28» That Encounter

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Grace's POV

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"I'm Skylar, by the way." The girl said.

I had followed her to the restroom when she told me that she had managed to slip some wine on her dress too and needed to clean it. I wouldn't have followed her if she hadn't asked me to hold her cat.

"I'm...Grace." I spoke up. Luca had clearly told me not to indulge in conversations, but this girl didn't look so mean like those other people.

And she had a fluffy cat. Who was actually trying its best to jump out of my hands.

"Nice to meet you, Grace." Skylar said, her brown hair spilling from her bun as she furiously tried getting rid of the wine stain from her golden dress. "It's not gonna wear off. I just ruined an expensive dress."

I tried looking sympathetic for her, but failed. "Why did you help me back there? I know you spilled that wine on him on purpose."

She looked at me, her brown eyes widening in response. "You looked like you needed help. Should I have not done that? I mean, if you preferred that guy forcing himself on you."

I felt my face heating up at that. "No, I didn't. Thank you for what you did. Really."

She smiled then. "No problem." Then her face fell into a frown. "I've actually never seen you here before. Are you new?"

I nodded, slowly stroking her cat's fur, trying my best to calm it down. Fortunately, it worked a little.

"I came here to talk to Chase."

Her eyes widened at that. And for some reason, I realized I shouldn't have said that. She was a stranger after all.

"You mean, Chase Denver?" She asked. "He's a psychopath. Don't go near him. He and his disgustingly beautiful wife."

A smile made its way on my lips but I refrained myself from showing it. "What do you mean?"

"He's probably the richest gangleader out there. And he has his men everywhere." She spoke up. "But to be honest, I didn't even know his name until Caden told me."

I frowned at that. "He's a gangleader." It came out more like a statement rather than a question. Skylar, however, just nodded.

"Why are you here then? If you don't like this guy?" I asked her.

She just sighed and took her cat from me. I didn't even know cats were allowed here. "I just wanted a day off from college. Caden got invited here. He told me about it. And I couldn't have missed a chance like this."

"Who's Caden?" I asked.

"My...boyfriend." She hesitated a little before saying that, as if thinking. "Anyway, you should've told me earlier. We met Chase few minutes ago. I could've told him about you."

I didn't point out how I didn't know her back then.

Her phone rang all of a sudden. She took it out and watched the screen. "I gotta go now. Best of luck with the talk."

She gently squeezed my arm almost in a friendly gesture before walking away. I watched her leave with her cat, leaving me all alone.

My eyes trailed over towards the small mirror above the sink. My dark brown eyes looked tired, exhausted even. I broke my gaze away and went outside, back in the ballroom.

Before I could've even taken few steps further, a hand gripped my arm and pulled me back. I stumbled a little but straightened up immediately when I saw Luca.

"Jesus, Rose, I said explore. Not hide away." He frowned at me.

I opened my mouth to tell him that I wasn't hiding when his eyes jerked up behind me. I turned around and looked at the three men coming towards us, all in black. And surprisingly, nobody paid attention as they circled us.

"Lucius Jackson. We meet again." A big muscular guy spoke up. Standing right beside Luca, I felt him tense up.

"What do you want?" Luca asked. I was surprised at how calm it came out of his mouth, as if this didn't concern him at all.

He was such a good actor.

"Chase wants to see you." The guy fixed his cold stare at me. "And her."

I felt my heart hammering in my chest. I couldn't help but feel nervous. What if this wasn't right? What if I had trapped us both in this?

All my fault.

Luca's hand found mine before he stepped in front of me. "Lead the way."

We followed the two guards while the third one stayed behind us. A strange feeling gnawed my insides as we neared an unfamiliar gate.

I leaned closer towards Luca, "Is he going to be alone in there? Or are these guards going to–"

I got my answer when the guards opened the door and motioned both of us inside, while they stayed outside.

I was more fixated on the huge room that I didn't even notice Ember and a tall guy at first. Until she spoke up, "They're here."

I looked up at her instantly, my gaze traveling to the guy beside her. He was taller than her and everything about him screamed dark. Dark black hair, tattooed arms, even his cold stare rooted me to my spot. Until I felt Luca's presence beside me.

"Lucius." The guy, Chase, spoke up. In a very much unfriendly way. "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon."

Luca glanced at me. "Neither was I, Chase."

