Chapter 14 : Impulsivity

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Half way to where Alexander's car was parked, I caught up to him.

"They're going to be okay." I tried to offer him comfort as we ran together towards his car.

"I'll call you drive," I told Alexander as we almost reached his heavy-duty SUV. He didn't acknowledge me as he ripped open the driver's seat door and climbed in. I was barely able to close the door as he reversed out of the underground parking lot.

"Calm down!" I yelled as I hung onto the handle for dear life. "Put your damn seat belt on, Red."

When Alexander abruptly stopped the car, I crashed into the dashboard. A curse slipped out of my mouth as I yanked my seat belt on and when I took a quick look at Alexander, he was also clicking his on.

I gripped his right arm, the arm that was the closest to me, and squeezed tightly. "Red..."

His stormy grey eyes took a rapid glance at me, but quickly turned his attention back to the front and we ripped out of the underground parking lot.

Knowing and understanding that nothing was going to get his attention, I pulled out my phone. My heart clenched as I quickly punched in Mrs. Blades' private cell, hoping that she would answer and that we weren't too late.

Every time the call rang and she didn't pick up, my heart started to pump a little faster in fear. The call ended and an automated voice told me to leave a message. I tried again and she didn't pick up once more.

Feeling frantic, I called Mr. Blades next and he picked up on the second ring. Relief flooded through me as I heard his voice.


"Where are you?" I barely got to open my mouth when Alexander spoke up.


"Where are you?" Alexander demanded once more and you could hear the aggravation and concern in his voice.

"Just came home to pick up some things."

Mr. Blades barely got to finish his sentence when Alexander interrupted. "Where's mom?"

"With me, just upstairs."

"Go to safe house 15. We'll meet you there." Alexander was curt and concise, but he said all that needed to be said.

"Okay we're moving. Mind telling me why?"

"The people that took mom and dad then targeted me, they're after you guys next. We just found out today," I explained as I heard the car start through our cellphones.

"Alright, Vita. We'll see you both at house 15, stay safe." I heard Mrs. Blades' voice soothingly say, as if trying to calm everyone down.

"Stay on." Alexander cut in and I heard a gruff agreement from the other side.

"So, Vita, how are you?"

I bit my lip, not knowing how to answer Mrs. Blades' question in this dire situation. "I'll be better once I see you at house 15."

I heard a soft chuckle. "Alright, dear."

"I think it's time we tell them." I heard Mr. Blades' voice softly in the background as he talked to Mrs. Blades.

"I agree." Mrs. Blades' voice was solemn as she answered back.

"Tell us what?" I leaned a little closer to my phone so I could hear a little better.

"The case file that you received must have been all redacted, correct?"


"We called some of our contacts and got the full one. Also got some more information related to- "Mrs. Blades was sharply cut off by the sounds bullets firing.

I clutched my phone tightly in my hands as our peace got disturbed. "Mrs. Blades?!"

"We're under heavy fire!" Her voice rang loudly over the guns.

I looked behind us to see if Victor was following us with backup like I requested, but so far, nothing.

Taking a glance at Alexander, he had gripped the wheel extremely tightly, and sped up. We had just passed the neighborhood of Mr. and Mrs. Blades' family home, so we weren't too far off from them.

"We're surround by civilian cars, they're not scared to kill innocents."

My eyes shut with distress. On top of being some top secretive group, they're cold-blooded murderers.

"Drive up highway 14." I heard Mrs. Blades almost order Mr. Blades.

That was one of the emptiest highways in our city. If these men felt no remorse in taking innocent civilian lives, leading the onto an empty road will limit casualties.

Alexander silently changed our direction and we headed the same way. I really hoped Victor was close by with cavalry because from the rate of whatever weapon was firing, it wasn't a simple revolver or semi-automatic pistol. It sounded closer to a machine gun.

The gun firing stopped and I waited without daring to breathe.

Suddenly, the sound of metal crunching and groaning filtered through the phone then a few seconds later, the call ended.

"Mrs. Blades? Hello?" I yelled hoping that they were still on, but upon seeing my screen, I knew that our communication had been cut off.

"Red..." I trailed off as I looked over at his profile with widened eyes.

He didn't say a word to me as he clenched his jaw and drove even faster.


I could hear the sound of gun firing once more and I knew we were extremely close. In a few seconds, I saw that one car was flipped upside-down and the other, which was a black van, was parked close to it. From the one that was parked, five men were standing behind their van, using it as a shield from whomever was firing from behind the car that was flipped over.

The gunfire from behind the upside-down car, which I could see was Mr. and Mrs. Blades' car, had stopped its assault so two of the five men advanced cautiously towards their target.

"Take the two approaching your parents' car and help them. I'll take care of the other three," I told Alexander as I got my gun out and checked the magazine, looking at what I was going to have to work with.

He remained silent.

"Blades!" I could feel that he was reluctant to agree to my plan. "If they're trapped under or in the car, only you can take them out. Okay?"

We were right in front of the wreckage now. Alexander stopped the car diagonally between the enemy's van and his parents' car.

"Okay." He looked at me and nodded.

An understanding passed between us and with a quick signal, we both exited the vehicle to apprehend the situation.

Alexander went towards the wreckage while I focused on the three that were near their own vehicle. One of them must have become confused of the situation because he had peeked his head out of his hiding spot. The moment he did, my single bullet found its way through his skull and as his lifeless body dropped down to the ground. I heard a curse from behind the van.

