Chapter 19 Part 1

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Hey, hey, hey.

Guess who?

That's right.

It's moi.

(Cue the Angels singing) Tra la la la laaaa La la la la. 

Who's ready for this chapter?!

*Devious Face*

I feel evil. 

*Tapping chin in thought*

Maybe I shoud get this sudden evil urge checked out. 

What do you guys think?



Moving on, here it is peeps.


(RJ's POV)

I woke up in the middle of the night with the urge to go for a run. I hopped off my bed and slipped on some black trackies over my panties. Pulling out a purple jumper I pull it over my head and grab my sneakers, heading outside.

When I'm a the start of the trees I change behind one and shift into my white wolf. Loving the feeling of freedom I got as I ran full speed through the trees. I felt the wind whip around my figure and listened to the leaves rustling around me. 

I'd been running for a while and was about to turn back when I see a group of Rogues heading in the direction of the pack house. Suddenly, out of no where a large burly jaffa coloured wolf jumped out from the trees. 

I immediately went into a defensive stance and growled at the wolf. 

The wolf growled back and I took that as a I sign that he wanted to fight. 

For a few seconds we circled each other, taking each other in; looking for a weakness. 

Unfortunately for him, I found his first. Lunging for his hind leg I run at him. He dodges at the last second and tried to protect his hind leg. The one that was already hurting. He'd obviously been hurt before hand.

Running at him again, this time I leap over him and spin around. I bite his leg and keep my jaws there as the Rogue howls in pain. He turns his head and snaps at me but can't reach me.

I'm knocked away from him as he kicks me with his free hind leg. Snarling I lunge again, but he's quick to catch on.

He moves his head to the side as he runs at me and grabs hold of neck with his jaws.

Knowing what he was about to do next my wolf jumps up and spins around biting his backside. The wolf howls in pain. Unready for my next move I bite his leg and rip it from his body.

I try to ignore the nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach as I watch the wolf try and limp away from me.

Just as I'm about to finish him off I hear more scampering feet coming closer.

Argh, I wish I could just mind-link them. This sucks. I needed to warn them.  I thought to myself. 

Well hurry up and run back. My wolf says in a 'duh' tone.

Dont you get ansy with me, missy. I grumble to myself. 

Shut up and run. She tells me. 

With that we're dashing off back towards the pack house as fast as we could. I could here the Rogues coming after

When we reached the pack house I quickly shifted and threw my jumper on that was long enough to cover as much as I needed to cover up and ran to Noah's room. 

Barging in without knocking I run over to Noah's side. 

"Wake up, wake up." I murmur quickly. 

"Five more minutes, mum." He grumbles. 

Guess it's time for plan B. 

"Wake up Jerk-face." I yell as I jump on the bed and kick him off. 

He lands with an 'oomph' on the floor and quickly darts up. 

"What's--RJ?" He ask, confused. 

"Hurry up and get your fighters together. There are Rogues heading here. Now! Gather everyone else in the Underground room." I say referring to a room I'd found yesterday while venturing around. 

"How do you know about--" He starts but I cut him off.

"Now, Idiot! Unless you'd rather die." Before I can finish my sentence he's sprinting downstairs calling everyone to the Underground room. 

"What's going on--Bitch get out of my room. Where's Noah." Stephanie says, waking up. 

"Hurry up and get to the underground room." I snap. "We're getting ready for a Rogue attack." 

Mumbling curse words directed at me she leaves the room in a hurry, leaving Marissa behind. 

"What the hell!" I exclaim. Stupid bitch... Doesnt deserve this baby.

I run over to Marissa who was crying. Trying to hush her back to sleep I run out of the room and down to the Underground room. Before I can get there a window smashes next to me and a big man stands there in nothing but jeans. 

"Well, well, well. This wouldnt be the Alpha's baby would it?" 

"No, it wouldnt be." I lift my chin up. 

"You're his mate arent you?" He asks raising a brow. 

"No, I'm not his mate, nor is this his baby." I growl as the man steps forward with his arms outstretched for the baby. 

"Come on, just give me the little girl. We have some use for her." He smirks. 

"Over my dead body." I say. Even if this baby wasnt mine, I would protect it with my life. 

"That can be arranged." He grinned as he lunged for me. 

Marissa starts crying again with my sudden jolt to the left. 

"Shut that thing up or I will." Old dude sneers. 

I growl again. I put Marissa on the couch and stand protectively in front of her. Stepping forward I aim a punch at Old Dudes jaw which he dodges with ease. 

"Is that all you got sweet-pea?" He asks as he lunges down and pulls my legs out from underneath me. 

"Now son!" He yells as a younger male bursts through the broken window. 

He runs towards a crying Marissa and holds a knife to her neck. 

"Don't make any movement or sound or the baby's dead and it will all be on you." Old Dude growls from behind me. 

I automatically stiffen. 

"Good girl. Now hop up slowly and sit down on the other couch opposite the baby." I follow his order and do as I'm told. 

Old Dude sits beside me and rests his hand on my bare leg. I was really regretting not putting anything else on. 

"Now--" Old Dude is cut off as I elbow him in the stomach, making him loosen his hold on me and let go. 

As soon as I do that I hear a squeal and turn to look at Marissa who now had a huge across her thigh with blood coming out of it at a fast speed. 

"Noah!" I scream at the top of my lungs, hoping he heard me. 

Someone pulls my hair and I immediately fall to the floor, my jumper lifting up and exposing more of my skin. 

"Well, well, well. I guess I can have some fun with you as well. Let's take them both." He tells the younger dude. 

Younger Dude nods and grabs the baby, the knife at her neck.

"The time you take them away from me it will be a cold day in hell. Meaning, never." Noah's booming voice instantly calms me. He heard me. 

"We'll see about that. Kill him." 


Feel free to hate me. I hate myself at the moment. 

WHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!?????? Is that what you are asking. 

Well the answer is........ IT JUST HAD TO HAPPEN. 

Seriously it did. IT's not a werewolf book without a rogue attack. Also, it helps me in the next part dealing with the baby and Stephanie. Hehe. *Still got that devious face going on*


Or at least I think you do. 



FAN ME!!!!


PART 2 Coming Soon to a Cinema near you. ;)

Always wanted to say that.


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