I looked over at Ember who just gave me a smile. I didn't know if it was meant to be reassuring or the exact opposite.

"Did Ryder send you here?" Chase walked off towards a glass chair and sat down. Ember, however, took out her phone and went towards the other corner of the room.

"No, he didn't." Luca said. "Ryder doesn't even know I'm here."

"Oh how glad he'd be if I tell him about this." Chase spoke in an amused tone. Then he looked at me. "What is she doing here?"

Luca glanced back at me, probably telling me that I was on my own now. I couldn't really blame him.

Looking back at that guy, Chase, I felt a surge of irritation go through me. Or maybe it was anger. If this guy had anything to do with my parents–

"You knew my parents." I looked at him. Something about him made me feel angry.

He raised his brows and leaned back. "Yes, I did. I know your father. Knew."

Well, that was it. Another reason to be angry.

"How do you know him?" I narrowed my eyes at him. If he was trying to act all threatening with everyone, it sure as heck wouldn't work with me. Especially not now.

"Marcus Collins. How was I not supposed to know that guy?" Chase gave me a knowing look, as if I was supposed to know something.

I knew nothing.

"I know why you are here, Collins." Chase spoke up. "And I can't help you."

I looked at him in surprise. But it eventually changed into anger.

"I know you were behind it." I glared at him. I was aware of Luca's surprised look directed at me. "You know what happened to him–"

"Of course, I know." He said, as if that was obvious. "And unfortunately, I wasn't behind it. What happened with your father wasn't anything I did."

I blinked, the lump threatening to spill out of my throat. "Who did it then?"

Chase cared to give me a sympathetic look. "I don't usually pity people but you seem like you need it." He stood up and walked towards me. He had this threatening aura around him, a clear reason why people must fear him.

I saw Luca stiffening in response as Chase stopped in front of us. "Your parents were hiding big stuff from you, Grace Collins. I suppose keeping such secrets isn't the most clever thing. They didn't know what was after–"

"The man in black." I stepped towards him. "Who was he? Who was after my parents?"

There was this urgency in my voice which made my insides twist in response. I needed to know something. Anything. Anything that could help me with this.

Chase seemed surprised. Maybe because I had cut him off. But this guy was truly testing my patience.

"Someone who isn't to be messed with. I can't tell you more than that. Besides, some secrets are better left in hiding." He finally overcame his surprise. He looked over at Luca, then back at me, a small smirk forming on his face. "Though you can ask your sweet old father, can't you Grace?"

I clenched my jaw at that, almost wincing in response.

"Wouldn't your father be happy to tell you about all those secrets?" He asked, on the verge of laughing at my face. He knew. He knew but he was still making jokes about it.

I felt Luca stepping closer behind me. But I didn't care. All these people were treating me as if I didn't deserve anything. As if I didn't deserve a single answer. As if I didn't deserve a little bit of happiness.

I would've let it go. I would've let go of my parents death. But Jack was somewhere out there. Jack wasn't dead and I needed him more than anything.

I needed my little brother.

I stepped closer towards Chase, feeling my anger rile up more than necessary. He clearly towered over me, looking at me with that slight hint of amusement.

He thought he could joke around about my dead parents?

"Fuck you, Chase Denver." I glared at him.

I didn't get to see his reaction –which probably would've been bad– when Luca fiercely pulled me back. And then he was dragging me out of the room.

He didn't stop out of the room. Instead, he took my hand and ran for the exit.

And instead of pulling away, which I would've done since I was really angry, I let him drag me out. Until we were outside the Grand Art Hall. Until we stopped under the dark night sky.

Luca turned towards me and glared at me, clearly angry at my actions back there. Which was totally pointless. In one mere second, he gripped my arm and pulled me closer. "Are you stupid?"

"No." I narrowed my eyes at him. "I just told him to fuck off. He needed that to cut up his thick head."

Luca's glare didn't seem to lessen. I jerked my arm away from him, clearly not in a good mood either.

"Don't try and act all threatening with me." I glared back at him. "I did hesitate to punch that bastard. But I won't hesitate with you."

And then I walked away.


I can't believe I added some Bitter Heart shit in here lmao. Btw, for those who haven't read that book, I'm truly sorry if you feel clueless. Just know that Skylar's a total stranger to Grace. And that's all

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Crystal 🌿

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