.

I enter Alpha Davra's keep through the stalls — Alexei waits on the other side with a representative from Davra's leadership, and I join them, standing at the beginning of a stair-riddled corridor. Alexei looks me over then takes my bag.

"Welcome, Alpha Pryor," the representative says. "I will take you to your apartment now. There you both can prepare for your meeting with the Alpha."

"The Alpha and the Luna, correct?" I ask.

"Excuse me. Yes, the Alpha and Luna."

We follow the gentleman up a staircase and into spaces and halls with many sunny, southern windows. The glass doors leading to a large terrace are closed, but I've seen many paintings where they are open — where summer air blows linen curtains. I'm desperate to feel such a warm breeze on my skin.

Alexei walks behind me, carrying our things. "Your dress," he reminds.

"Oh." I ask our escort, "Is it possible to send for a dress? I'll need it for the meeting, and I have my measurements and the such written down."

"Yes, that can be done. Do you have any further specifications?"

I take the folded slip of parchment from my pant pocket and catch up to him in front of me. "All specifications are here." I hand him the parchment and add quietly, "The specifications are strict."

He nods and slips it into his waistcoat. "It will take the hour."

"That's alright, as long as it's here before our meeting starts." I take my small pouch of gold coins and hand it over as well. "Something nice."

"Of course, Alpha."

Our guide turns down a smaller corridor, and toward the end is our apartment. He opens the door for us but remains in the hall. "An hour and you will be brought to your meeting, and the dress will be delivered as soon as possible. I will leave you if there is nothing else."

Alexei says, "There is nothing else."

The man bows slightly then leaves with my instructions and gold. Alexei waits for me to enter the apartment first, so I do so, coming into a living space with minimal furnishing — all fashionable. The curtains are drawn open for maximum sunlight, and it smells faintly perfumed. There are open bedchamber doors to the left, and Alexei walks right through.

"What's that smell?" I call.

"Musk — there's myrrh burning in the bedchamber."

Incense smokes on a nightstand; I look as Alexei sets our bags at the foot of the bed, and then I glance into the washroom. A deep wooden tub lined in white linen sits in the middle of the floor. The window positioned behind it casts a cleansing beam of light.

I turn to Alexei. "I'm going to bathe before my dress arrives, and don't bother sending for anyone — I'll fill it myself. I don't like service in the washroom." The last person to touch me with a bath cloth was Tabitha the night of my promise. My mother taught me it isn't very feminine to clean yourself, but I have come to disagree.

Alexei moves past me and enters the washroom. He carries out a large bowl of water — one presumably used to clean much smaller areas — and he places it on the empty dressing table. "You can clean your hands and face while I fill the bath," he says then returns to the washroom for a hand towel without my response.

I can no longer hold my tongue once he lays it beside the bowl. "You don't—"

"There's no argument. I'm not watching my mate haul buckets of water."

"Then turn away."

He ignores me and leaves to fill the tub. I stew for a moment in my pride but relent silently — there's no use defending my old ways. Alexei will know the truth soon enough, and I enjoy the way he treats me, so I sit myself in front of the wash basin and behave. The water is cool — clear. I scoop it onto my face. Again to reach any missed crevice.

Water sloshes in the tub; I hear it through the open washroom doors. Bathing in this apartment with Alexei present will surely add some adrenaline to what is supposed to be relaxing, but I'll have to adapt. I can no longer be so selfish with my personal space if Alexei and I are to embrace our mate bond.

I pat my face dry. There will be plenty of sharing — emotional, physical — I squeeze the hand towel until my fingers ache. My body falls victim to my anxiety, so I clean my hands thoroughly and then untie my hair.

Curious, I creep into the washroom as the final pale of water is poured. Alexei stacks the pale to the side with the others then kills the fire used to heat the water. I dip a finger into the bath; it's the perfect temperature, but I wouldn't expect less. "Thank you," I say, gentle.

"I've already seen what you're hiding," he comments and faces me. "But it's healed now, hasn't it? There wouldn't be anything else?"

I cross my arms. "Yes, it's healed."

He nods then asks, "Is there something new?"

"No. Nothing's happened. I simply like to fill my own baths with or without wounds to hide."

He exhales. "Okay. Then I'll leave you."

Alexei walks around the tub, so I step in his way. "You aren't coaxing information out of me, are you? Because I will tell you everything tonight. I plan to keep my promise."

"I know." He says then motions to the bath. "Go on — before it's cold."

My heart jolts — I step again. Alexei obeys and looks into my eyes, so I reach up and give a spontaneous yet nervous kiss on his cheek. "Thank you," I say again. "I don't know if you heard me the first time."

He remains close. "My body is for your labor."

"Right," I breathe.

Alexei brushes my cheek and then closes the doors behind him as he leaves me to undress and wash. I hold the edge of the tub in indelicate thought, hateful of my scar — my body is for the God.

In the washstand there are sweet-scented skin oils and bars of fresh-cut yellow soap stamped with a crest Davra adopted. I take one out and untie the decorative twine; it reminds me of my mother. She would provide something similar for our guests. However, no Luna is directing the housekeepers and testing the chefs at our keeps any longer. No new window dressings or flower beds or children to bring sunlight on the darkest winter days.