"I need back up now!" I heard someone whisper-shout from behind the car as I got closer.

Suddenly, I saw one of them get out of hiding but before they could land a finger on me, I fired. Just like with my other target, one bullet and this man was gone.

As I was about to round the van to hopefully face the only man left, a hand forcefully knocked out my gun and then aimed a punch at my cheek. Whipping my head back slightly, the left fist narrowly missed my nose. Grabbing that offending arm, coiling my left around it, I aimed my right elbow at his temple. The man staggered back at the hard hit, then pulled out a knife from where it was tucked in against his belt and lunged at me.

Unable react fast enough to avoid both his lunge and the knife itself, he slammed me against the van while I tried to keep the hand that was holding the knife away from me.

Struggling for a moment, I let go his hand and ducked, making him slam the knife against the van. The metal against metal screeched into my ears as I aimed a swift punch at his nose.

When I looked into his eyes, the vacancy of emotions chilled me. They were the cold eyes of an emotionless, immoral killer and I've only seen a few in my entire life. With no appreciation for life, they were lethal.

Having new motivation knowing that this man was going to kill any chance that he got, I brought his wrist, the hand that was holding the knife, to the side and sent a swift kick at his elbow.

Not even a grunt of pain stumbled past his lips as his left arm bent at an awkward angle. He was utterly impassive as he dropped the knife from one hand to the other and tried to strike me again.

I redirected his blow and sent his own knife into his torso, most likely piercing through his stomach.

"Who sent you?" I questioned as I held the knife there.

He didn't show any emotion as he coughed out blood and became limp in my arms.

I pushed his body away from me, breathing quick and shallow from the exertion, and went to pick up my gun. Quickly making my way towards Mr. and Mrs. Blades' car, I saw that Alexander's father was lying flat on the ground with Alexander pressing down on a wound at the side of his torso. Mrs. Blades was holding onto her arm, where blood leaked through her fingers.

Feeling like someone poured a bucket full of ice on me, I quickly knelt down next to Mr. Blades.

"What happened?" I couldn't keep my face a blank slate as concern took over my features.

"I got him out. Mom got out on her own and she was the one firing when we got here." Alexander explained without looking at me, concentrating more on how to keep his unconscious father from losing too much blood.

"One of them called for backup." I informed all of them.

Alexander nodded in acknowledgement. "First aid in the glove department on the passenger side."

Upon hearing what he said, I crawled through the broken window of the passenger side of the door and quickly yanked open the glove department. I quickly pulled out the small first aid in the glove department and carefully backtracked out of the car.

When I opened the kit, there were little bits of anything you could possibly think of in here. I passed some gauze to Alexander while I took some and headed towards Mrs. Blades.

"How are you feeling, Mrs. Blades?" I questioned as I quickly sanitized my hands and checked her over. She had some cuts on her face and hands but other than the large cut just above her elbow, she didn't look like she sustained other injuries.

"Fine. Just my arm and a small headache." She couldn't move her eyes away from her husband as worry flooded over her features.

I quickly cut off her sleeve so I could get a clearer view of her injury. Cleaning the wound the best I could, I wrapped it up tightly in bandages. It looked it needed stitches, but that wasn't something I could do here.

"Red..." I trailed off as I finished and looked over at him.

"Think it's a through and through." He mumbled as his father's blood cloaked his fingers red.

"How long until our backup arrives?" Mrs. Blades asked as she checked her ammo and got her gun ready.

"I don't know," I answered honestly as I scanned around us, keeping an eye out. "I told Victor to follow Alexander's car, but I'm not sure where they are."

"I have the unredacted file. Your father was sent to find a flash drive that was uploaded on a website, that was being monitored carefully for criminal activity, with a few other agents. It was being sold for a substantial amount of money, which made it suspicious." Mrs. Blades began abruptly, seizing my attention.

Before she could continue, we all heard the distinct sound of a car approaching.

"Theirs or ours?" Alexander demanded as I took a peek from around our overturned car.

I had seen all the vehicles we had at the underground parking lot and the ones special forces used for tactical situations, however, I had never seen this one before. Biting my lip in despair, I gave my regretful answer. "Theirs."

A swift curse passed Alexander's lips.

The main priority in this situation was to keep their attention away from where we were at. Mr. Blades was unconscious and bleeding out so there was no way to move him. He also needed Alexander to continue to apply pressure on that wound until medical help arrives. This leaves only Mrs. Blades and I. She was already injured and there was no way we could take on a moving vehicle with simply two pistols.

Glancing at Alexander with a plan brewing in my mind, Alexander met my gaze with a cold stormy one. As if he knew what I was thinking, he narrowed his eyes at me. "No, Vita."

Ignoring him, I clenched my hands into fists and took off into a sprint towards Alexander's car, making up my mind.

I heard Alexander shout my name, but I simply disregarded it as I climbed into the driver's seat, tossed my gun on the floor of the car, and shut the door. From the rear-view mirror, I could see their backup approaching and far off, I saw a different car, our backup.

I just needed to stall or distract them long enough so that Victor, with our backup, could take them down before they notice Alexander and his parents behind the car. The moment they notice, it would be too late to protect them.

Snapping the seat belt into place, I reversed backwards at full speed, right towards the approaching enemy backup.


Hello :D I'm excited for what will be revealed next chapter. Anyone else?

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Until next time (hopefully very soon),


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