Your Muse

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Jungkook's Point of View


After we ate, I guided Jimin to a very beautiful park I used to go often when I was little. It had various paths to walk in, and it was a big green area, full of threes, which where then painted of the bright colors of the autumn, all the little streets covered in dead leaves, creating a soft carpet to walk on, shutting the rumour of our shoes. The air was cold and breezy, the tip of my nose and my cheeks were red and tingled as well as Jimin's who, however, managed to look even prettier. Half of his face, from his chin to his nose, was hidden below the cozy and colorful scarf he was wearing. He also wore a beige jacket with military green jeans, and a pair of brownish ankle boots, plus a burgundy shoulder bag. We continued walking in silence, I never left his hand once we went out from the cafè, so it was like that that we were walking. Jimin's eyes wandered around with curiosity, amazed by the place. I mentally patted my back, proud of myself because all the places I chose were well guessed.

>>I think I'm going to come back here sometime<<

He said under his breath

>>You like it that much?<<

He turned his head to face me and shook his head

>>It's not because I like it. I like drawing, and this place is perfect for something like that<<

I nodded fascinated

>>Do you have something with you to show me?<<

He roamed trough his bag, pulling out a sketch book and shyily handing it to me

>>It's nothing special, those are just the sketches but that's all I have with me right now, I'm not even good, I just like doing it<<

I took it starting in flipping the pages. The first one was a sketch of a flower outlined in various prospectives and distances, in all his details. It was probably made hurriedly, but it was pretty. 

We took a seat in one bench, while i continued looking. The second page showed a watercolored portrait of a girl facing the observer, she was rolled up by a violet ribbon. It was very well made and beautiful, the subject herself was cute

>>Isn't she your sister?<<

>>Yeah, it's Soo! Happy to know that it look's alike<<

>>Did you have doubts?? It's amazing!<<

He smiled satisfied and proud of his work.

There where various studies on human body parts, like he was exercising his skills

>>To make those I have to be the model<<

He pointed out

>>I made a three pages study on my left hand, I don't really like my hands..but I arrange<<

>>What about Yoongi? Why don't you ask him?<<

 There where some skatches also of his eyes, some neck and collarbones, lips, and again fingers and some legs, in various positions and gestures. His drawing wasn't clean at all, but it gave me a warm feel. Actually in the block I also found some colored drawings, there where some fishes under water all colorful, a feminine figure in the water with them.

>>Sometimes he let's me portray him, but just in rare occasions..He dislikes being stared at too much<<

He shrugged, then flipped some pages ahead for me, showing me two portraits

>>The first one isn't even finished because I was drawing him without him noticing, then he saw it and told me to stop it.. But for the second one he stood in pose for a good hour and half<<

>>They're  very similar, I swear! You're seriously good Jiminie<<

He shook his head, hiding further in his scarf

>>If you want sometimes I could be your model as well<<

His head lifted quiclky, sparkly and hopeful eyes meeting mine

>>Aren't you kidding, right??<<

I chuckled

>>No I'm not<<

>>It's amazing! Oh gosh, thank you Kookie! It would be amazing!<<

>>I'm going to be your inspirational Muse<<

I smirked at him sneakily

>>Do we have to do nudes? I'd like to<<

He slapped my arm

>>You're so gross<<

He snatched the block from my hands, placing it back in his bag

>>And you're cute<<

I nuzzled my nose in his scarf, looking then up by my position, he was looking at me too

>>Can I have a kiss?<<

Jimin blush mixed with the redness of his cheeks because of the breeze, and when I thought he wasn't going to do it he went down and actually kissed me, but he pulled back too early, leaving me disappointed and pleased at the same time. I settled back at my normal position, placing an hand at the back of his neck. His eyes widened


He got up hurriedly as I started laughing clutching my stomach. He was looking at me with furrowed brows and crossed arms, but even like that he was just too little to make someone fear his reactions, it was oddly satisfying teasing him. I gripped his wrist dragging him onto my lap smiling, and kissing the tip of his nose. He sighed at the contact, his hands placed on my shoulders, and his legs to one side. I brushed his lips with mine, starting to kiss them repeatedly, enjoying the softness and the warmth. I tightened my grip on his waist, deepening the kiss, slipping my tongue in his mouth, savoring him whole. He squirmed under my touch, trying to pull back,but soon after he adjusted, stopping on trying to escape, relaxing and even returning the kiss too. I was absolutely in control of our movements, I decided when we had to stop and when I wanted more. I finally left him, Jimin looked out of breath, flushed and amused, and so, so, so damn sexy.

He's so fucking gorgeous. How do I block myself from slipping into his pants??


After another two hours or so of walking around the park, and wandering at the centre of the town we decided to go back home, because it was already dinner time. We took the autobus, seating together, he offered me to hear some music together giving me one of his headphones. The last part of our date consisted in us silently listening the same songs, and even the silence didn't felt awkward at all between us. Soon after Jimin fell asleep. I couldn't resist the urge to take some photos of him, and one or two with me too, and I had to muffle my giggles not to wake him up, then I posted one with both of us on instagram, mentioning him in the description '@Chimnamon95 A rice cake covered with a scarf' . When the autobus was near to Jimin's stop, I had to wake him up even if I felt sorry, I touched his cheek whispering to him


He made some little sleepy noises

>>Jiminie hyung<<

He mumbled something similar to 'five minutes more..' I laughed, he was so precious. I finally pinched his cheek in order to wake him up, Jimin suddenly opened his eyes looking directly into mine

>>We're almost there, sorry, I had to take you back to the cruel reality<<

He looked a bit ashamed

>>Gosh..I fell asleep, I'm sorry<<

>>It's okay you dummy. You look good even when you sleep you know?<<

He covered his face with the scarf

>>You're so embarrassing Kookie<<

>>I like to tease you hyung<<

He sneaked a glance at me at the corner of his eyes, without uttering a word for a minute.

>>Can I see your hands?<<

I raised an eyebrow at his question, but eventually extended him my hand. He took it, and stared at it from each possible angle. However, after finishing studying the said body part, he didn't let go of it, loosely taking a grip on it. Probably it was his intention from the beginning, but too shy to admit it he found an excuse. He's sweeter than sweet, too adorable for this world.

>>Your hands are so big..<<

>>Yeah, I know, yet yours are little, and chubby and-


He giggled, slightly tightening the hold on my hand

>>Did I say it too much to you?<<


>>Well, but you are<<







So, do you like the way the story is turning out? I hope so, as for me I didn't firstly imagined it like this, but I find it pretty cute, I hope you find it pretty too! 

But, stay alert to the following chapters ò^ò

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