None of it is necessary to lead the pack as Alpha, but I miss my mother's staging. She was a master manipulator — changing my reality and limiting it to one building: my Alpha's keep.


I enter the bedchamber in a dressing robe wrapped tight.

Alexei is groomed for the meeting, waiting on the end of the bed in brown and black leathers and fabrics — all exquisite in their making but not typical Alpha attire for such an occasion. But Alexei always does this. The only time I've seen him wear fanciful clothes was for our promise.

His wardrobe suits him, however. He doesn't need to wear gold and jewels for others to recognize his importance. As a woman, I accept that I will never be able to do so. All I have are decorations to prove my blood.

Alexei heeds me but his gaze snags on my wet hair. "It will dry," I assure.

I look upon the dressing table and find all relevant things — my cream, brush, hair pins, and the similar — sorted on the tabletop from my sidesack. I lower into the seat and tuck my hair behind my ears, glancing back at my mate.

He stretches and lays along the bed, watching me at the dressing table. "Are you familiar with him? Alpha Davra?" I ask.

"Not entirely, but we've been tolerant of each other until now. Besides, he and his Luna attended our promise; there's hope they will listen."

"And if they don't?" I turn to the mirror.

"His opinion isn't enough to refute our claim in the Temple's eyes, but he may gain allies and speak to Gaius himself. The only factor that will stop the Temple is if they believe we are getting the better end of our deal."

I mutter, "Yes — their newest high priest."

"Gaius needs to believe that the Temple is our priority and that once it's built, the priests lay claim to it — that is how we get our land. Davra isn't aware of the artifact or the new construction. The Temple hasn't officialized their stake in the land, not until Karim satisfies them with the construction plans." Alexei sits upward. "So tell them about the steps, the temple, the new high priest — anything but the joining and expansion of our territories."

I rub my skin cream into my face and then screw the small jar closed. "What if Alpha Davra takes one look at me and decides my words have no value? You're the only other Alpha I've met like this, and we both know how that went."

"I admit there are things I shouldn't have said, but with his Luna present, Alpha Davra is not likely to risk insulting you."

I fall quiet, so Alexei comes closer. He stands behind me and folds to confront me in the mirror. "If you don't want to go to the meeting—"

"I'm going."

He lowers to my side. "Are you worried?"

"I have a million reasons to worry, but they don't excuse me from my obligations."

"Of course."

I peer at him. "You know, now that I have you here, I have to admit that you're surprising me."

"Am I? How so?"

"Well, you're acting like more of a mate than I thought you would. From before, I assumed you wouldn't be so willing." Alexei moves my hair to better see me, tucking it behind my ear. "I asked if you believe we're soulmates, and you said no."

Alexei begins to smile. "I spoke prematurely. And if I remember correctly, you said similar."

"I had to after you said no. Besides, I wasn't going to play nice after you accredit my allies' help to sexual favors."

"That was said before the bond and during our war, but my 'no' wasn't to discourage your 'yes'; it was honesty."

"Then — so I too may speak honestly — I've believed our bond from the moment it struck my chest, and I wouldn't dare tell anyone, but I was excited. I couldn't believe it. A part of me yearned so badly to be your mate, but I couldn't say any of that could I? Not after you said no. Not after you identified each of my shortcomings and explained how they would result in my failure."

"That argument was hours into a hopeless negotiation," he says, staying knelt so we are face to face. "You've proven me wrong, Brea. I was inaccurate and offensive because I was angry over the war."

I sigh and rest my arm along the back of my chair. "I'm not upset at what you said on the battlefield; it's what I'll hear until I start acting as everyone wants me to. Even Gaius deduces me to a child when I speak a mere suggestion, but I'm sure the women doomed to his bed aren't any older."

"Then we leave if Alpha Davra cannot speak to you fairly."

"No," I decide, "we make him regret it later."

"Well, your tactic worked on me."

I lean forward and hold onto his shoulders. "I meant what I said about our bond."

"How you yearned to be my mate," he recalls then removes my hands to hold them as he rises. I stand promptly, nearly visualizing the temple around us as it was during our promise. "I'm glad you told me."

Alexei's stature engulfs; he moves me so slowly I hardly notice, even when his hands latch both my arms. "Alexei... I don't have many people left. I wish I could have held onto my family, but I was too weak to protect them. I'm not anymore, and regardless of everything I've done in the past, I want you more than anything."

I feel the wall behind me. "Have I kept you waiting?" He asks.

"Maybe a little."

Alexei grabs my jaw, parting my lips before kissing me at once. Under the surface a whirlwind wrecks havoc, but he doesn't let go, so I kiss him back in every way that feels right, letting myself seep into him. His mouth moves slower, deeper, pressing into me as he lifts my leg and squeezes my thigh. His fingers work up my hip to my waist; I wrap my leg around his, and he picks me up.

Alexei kisses my mouth again, then the corner of my mouth, and then my jaw and neck. I squirm and gasp — it tickles at first — but he thrusts his hips into me, holding me against the wall, and I flush red. He continues to kiss me wherever he pleases, so I run my fingers through his dark hair.

"It's a relief to touch you," Alexei murmurs then retracts from my neck only to kiss me a third time. "You don't understand how long I've been waiting."

My feet reach the floor, and his hands hold my face, brushing a thumb across my rosy cheek. But all slips away too quickly when a knock strikes the apartment doors. "It's my dress," I tell him and then secure my dressing robe as other thoughts fail to form.

Alexei fortifies my robe for me. "Stay here."

He leaves the bedchamber. I turn my back and touch my lips even though my whole body feels exhilarated. I spent many years dreading the thought of becoming another Alpha's Luna for my family's benefit; my mother praised my appearance — my western hair and beauty that she believed Alpha's here would be especially drawn to.

And so I grew uncomfortable. Anything romantic required my submission in all other realms, but being with my mate...  It's oceans from the relationship I feared. It's a relief to touch me — not a liberty — and now I cannot stop imagining.

Alexei returns with a garment box. He sets it on the bed beside me and waits as I open it. My fingers tremble as they unknot the ribbon, but I still tug it loose and lift the lid, uncovering a silken blue material the color of shallow water. I hold it up for us both to critique. 

Alexei stands behind me. "It's a beautiful dress." He says at my ear and strokes two knuckles down my arm.

Flustered, I mumble, "I should put it on."

He must know his effect on me — that I want nothing more in this moment than to resume previous activities. A part of me believes I should take advantage of Alexei's affections while he wants to give them to me, but the other is conflicted; I want him to want me knowing the entire truth.

"Have the bedchamber. I'll wait in the other room for our conveyance."

I do so, exchanging the dressing robe for my full-sleeved, floor-length gown. It lays similarly to the gown of jewels only with a much more bearable weight and temperature. The shoes tucked at the bottom of the garment box are stiff and heeled but appropriate compared to my boots. I step into them and have a final look in the dressing table mirror.

The same man from before arrives just as I finish dressing. Alexei opens the door for him when I leave the bedchamber, and we all exit the apartment for the walk to the meeting room.

"Is the dress to your liking?"

"Yes, it's lovely, thank you," I answer our escort. "The fabric is wonderful."

"I spoke of your hair, and the dressmaker said this color would best flatter you."

Alexei lures me in by offering his arm. We walk in silence, and I can almost feel Alexei shifting, not into his wolf, but rather the side of him that presents itself when he must be the Alpha.

Thankfully, I am not his target this time.

Our guide halts, parts two stain-glass doors, and sweeps himself to the side. Alexei keeps my arm looped with his and walks us into the room. The windows are partially covered, and the Alpha and Luna stand at one across the room, previously looking out but now coming to receive us.

The first thing I notice about their attire is the matching Goddess symbols around their necks. Alexei shakes Davra's hand then it is my turn. "Hello, Alpha. It is a pleasure to meet you," I greet. "I appreciate you and the Luna welcoming us without proper planning."

"I am eager to hear what you and Alpha Tophet have to say," he says and releases my hand. "Your pairing has become quite the story."

His Luna steps from behind him and hugs me. "Hello, Alpha Pryor," she unwinds and shakes Alexei's hand, covering the connection with her other. She has one look at Alexei and says, "You're from the East Islands."

He pauses before answering, "My mother was."

We approach the table and lower into our chairs — us on one side, and them on the other.

"Are you familiar with the Islands? I'm from Corari; it's small but mighty," the Luna continues.

"My mother was from Osirai Coana."

"And she came here to bond herself to your father," the Luna concludes. "As did I — moving to the mainland to be bonded to my Alpha."

She smiles endearingly at Davra, but the thought of being bonded — a truly bondless mate bond — to a man who is not my soulmate is nauseating, but I'm privileged.

"As a child I lived on Donis while I attended the academy there," Alexei tells her, "but I have yet to return to the Islands."

"Yes, the academies on Donis and the central islands are magnificent. I myself went to a girls' academy some islands over, but scholars who travel all over say the records and libraries on the islands are the greatest in the world. It's a blessing to be from such a place. You must return now that you are mated."

A servant approaches with a wine decanter and pours generously into the Alpha and Luna's cups. The Luna says, "Thank you," and the servant turns to me.

I decline, but Alexei accepts, and he drinks simultaneously with Davra. The Luna pets the bottom of her cup and says, "I know where you're from just by your hair, Alpha Pryor. Yellow like the western citrine tree."


Davra says, "When you discovered that you are mates, your packs were at war, isn't that right? And you get along?"

"Our war ended the moment we... found out. I believe the Goddess ended the senseless carnage by bonding us," I say.

He eyes me then Alexei. "You two are very different, but the Goddess is all-knowing, isn't she?"

I nod. Alexei doesn't. He says, "The Goddess gave me my soulmate. I am greatly indebted."

"Yes, soulmates are quite the gift." Davra drinks — swallows. "We enjoyed your promise but missed you at dinner, Alpha Pryor. I was interested to meet a female Alpha; the last died one year before my great grandfather's birth, but she wasn't called Alpha.

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